Daiji Drama Competition - `Ratnagiricho Sardar' Wins Jackpot

Daiji Drama Competition - `Ratnagiricho Sardar' Wins Jackpot
Dolla Best Director, Florine, Christopher Best Actors

Pics:Dayananda Kukkaje
by Florine Roche - Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore

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Mangalore, Feb 22: `Ratnagiricho Sardar' by Udenti Kalaakar, Cascia, Mangalore has won the first prize of Rs 50,000 in the Daiji Dubai All India Drama Competition which was held at the Don Bosco Hall, Mangalore between February 14 and 19. 

The results were announced at a function on Sunday, February 22 at the Don Bosco Hall which was attended by a house full of Konkani enthusiasts. The second prize of Rs. 30,000 was won by “Konn Kitem Mhontta” staged by United Youngsters and the third prize of Rs. 20,000 was bagged by Manoranjan Manglur for their play “Nirdhar…!”.

Christopher J D Cascia walked away with the best actor award for his role in “Ratnagiricho Sardar” and Florine Mathias with the best actress award for her portrayal in “Fulak Soiirik Zalea”. As the results were announced putting an end to the suspense of the last one week, the eagerly awaiting supporters of the respective team broke into a rapturous applause, which was soon followed by dance to the tune of the band. 


The Drama competition was held at Don Bosco Hall, Mangalore between February 14 and 19 as part Daiji Dubai decennial celebrations.  In all six teams participated in the competition vying for top honours.  Eminent personalities like Syjjyes Takode, Catherine Rodrigues, Richie Pereira, Henry Mondonca, Daya Victor Lobo and William Pais were the judges for all the six dramas staged.   

Joseph Mathias, Managing director, Merit Freight Systems LLC Dubai was the chief guest and Felix Lobo, Managing director, Qatar Meta Coats, Doha-Qatar and Rohan Monteiro, Proprietor, Property Real Estate and Developers were the guests of honour.

Prizes worth about Rs. 2.5 lacs were awarded to the winners under various category of the competition. 

Earlier, welcoming the gathering Dayan D’Souza recalled the tremendous contributions and sacrifices made by many Konkani enthusiasts for the welfare and promotion of Konkani. “It is a matter of pride that we have been witnessing the stream of Konkani flowing in the Gulf in the last one decade.  In the gulf alone there are more than 25 organizations which are actively working for the cause of Konkani which shows the level of enthusiasm of the Konkani people”, he stated. 

Anita Samson and her troupe of singers rendered some beautiful konkani numbers during the occasion.  Some memorable Konkani songs of yesteryear “Mog Tuzo Kitlo” from the movie “Mog ani Maipas” and the ever green number “Ye ye Katrina” were rendered by the troupe members. Jerry Rasquinha and his team provided some entertaining moments to the assembled crowd through their hilarious comedy in between songs.  

Victor Mathias compered the musical show and Walter Nandalike, the prize distribution ceremony.

Supporting Actors - Appreciation Prizes - Rs 1000 each

1.  Verginia Rodrgues (Isabelle in Konn Kitem Mhontta? by United Youngsters, Manglur)
2.  Felix Lasrado (Louie in Nirdhar by Manoranjan, Manglur)
3.  Maizie Nazareth (Lynette in Sanjecho Kollo by Angelorche Kalaakar)
4.  Edwin Banz, Sastan (Edie in Fulak Soirik Zalea by Kutam Weekly, Mumbai)
5.  Ramdas Nageshkar (Manju in Tension Free by sri Nagesh Maharudr, Goa)
6.  Floyd DMello (Eddie in Ratnagiricho Sardar by Udenti Kalaakar, Cascia)

Best Actress Category:

First Prize (Rs 5000)

Florine Mathias, Kanajar
(Fulak Soirik Zalea by Kutam Weekly, Mumbai)

Second Prize (Rs 3000)

Dimple Pinto, Ashoknagar
(Nirdhar by Manoranjan Manglur)

Third Prize (Rs 2000)
Adoline Kulshekar
(Ratnagiricho Sardar by Udenti Kalaakar, Cascia)

Best Actor Category:

First Prize (Rs 5000)
Christopher J D Cascia 
(Ratnagiricho Sardar by Udenti Kalaakar, Cascia)

Second Prize (Rs 3000)
Leslie Rego, Bendore
(Konn Kitem Mhontta? by United Youngsters, Manglur)

Third Pirze (Rs 2000)

Leslie Ferrao, Permannur
(Ratnagiricho Sardar by Udenti Kalaakar, Cascia)

Best Director Category

First Prize (Rs 5000)

Dolla Manglur
(Konn Kitem Mhontta? by United Youngsters, Manglur)

Second Prize (Rs 3000)

John M Permannur 
(Ratnagiricho Sardar by Udenti Kalaakar, Cascia)

Third Prize (Rs 2000)

Nellu Permannur
(Nirdhar by Manoranjan, Manglur)

Best Drama Category

First Prize (Rs. 50000)

Ratnagiricho Sardar by Udenti Kalaakar, Cascia

Second Prize (Rs 30000)

Konn Kitem Mhontta? by United Youngsters, Manglur

Third Prize (Rs 20000)

Nirdhar by Manoranjan Manglur

Special Appreciation Prizes:

1. Tension Free (Rs 5000 Sponsor: Felix Lobo, Doha Qatar)
2. Sanjecho Kollo (Rs 5000 Sponsor: Felix Lobo, Doha Qatar)
3. Fulak Soirik Zalea (Rs 5000 Sponsor : Herman Lewis, Dubai)

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  • sunil prashanth d'sa, permannur, doha, qatar

    Sun, Mar 01 2009

    I would like to congrats all the winners and participants.and my special thanks to Mr M John Permannur .Best of luck in your all future steps john uncle.

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  • Sunil D'Souza, Mangalore

    Fri, Feb 27 2009

    Congratulations to Daijiworld for organizing such a wonderful competition.Congratulations to the winners and all the participants. While going through some of the comments, I do not understand how some viewers here have judged the drama Tension free to be in the first place.. Any drama which doesn’t meet the requirements of the rules and regulations extended by the organizers can never be awarded any place. . In every competition the rule applies to disqualify any drama / participant which / who doesn’t meet the criteria anytime before the results are announced.. There have been instances when any competitor or any Participant who has broken the rules of the competition, was disqualified even after the results are announced. This can be evident if you check the Olympic / Asian games records when the medals have been taken back from the winners.. As Anitha says every person has the right to criticize and Criticism should be taken by the artists, but criticism should be healthy and with at least little common sense..

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  • anitha dsilva, kundapur

    Fri, Feb 27 2009

    i dont know why we argue ones result is published. Same thing happens after the criticism is published. Yes, it is acceptable that all have different openions. When we appreciate the hardwork of our dramatists, we also have the right to criticize them. Why a mother or father scold thier child? For thier improvement. Right? Our dramatists should accept the appreciation & criticism in the same mind. Otherwise they will gain nothing in the future.

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  • Sonia, Mangalore

    Fri, Feb 27 2009

    I was present for all dramas, who disclosed the results saying that 'Tension free' secured first place? If you people are so smart to judge the dramas why can't you take part or initiative to stage the dramas. I appreciate all the Actors, Directors and Writers for their wonderful efforts.They are the real heroes atlest had the guts to go to the stage. Congratulations to all the winners and Daiji.

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  • Prashanth , Udupi

    Thu, Feb 26 2009

    I Beg to disagree with Mr. L N Rego , Bendur. Tasting and cooking altogether different. If the served food is “ Bad ” So it is. There is no need to the person to be the expert cook to say that. Konkani is a very small world , and this happens only in Konkani.! My humble request to all is - Those who can’t accept comments in sportive spirit should quit and keep quiet. After all it is a Competition and some one has to win and some one has to loose. But I agree with Cynthia D’Souza that First Prize should have been cancelled. After all Second and Third can’t be First by any means. Any how Daiji Dubai has done a great job. Congratulations

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  • Melwyn, Pernal

    Fri, Feb 27 2009

    First of all Hats off to Daijidubai for conducting a great drama competition. As Cynthia, Donald and others expressed their feelings about the entire competition and specially about "Tension free", its 100% true. Nobody can deny it. Its infact a wrong move from the organizers that they disqualified the drama in the end. They could have announced it earlier so that there would not be any such complications. No idea, how much the actors and director of Tension free might felt bad from this...!!

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  • L N Rego, Bendur

    Thu, Feb 26 2009

    I feel Donald want to comment on baseless subject, Who said people knew earlier about the Drama 'Tension Free' which was staged in Goa. It is the performence of the artists which makes clear about the fact its not staged for the first time.

    As cynthia suggests 'the first place should have been cancelled' its a foolish idea.No way it outrages the other dramas. How would you compare the drama which has been already staged for 12 times with the one which is staged for the first time?.

    Infact when the contestent breaks the rule no matter who they are, they should be penalised.Still the organisers had the courtesy to appreciate them by gifting Rs 10000/-. About the performence of Goan play no doubt they did a great job but what about the moral standing? It was the duty of the organisers to check the information not the contestents.

    I also want to make a point on Donald It was the original author who gave the permission to translate 'Sanjeso Kolo' in Konkani and also had told it was not translated earlier in Konkani. If Donald has a proof let him produce it. In that way Julias caesars play, many a times has been enacted in many languages you cant consider the play has been already staged.

    The creativity of the translator has made it different(Ratnagiricho Sardar). There are people who comment let them take initiative to stage the dramas and then I will grade their performence.

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  • Donald , Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 26 2009

    I 100% agree with Cynthia D'souza , Kulshekhar. Except Tension Free all other dramas were sub standard. This Drama Tension Free was announced much earlier and every body including all the contestants knew about that. Then why no body complained till it was staged ? Why no body called Goa and enquired about its earlier stagings ? It is clear that , other contestants earlier underestimated tension free. But when their performance outshined they got in action.

    To that extent I heard even Sanjecho Kalo was earlier staged in Konkani. But no body is complaining about that because it is not in the race. However , I hope our people have learnt a Lesson from This Competetion. I congratulate Daiji Dubai for recognizing the real Talent in Tension Free and honoring them.

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  • Cynthia D'Souza, Kulshekar

    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    Since The best drama Tension Free was disqualified,Daiji Dubai should have cancelled tne First Prize. Second place goes to Ratnagiricho Sardar and third place goes to Konn Kitem Mhuntta.The rest of the dramas were not upto the mark.

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  • Paul Daniel D'Souza , Fajir, Arabithota ,Dubai.

    Wed, Feb 25 2009

    Congratulations to Florine Mathias,Kanajar Fulak Soirik Zalea to win the best actress awards.In Same way you go ahead and win some more prizes and go ahead in ur Life.We are eager to here some more prizes u win in Future

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  • Philu Roche, Mangalore

    Tue, Feb 24 2009

    No doubt the best drama was Tension Free,Second place goes to Ratanagiricho Sardar.And third Konn Kitem Mhunnta.Congrats to all the groups.

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  • Jenevivu Lasrado / Fernandes, Mangalore / Kuwait

    Tue, Feb 24 2009

    Congratulations Florine (B). I was very happy to see you winning the prize of Best Actress. I hope you remember me. Contact me at jenny_lasrado@yahoo.com.

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    Mon, Feb 23 2009


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  • Jery & Prima D'souza, Pangla / Bahrain

    Mon, Feb 23 2009

    Congragulations Florine! May God Bless you always.

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  • Celine Mendonca , Mira Road / Shankerpura.

    Mon, Feb 23 2009

    Congratutions To Mrs Florine Mathias.!!!!!!! Keep it up,Long Live Konkani!!!!!!

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  • Pearl Tauro, Mangalore/Sharjah

    Mon, Feb 23 2009


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  • Famad pernal kutam, dubai.

    Mon, Feb 23 2009

    congrates 2 all winners....May god bless u.

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  • Novy, M'lore

    Mon, Feb 23 2009

    Congratulations Dollab for the award of Best Director,you deserve. "East or west Dollab is the best" Best wishes from Novy,Flavy, Kelvin & Kelton- Dubai

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  • Sylvia, Cascia / Sharjah

    Mon, Feb 23 2009

    Keep it up Cascia.....all the best for all the participants....May God Bless you all.

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  • Carol Martis, Kuwait

    Mon, Feb 23 2009

    Congratulations to all the winners & the Organizers. Well done….. Best wishes.

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  • Dilip, Mangalore

    Mon, Feb 23 2009

    Keep It Up!!! Excellent Performances and Direction! U Deserve the Award!! Congrats!!!!!

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  • STANY D'SOUZA & FLY, cascia/sharjah

    Mon, Feb 23 2009

    congratulations to all performers of RATNAGIRICHO SARDAR on winning the competition and specially to all the artists of CASCIA parish for making us all proud.congrats to CHRISTOPHER D'SOUZA for winning the best actor award, he deserves it as he is a great performer and to have achieved this at this young age is really an accomplishment.He will definetely be a great asset of talent to the konkannni drama community for years to come.god bless.

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    Mon, Feb 23 2009

    Congratulations Florien Mathias {D’souza} for winning best actress in "fulak soirik zalea" Wish you all the best.

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  • vishwas lobo, fajire

    Mon, Feb 23 2009

    Congratulations to christopher for winning the best actor award for acting in"Ratnagiricho Sardar.

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  • sylvia, taccode

    Mon, Feb 23 2009

    Congratulations Dolla maam...

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  • george borromeo, angelore,mangalore

    Mon, Feb 23 2009

    Congrats to all the winners.We hope Daiji Dubai shall organise this type of Drama Festival at least once a year.

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  • mervin, mangalore

    Sun, Feb 22 2009

    congrats 'casia'..!u deserve this..the yur efforts to putup a great show was truly appreciated.i wish u all the best..plz do it again nxt year..also i thank daijiworld for bringing all drama enthusiasts 2gether. meanwhile sangesu kullo artists frm angelor deserved better deal..dont lose yur heart guys..u've done well..it doesnt matter who wins or loses..u've workd hard & sincerely that matters.better luck next year..

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  • Clement , Bantwal / Doha-Qatar

    Sun, Feb 22 2009

    Congratulations to all the winners and nice pics..thanks for daiji for arranging such programs. keep it up...................

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  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Sun, Feb 22 2009

    Congratulations Mr. Dolla (Dollab) you deserve it.

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    Sun, Feb 22 2009


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  • Pamela Tauro, Casica, Sharjah

    Sun, Feb 22 2009

    Congratulations to all from Udenti Kalaakar, Cascia for Ratnagiricho Sardar. Keep up the spirit. Pamela and Ivan

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  • charles d' cunha, ic colony , borivili

    Sun, Feb 22 2009

    congratulations to you Florine. I have seen your acting talent in Zana Zogllo Ganv. Keep on acting....

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  • bhaskar r poojary, mangalore

    Mon, Feb 23 2009

    Congratulations to Florine Mathais for winning the best actress award for outstanding acting in"fulak soirik zalea".

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  • Praveen sequeira, dubai/siddakatte

    Mon, Feb 23 2009

    Congratulations to all the winners. Hats off to Daiji for organizing such an event Certainly this is a effort to keep alive our beautiful Konkani culture and incredible Konkani language.

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  • Ancy Paladka, Honorary Editor, Kutam Weekly, Mumbai

    Mon, Feb 23 2009

    Congratulations Florine Mathias, Kanajar of Fulak Soirik Zalea by Kutam Weekly, Mumbai for winning best actress award written and directed by Joker Cascia Malad. Also Congratulation Edwin Banz for winning Supporting Actors - Appreciation Prize. A very special thanks to the entire team with the dynamic leadership of Henry DPaula and for winning a Special Appreciation.

    Thank you DaijiDubai for arranging this competition and congratulations to all those who participated and winning awards. - By Ancy Paladka, Honorary Editor of KUTAM Konkani Weekly, Mumbai

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