Mangalore: Plastic Awareness Campaign at Wedding Ceremony

Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore (SN/SP)

Mangalore, Mar 25: The Consumers Forum is known for its creative ways in spreading awareness on various themes and situation. A similar campaign was carried out at the wedding ceremony held in Hosbettu recently.

The Forum has already drawn appreciation from the general public for conducting the public awareness campaign at Karavali Utsav.

The campaign took place at the marriage ceremony of Srivatsa, son of H Krishna Bhat, senior manager, Suratkal Iddya branch of Karnataka Bank with Shilpa.

A short play was staged at the function to create awareness on the use of plastic cups, plates and bags at functions and its ill-affects, among the invited guests.

The Forum requested the public and also the manager of the hall to avoid using plastic cups to serve water and soft drinks and plastic packets or bags to distribute sweets, through their play. Hosabettu Sriranga, convener, Consumers Forum, Iddya Balakrishna Rao, Hosa Bettu H Rakesh and the newly wedded couples donned roles in the play titled 'Mahamari Plastic', presented on the occasion.


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