Chennai, Nov 26 (IANS): In the cradle of Indian chess, that is Chennai, British Chess Grandmaster and Fide Vice President Nigel Short will give a lecture for upcoming players and also interact with chess masters, said a top official of the organiser,
"Short will be here early next month on a two day visit. In a four hour session on December 4, Short will address upcoming players on how he won the Candidates Match Cycle (World Chess Title challenger selection match) 1991-1993," S.Raghuraman, Co-Founder,, told IANS on Tuesday.
Raghuraman said: "Short will also speak about his comeback against GM Anatoly Karpov, answer questions. The event will be held at Guru Nanak College. We expect about 150 players at his lecture session."
The next day, Short who unsuccessfully challenged GM Garry Kasparov in 1996 for the World Title, will interact with GMs and International Masters at a city hotel, Raghuraman said.
According to him, the IMs and GMs will be from Tamil Nadu and also from other states.
During his India tour, Short will also be visiting Delhi, Nagpur and Kerala.
According to Raghuraman, - part of the city based Shortcastle Technologies- is a B2B platform for chess academies and coaches to manage their operations.
It is a white-labelled plug-in that converts the chess academy website into a coaching and playing platform with a mere five minute's integration, Raghuraman said.
The platform is used by chess academies in over 16 countries to conduct live classes, organise intra-academy online tournaments, share assignments, play online, upload and share databases of chess games and more.