Mangalore: Kingfisher Flight Aborts Take-off - Returns to Pick Lone Passenger

Mangalore: Kingfisher Flight aborts Take-off: Returns to pick Lone Passenger

Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore (SP)

Mangalore, Jul 28: The 9.30 pm Kingfisher flight to Mumbai from Kochi via Bajpe airport here, was about to gain speed after taxing for take off, when it was directed to return to the tarmac to pick up a lady passenger, who had been left behind on Sunday, July 26.

It is said, that a lone lady passenger, who was waiting at the VIP lounge of the local airport, ensured that she was picked up by the flight that was about to take off. Reportedly, the woman, who is a member of the advisory committee of Airports Authority of India, came to know about the departure of the flight late, and immediately  confronted local head of Kingfisher Airlines, Rishi Mehta. He thereafter asked the Air Traffic Control officials to summon the aircraft back, which was done. The flight took off after a delay of about an hour.

The incident was reported by the pilot, as per rules, to the Director General of Civil Aviation and an investigating team arrived at the local airport to investigate the incident.

Director of the local airport B R Sena agreed that the aircraft of Kingfisher Airlines that was about to take off was indeed been instructed to come back to pick up a passenger. He said such incidents are very rare and that investigation is being conducted into the incident.  Local Air Traffic Control deputy general manager J T Thomas too concurred with the view that such incidents are very rare. He added that full details of the incident might come out after the visiting team concludes its investigation.

Kripa Amar Alva, who was the passenger in question, said that her bags had been loaded on to the aircraft and that she was unaware that the flight had left. The airport officials, while providing her a seat in the lounge, had promised that she would be informed when the flight is ready, she claimed. When she came out to check as to why the flight, scheduled to leave at 7.45, had not yet departed, she found to her dismay that the flight was on its way, she explained. Alva said, other passengers in the flight were furious, thinking that she had caused the delay, but asserted she was not to be blamed for the incident.


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  • Abubaker Kukkady, Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 30 2009

    Serious neglegence by the King Fisher Airlines. Nothing wrong with the passenger. It is the duty of Airlines to carry the passenger once the boarding card is issued.

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  • shakeel, Madikeri

    Thu, Jul 30 2009

    Leaving behind passenger and carrying the Checked baggage is not only a serious offence but also Airline is compromising the security of passenger and Nation.. Kanishka Air India Tragedy had happened in the same manner .... It''s 100% staff negligence and carelessness... and there seems to be lack of staff coordination and communication . At least in future Airline should make sure such thimgs do not happen

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  • Tristan Fernandes, mangalore / Bangalore /Afghansitan

    Thu, Jul 30 2009

    I was on this flight IT 3144 /seat 9A, 26 July. While blaming Kingfisher, I would also hold the lady responsible (seat 6C), She should have been waiting at the departure longue just like every other passenger ready to board IT 3144. What was most annoying was the fact that once take off was aborted and we taxied back to terminal ,she walks into the aircraft and has this huge smile on her face, like her mission was accomplished. What was she trying to prove. Thanks to the incident, I missed my international connecting flight from Mumbai and hence was forced to re-route via Delhi to my final destination. Time and money wasted. I am sure fellow passengers on the same flight would have had travel planes gone haywire.

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  • Maurice D., Pangla

    Wed, Jul 29 2009

    When the baggage is checked in, and the passanger is missing, this is a serious breach of security procedure. The passanger should not be blamed. We all know long time ago what happened to Aior India flight that Originated in Canada, the baggage was checked in, without the passanger.

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  • Nazeer, Aladka/KSA

    Wed, Jul 29 2009

    Well said Vincent D''Souza, Belthangady. I totally agree with you.

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  • Vincent D'Souza, Belthangady

    Wed, Jul 29 2009

    A day is not far off when the standard of air travel will be on par with our city bus services. Only count on God to reach the destination safely.

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  • ashwin K, udupi

    Wed, Jul 29 2009

    This is one good thing that happened for kingfisher Airlines. who say that they are very strict on their rules and regulations.Why I say this, Because we really had a bad experince from the ground staff of kingfisher once in Mumbai and in Chennai...for being late for mins. we had to fly the next day....But in this case Aircraft was on the runway and was called back Isnt this WONDERFUL.....KINGFISHER DESERVES THIS

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  • walter monteiro, belman/abudhabi

    Wed, Jul 29 2009


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  • manoj jain, udaipur

    Wed, Jul 29 2009

    serious security lapse.

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  • Naveen Frank, Mangalore

    Wed, Jul 29 2009

    We have missed the main point here. The celebrity status of the passenger is incidental. The airline failed to follow simple basic procedures that are mandatory to all domestic and international flights. A total head count (electronically or physically) must be made and the number of boarding cards issued must tally with the people allowed on board the aircraft before it is allowed to take off. The fact that the passenger had not boarded clearly states that the airline staff did not follow this simple but crucial procedure.

    In normal circumstances, if this flaw were to be found out even after the plane had taken off an emergency landing would have had to be ordered at a closest airport owing to the fact that the luggage was boarded on the flight but not the passenger. This is a serious security lapse. The other passengers would have had to be quickly evacuated from the aircraft and then the luggage identified and off loaded. Only then would the aircraft have been allowed to fly again.

    Fortunately in this case, the passenger was a known figure and the aircraft had not yet left ground at port of embarkation. But the fact remains that the airline has erred big time and has put other passengers to great risk and inconvenience.

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  • Jude I.S. , Mangalore/Dubai

    Wed, Jul 29 2009

    "It happens only in India". But these days "Everything happens in Mangalore".

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  • Nelson Dsouza, Riyadh/Karkala

    Wed, Jul 29 2009

    Dear Dr.Mallya, incident should be noted quite seriously, as yours is a flamboyant Airline famous for fashion & glamour should not compromise on Ground rules.Anyway, I think there must be serious lapse on ground staff who suppose to check the passengers and if one has been given "VIP" lounge then it was Top priority for the staff to search and get the passanger in before they close the gate!!. Yes, other passangers got delayed and obviously frustrated..but put yourself in place of stranded passanger..(Ignore she was a VIP). Bottomline is..Airline seems to be done a mistake and paid the Penalty, eventhough it contravened the Law.

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  • M.S. Kaup, Dubai

    Wed, Jul 29 2009

    What a powerful lady! We should appreciate her boldness in dictating terms on others! no matter what others think.

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  • Nikhil, Bejai

    Wed, Jul 29 2009

    This is just a show off and publicity done by kripa alva.I have noticed that many VIP''s do it only to show off that they have power in their hand.If she was on the flight and the other person had to do that i dont know what would she do??

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  • Joseph D''souza, Mangalore

    Wed, Jul 29 2009

    My assumptions is that, The lady was having a nice short nap and she was expecting airport staff to alert her when the flight is ready. she is a kind of taking everything for granted and treating everyone as her servant. Mr. Mallya please dont put paasanger''s life on danger

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  • Manohar Dsouza, Mangalore/Bahrain

    Wed, Jul 29 2009

    Every two bit second person you meet in India thinks he/she is a VIP, If not a VVIP and they expect/demand special treatment. Airlines make a proper head count at the time of boarding, and if it is found that a passenger has not boarded, the luggage of the passenger is off loaded after several announcements.

    It appears that this passenger came late just to flaunt her power and authority. Shame on such persons, officials and politicians who inconvenience so many other passengers with their irresponsible behavior.

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  • Anil Moras, Mangalore

    Wed, Jul 29 2009

    Stella, we are not in Heathrew Airport to have altenatives. We have our national carier.. I dont know which can be a substitue. Beggars do not have choice! Use or loose.. or Volvo buses..

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  • K.Raghava Mayya, Padil, M''lore 7

    Wed, Jul 29 2009

    I also would have missed a flight, thanks to an enthusiast staff of Jet Airliner. She advised me to be seated in the lounge. Being a senior citizen, rather than standing in the long queue she would facilitate my check in in time. But later the queue grew longer and longer with passengers of another flight also joining the queue. The particular staff was not seen anywhere near, and I had to stand in the queue though behind more number of passengers.This was my experience during one of my air trip to Mumbai from Mangalore.

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  • Elias , Kadri Mangalore

    Wed, Jul 29 2009

    Please check all the speakers are working properly at the airport,that such a incidence won''t occur again.Vijaya mallya won''t mind for lady V.I.P.

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  • ashok pai, bangalore/ mangalore

    Wed, Jul 29 2009

    Power speaks. power corrupts. power get things done. we are such a feudal society!

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  • janice, mangalore

    Wed, Jul 29 2009

    All the Mangalore sector airlines are broke inspite of having a good traffic load, and so they are not in a position to even offer a free coffee/tea. And now what a waste of fuel to turn back the plane to pick up a lone passenger. Sad to see the airhostess selling sandwitches in the aircraft(my jet air experience)

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  • Soumya, Mangalore/USA

    Tue, Jul 28 2009

    I compeltely agree with Mr peter this woman had power so she could get the officials to revert the flight,... would it be the same for a normal Indian like u and me?? im sure its a big NO

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  • Kaveramma, Madikeri

    Tue, Jul 28 2009

    This is not fair. If a common man would have missed the flight would the airport authority call back the flight ????.... Forget calling the flight back they wont even wait. I dont think Bajpe Air Port is such a big ariport that the person sittng in the VIP lounge cant hear the announcement. As Mr. Joy Catelino says I dont think that this lady is a VIP. Most of the people dont know her.

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  • Stella, Mangalore / UK

    Tue, Jul 28 2009

    Solution - Do Not Fly With Kingfisher Airlines. No Grievances, No Inconveniences, No Troubles.

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  • suhan sorake, mangalore

    Tue, Jul 28 2009

    Pls compare the same situation arrises in some other developed country or even developing countries. you think this can happen.

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  • Antony Pereira, Mangalore

    Tue, Jul 28 2009

    This incident recalls me that just like city/state transport buses even plane will also come back and pickup the passengers! Many a times I have travelled in domestic as well as in international flights. After completing the security check passengers are suppose to wait in the departure lounge where information about the flight departure etc are announced and also displayed in the T.V. monitors. Passengers are suppose to watch the same.

    According to me it is the duty of the ground staff of King Fisher airlnes to pick up the said V.I.P. from the VIP departure lounge. The authorities concerned must order an enquiry why this serious mistake has taken place.

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    Tue, Jul 28 2009

    This is absolutely crazy. It was an internal flight - and the said passenger could be rescheduled on another flight. Why did the plane have to be brought back? How could the Airport do this? It is just becoz of VIP status that this has happened if it was an ordinary passenger, they would not have bothered. I wonder what next.... fly VIP passenger by a special flt - NO WONDER THE AIRLINES ARE SO BADLY HIT..... I guess they deserve it, if this is their routine. It really gets sickening..... and this is the height of impudence...... whatever might be the excuse.

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    Tue, Jul 28 2009

    As per airport rule only Cabinet minister, MPs and former ministers are treated as VIP. Then how the Airlines staff treated Kripa Amar Alva as VIP and provided her a seat in the VIP lounge?.

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    Tue, Jul 28 2009

    Please don't ignore any passenger

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  • Lawrence D'Souza, Mangalore/Doha Qatar

    Tue, Jul 28 2009

    Kingfisher Airlines always delays departure and is never on time. I have one such example to narrate. While coming down from Doha conecting flight was Kingfisher via Mumbai. I was supposed to reach Mangalore at 19.30 hours, but it was 22.00 hours when I finally reached. The thing is there is nobod take action and enquiry for the reason of being late. Poor passengers are the sufferers. Again while coming back my flight from Mangalore was at 20.00 hours, instead of 20.00 hrs it came at 23.00 hrs to Mangalore and from Mangalore flight went to cochin and then I reached Mumbai at 03.50 hours. I saw no benefit by taking the flight. If I had taken a train even it would reach Mumbai at around same time. The reason for all this I feel poor managment.

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  • Peter, Brahmavar/Sharjah

    Tue, Jul 28 2009

    This woman exercised her power. What about a common man if under such circumstances. Can the passenger rest wherever he/she wants while flights are delayed. I request people, who know aviation rules and regulations to comment on the subject.

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  • Sujir Praveen, MANGALORE

    Tue, Jul 28 2009


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