Kolkata, March 27 (IANS) Out of total Rs 928.09 crore available under the Members of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS) with the district authorities in West Bengal, Rs 803.76 crore has so far been spent while unspent balance till date is to the tune of Rs 124.27 crore during the current 16th Lok Sabha tenure, according to official data.
According to latest data of Union Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, the total entitlement for 42 constituencies during the 16th Lok Sabha was about Rs 1,055 crore while the funds released by the central government was Rs 860 crore.
The data suggested that "the amount available with interest is Rs 928.09 crore" for West Bengal while the unspent balance available under the MPLADS in the state is Rs 124.27 crore".
The percentage of utilisation over the released funds was at about 93.46 per cent for the state.
The ministry is, however, said the role of MPs is limited only upto recommendation of works and thereafter, it is the responsibility of the district authority to sanction, execute and complete the works.
The cumulative amount recommended by Members of Parliament for various MPLADs works was Rs 1,055.24 crore while the amount sanctioned is Rs 905.82 crores.