London: Month-long Charismatic Retreats in UK

Report and pics: Br Joel Lasrado
Daijiworld Media Network - London (SP)

London, Jul 25: UK Konkani Prayer group in London had organized Charismatic Retreats for a month at various locations in the UK.  Retreats were held at five locations in London, Notingham and Scotland.

Fr Bonaventure Rodrigues from Sirsi India and Br Joel Lasrado from Divine Retreat Centre - Potta, India led the retreats.


Many Konkani-speaking people as well as others actively took part in the retreats and revived their faith and spirit.  It was an opportunity for self evaluation and to understand the Word of God. Many people benefitted from the healing service.

The key messages from the retreat were based on ‘My Lord My God’ experience, inner healing, confessions, forgiveness and faith.

UK Konkani Prayer Group is a group formed in 2006 and meets every Sunday for Charismatic Prayer at St Patrick Church Neasden in London.


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