Kolkata, May 7 (IANS): The Shiv Sena on Monday approached the Chief Electoral Officer in West Bengal Ariz Aftab, requesting him to check the education qualifications mentioned by state BJP chief and Lok Sabha candidate Dilip Ghosh.
"Different education qualifications have been furnished by the candidate, which prima facie is a criminal offence as per the Representation of People's Act and also under Section 193 to 199 of the IPC," Ashoke Sarkar, General Secretary of the Shiv Sena, West Bengal, wrote in a complaint to the CEO.
He requested the official to go through affidavits submitted by Ghosh during the 2016 Assembly elections and the 2019 Lok Sabha polls.
If the declarations do not match then it should be considered a felony as per the law of the land and necessary steps should be initiated against Ghosh, he added.