Mangalore: Thousands Pay Befitting Farewell to Konkani Legend

Mangalore : The Legend's Last Journey
Thousands Pay Befitting Farewell to Konkani Legend
Pics by Dayananda Kukkaje
Daijiworld Media Network

Watch Video:  The Legend Wilfy Rebimbus' Last Journey... Click Here 

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    Mangalore, Mar 11: Thursday March 11 was a day of great sorrow to numerous fans, well-wishers and family as they had bid a final adieu to Wilfy Rebimbus, who was dear to their heart. The clergy, nuns, common people, professionals all forgetting their routine for a day, setting aside their own discomfort became a part of personal pain and loss of Wilfy's family. 

    As the pall bearers carrying the mortal remains of Wilfy entered the Jeppu seminary grounds here, the church bells were sounded to convey the sad message in the neighbourhood. Mourners in thousands with flowers and bouquets in hand from nook and corner of Dakshina Kannada and far off places like Chickmagalur, Bangalore, Coorg, and rest of the parts of Karnataka as well as abroad, singing holy hymns made their way towards the venue where the body was placed for public view and reverence.


    The body was placed at the venue for two hours before a commemoration mass that took place about 4 o'clock. In the background, the devotional songs created by Wilfy over the period of time were playing creating the right ambience. The choir podium was also set and was used by a choir group of approximate 25 singers led by Sri Prem Lobo, one of the prominent members of United Youngsters and member of Wilfy's troupe for the past 25 years for a marathon run of devotional singing that continued till the high commemoration mass that commenced around 4 o'clock.

    A great arrangement was in place to accommodate a huge crowd as well as seating arrangement for 5,000 people was made on the grounds in front of St Joseph's church at the seminary view compound, the compound where Wily was born and bred and brought up. 

    Many shared their views about the man. Ivan D’Souza, a prominent youth leader said that Wilfy was neither a political leader nor represented any particular sect. He was beyond all the political streams and represented a wider human community.

    Pappan and his associates came all the way from Kerala and had been a part of Wilfy's troupe whether it was a programme held in India or abroad. He said, “I have lost my brother and I don’t foresee my future in Konkani.”

    Some of the other prominent personalities and singers such as Prem Kumar, Claud D'Souza, Ivan Sequeira and Joswin Pinto, who had been associated with Wilfy along with his journey of music paid rich tributes to his legacy. Among others, who arrived to pay the respects to the great man were Rajani Dugganna, the newly elected mayor of Mangalore City Corporation accompanied by the deputy mayor Rajendra and corporator Ranganath Kini.

  • Commemoration of High Mass

    As the choir sings to the tunes of `Kitlem Sobhit Mandir Tujem' the celebrants of the high mass led by the Bishop of Mangalore Diocese Dr Aloysius Paul D'Souza, accompanied by the Bishop of Shimoga, Jerald Isac Lobo and 73 priests marched towards the altar which is decorated and beautified. Just below the holy altar was placed the body of Wilfy Rebimbus. 

    Fr Victor Machado, rector, St Joseph's Seminary delivered the homily pacifying the members of Wilfy's family and his fans alike. He said, Wilfy Rebimbus throughout his illustrious career, besides doing wonders in music, also strived for the welfare of the society and loved the poor.  

    The Bishop D’Souza in a brief note, stressed the human values, dignity and contribution Wilfy Rebimbus gave to his family, the people around him and the society at large. He also expressed his gratitude to the Almighty for giving Wilfy to the human kind as a gift to the Mangalorean society.  

    Rev Fr Andrew D'Souza, the parish preist of Jeppu Church paid condolences on behalf of the parishioners in the form of a song written and composed by Wilfy himself. He described Wilfy as a great leader of society and king of music. He said, “Jeppu vicinity was his favourite and he always tried to do something good for its environment.”

    In his eulogy, Dr Edward Nazareth, a well known writer himself narrated the human nature of Wilfy and said `Besides being an artiste himself he treated other artistes in equal compassion and solidarity. Wilfy is fortunate person to be loved and respected by each member of his family till the end of his life. “Although he was recognized as a singer during his initial days, the depth in his poetry, the literary values in his songs and high quality sentiments made him different from others.”

    Rev Fr Denis DSa, Administrator, Fr Muller Medical College, while paying tributes on behalf of all the priests of the diocese, felt that he was a friend of priests and a great supporter of church.

    Although he had his own views about the church, he had been a constructive critique.  He was bold enough to condemn the atrocity and misgivings through his songs in a witty and entertaining spirit.

    He can well be described as a mirror of our society.  Further Fr D'Sa said `great people are simple and humble and Wilfy was one among them'.

    The legendary Wilfy Rebimbus was laid to  rest with honour in the presence of vast crowd of relatives, clergy,  friends, fans and well wishers at Jeppu Cemetery  alongside the tombs of his family members, including his eldest brother Gracian Rebimbus.
    Meena,  Wilfy's beloved wife, who always stood by him through his life’s journey,  was led towards the grave along with her children and daughter in law, son in law and grand children to have the last glimpse of their  beloved  to the accompaniment of gloomy music   played by the Brass Band  and prayers. 
    The Bishop of Mangalore Rt. Rev. Aloysius Paul D’Souza offered the final prayers dedicating the mortal remains of Wilfy to God  and consigning it to the dust.   He invoked blessings of Holy Spirit and the Saints to take his soul to heaven in their grace.
    As the hymn, `tuji kushi zanv' is being enchanted the casket bearing  Wilfy's mortal remains was lowered  into prepared  grave.  A pin drop silence prevailed as the bereaved family members' grief was heart rending and they were inconsolable. 
    Vishwas  the eldest son placed the white cloth over the face and over mortal remains was covered with the cloth signalling the end of the great legend and Konkani ‘s hero “Wilfy Rebimbus’s”  life's journey and the symbol of man's return to the dust.
    Long Live Wilfy Rebimbus – one of Konkani’s  undisputed king.  Hail the King. streamed  the five-hour event live from Jeppu Seminary Ground and from the Jeppu Cemetary. Thousands of people around the globe acknowledged  the live  coverage, as they could not attend the funeral personally and  appreciated the efforts by team  in facilitating them to watch live online.

  • Video : Wilfy Sentimental Nite 2009 - Highlights : Click TVdaijiworld
  • Wilfy Rebimbus : Your Life was a Song, Music was your Soul
  • Wilfy Rebimbus : The Legend has Left us All - Editorial by Walter Nandalike
  • Demise of Wilfy Rebimbus - Condolences from Leaders and Musicians

    Archives: Exclusive TV Interview with Wilfy Rebimbus on TVdaijiworld (2007) : Click Here

    Daijiworld Archives - Wilfy Rebimbus in NEWS :


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    Comment on this article

    • wilfred frankocd, mysore

      Sun, Aug 08 2010

      wilfy you were great wall of mangalore konkani literature.konkani world has lost a wonderful character of words and songs in were konkani shakesphere,nightingale,michel jakson in the hearts of song lovers.we feel the loss forever.

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    • nelson, valencia/kuwait

      Tue, May 18 2010

      Just returned back from a vacation to Mangalore bringing along with me,the precious collection of 40 CD pouch purchased from Jerosa Co. Hope to hear and enjoy for the rest of my life.

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    • Lawrence Pinto, Siddakatte/Canada

      Thu, Apr 22 2010

      We will not get back your physical presence within us dear Wilfyaba but, you will rule our Konkani till the end of this world. "We salute you".

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      Sun, Apr 18 2010

      I took interest in Konkani language only after listening to the songs of Wilfy Rebimbus. My heartfelt sympathies to the family. May his soul rest in peace. Miss you so much.

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    • Vincy Pinto, Angelore,Duabi

      Sat, Apr 17 2010

      May his Soul Rest In Peace..Amen. We mis You Wilfyab

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    • Sunil Almeida, Baikady / Sharjah

      Mon, Apr 12 2010

      Great human being, loved all of his songs, "aajge Wilfy Koinre Tum Meltheliya.... May his soul rest in peace and may God give his bereaved family members all kinds of courage and peace to overcome the precious loss.

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    • Rudolph Almeida, PODUKONE/BOMBAY

      Sun, Mar 28 2010


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    • Dr Amanullah MB MBBS DCH, Puthur/Sauiarabia

      Wed, Mar 24 2010

      He was a great man and his loss a great loss May god give the fanily teh strnegth to bear this great loss and may his soul rest in peace

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    • WILFRED PINTO, Bantwal / Mumbai / Dubai

      Sun, Mar 21 2010

      We will miss the greatest Konkani Singer of Mangalore for decades.May his Soul rest in Peace..Amen

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    • deepak, mangalore

      Thu, Mar 18 2010

      He is gone to Heaven for his eternal home to be with the Lord Jesus. His work on Earth is finished.So let us rejoiceIts not a loss..we all shall met again in Heaven and go through all old memories..Life is more than living..God Bless Sir Wilfy

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    • canute carvalho, Udipi_Kenya

      Tue, Mar 16 2010

      Thanks to daiji world for the coverage we have Big loss in Konkani music world.Konkani kogul is still alive may his soul rest in peace.

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    • jossy dcunha, mangalore/libya

      Mon, Mar 15 2010

      It is really a Great Loss for the whole Konkani community,May his Soul rest in Peace..Amen
      My Heart felt condolences to his family.

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    • Sr.Benignus, mangalore Mauritania ,west africa

      Sun, Mar 14 2010

      Heartfelt condolence to his entire family and praying eternal rest for his soul

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    • Sr.Benignus, mangalore Mauritania ,west africa

      Sun, Mar 14 2010

      Heartfelt condolence to his entire family and praying eternal rest for his soul

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    • ivan mendonca,

      Sun, Mar 14 2010

      4 dees hem jivit amchen
      jolmonchen jiyonchen morchen
      morthes sor mathyent dampta
      borepon tujen matr hanga urchen

      thanks to daijiworld
      may god give him rest in peace

      heartfelt condolences to his family

      ivan gretta veronica mendonca

      yermal udupi

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    • Jacintha, Katapadi/Dubai

      Sun, Mar 14 2010

      The Greatest Ever Konkani Shilpi Wifyab your Konkani songs will definately last for many decades, the lyrics and music composed by you - No boy else can make it for sure. I wish he is born again in Konkani community.. Konkani needs you..

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    • Dennis, Soolkudru/Saudi Arabia

      Sun, Mar 14 2010

      "Lok taka kithlo asheloo
      Vorthe tane dele thanka
      Porthyan tho zalmon yetholoo
      Konkni podam gavonk hanga"

      His body disappeared but his voice and songs will remains in this world forever from generation to generation

      Final salute to the great konkani legend Wilfy Rebimbus

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    • United Ways of Vision, Nalasopara

      Sun, Mar 14 2010

      Dearest Wilfy Uncle, Your melodious sweet voice and lovely konkani and religious songs would remain in our heart forever. We really miss you uncle.
      Condolences to Wilfy Rebimbus family members. May his sole rest in peace.
      On behalf of Trustees and all the members of United Ways of Vision

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    • Walter Thomas Appos, Kuwait

      Sun, Mar 14 2010


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    • Ayesha, Riyadh, Mangalore

      Sun, Mar 14 2010

      Wilfy is a great singer, he may be disappeared from our eyes but he still remains in our hearts. We all should know that we too one day will be following wilfy. All our good deeds only will join with us, let us live peacefully by helping each other.

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    • Alwyn Dcunha, Permude

      Sun, Mar 14 2010

      You may have left us all music lovers but your music will ever live & your memories will be remain till I die.

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    • Emilian Tauro & Family Kulshekar, kulshekar/ Mangalore

      Sat, Mar 13 2010

      ಜರ್ ಮಕ ದೇವ್ ಮುಜೋ ದಿಷ್ಟಿಕ್ ಪೊಡುನ್ ಮುನಾತ್ ತರ್ ಮಾಗ್ ತುಕಾ ಕಿತೆ ಜಾಯ್
      ಮಾಗ್ತ್ಹೊಲೋ ದಾಡ್ ದೇವಾ ಜಿವಂತ್ ಕರುನ್ ಏಕ್ ದಿಸಾಕ್ ತರಿ ವಿಲ್ಫಿಕ್ ಪರತ್ ಪಾಟಿ
      ಸುರ್ಯಾ ತು ತ್ಯಾ ದಿಸಾ ಬುಡ್ನಾಕಾ ಚಂದ್ರೆಮ ತು ಉದೆವ್ನ್ ಯೆನಾಕಾ
      ದೀಸ್ ತೋ ಲಾಂಬ್ ಜಾಂವ್,ಲಾಂಬ್ ಜಾಂವ್ ಬುಡ್ನಾ ಜಾಂವ್
      ವಿಲ್ಫಿಯಬ್ ಉರ್ತೋಲೋ ಸದಾಂಚ್ ಆಮ್ಚೆ ಸಮೊರ್

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    • Newton, M'lore/Dubai

      Sat, Mar 13 2010

      It's a Great loss for Manglorian, we will miss you forever. may his soul rest in peace.

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    • Joe Gonsalves, Bendore, Mangalore

      Sat, Mar 13 2010

      I have enjoyed listening to dear Wilfy's songs and will miss his golden voice
      He was my idol.

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    • Simon, Goa/Dubai

      Sat, Mar 13 2010

      Kogull of Mangalore is gone forever to sleep in peace and he will be missed by all the konkani speaking lovers all over the world. He has won the hearts of many thru his songs. I still love the song from the film Mog ani Moipass. May the Lord give courage to his family to bear the loss and all his fans too. May his soul rest in peace

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    • Berna and Anil Fernandes, Mangalore/Dubai

      Sat, Mar 13 2010

      Dear Meena Aunty, Veena & Vishwas. Our heartfelt condolences to you on this great loss.

      May his soul rest in peace and may God almighty give you all the required strength to overcome this grief.

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    • vidisha, dubai/manglore

      Sat, Mar 13 2010

      Very good coverage by daijiworld.
      great work.

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    • Prakash DCosta, Kadri/Bahrain

      Sat, Mar 13 2010

      Our Heartfelt Condolences to you Meenabai, Veena, Vishwas and family. We pray to God Almighty that He may grant eternal rest to our Wilfiyab and courage and grace to you to bear the loss. Also thanks to Daijiworld, Walty and team for the great arrangement of broadcasting the funeral ceremony which made us feel physically present in Mangalore.
      Prakash, Jennifer, Nimalka & Erica, Bahrain

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    • Mrs.Victoria D'Costa, Urwa/Mysore

      Sat, Mar 13 2010

      Mr.Wilfy's contribution to Konkani Society is great. We have lost a great Konkani Singer. Heartfelt condolences to Meena and family.

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    • Mothi Kumar, Kinnigoli?/Sharjah

      Sat, Mar 13 2010

      You live on Wilfy Rebimbus. in our hearts and in our house. through ur music,God bless his fly.
      May his soul rest in peace,

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    • Lavina, Kuwait/Mangaore

      Sat, Mar 13 2010

      Thank you walter and daiji team for good coverage of wilfyiab's last journey.
      May god bless you all

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    • Archbishop Ambrose Madtha, Belthangady/Abidjan

      Sat, Mar 13 2010

      Dear Wilfy, Konkani Kogul,
      today I celebrated a Holy Mass for your soul. May God grant you eternal rest. We had no opportunity to meet while we lived on this earth, though I admired you very much since my childhood days. Your numerous meaningful songs will always remain with us to remind us that we are Konkan people. Today may you enjoy the company of the Blessed Virgin Mary and that of Saints in the Paradise of our Lord. We will meet one day.
      Dear Meena, Vishwas and Veena and your children may God grant you the courage to bear this great loss. We are with you.
      thank you "Daijiworld" for the report, photos and indeed for the chance to express our feelings.

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    • Antony T. D' Souza, Karkala / Qatar

      Sat, Mar 13 2010

      Wilfybab, as we all agree now was not a ordinary artist. His last song also proves that. His composing and songs were of Prophetic Messages, Theological Interpretations, Divine Revelations, a Christian Philosopher, Un-Ordained Priest. God doest not send such Humble Messengers very often as we look around. By his Good works he will be remembered many generations to come - Perfect Gift of God to Mankind.

      Above Live coverage by Daijiworld is very much commendable. It indicates how much effort you have taken to show to the world that how deeply YOU and Mangaloreans are hurt by departing of this Precious Soul. In sorrow yet we console and rejoice that you are with the Holy Trinity in the Heavenly Bliss, Praising and Worshiping God along with Angles. That is the richness of the Departed Soul of Wilfybab. Thank you Father, Son and Holy Spirit – Holy Trinity.

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    • Arun D'almeida, Dubai

      Sat, Mar 13 2010

      ಸಾಸ್ನಚೊ ವಿಶೆವ್ ದಿ ತಾಕ ಯೆ ಸೊಮ್ಯ,ಅನಿ ನಿರ೦ತರ್ ಪ್ರಕಾಸ್ ತಾಚೆರ್ ಫಾ೦ಕೊ೦ವ್ದಿ,ಸಮಾಧಾನೆನ್ ತೊ ವಿಶೆವ್ ಘೆ೦ವ್ದಿ - ಆಮೆನ್

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    • Alban D' Souza, Udyavara, Doha Qatar

      Fri, Mar 12 2010

      Thanks for Daiji for the photos. Feel like over there. Last joruney of great legend Wilfy will be in our hearts. May his soul rest in peace His legacey will live in the hearts of millions. We all konkans miss you. We pray to God give the strength to his family for the loss of their loved one.

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    • Richard Pinto, Belthangady/Dubai

      Fri, Mar 12 2010

      My heartfelt condolences to Mrs.Meena,Vishwas and Vina and pray to God give them courage to face and bear the loss. I was shocked to hear Shri Wilfyab is no more with us but his songs will remain in our hearts forever. Every one says he is three in one but I say he is four in one. He is a good lyric writer, He was good composer, and singing is par excellance. Above all he is a humble personality and because of his intiative and encouragement konknai language become rich and as well as many singers.I salute to Shri Wilfyab for his great contibution for konkani soceity.

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    • Ivan, Mangalore/UAE

      Fri, Mar 12 2010

      Tears rolled out of my eyes when i saw the Video of Wilfiab's final journey in daijiworld.He was my favourite konkani song writer n we have lost him forever. May god grant him eternal peace.My heartfelt sympathies to his family n the spirit of Wilfiab will bless his family to continue contributing to the Konkani Music.LONG LIVE THE KONKANI LEGEND WILFIAB

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    • Roshan, m'bidri/a'dhabi

      Fri, Mar 12 2010

      One of his golden song, He mentioned the golden words, what the human life is all about "Sanj zali re....."
      char dis ya saunsara,
      maka tuka nara, dhadlan re rasnara
      munshya vhesa,yethana hadonk na,
      vethana voronk na, zivith zata rithe,eka disa.
      ghodiyek avkas na,uswas usallthana,
      phati poleinaka,kai phaido na....
      munshyache zivith ye udhkanthle bud bude,kedna phut thit te sangonk zaina.Tuve phunjailole zaina voronk the,borya vaita shivai,dusre kai na.Amar javn rav wilfyab amcha kalzanth,We miss you,miss you a lot.

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    • Reginald & Olivia Moras , Kuppepadau/Toronto

      Fri, Mar 12 2010

      Wilfyab amche madhen sadanch astholo mullo bharvaso aamka asa.
      We watched the Live coverage on Daijiworld. Very emotional. Thanks to Daiji. Mangaloreans living close by are so lucky, you all could give a last visit. How we wished we were there. Wilfyab came to Canada in 2005. We were lucky to be see him. What a legend. How great & soft spoken that personality was.
      On one can do what Wilfy has done to Konkani Music. Every lyric is so meaningful, such good message in every song. He touched almost every subject like Bhopal Gas tragedy. He sang for people of all ages. He spread the message of God, message of ultimate love Through his lyrics & brought all Konkani Managloreans together in life & even in his death.
      Yes, suddenly there was so much sense of belonging, desire to reach out & be there for our for our brothers & sisters who are moaning this day with us. Maan & Hoglap tuka Favo Mogacha Wilfyab. Thun aaz Sargar Razar aasay. Aamche pasoth magon dhad.
      Sasnacho Vishev Di thaka Ye Somiya. Aani niranthar prAkas tacher fankai. Samadhanen taso aathmo vishev gevndi. Thacha mogacha Kutmak yen dook bogchi thank di Deva Bhapa. Serve Kokni Kutmacher thugi aashirvaad Di Deva. May we love one another the way our beloved Wilfy Loved & lived for others.
      Reginald & Olivia Moras Kuppepadau/ Toronto

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    • Keith Fernandes, Vamanjoor/Perth

      Fri, Mar 12 2010

      A voice that will never be forgotten. . will always remain in our memories.. may his soul rest in peace..

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    • alwyn pinto, melbourne,australia

      Fri, Mar 12 2010

      condolences to Wilfy's family. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Martin, Mangalore

      Fri, Mar 12 2010

      Wilfy the true legend of konkani,there cannot be another person of wilfys caliber not only in konkani but anywhere else, his talent was divine, He deserved much more recognition and a national honour...somewhere down the line i feel it was our responsblity to take this case to national recognition in which we have failed, now let us pray a rich tribute to him by following his message of loving our mother konkani...wilfyab thanks for teaching us to love our mother tounge,
      here is a call for all konkanis worldwide to pay rich tribute to the greatest son of konkani,In his own words I would say

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    • Basil, Mangalore/Mumbai

      Fri, Mar 12 2010

      Jivitanth re munsha thuka melche dhies char.kodsan lot konshak...a great song by him which i like the most.

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    • satish carvalho, basrur, israel

      Fri, Mar 12 2010

      we will miss you forever. may his soul rest in peace.

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    • satish carvalho, basrur, israel

      Fri, Mar 12 2010

      we will miss you forever. may his soul rest in peace.

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    • Fr. Archie Gonsalves, OCD, Prague

      Fri, Mar 12 2010

      We are indeed schoked at the untimely death of Konkan Kogul Mr. Wilfy Rebimbus. In his death, our Konkany community has lost a great legend. We offered prayers for the repose of his soul at this HOly Shrine of the Infant Jesus. We extend our heartfelt condolences to his dear wife Meena and children Vishwas, Veena and thier families.
      Fr. Archie Gonsalves, OCD
      Fr. Raymond Santhanaz, OCD
      Mission Superior, Tanzania
      Fr. Lancy, OCD

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    • Benedict Paul D' Souza, Kudripadavu/Muscat

      Fri, Mar 12 2010

      Wilfy -The Emperror of Konkani Music!Your body has left the world but your voice will transcend the time.Your spirit will live on. You will continue to be the heartthrob of millions.No words can express the beauty of your musical contribution. No man can ever accomplish the creative work which you left behind.Today,konkans are spread across the globe.But your voice touched their lives at every stage.WILFY IS IMMORTAL.

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    • shawn, muscat

      Fri, Mar 12 2010

      Hats off to you and we all would miss you a great soul.U made a better place for all the catholics and konkani speaking people with all the wonderful hymns and songs u composed.

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    • stany mendonca, Sunderland,UK

      Fri, Mar 12 2010

      Dear Walty and daiji team thanks a lot for your excellent coverage, even though I couldnt attend the funeral I got the chance to watch the whole ceremony,thank you once again.
      Amar zaanv wilfyab.

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    • Randolph Mendonca, Kundapur, Oman

      Fri, Mar 12 2010

      We will Truly Miss you Wilfy Rembimbus. Splendid Job Daijiworld.

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    • Prakash Leema, Bhatkal / Dubai

      Fri, Mar 12 2010

      ಹಂಗಾಸರ್ ಏಕ ಅಧ್ಯಾಯ್ ಮುಘ್ಧಲೇ . ಕ್ರಿಕೆತಾಂತ್ ಏಕ್ ಸಚಿನ್ ತಷೆಂತ್ ಕೊಂಕನಿಂತ್ ಎಕ್ಲೋತ್ಚ್ ವಿಲ್ಫ್ಯಾಬ್.
      ಆದೆವ್ಶ್ ತುಕಾ , ಪೋರ್ತುನ್ ಜ್ಯಲ್ಮುನ್ ಏ .

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    • nelson, mangalore

      Fri, Mar 12 2010

      Condolences to Wilfy Rebimbus family members. May his sole rest in peace.

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    • Crystal Lobo, Sharjah/Bajpe

      Fri, Mar 12 2010

      It is really a Great Loss for the whole Konkani community,May his Soul rest in Peace i pray..Amen
      My Heart felt condolences to his family.

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    • Crystal Lobo, Sharjah/Bajpe

      Fri, Mar 12 2010

      It is really a Great Loss for the whole Konkani community,May his Soul rest in Peace..Amen
      My Heart felt condolences to his family.

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    • Melwin D'Souza, Sastan/Mira Road

      Fri, Mar 12 2010

      Thanks a million to Daiji World for an excellant live coverage. Great Work. Hats off to you.

      Our heartfelt Condolences to Mrs. Rebimbus & his entire family. - Melwin D'souza & Fly.

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    • Roshan, Mangalore

      Fri, Mar 12 2010

      We lost a great soul who contributed to melody world of Mangalore,indeed it is a great loss.

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    • Allen Pinto, Mangalore / Mumbai

      Fri, Mar 12 2010

      A great loss to to our mangalorean community. In music he said it all without any borders crossed but yet maintained a great degree of respect for all levels of society. We pray the lord takes our brethren and keeps him under the mantle of his care, and gives him eternal rest. May his soul rest in peace. Amen

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    • Wilma, Bantwal/Dubai

      Fri, Mar 12 2010

      Big loss in Konkani music world. I wish all the best to Vishwas Rebimbus try your best effort to get back your dad's name....and show Wilfy is still alive

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Antony Pereira, Bejai, Mangalore

      Fri, Mar 12 2010

      Befitting farewell to "Konkan Kogul" Wilfy Rebimbus on the last day of his journey (11.03.2010). Wonderful arrangements & following of time schedule. Great job done by United Youngsters & team. Superb coir. Beautiful photo/video coverage. Thanks to daijiworld & team.

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      Thu, Mar 11 2010


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    • vijay dsouza, Manjeshwar, Doha Qatar

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Thank you daijiworld for live coverage

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      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      We miss you Wilfy Baba. Your melodious sweet voice and lovely konkani songs would remain in our heart forever.

      Thanks a million to Daiji for an excellant live coverage. Great Work. Hats off to you.

      Our heartfelt Condolences to his entire family.


      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse


      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      We miss you Wilfy Baba. Your melodious sweet voice and lovely konkani songs would remain in our heart forever.

      Thanks a million to Daiji for an excellant live coverage. Great Work. Hats off to you.

      Our heartfelt Condolences to his entire family.


      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Lloyd D'souza, Surathkal

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Final Salute to the great legend. We miss you Wilfy "Konkan Kogul"...... May God Bless His family.

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      Thu, Mar 11 2010


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    • Simon Lasrado, sullia/Bangalore

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Very good video coverage by you dear so that my fellow Bengalurians could watch the entire funeral ceremony of Wilfy Rebimbus,FKCA lifetime awardee,Konkan Kogul,Konkani legend and greatest personality who spent whole of his life for the betterment of konkani songs,who stole million of konkani hearts.A request to you that can we have a DVD of entire funeral ceremony of Wilfy? I appriciate Dayanand Kukkaje's finest photography.Thanks to him also.Keep it up daijiworld.May Wilfy's soul rest in peace.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Adolf Jayathilak, Mangalore/Qatar

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      I grew up listening to his songs…
      I became a so-called ‘singer’ singing his songs…
      As a friend, a guide, a mentor he has been an inspiration in my life!
      With his song in our hearts, I feel…. “He has gone but has never left us!!”

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Sr Joy bs, Bendur

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Indeed a Legend has left us. Wilfy's passing away is considered an irrepairable loss to Mangalore society and to humanity. I was present at the funeral ceremonies and experienced the grief of all present, specially of his family. My heartfelt condolences to Meena, Veena, Viswas and other members of the family. When Veena expressed her heartfelt thanks to everyone with Vishu standing beside her, no one could control their tears. Particularly, her acknowledgement that they considered themselves the most fortunate children in the world to have a Daddy like Wilfy.

      It was true not just for you dear but for all of us who have had a person like Wilfy. He had composed a song for Bethany about our Founder which is very very beautiful. So, Wilfy will continue to live in Bethany in a personal way for all the years to come.
      It was a befitting Funeral ceremony and I am happy that I was able to be present there.
      Wilfy, you are great. thank you for your immortal contribution to the society.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Vincent Mascarenhas, Valencia / USA

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Dearest Wilfy, you used thousands of words in a million ways in your lyrics to express simple things in life, but I cannot form one sentence to describe the person that you were all I could do is heave a sigh of helplessness when I read about you today. My encounter with you and your group was brief when I played the guitar in the 70s my brothers and I. Since then things have changed and there have been numerous small timers. The void created by your absence will never be filled regardless. God creates wonders, but only a few. There is a song by Cliff Richard “When Will We Meet Again” well, will meet you in Heaven.

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    • Clement and Janet, Neermarg

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      God has chosen a great person to be with him. Mangalore has lost a great diamond. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Sr. M. Wilberta BS, Mangalore

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      You live on Wilfy Rebimbus in the hearts of all through your rich contribution to Konkani literature. Your profound voice will linger in Konkani world long after you are gone!
      May your soul rest in peace!
      Tribute of love from Bethany Sisters

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Valson Mendonsa, Mangalore/USA

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Thanks to Daijiworld for full coverage of our great Music Icon's final journey.This loss very hard digest, he has given lot to his community.May his soul rest in peace.

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      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      i never see This much comments in my life Wilfy is great.

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    • Leyakat Ebrahem, Tamil Nadu

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      I don't Speak Konkani. But love his music. great composer, it's big loss for Konkani music. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Lancy pinto Nayak, Kulshekar / Kuwait

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      ಮೊಗಾಚ್ಯಾ ವೊಲ್ಟಿ,
      ದೇ.ವಿಲ್ಫಿಯಾಬಾಚ್ಯಾ ನಿಮಾಣ್ಯಾ ಪಯ್ಣಾಚೆ ದರ್ಶನ್ ಆಮ್ಕಾಂ
      ವಿದೇಶಾಂತ್ ಯ್ ಕರ್ನ್ ದಿಲ್ಲ್ಯಾಕ್ ತುಕಾ ಕಾಳ್ಜಾಂ ಥಾವ್ನ್ "ದೇವ್ ಬರೆಂ ಕರುಂ" ಮ್ಹಣ್ತಾ.ಕೊಂಕ್ಣೆಂತ್ ತುಜ್ಯಾ ತಸಲ್ಯಾ 'ಸಾಹಸಿ' ಮನ್ಶ್ಯಾಚಿ ಗರ್ಜ್ ಚಡ್ ಆಸಾ.
      ಸರ್ವ್ ಮಾಂಡಾವಳ್ ಆನಿ ವಿಂಚವ್ಣ್ ಮಾಂದ್ಚ್ಯಾ ತಸಲಿ.
      ವಿಶೇಸ್ ರೀತಿನ್ ಫಾ. ಡೆನಿಸ್ ದೆಸಾಚಿಂ ಆನಿ ಡಾ.ಎಡ್ವಾರ್ಡ್ ನಜ್ರೆತಾಚಿಂ ಉತ್ರಾಂ ಖೂಬ್ ರುಸ್ಲಿಂ.
      ಮಾನೇಸ್ತ್ ಲೆಸ್ಲಿ ರೇಗೊನ್ ವಿಂಚ್ ಲ್ಲ್ಯಾ ಉತ್ರಾಂಚೆಂ ಪರಿಪಕ್ವಾತ್ ಉಲೊಂವ್ಣೆಯ್ ಮ್ಹಾನ್ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿಕ್/ಕೊಂಕ್ಣೆಕ್ ಗೌರವ್ ಚಡೈಯ್ ಲಾಗ್ಲೆಂ.
      "ವಿಲ್ಫಿ" ಎಕ್ ಆಸ್ ಲ್ಲೊ. ತೊ ಆಮರ್ ಜಾಲೊ.
      ತಾಚ್ಯಾ ಆದರ್ಶ್ ಪಣಾಚ

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    • Sr Mariette B S, Vamanjoor

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      My heartfelt condolences to you Meena, Veena, Vishwas and others in your family as you experience the great loss of your and 'our' Wilfy. I always loved and longed to listen to his heart throbbing music and immortal songs. He was one of the best teachers who could teach values from the ordinary events of life. Everything on earth and everyone who walked on this earth struck a chord in his heart, thereby producing a masterpiece each time. Hats off to him for his unparallel contribution to our 'Maim Bhas - Konkani'. As music never dies but lingers, so will he... his songs will be heard again and again more than before...his voice will resound from shore to shore more than ever...Long live Wilfy! May he find rest in God singing the melodies of eternal love!

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    • rebellos, kundapura / sharjah

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      We miss you Wilifab....Thanks Daiji for the coverage.

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      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      We all will miss you Wilfy. We will miss your humble personality, melodius songs with meaningful lyrics. Your lyrics besides being superior poetry were a two-edged sword that sliced the society and awakened it. You were a Konkanni lover in the truest sense and laboured all your life for its advancement. Farewell dear friend, and may your mission and work inspire us all.

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    • Janet Fredrick, Mumbai

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Incredible team work of Daijiworld. Hats off to you. No other portal can be as competent as you guys.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Sunil Fernandes, Kota/Dubai

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Very good coverage by Daijiworld. Great work

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    • Roshan, m'bidri/a'dhabi

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Thanks a million and god bless dear Walty and your daiji team.You made us to pass our condolence to his family,you made us to see our legend wilfyab konkanis suputr,our hero,you made us to attend his funeral,you made us to attend his mass, thanks and thanks, I am his greatest fan and remains his.God may give enough strength and courage to his family to bear this loss.I am sure god will give back our wilfyab back by looking at our love towards him.God bless him.Plz continue the good work daiji.Dev borem korum.

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    • Rohan, Mangalore

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Thanks daiji for this live streaming.. fantastic job.. specially considering the occasion.. It surely will never be repeated since the legend has left for ever leaving behind his legacy in the form of music which will play in our hearts for eternity... May his soul rest in peace.. His music and voice will live for eternity.. we will miss you ...You have left us but your music will never..

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      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      DAIJIWORLD....HATS OFF... Very Good coverage of Wilfy BABA''S last journey.

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    • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur/ Mangalore

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Thank you daijiworld for live coverage.

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      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Nice coverage from tvdaijiworld. Thank you Daijiworld team for the best efforts made to bring live video from Mangalore. Our Final salute to Music King Wilfy Baab.

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    • valerian pinto, Valencia/ Dubai

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      big loss for konkan community due to sad demise of music king wilfy.May Almighty Lord grant him peace. Thanks for Daiji world timely good coverage

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse


      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Respected Daijiworld and its dedicated team, Your excellent efforts in reporting as well as funeral coverage''s are a treat to us. We could express and widen sympathies by conveyance of floral as our last owed respect for this day to Late Sri.Wilfy Rebimbus and his beloved family. The prodigy of Konkani - KONKAN KOGUL, Late Wilfyaab shall be remembered for our lifetime. MAY HIS SOUL REST IN ETERNAL PEACE! With hearty compassion: The Management, entire team of Integrated Freight & Logistics LLC - Dubai, Abu Dhabi (UAE) & families.

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    • margaret andrade, kuwait

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      dear wilfy You live on through all your family members, fans and well wishers, you are always by our side, It broke our hearts to lose you, but u did not go alone, For part of us went with you on the day God called you home. May your soul rest in peace.

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    • Walter Cyril Pinto,Vice President and PRO, Ctholic Sabha Mangalore Pradesh R., kallinpur/udupi

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Wilfy lives forever in every konkani heart and home. He is an inspiration for many Konkani generationstao come. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Alan, Mangalore

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      May his soul rest in peace...
      Thanks to daijiworld for the coverage of great mangalorean ever.
      Thanks Walti uncle Thanks a lot
      We salute you Wilfy uncle....

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    • linus, mangalore

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Songs so true

      I heard they said,that song in the air,
      sound so true
      in the hearts of many souls ,thy songs were so true
      now that ye have passed away,cherished were our hearts,when you lived
      cherished are our hearts from never fadin melodies that hang on when u lived
      None can steal memories,cos now all ur melodies are memories
      you live in people's hearts forever
      cos your voice will b on Earth forever

      Linus Josh

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    • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      No doubt Shri Wilfy Rebimbus is a great artist...attend any Konkani Singing Competition, more than 50% songs are created from him..!!!!Not even a single day of mine passes without listening to Konkani Songs...I listen them when i am in my car..(Daily)...maximum collection I have is of Shri Wilfy....I dont think he has not touched any topic in life..Love,Anger,Jealousy,politics,marriage, death, farming, fishermen, etc etc my brain too small to even cover the topics he has covered in His music...great artist....We will never see a Konkani artist of his caliber.

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    • adshenoy, mangaluru

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Talo thujo dhevan dillo
      Thya talyak lok bullo
      Dhevan tuka aaj yelo
      Sargar ravla tuka jhelo
      sakdank sodn thu ghelo poilo
      Aawaz thujo aamka urlo
      Devak jai thujo thalo
      Dhekun devan tuka poilo yelo

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse


      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Here is an example for all of us, that Wilfy has set.With what difficulties he has gone through in his younger age.To get marry, no money !.After marrying with Meena,the 13 years they spent, that they only know!.But they didn't loose their hope,they carried on,on,on & on with song books, nites,cassetes,nites, film, nites ,CD's & see the reward.Are we ready to face difficulties & toil.Now a days we want easy money!WOW,Wilfy Hat's of to you. You 'llbe remembered in our heart for ever. The way you lived, the words you spoke,the lyrics you wrote, the action you sang will all be rememembered. Char disancho sausar kithlo udtha ,man karun yea rachnaran punklyar padtha,hankaran anim dalbaran hanga kitem gadtha dektholo rachnar asa voir dori laamb sodtha! Kya lyrics hai bai!.May your soul rest in peace.May Almighty GOD grant MeenaBai,Veena, Vishwas and all the family members the courage to mourn your death.Bye WILFY,COME AGAIN.

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    • nelson, mangalore/kuwait

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Adios Wilfy Sir. You came into this world, won the hearts of millions thru your music and left for your heavenly abode, mission accomplished.

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    • Vijay Pinto, Mangalore

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      May his soul rest in eternal peace. He was a true zenious, a great soul, Manglorean's pride! Adeos Wilfy!

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      Thu, Mar 11 2010


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      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      daiji hats off to you,thankyou for the great funeral coverage of the legend,you are always there where nobody reaches.i saw the funeral coverage painful and sad pictures,almighty god please give all the family members courage to bear this loss as this was a very very close knight family,and this loss is not only for the remimbus family but for the all mangalorian and the konkani songs lovers,thankyou daijiworld ,great work please stay same way thanks for your entire team ,its a team work that made this sad event possible,so that who could not reach personally for his funeral could see from far away.
      im in your grief
      Allwyn Thomas Pais

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    • Sr.Carmella B.S, Germany

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Though we are far away from our motherland, his songs live in our hearts. his songs were inspirations for us. Our heartfelt condolences to his family. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Dr. Jacinta D'Souza, Mangalore

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family members.

      It was truly a befitting funeral for a great beloved son of the soil who gave his heart and soul for Konkani music and language. The love of the people was manifested by the thousands who gathered for the funeral and the touching eulogies. He has taken Konkani to such great heights and across the globe that he will be remembered worldwide by Konkani lovers. May the Almighty give strength and courage to the bereaved family members.

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      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      It was shocking to know about the sad demise of our Konkan legend wilfy , Condolences to Rebimbus family, May his soul rest in peace.

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    • melwin, mangalore

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      In deed a great loss to konkani music world. May his soul rest in peace

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    • Pius Dcruz, Belman / Dubai.

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      God has chosen a great person to be with him. Mangalore has lost a great diamond. May his soul rest in peace.

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      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      its Really shocking News for Konkani music Lovers Heartfelt Condolences to his Family May his Soul Rest in Peace
      We will Truly Miss you Wilfy Rembimbus.!!!

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Henry Fernandes, Bondel/Kuwait

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      May his soul rest in peace, indeed it is a great loss to Konkani Music. May Almighty God give strength to his family to bear this loss

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      Thu, Mar 11 2010


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      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      In deed a great loss to konkani music world. May his soul rest in peace

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      Thu, Mar 11 2010


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    • Adolf Jayathilak, Mangalore/Qatar

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      I grew up listening to his songs…
      I became a so-called ‘singer’ singing his songs…
      As a friend, a guide, a mentor he has been an inspiration in my life!
      With his song in our hearts, I feel…. “He has gone but has never left us!!”

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    • Amanda Lobo, Mangalore/Mumbai

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Thanks to your relentless efforts and live coverage daijiworld, I could bid a tearful adieu to the wonderful man whose songs i've grown up listening to and singing. A man with an extraordinary voice and soul yet humble at heart. Wilfy Rebimbus, "The Legend" you will live on in our memories forever.....

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Allwyn Noronha, Mira Road / Kuwait

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Great coverage of funeral ceremony from Daijiworld.My condolences to Rebimbus family.
      May his soul rest in peace.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Wilson Lewis, Kalmady/Pune

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      ದುಕಾ೦ ಭೋರ್‌ತಾತ್ ದೋಲ್ಯಾಂತ್ ಹೆನ್ ಚಿಂತನ ವಿಲ್ಫೀ ರೇಬಿಂಬಸ್ ಅಮ್ಚೆ ಮೊದೆ ನಾ ಮನೋನ್. ವಿಲ್ಫಿ ಬಬಚ ಮೊರ್ನವೋರ್ವಿನ್ ಜಲ್ಲೊ ನಷ್ಟ್ ಕೋಣಾಚಣಿ ಭೋರೋಂಕ್ ಜಾವ್ಸೋ ನಾ. ಸೊಮಿ ದೇವ್ ತಚ ಕುಟ್ಮಚಂಕ್ ಹೇ ದೂಕ್ ಸೊಸುಂಕ್ ಸಕತ್ ಡೀವಂದಿ ಮೂನ್ ಮಗ್ತಾ.

      ಸಾಸ್‌ನಾಚೋ ವಿಶೇವ್ ತಕ ದೀ ಎ ಸೋಮ್ಯಾ ಆನಿ ನಿರಂತರ್ ಪ್ರಕಾಸ್ ತಾಚೇರ್ ಫಾಂಕೋದಿ ಸಮಾದನೇನ್ ತೋ ವಿಶೇವ್ ಘೇವ್ದಿ ಆಮೆನ್.

      ವಿಲ್ಸನ್ ಆಣಿ ವಿಲ್ಮ ಲುವಿಸ್ ಪುಣೆ

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse


      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      From 1976 to 1988 for 12 yrs I was
      with Wilfy playing for his Nites.I
      couldn't make it for the funeral.
      Thank you very very much for the live coverage.Your efforts really appreciable.A great tribute for the GREATEST ARTISTE.DAIJI WORLD pls continue u r service for the konkans.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Hilary Tellis, Kuntalpadi, Bahrain

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Great live coverage of the great Legends final journy, I salute The great legend left us, my heart felt condolences to Wilfys family.

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    • Anita, Mangalore/USA

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Thank you daijiworld for all your efforts to bring the live video of Shri Wilfy Rebimbus last journey. We reamin grateful to your team for making us possible to be a part of this sad but very respectful Adieu.

      King of Konkani Music Wilfy, you will remain in our hearts forever.

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    • Sudeep, Mangalore/Canada

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Thank you Wilfy for your great songs. May your soul rest in peace.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Ravi Saldanha & Fly, Mangalore/Dubai

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Great Live coverage of final journey. Thank you Daijiworld.
      May his soul rest in peace.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Veena D'mello, Tcode/Saudi Arabia

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Heartfelt condolences to his family & May his soul rest in peace.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Jacintha, Mangalore/Bahrain

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Great covereage of funeral ceremony from Daiji World. I felt as if I attended his funeral. Thank you Daiji. Send more pictures of his burial.

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    • Prashanth D'souza, Kalasa/UAE

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      May his soul rest in peace

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    • Rakesh Tauro, Allipade

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Your Meaningful Lyrics have touched all Families and

      Will Live Forever in Our Hearts Generation Together

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    • R Sequeira, Mangalore/UK

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Fantastic live coverage by the Daiji team. It gave us an opportunity to pay our respect to the legend of Konkani music. May his soul rest in peace. Thank you Daiji.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Nancy, Belman

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      One chapter closed. I watched the live telecast. Thanks Daiji for this so that we could see the funeral from the begining g till end. From all corner of the world, Konkanni lovers and Wilfy-yaab's fans bid him farewell to a great legend. May God send him again in this world.

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    • rakesh tauro, allipade

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Condolences to Rebimbus family.May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Pius Rasquinha, Mangalore/UK

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Condolences to Rebimbus family,let his soul rest in peace.
      His meaningful songs always made us to laugh and cry,so let his every songs will bring us his memory n he will remain in our hearts every moment.

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    • Dephny William Lobo, Kemmannu/Qatar

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Heartfelt condolences to his family & May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Wilfred & Lidwin Fernandes, LOTETTO/DUBAI

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      May his soul rest in peace.

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    • lucy serra, hosabettu \ kuwait

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      we are sad and in grief to hear the news about the sad dismise of a great singer . our heartly condolense to their family and relatives and may his soul rest in peace.

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    • lucy serra, hosbettu \ kuwait

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      iam very sory to hear about thenews of such a geat singer. may his soul rest in peace.

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    • Dr. Cajetan Coelho, Goa, India

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Respectful farewell to Wilfy. May the Giver of Life grant him Eternal Bliss. Let us wish strength and courage to all his loved ones.

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    • Jolly Deepak Veigas, Omzoor/Singapore

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Wilfy thuka maan bhagaytha...

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • ROSY,, ChickMangalour/Kuwait

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      its Really shocking News for Konkan Lovers Heartfelt Condolences to his Family May his Soul Rest in Peace
      We will Truly Miss you Wilfy Rembimbus.!!!

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Bryan Rodrigues and Family, Mangalore / Dubai

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Dear Meena, Veena and Vishwas,
      We are deeply saddened by the untimely death of Wilfy Rebimbus. We extend our heartfelt sympathies to you and your families. We Pray that God may give you the grace to bear this great loss. May his soul rest in peace.
      Wilfy and his songs will live in our hearts forever.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Gerald Castelino, Miyar/Mysore

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      I had the opportunity of organising one of his Musical Nights in Mysore. I found the legend more than anything else a good human being. His songs were more than the reality shows, they expressed the emotions of people, made people to laugh, cry and pray. May his soul rest in Peace!!

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    • Peter Fernandes, Brahmavar/UK

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      It is a Great Loss for the whole Konkani World community. Heartfelt condolence to the wilfy Rebimbus family. May his soul rest in peace.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Gerald Catelino, Miyar/Mysore

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      I had the opportunity of organising one of his Musical Nights in Mysore. I found the legend more than anything else a good human being. His songs were more than the reality shows, they expressed the emotions of people, made people to laugh, cry and pray. May his soul rest in Peace!!

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Lavina Fernandes & Fly., Bejai

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Our heartfelt condolences to Rebimbus family. May God give you the strength to bear this loss. May his soul rest in peace.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Freda, Mangalore/Bangalore

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      my heartful condolence to rebimbus family. may his soul rest in peace. Miss you.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Fr, Robert Rego, Venur/Germany

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      It is a Sad moment for each one of us. i am deeply touched by wilfy and his contribution to the Konkani community. i pray to God that his Soul enjoy the eternal bliss for ever. I am very Proud to say this one to Wilfy when you were born you cried and others rejoiced with your lived such a life,that through your death you rejoice.and all others crying for you. thank you very much for leaving behind this Legacy for all of us. rejoice now in the heavenly Bliss for ever.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Reyan, Kuwait

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Wilfyaab.. You are more POPULAR then Michael Jackson. YOu will live forever in our hearts. Your songs will be the greatest assets of our Mangalore. We love u always.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Norbert, panjimugaru/Riyadh

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Rebimbus no more

      shocking news to hear the sudden demise of Wilfy
      Rebimbus.It is a
      great loss to the entire konkani community worldwide.Our
      condolences to Meena,Vishwas,Veena and rest of the
      family.May his soul
      rest in peace.God give his bereaved family, strength and
      courage to
      bear this great loss !

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • William, Mangalore

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Heartfelt condolences to his family & May his soul rest in peace.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • William, Mangalore

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Heartfelt condolences to his family & May his soul rest in peace.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • alwyn coutinho, palimar

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      It is very sad know about the sad demise of konkan kogul,may god grant eternal peace,and courage to hisfamily to over come from the sad incident.

      DisAgree Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

    • Sharon Rego, Kulshekar/Sharjah

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      The news is not sinking-in put up by Daiji at 11.20 am tue. why why did he have to go away? my minds revolving around those tunes that we used to listen at our Padil home, from an old red/black tape recorder. A couple of years ago, a mentor suggested to take Mog Thujho Kithlo Ashelo for a contest, but why a male song? He said, just go ahead, and though I didn’t make it at the end, for lack of expressions but that moment on stage is still strong and alive, so much of depth in that song.

      During GVOM it was an honor to see Wilfyab so closely when he came to see us in the morning for rehearsals. Felt so low to stand in front of him even backstage later that day. How could I? and that smile I will never ever forget, as this is the only memory I have of him.

      Dear Wilfyab, thank you for your wonderful contributions, for giving us breathtaking melodies to cherish for, especially - Mog Thujho Kithlo Ashelo, Philomena and Maria – these songs will sound even better this day onwards. We will always love you and miss you dearly. Thank you Lord for giving us “Wilfyab”.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Blossom, Mangalore, Doha Qatar

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      ವೊಡ್ತ್ ತುಜೆ೦ ಬೋವ್ ಸು೦ದರ್
      ಕೊ೦ಕ್ಣಿ ಸ೦ಗೀತಾಚೆ೦ ಭ೦ಡಾರ್
      ಉದೆಲಿ೦ ತುಜೆ ಥಾವ್ನ್ ಗಾವ್ಪಿ, ಗಾವ್ಪಿಣ್ಯೊ೦ ಸಭಾರ್
      ತುಜೆವಿಣೆ೦ ಆಜ್ ಸರ್ವಾ೦ ಜಾಲಿ೦ ನಿರಾಧಾರ್

      ಆದೇವ್ಸ್ ಮಾಗೊ೦ಕ್ ಸರ್ವಾ೦ ಆಜ್ ರಾವ್ಲ್ಯಾ೦ತ್ ತುಜೆ ಭ೦ವಾರಿ೦
      ಆದೇವ್ಸ್ ಮಾಗೊನ್ ಸರ್ವಾ೦ಕ್ ಪಾವ್ಲೊಯ್ ತು೦ ದೆವಾ ಘರಿ೦
      ಸ್ವಾಗತ್ ಕರು೦ಕ್ ತುಕಾ ರಾಕೊನ್ ರಾವ್ಲ್ಯಾ೦ತ್ ಜೆಜು ಮರಿ
      ಸರ್ಗಿ೦ಚೊ ಪ್ರಕಾಸ್ ಫಾ೦ಕೊ೦ದಿ ತುಜೆರ್ ನಿರ೦ತರಿ

      ದುಕಾಭರಿತ್ ಕಾಳ್ಝಾನ್ ಆಜ್ ಆದೇವ್ಸ್ ತುಕಾ ಮಣ್ತಾ೦ವ್
      ಅತ್ಮ್ಯಾಕ್ ತುಜಾ ಸಾಸ್ಣಿಕ್ ಶಾ೦ತಿ ಮಾಗ್ತಾ೦ವ್
      ಕುಟ್ಮಾಕ್ ತುಜಾ ಭುಜ್ವಣ್ ಪಾಟಯ್ತಾ೦ವ್
      ಮೊಗಾಚಿ ಹಿ ಶ್ರದ್ದಾ೦ಜಲಿ ತುಕಾ ಭೆಟಯ್ತಾ೦ವ್

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Remy DSouza, Doha, Qatar.

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      What is a time of sorrow and grief for lakhs of Wilfy fans, may be a time of joy for Wilfy himself as now he will be able to see his mother in heaven, whom he has been longing to see his entire life. In countless songs he poured out his heart over a life lived without mother.

      But one song that did the ultimate tribute to mothers is "zar maka ek dis dev dishtik podon". Hear it now, and it will make you cry. This song has received rave reviews and will forever remain the most sentimental and meaningful song ever composed in Konkani.

      DisAgree Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

    • Royal Denzil Sequeira, Bantwal, Managalore

      Wed, Aug 24 2016

      I saw this comment today after several years. I have tried hard to find this song online but couldn't find it. Could you please post the link here?

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • D'Silva Family, Kinigarden / Dubai

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Wilfy brought us so much happiness and emotion for the last
      forty years. May his family, be comforted by knowing how much this wonderful, singular soul reached the souls of many, many others
      He touched more lives and brought more joy into the world than most could ever hope to do. God Bless You All, his family, the band, his friends and his millions of fans.

      He is no more now with us physically, but the happiness he created in the hearts of his fans will live on forever. May your way be blessed. May
      fulfillments light shine upon you, may your journey bring you peace. God bless you 'til the end of time.

      You changed our life, brought us all closer together, and helped
      heal our wounded planet. In a world full of noise, you brought us the
      sound of heaven, and you will never be forgotten. Your spirit is
      timeless, and centuries from now your music will sound even better.
      Your inspiration will live for all future generations.

      We won't let your sprit, love, and music die. There is no way.
      And to all the HEADS, please don't mourn this beautiful man's death.
      Why don't we celebrate the man's life and his contribution to the
      world. This man is one of the greatest men to ever live.
      WE LOVE YOU WILFY....!!!!!

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    • prakash kumar dsouza, arkula/mangalore

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Heartful condolence to his family ,May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Antony T. D' Souza, Karkala / Qatar

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Perhaps for the first time a great tide of grief sweeping the Konkani World to salute a lost Konkani Son who almost single handedly put Konani and its Konkans in the world map ever since 5 decades. We could perceive his Soul how beautiful it was while composing. Above all, his virtues were of more prominence than is composing, singing. Wilfyaba, we are sorry to say that we are unable to anything when you said good bye to us to the Heavenly abode.

      Our heartfelt condolence and sympathy to bereaved family members. As you composed and sang in Faith, May your soul rest in peace with the Trinity. Amen. Antony, Flavie, Affney and Aaron / Karkala / Qatar.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Dr. Zita Lobo, RAK Medical and Health Sciences University

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Mr. Wilfy Rebimbus lives in the hearts of every konkani speaking person.He is certainly the pioneer who introduced the presence of konkani language and music to the world. The sri lankans in my university still remember "Ye Ye Katrina!"  As kids we would wait for the releases of wilfy's cassettes. there is one particular song that he seems to have sung for himself.  begins with " Thodiach avdek jiyeavnk monshak sounsar aapoita/ailolo monees chaar dees ravtha jeeveeth sompoitha....etc

      The chorus " Sheek monsha sheek, tum moronu jeeyoik sheek, prayen kitloi peek pun baba morthoch sounsaar jeek....."is a lesson on living life to the fullest in the hearts of people. He has really won the world even after he ceases to live. His spirit will live on.

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    • John Leslie D'souza, Mangalore/Afganisthan

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Condolences to Rebimbus family. May his soul rest in peace...

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Allen Fernandes, Mozambique/Mangalore

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      It was shocking to know about the sad demise of our Konkan suputr who has dedicated his whole life to take Konkani music to the heights of glory. Our hearfelt condolences to the family of Wilfy with our prayers to grant rest in peace for the deceased soul. May Almighty God give strength to his family to bear this unrepairable loss. With great sorrows - Allen Fernandes & Family - Mozambique/Muscat.

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    • lester vas, Mangalore

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      We will miss you.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse


      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      It's really shocking news to all of us to hear about our Dearest Wilfy Remimbus (Konkan Kogul) passing away. Our heartfelt condolences to his family members and pray to
      God Almighty to give them strength and courage to bear this big loss.

      May his soul rest in peace.

      Walter Noronha@family

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    • Arthur/Silvia, Mangalore

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Wilfy will live forever in Konkan history. Your music will always be heard throughout the ages. May your soul rest in peace. Amen.

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    • Remy Rodrigues, Urwa/Dubai

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      Dear Meena, Veena, Vishwas and family,

      Please accept our heartfelt condolences at this time of your bereavement.

      Wilfy was a man extraordinaire, yet so humble. He wrote history through his musical genius and history does not fade. His musical treasure will be cherished over generations. May his soul rest in peace.

      Remy Annabelle, Reanne and Alrik

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse


      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      we have created a vacum by loosing our great singer artiste which cannot be filled. it is an unparellel loss. wilfy remimbus will live for ever.

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    • Louis D Almeida, Manipal

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      In deed a great loss to konkani world. May his soul rest in peace.
      President & Members
      Konkani Sahitya, Kala Ani Samskritik Sangatan, Udupi District.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Pramod Farias, Mumbai

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      aaz palai chintinasta suryo boodlo...

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    • ಪ್ರಕಾಶ್ ಶೆಟ್ಟಿ ಉ, ಉಳೆಪಾಡಿ / ದೆಹಲಿ

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      ನಮ್ಮ ಊರು ಭಾಷೆ ಜನೊಕುಲು ಪ್ರಪಂಚೊಡು ಗುರುತಿಸಾವುಲೆಕ್ಕ ಮಲ್ತ್‌ದ್ ತುಳುನಾಡ ಪೆರ್ಮೆನ್ ದೆರ್ತ್ ತೋಜಾಯಿನ "ಕೊಂಕಣಿ ಕೋಗಿಲೆ" ಪುಗಾರ್ತೆದ ವಿಲ್ಫಿಗ್ ಉಡಲ್ ದಿಂಜಿದಿ ಕಡೇತ ಸೊಲ್ಮೆಲು. ಅರೆನ ಆತ್ಮ ಕಾಯ ಬುಡುದು ಪರಲೋಕೊಡು ದೇವೆರೆ ಪಾದ ಸೇರುನಂಚಿನ ಪೊರ್ತುಡು ಮಾತೆರ್ಲಾ ಕೈ ಮುಗಿದ್ ಅರೆನ ಎಡ್ಡೆಪುಗು ಸುಗಿಪುಗ.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Alwyn Saldanha, Mangalore, Mangalore / Mary Hill

      Thu, Mar 11 2010

      It's really shocking news to all of us to hear about our Dearest Wilfy Remimbus (Konkan Kogul) passing away. Our heartfelt condolences to his family members and pray to
      God Almighty to give them strength and courage to bear this big loss.

      May his soul rest in peace.

      Alwyn, Leena and family - Mary Hill, Mangalore.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • President, Committe Members & all the members of M'lorean Catholic Association, Poona, Mangalore

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      You made us feel “ami Manglurgara” irrespective of status by your songs and plays
      You brought all M’lorean Catholics together conveying the message "Konkani Amchi Bhas"
      People away from homeland also felt the bond that you had shaped
      Pranam tuka Wilfyab, we will cherish the great legacy you left behind. Our heartfelt condolence to Meena, Veena, Vishwas and their families - from Aloysius Saldanha, Poona

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Stanley / Sandra Dsouza, Mangalore / Manipal / Doha

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Icon of Konkany language, legend of Konkan music. Wilfy's Konkani songs will outlast all that have been and will be. He will continue to live in the hearts of millions where his music will for ever resound. Prayers and condolences to his Loved family members.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Richard D'souza, Dubai

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Wilfy has left a void that can never be filled. God probably needed an angel in his heavenly choir and called Wilfy... You will be missed on this earth. Our condolences to the family and fans of this great Konkani kogull.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Sr.Olinda Sequeira, Urwa/Mysore

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      A great Konkani Singing Legend has left us. My heart felt condolences to Meena and entire family.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Jane Misquith & Fly, Kulshekar/Dubai

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Our heartfelt condolences to Wilfy'abs wife & children, may god give them the strength & courage to bear his loss to his bereaved family. May his soul rest in peace. Jane Misquith /Tauro Family/Kulshekar/Dubai

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse


      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Wilfy, was a legend, he was my favourite artist ever since I was a kid. But his music will always live on!! May you rest in peace... good bye WILFY, KING OF KONKANI MUSIC. You will be missed BUT NEVER FORGOTTEN. God be with you and your family.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Stany Pinto, Mangalore, Doha Qatar

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      ಆದೇವ್ಸ್ ತುಕಾ ಮೊಗಾಳ್ ವಿಲ್ಫಿ
      ಕೊ೦ಕಣ್ ಮಾಯೆಚೊ ತು೦ ರಾಯ್ ಕು೦ವರ್
      ಕೊ೦ಕ್ಣಿ ಪದಾ೦ಚೊ ತು೦ವೆ೦ ವತ್ಲೊಯ್ ಶಿ೦ವೊರ್
      ಕೊ೦ಕ್ಣಿ ಕವಿ ಕೊಣೀ೦ ನಾ೦ ತುಕಾ ಸರಿ ಹ್ಯಾ ಸ೦ಸಾರಾರ್
      ಆದೇವ್ಸ್ ಮಾಗೊನ್ ಪಾವ್ಲೊಯ್ ಆಜ್ ತು೦ ಸರ್ಗಾ ರಾಜಾರ್

      ತುಜ್ಯಾ ತಾಳ್ಯಾಕ್ ಪಿಸ್ವಾನಾತ್ಲೊ
      ತುಜ್ಯಾ ಉತ್ರಾ೦ಕ್ ಮೆಚ್ವಾನಾತ್ಲೊ
      ತುಜ್ಯಾ ಗಾಯಾನಾ೦ಕ್ ಭುಲಾನಾತ್ಲೊ
      ತುಜ್ಯಾ ಕವಿತಾ೦ಕ್ ವೊಳ್ಕಾನಾತ್ಲೊ ...ಕೊ೦ಕ್ಣಿ ಪ್ರೇಮಿ ನಾ೦

      ಹಜಾರಾನಿ೦ ಪದಾ೦ ತು೦ವೆ ಘಡ್ಲಿ೦ಯ್
      ಸು೦ದರ್ ತಾಳೆ ದೀವ್ನ್ ತಿ೦ ನೆಟಯ್ಲಿ೦ಯ್
      ರ೦ಗೀನ್ ತುಜ್ಯಾ ತಾಳ್ಯಾನ್ ತಿ೦ ಗಾಯ್ಲಿ೦ಯ್
      ಅಮ್ಚಿ೦ ಸರ್ವಾ೦ಚಿ೦ ಮನಾ೦ ದಾದೊಸ್ ಕೆಲಿ೦ಯ್

      ವೊಡ್ತ್ ತುಜೆ೦ ಬೋವ್ ಸು೦&

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • ronyam, mlore/abudhabi

      Wed, Mar 10 2010


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    • Oswald D'Souza, Valencia - Mangalore

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Dear Meenabai, Vishwas, Veena,

      We are deeply saddened to hear the loss of our beloved WILFYBAB. Please accept our heartfelt condolences. We pray that his soul may rest in peace.

      We pray to Almighty God to give enough strength to you and all the family members to bear this irreparable loss.
      Oswald/Lily/Gloria - Valencia (Muscat)

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    • Roshan, m'bidri/a'dhabi

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Zar maka dev mujo dishti podun
      Munathar maag tuka kithe zai
      Magtholo dhad deva zivanth karun
      Parath amchya modhe sasnachya sasnak wilfyaba,
      I just can't control my emotions,We love you,Adeus tuka Wilfyaba.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • alwin & shobha, Bantwal / Urwa

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Our heartfelt condolences to late wilfy's family. May his soul in Eternal Peace.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Clara Lewis, Kemmannu/Dubai

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Our Heart felt condonlences to Rebimbus family, may his soul rest in peace. Clara Lewis & Fly

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    • vincent Rodrigues, Bela, Kasaragod

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      It is really a sad news for all of us. But against GOD's will no one can do anything. we have really lost a wonderful konkani and Tulu composer/singer.
      Eternal life grant unto him oh lord May his soul rest in peace.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Prashant Ferrao, Mangalore/Kuwait

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Over sincere and harefeltt condolences to Rebimbus family.may his soul rest in peace

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Gerald D'Souza, Mangalore/Shivbagh

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Dear Meena,Veena n Vishwas,

      At this time of sorrow,
      may these truths sustain you...
      Your loved one will always
      be as close as a memory,
      and the God of all comfort
      will always be as close as a prayer.

      Words, however kind,
      can't mend your heartache:
      but those who care and
      share your loss wish you
      comfort and peace of mind.
      May you find strength
      in the love of family
      and in the warm embrace
      of friends.With Deepest Sympathy,

      Gera,Neena n family,Shivbagh.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Louis D Almeida, Manipal

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      May his soul rest in peace

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • daisy vas/pinto, moodbidri/ canada

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Since Daijiworld announced the sad demise of "konkan kogul", Mr. Wilfy Rebimbus, I happened to log on to net every half hour and read each comment and condolences and tribute paid by each. It is really unbelievable support and love showed by the world. "I wish dear Mr. Wilfy you were amongst us to see how much you were loved by all of us" Definitely your spirit/music will be alive for generations. You will be remembered forever.


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    • Sharel, Evelyn & Michael Machado , Belman/Heidelberg, Germany

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while and some stay forever leaving footprints on our hearts and we are never ever the same. Rarely the world receives a gift like "Wilfy Rebimbus" with the magnitude of artistry, talent for poetry, melodious voice, stunning musical versatility and vision. When we were struggling with grief, his music lifted us up, took us out of our sad and weary moods, and transported us to another beautiful time and place. His delightful songs helped us to bring a sense of balance, peace and harmony back into our lives. We will miss him now and always. his sweet voice, smile, wisdom, and friendship over the last four decades. His wonderful contributions will always keep him forever in our hearts and memories. We have lost one of our close friends today and a part of our soul has gone with him. We mourn his loss and grieve with his family, friends, and all his music fans. Today we light a candle in your memory with tears and prayers, dear Wilfybab, and your candle will forever burn brightly in our heart. May you rest in peace in Jesus` lap forever in His care.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • LANCY MEENA REGO, kulshekar,mangalore

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Condolences to Rebimbus family.May his soul rest in peace.

      DisAgree Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

    • Marie, Mangalore

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      'Your Life was a Song, Music was your Soul'

      “Your Meaningful Lyrics have touched all Families and

      Will Live Forever in Our Hearts Generation Together “

      Thank You Rebimbus Family

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Santhosh, Bantwal/ Dubai

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Our heartfelt condolences to Rebimbus family.
      May his soul rest in peace.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Max & Jessie Rasquinha, Mangalore/Houston, Tx

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Dear Walter and the rest of the team, your media coverage on Wilfy's death is indeed exemplary. Due to so many prevailing cicumstances we cannot visit India at this time to attend the funeral services but our thoughts and prayers are with the family of Wilfy and all those that mourn his sad demise. We are reading the coverage every hour and feel that we are all part of your team and sharing your grief.

       If there is anything else we can do from this end please let us know. We are sending a Bulletin to nearly 2000 Toastmasters on Thursday all over the world because, as you are aware, Wilfy Rebimbos was the first Indian recipient to earn the Community and Leadership Award from the Toastmasters International in the year 2005. The prestigious Award was personally handed over to him by me in Toronto five years ago. May Wilfy rest in peace, and we have our support to Meena and the family at all times. Take courage. You all are doing a great job for the bereaved family.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Gregory, Hazel & Miraal Peres, Mangalore

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      With Wilfy passing away , the konkani music family as a whole, has lost a stalwart and a nightingale.
      May God give his family the strength to bear this loss . Heartfelt sympathies and condolences to the bereaved family.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Alwyn, Canada

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      We really love you Wilfy. I can't belive that you are no more with our community. My final thank you for your contribution to the world at large. May God Bless your soul. Rest in peace. We will miss you.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • KCWA, Hyderabad

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      We the members of KCWA , Hyderabad condole the sad demise of beloved Konkan Kogul Wilfy Rebimbus. We pray that God may give strength to his family and all the beloved fans to bear the great loss. His presence will always be there with the songs that he has immortalised with his original lyrics and style. May his mission of keeping Konkani music and culture alive continue to grow and be strengthened with his followers putting in more effort to keep his memories alive.

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    • lilly lobo, moodbidri/london.

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      may his soul rest in peace.

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    • Fr. Cyprian Carlo, Loreto/California

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      A gem of a person, icon of Konkany language, legend of Konkan music. Wilfy's Konkani songs will outlast all that have been and will be. He will continue to live in the hearts of millions where his music will for ever resound. Prayers and condolences to Meena, Veena and Vishwas.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Lancy Noronha, BELLORE-BANTWAL-DUBAI

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Mgal wilfyab, Thumchinch uthram...
      Amkam dukam borthat neez zavn...



      Our heart felt condolences to the entire rebimbus family

      Lancy,Shyna,Lenita Noronha

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    • Michael Gregory Tauro , Alangar moodbidri kadalakere

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Saasnacho visev dee taka ye somya, ani niranter prakaas tacher pankovdi, somadanan tho vishev gevndi jesus.HEE MOGACHI SHRADDANJALI PATOITA THERESA TAURO & FAMILY ALANGAR MOODBIDRI.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Arty, Valencia

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Dear Meena & family: Please accept our heartfelt condolences. Mangalore will never be the same again as the ship of music has to move on but without it’s Captain of 60 years who was so tall, so effective, so talented yet so modest. He was altogether unique who only gave and never asked. Appreciated, admired & respected. A wonderful person and an inspiration.
      Arty-Joyce Valencia/DxB

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    • Irene, Mangalore/ south America-Peru

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      It's a sad news that Wilfy Rebimbus is no more. Few months back it was a plesant surprise for me to find Wilfy's songs in the web site "CANARA WORLD MUSIC: KONKANI SONGS" and to hear his melodious voice here in a far away country. Almost everyweek end I used to hear these songs and refresh my memory of Konkani songs.
      Well, my deepest sympathy to Mrs.Meena and family during these sad days.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • JEROM M MATHIAS /fly, bajpe/kuwait

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Over sincere and harefeltt condolences to WILFY REMIMBUS family.may his soul rest in peace

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • victor/jessy/chrystle/errol, puttur/muscat

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Heartfelt condolence to his family, we just can not forget his gesture & contribution to Konkani World. May his soul rest in peace.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Henry J Pinto, Bangalore

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Salutations to the greatest son of Konkani. May you rest in peace.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • JEROM M MATHIAS /fly, bajpe/kuwait

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      over sincere and hartfeltt condolences to WILFY REMIMBUS family.may his soul rest in peace

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • violet fernandes, bantwal/ doha

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Our heartfelt condolences to rebimbus family. May his soul rest in peace.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Stephen/Shilpa Cutinha, Kulshekar,Mangalore

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      We have lost a genius, soft spoken, humble, unmeasurerable legend of all times. Our heartfelt condolence and sympathy to bereaved family members. May his soul rest in peace

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Stephen/Shilpa & Cutinha, Kulshekar,Mangalore

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      We have lost a genius, soft spoken, humble, unmeasurerable legend of all times. Our heartfelt condolence and sympathy to bereaved family members. May his soul rest in peace

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • charles dsouza, Bejai/London

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      The great shocking unexpected news for all konkani song lovers. May his soul rest in peace. May the Almighty God, strengthen his family to bear the pain.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • JEROM M MATHIAS /fly, bajpe/kuwait

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      over sincere and hartfeltt condolences to WILFY REMIMBUS family.may his soul rest in peace

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    • ABCD Regos, Bangalore/ Dubai

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Dole barlyat sarvanche dukhant
      Uthran yanaoth amcha manta
      Chintana karal hem gadith
      Wilfy bab na mun amche madegath

      Hason ulovn nidollo thum rathik
      Utcho na mun sakali na chinthuk
      Kaslem karal gadith hem godlem
      Manglur saglem dukanth budlem

      Konkani podham gresth karun
      Manglur amchem unche karun
      Godlim podham haryk vrathhek
      Saadya sompya aplyach shylen

      Avaicho mog kutmacho mog
      Rupmayelem thunve haryek jivith
      Samarpitham thuka hem kavan
      Jiyom amar sarghar Kogul Konkan.

      Hearty condolences to Meena, Veena, Vishwas & family.
      From ABCD Regos

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    • Vinod D'souza, kuwait/Bangalore

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      May his soul rest in peace. missing u forever.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse


      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Our heartfelt condolences to his family. His untimely demise is a great loss for the konkani/Tulu community but wilfy's wonderful songs will live forever & ever. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • sylvester albuquerque , Jeppu,dubai

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      My deep condolences to veena aunty and family,we love u wilfy uncle your songs won million of hearts,truly u r a legend in konkani ,we remember u forever,may his soul rest in peace

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Dickson, Kannur

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      My Heartiest condolences to Wilfy Ba and his family on his sad demise,praying to God Almighty for his soul

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    • Fr. Richard D'Almeida, SVD, Belman / Andheri (E), Sacred Heart Parish

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      We have lost the greatest treasure of the Konkani world. You will be ever remebered through your songs and compositions which were for all seasons. May God grant you Eternal Abode and May your Soul Rest in Peace.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Allen R. Vas, Bijay

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      The nightingale of Mangalore is no more.............He will be remembered for ever. May His soul rest in peace

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    • Sunitha D'Souza, Pethri udupi mumbai

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      He is God Father for Konkani Music. we lost a legend. may his soul rest in peace.

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    • Cyril Rodrigues, Madanthyar

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      It is veary bad shocking news.I and my all family symathies to his family members.

      Cyril Rodrigues and Family

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    • Jovita D'silva, Bahrain/Sanoor

      Wed, Mar 10 2010


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    • Mervin and Malu Menezes, Kuwait/ Mysore

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      It is a great loss for our konkani world. We will miss him alot. Our heart felt condolences to Meenabai and family.
      May his soul rest in peace.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Henry George D'Souza, Mudarangadi/Borivli

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Indeed he is the Konkani Legend
      Singer of our era. He deserves
      the full media coverage he received
      on his death. May his soul rest in

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    • Jos and Molly Fernandes, Cascia, Mangalore

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Very sad to hear about the death of our beloved singer Wilfy. Our heartful condolences to Meena, Vishwas-Shirleen and Veena-Arthur. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • VINCENT MARK D'SOUZA, mudarangadi/mumbai

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      "konknano, mogacha konknano, sodhanch mothinth dovra....
      khoin thumi pavlyari sousaranth.... konknecho mog khora". our beloved hero of konkani music is no more!!Eat konkani,sleep konkani,live konkani... what a great life wilfy baba has lived...! My heartfelt condolences to meenabai, veena,vishwas & their families.
      vincent mark & ledwin d'souza, Borivli/mumbai

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    • margaret andrade, kuwait

      Wed, Mar 10 2010


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    • Sylvester Suares, Jacribettu, Batwal/Mumbai

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Its difficut to measure the loss suffered by the entire country & all the fans arround the world due to the sudden, extremely sad demise of our beloved brother Wilfy Remimbus who will be remembered for generation to follow.May the Almighty welcome him into the gates of Heaven with Angles singing his songs & send showers of Blessings to his fly to grow in the path he strated his journey.May his soul rest in Peace.

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    • Jason Dsouza, Kaikamba/Coimbatore

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      1. Mog thujo kithlo ashelo
      2. Philomena
      3.Suryi Budon , Dharyak Vetha
      4.Yo moga Manglura
      5. Konkani Amchi Bhas
      6. Dhudhand Dhuto Hanv thiche Pai
      7. Char disancho sounsar
      8. Madhur Sangeeth Vasta..
      9. Lakanth Ekle Muje Okle
      10.Mujo Thalo gaytholo

      My favourite songs of Wilfy rebimbus which i will never forget..

      No words to write about father of Konkani Songs..

      May your sould rest in peace.

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    • jennifergracian botelho/mendoza, udupi, karnataka

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      heartfelt condolenses to the bereaved fly. of our dear wilfybaba. may his soul rest in peace.

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    • Donald Sequeira, Valencia Mangalore / Bhayandar Mumbai

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Dear Meena, Veena, and Vishwas. It is sad to say that wilfy is no more, but he will remain in the hearts of thousands of people through his beautiful unforgettable songs for generations. Please accept our sincere and heartfelt sympathies on the sad demise of Wilfy. We pray for his soul to rest in peace & to give you all, the strength to cope up with the great loss. May his soul rest in peace.
      Donald Sequeira & family, Mayqueen, Valencia Mangalore.

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      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      god looked around his garden and found an empty place. he then looked down upon the earth and saw your tired face. he put his arms around you and lifted you to rest, god's garden must be beautiful he always takes the best.

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    • Cyprian Lobo, Kinnigoli / Kuwait

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Our heart felt condolences to the entire rebimbus family

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    • john sequeira, mumbai

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      I never forgot that day when you present at donbosco hall for Anthony Tauro Sangeet Sanz.I pray with Almigty that give you one morer chance ("portun zalmun ye wilfy")

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      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      My Heartfelt condolences to the family of the Konkani Music Legend, WILFY REBIMBUS

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    • Gerald O F Fernandes & Fly. , Valencia, M'lore, Ireland

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Dear WILFY you have rendered a great GIFT for KONKANI community by writing,Composing and singing the songs in a heart touching manner.Your loss will be a great Vaccum in Konkani Music,You are a legend for Konkani Culture! Your legacy will remain in our heart and soul for the past,present and future generation of Konkan region.
      ADEVES THUKA WILFY YA SOSARANTAWN May the departed soul rest in peace. Heartfelt sympathy to the Bereaved.

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    • Philip Farias, Kallianpur

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      It was hard to believe your untimely demise. We lost the gem the kogul that was not born earlier or will not born again.The loss caused to us not is unaccountable. You have created history we salute you.

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    • George D' Souza, Adam Kudru / Adam Kudru

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Dear family of Konkan Kogul Wilfy we have wonderful memories of Wilfy and Meena coming to our house for rehearsal of musical to be held in our village Adam Kudru in 1960's. I am deeply saddened by the untimely death of Mr Wilfy Remimbus. I offer my sincere condolences to the saddened family of Wilfy. I pray that the good Lord may be their source of strength at this moment of deep sorrow. The Konkan Kogul will never cease to sing. It will continue to sing in the hearts of people who knew him and have heard him. May Wilfy continue to sing in the choirs of angels and saints in heaven. He will be with us forever with his songs. May his soul Rest In Peace.

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    • Sunil .D'cunha, Mangalore/England, U.K

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Sad to know that both Mohammed Rafi & Kishore Kumar of Konkani music Shri Wilfy Rebimbus is no more. My heartfelt condelences to the bereaved family. Physically Wilfy is no more but he will live in the hearts and minds fo konkani music lovers through his compositions and songs...
      'Konkan Kogul' Wilfy Rebimbus Ceases to Sing But never CEASES TO BE heard.
      R.I.P "konkan kogul Wilfy".

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    • Fr.Marian F.Pinto, Belthangady, Bareilly

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Wilfy,you had been the glory of my mother tongue and motherlad Konkanni and Mangalore respectively. Your demise is a great loss of all of us. Your each song and life was a living sermon itself. We can hope to see you no more with us,yet we will continue to feel your presence trough the legend,the Konkanni songs and dramas. May you now join the choir group of Heaven and praise God forever.ADEVNS MOGACHA WILFY.

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    • Michael Sreshta, mangalore/usa

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Sicere condolences to his family.His demise is a great loss for the community but Wilfy's songs will live forever.

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    • Arthur Dias, tallur -Doha qatar

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      may his soul rest in peace.very sad great singer in Konkani big loose mr.Wilfy we miss you

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    • Sr. Assumpta BS, Bendoor, Mangalore

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      You were the Jim Reeves of Mangalore and you will live on in those voices that will sing your songs for ages, as long as Konkani lives!
      Your songs covered all themes and brought inspiration and moral lessons to us to lead a good life.
      Salutations to you "Konkani Kuvara"!
      Sr. Assumpta BS
      Bethany, Bendoor, Mangalore

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    • Ignatius D'Souza, Shanthi Nikethan, Kanajar

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Our sincere and heartfelt condolences to Wilfy Rebimbus family. May his soul rest in peace, Amen

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    • Vincent, Dubai

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Shocked just shocked to read the news of Mr. Wilfy's demise. May his soul RIP.He is with us and will live with us through his melodious songs.Heartfelt condolences to his family members.

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    • Alwyn Veigas,, Mangalore/Canada

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      He was a Legend, a great loss for us all. May his soul rest in eternal peace Amen
      Sincere and heartfelt condolences to his bereaved family.

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    • Vivek & Selma Serrao, Hirebyle / Abu Dhabi

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      What moves through us is a silence, a quiet sadness, a longing for one more day, one more word, one more touch, we may not understand why you left this earth so soon, or why you left before we were ready to say good-bye, but little by little, we begin to remember not just that you died, but that you lived. And that your life gave us memories too beautiful to forget.
      Heartfelt Sympathies.

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      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Adeus thuka mogal Wilfyab. Heartfelt sympathies dear Meena bai, Veena & fly Vishwas & fly

      Hubert Gracy Vaz, Attavar Milagres

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    • Ivan D'souza, Kanajar/Bahrain

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      It's a Sad demise.May his Soul Rest in PEACE.

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    • John Pinto, Chickmagalur/ Qatar

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      There wont be any Wilfy Remembus for the next thousand years . He is A legend who sincerely Worked for Konkani Music and sacrificed his whole life to Kokani. We Love you Wilfy Bab.
      Our Heartfelt condolences to Aunty Meena, Veena, Arthur, Vishwas & Charoline.

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    • Norbert Pereira & Family, Bendur/Doha Qatar

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Thuzo Thalo Ghaithalo
      Thujee Vodevik Sangthalo
      Sada amcha kana monath vazthalo
      Konkani Charithrenth amar Urtholo

      Adesev Thuka *Konkani Kuwara*
      Uthracha Sardara
      Sasnaso Vishev Labov Thuka
      Devacha Ghara

      Please accept our heartfelt condolences Dear Meena, Veena, Arthur, Vishwas, Charlene & entire family members.

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    • Ravish, Mangalore

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Konkani Music World has lost one of its pioneers. Wilfy over 40 years had devoted himself to the Konkani Music. The album released few months back shows his dedication to music. May his sould rest in peace.

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    • Joseph Alban D Silva & Fly, Trasi _ Dubai

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      It was shocking to read about the passing of the Konkani legend singer. No doubt it's a great loss to our konkani community. We will not forget Wilfy's meaningful Lyrics and Songs. My sincere and hearfelt condolences to his family. May his soul rest in peace

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    • Maxim , Mangalore/Dubai

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Though you left us Wilfy Rebimbus, your songs will never die, they are immortal. As long as Konkani Language is spoken, your songs will be heard forever. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Katapadi Konkons UAE, Dubai

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      in deed a great loss to Konkani language. A melody voice no more to hear live, but his songs will be heard by every Konkani generations. Sincere condolances to dearest Wilfy's family. May his soul rest in peace. He is true Konkan legend and will be remembered and missed by all of us.

      Management and Members of
      Katapadi Konkans UAE

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    • Ivan.Saldanha, Mangalore

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      This very very sad loss for the Konkani world and people is a heartfelt one. There is no substitute for this great human and artiste of the highest caliber. He will be always admired and treasured as he is today, because his contribution has priceless value and is part of heritage and culture. Mangaloreans mourn his loss where ever they may be through all nations world over. His rise from zero to hero is unmatched and may never be matched. At this sad time, lakhs of sincere people share in the loss with the family, the near and dear - particularly his dear wife and companion in music Meena Rebimbus. Life must go on. May his soul rest in peace.

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      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Dear Meena, Vishwas & Charleen, Veena, Arthur & Children,
      We are deeply sadened by the sudden demise of Wilfiab. May God give you strength to bear this unrepaireable loss. Our heartfelt condolences to you all. May his soul rest in peace. We miss you 'WILFIAB'
      Vally, Lilly,Aaron & Elton

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    • Mario & Canute Mathias, Shirva

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      It is really sad that our dear WILFY is not with us any more. We will always remember his songs & Plays. May the departed soul rest in Peace.

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    • Vivek,Prameela,Viola Monteiro, Mangalore / Doha

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      ಆನಿಂ ನಾ ವಿಲ್ಫಿ
      ಕೊಂಕ್ನೆತ್ಲೋ ಶ್ರೆಸ್ಥ್ರ್ ಶಿಲ್ಪಿ
      ದುಸ್ರೋ ನಾತ್ಲೋ ತಾಚೆ ಸಾರ್ಕೋ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿ
      ಮೆಲೊಂದಿ ತಾಕ ಸಾಸ್ನಾಚಿ ಮುಕ್ತಿ

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      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      We lost one of the legendery figure of Konkani Music & Film Industy, condolences to his family and friends. May his soul rest in peace.
      Melvin,Ancilla,Melriya and Aarol Melroy

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      Wed, Mar 10 2010


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    • Alwin & Shobha Fernandes, Mangalore/Muscat

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      The news was sudden and shocking. May his soul rest in peace and may the Almighty grant his family the strength to bear the loss.

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    • Antony Pereira, Bejai, Mangalore

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      "Konkan Kogul" Wilfy Rebimbus
      1. Konkanathlo kogul tu Wilfy Rebimbus
      Konkanthlo Kogul tu solfancho gumbus
      Konkanni Bhas shiklayav ami gavne tugin podaan
      Aicha deesa sandun geloi girest karun Konkanni bhashechi moolan

      2. Jaithi dene delolin tuka sarvesporan
      Urgith kelen tuve theen voda umedeen
      Konkanni bhas tuji aani amchi maai bhas
      Girest thi kelyak tuka ullas raas raas
      3. Aaram Jaleen haryek aanth jatha
      Thari monshache borepon, vavunt, mineth jeev urtha !
      Konkanni mathecha suputra laam jeon tuje naav
      Dook bhogcha tuja kutmaka sangi aami dook pavthav magon tuka sasan Vishev
      - Tony, Ejai ani Kutam.

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      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      It is really hard to believe & shocking to know, Wilfyaba, you are no more. It is too early that you passed through this earthly life to heavenly life. Your songs for every occasion, will always ring/tune in our ears forever. May your soul rest in peace. My heartfelt condolences to his bereaved family.
      Fm: Martha Daruwalla

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    • Stephen & Anita D'Souza, Melbourne, Australia

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Hearty condolences to the bereaved family. You were the brightest among the jewels in the Konkani crown, Wilfy … may your soul rest in peace. I had a chance to visit the family this January. I remember and cherish my younger days where I never missed the ‘annual event’ at the St. Joseph’s Nagar compound hall by United Youngsters especially the singing by the family.

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      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      A great personality with a down to earth nature. great loss to the entire Mangalorean konkani community,my heartfelt condolences to His family, May his soul rest in peace. We miss you Wilfyyab

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Maxim Pinto, Hospet/Rome

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      I am deeply saddened by the untimely death of Mr Wilfy Remimbus. I offer my sincere condolences to the Bereaving family. I pray that the good Lord may be their source of their strength at this moment of deep sorrow. The Konkan Kogul will never cease to sing. It will continue to sing in the hearts of people who knew him and have heard him. May Wilfy continue to sing in the choirs of angels and saints in heaven.

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      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      dear wilfy ,
      u were the KONKAN KOGUL.....since decades ....still your sweet voice live in our hearts...i think ,god has been waiting to listen the same voice...and so made your appointment beside to him....MAY YOUR EVER SHINING SOUL REST IN PEACE FOREVER...

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    • ujwal, Mangalore

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      I remember when we were small kids our elder cousin brother used to tell his freind "Inda maraya loknatha ,nik gotunda kudlad onji jana undu-aare composer,aare musician,aaare singer.Inchina typeda jana volandala bethe tikkuvera" That greatmess was seen in Wilfys songs by us kids somwhere in 1975.

      He has created a void in our midst.We will surely miss him.Our condolences to the bereaved family.

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    • sathish Kotian, kudla

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      A legend in konkani music. May his soul rest in peace .

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    • Maria Dsouza, Kinnigoli, Cascia/ Jeddah, KSA.

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      We are deeply Shocked and Saddened to Hear the sudden death of our favourite "Wilfy".It is very sad that the legend is not there any more.But he will live for ever in the hearts of all the people of Mangalore and who used to listen to his music. Wilfy you are the Best. There can never be a Wilfy again.WE WILL MISS YOU DEAR WILFY.
      Our heartfelt condolences to Wilfy's family,near and dear ones.
      May his Soul rest in Peace.
      Jeevan, Maria,Sheehan & Sharlene, Jeddah, KSA.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Austin, Karkala / UAE

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Really a sad news. His unfortunate demise has left a big vaccum in Konkani community. Let us pray for him.

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      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      dear wilfy ,
      u were the KONKAN KOGUL.....since many decades ....still your sweet voice live in our hearts...i think ,god has been waiting to listen the same voice...and so made your appointment beside to him....MAY YOUR EVER SHINING SOUL REST IN PEACE FOREVER...

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    • Janet Mascarenhas, VITTAL/VIRAR, MUMBAI

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      our heart felt condolences to the entire rebimbus family,,,especially meena,veena and vishwas. may his soul rest in peace.

      George Saldanha, Mable, Glanish, Gissele & Janet

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    • Amith Prabhu, Mangalore/Mumbai

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Long live the great soul! Wish he had received the Padmashri...

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    • Eric Anita D'sa, Pangla/Riyadh

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      "Mozo Thalo Gaytholo,Thuji Hoglik Sangthalo,Thuzo Upkar Hanv Attaytholon."
      Thu Ani Na Zalyari ,Thehen thuje Naanv urthalen Sodans...Sonsar Sorasar.You will remain the Greatest Konkani singer of all times.
      Eric,Anita,Eden,Elita,Elton D'sa

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    • Dr. Edward Lewis, Bejai, Mangalore

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      He was a Legend, a great loss for us all. May his soul rest in eternal peace Amen
      Sincere and heartfelt condolences to his bereaved family.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Herbert Joseph Menezes, Barkur

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Dear Meena Aunty, Vishwas, Veena & all family members, please accept our sincere and heartfelt condolences. May Almighty God give strength and support to bear this great loss. May his soul rest in peace Amen. From, Herbert & Family, Barkur.

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      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      We have lost our dear Konkan Kogul Wilfy Rebimbus.Who was genius,a great entertainer for all Mangalorians by his blessed voice and by self composed music to the entire Mangaloreans for 4 decades.The songs self composed and sang beautifully he made us laugh,cry,and even to meditate through devotional hyms.
      May the Al-mighty God Bless his soul and may he rest peace Amen.
      Our deepest symphty to Meena Rebimbus and all family members.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Naveen DSouza, Sakleshpur/Bangalore

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Heartfelt Condolences to the Bereaved family. May His Soul Rest In Peace

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      Wed, Mar 10 2010


      prakash linet craig calvin

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    • Adeline Lobo & fly, Bendur / Kuwait

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Our heartfelt condolences to dear Meena, Vishwas & Veena & all family members, may almighty God give strength to you all to bear his loss & his soul rest in peace.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • john, loretto bantwal

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Very sad is a great loss to our konkani community. may his soul rest in peace.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Lawrence , Mangalore/Dxb

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      A great loss to Konkani MusicMay his soul rest in peace.

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    • Sharil Castelino, Attur, Karkala, Kuwait

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Its really hard to believe that Wilfy Rebimbus gone from this world. But his great talent his singing will remain in this world forever & his songs will not make us to feel that physically he is not with us. Let his great soul rest in peace.

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    • Joseph Crasta, Mumbai

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      God took you in his loving arms
      He saw you needed rest
      His garden must be beautiful
      For He only takes the best

      Although it is impossible to see beyond your pain,
      May we look back to good memories to comfort and help you today
      May your heart and soul find peace and happiness.
      May the blessings of God be upon you,
      May peace is always within your soul,
      May its essence illuminate your heart,
      Now and forever more

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      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      ADves Tuka Mogcha Wilfyaba
      Though You are not with us phiysically through your songs u will live in our hearts for ever.
      May ur soul rest in peace.
      Condolences to Meena, Veena And Vishwas and to United Youngsters Association.
      Your Songs were very good.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Nirmala Monis Prabhu, Mumbai/Pangla

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Heartfelt Condolences to the Bereaved family. May His Soul Rest In Peace

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    • Manoj Menezes, Shirva/Abu Dhabi

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      It's a sad day for Konkani Music and for all his fans. No one can replace and produce the magic created by Wilfyab through his songs and lyrics. There cannot be another Wilfy in Konkani Music. Your were unique Wilfyab. 'Wilfy Rebimbus' Amar Raho. Heartfelt condolences to Rebimbus Family.

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    • harsha, udpi/muscat

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Its too hard to believe its really sad news to the konkanni community we love you may his soul rest in peace

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    • Rayan Miranda, Neermarga

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Wilfy Rebimbus "THe King of Konkani Songs" might have finished his journey in this world. But he will be remembered for his lively songs. he was the only KONKANI SONGS composer who used to creat songs on social, political and cultural issues. may his soul rest in peace.

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    • nelson, manglaore/kuwait

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Oh No. Not true. I hated Daijiworld for once when I saw this news on headlines.

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    • stany mendonca, sunderland,UK

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Hazaarom konkani podanso shilpi Konkan Kogull Wilfy, Devan aapaylam tuka tacha razaanth gaavnk,saunsarim amar urtelem tujem naanv

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    • Henry Mascarenhas, Puttur

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Great man in konkani world, a legend in konkani music. Hardly anyone can replace him. May his soul rest in peace

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Henry, , Puttur

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Great man in konkani world, a legend in konkani music. May his soul rest in peace

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    • Derick D'mello, Nakre/ Saudi

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Very shockig news that our beloved 'KONKANI KOGUL'is no more.May his soul rest in eternel peace.Our deepest heartfelt condolences to Meena Rebimbus,Vishwas,Veena and all the family members.

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    • Sangeeta Sequeira (Saldanha), St.Joseph Nagar/Auckland,NZ

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Dear Aunty Meena, Veena, Vishwas and family.....really shocked to hear the sad news about Uncle Wilfy.May his soul rest in peace.May God give you all the strength to cope with this loss in your lives.Take care.

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    • Sharel Rodrigues, Mangalore

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Hats of to legend Mr.Wilfy Rebimbus.My hearty Condolence to Rebimbus family..

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    • vincent Daniel, Bajal,Mangalore

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      It is really a sad news for all of us. But against GOD's will one can do anything. we have really lost a wonderful konkani and Tulu composer/singer.
      Etarnal life grant unto him oh lord May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Vincent D Souza, Piusnagar/Bangalore

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Heartfelt condolences to Wilfy's bereaved family. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • william Kumar, Kinnigoli / Mira Rd-Mumbai

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      My Heartfelt condolences to the family of the Konkani Music Legend, WILFY REBIMBUS.
      My heart & mind doesn’t accept the fact that he is no more. It’s all God’s wish & we all pray for his soul.May his soul rest in peace.My heartly condolences to his family members.

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    • Edward R. Monteiro, Kulshekar, Mangalore

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Condolences to the bereaved family members. Wilfy's demise is a great loss to the whole Music community and to all. A great well known Legend of Konkani Music will be remembered by all. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Lancy Cardoza, Abu Dhabi

      Wed, Mar 10 2010


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    • stephan Saldanha, FERAR /kampala Uganda

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      May his soul rest in peace.great loss for our konkani community.

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    • Ozy, Mangalore

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      I am happy to see so many Kokans laying their tribute to the departed Singer. I salute you my brother Wilfy, you have conquered the Konkan World with your melodious voice and remain immortal.

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    • Franky A Rebeiro, Gangulli/Kuwait

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      The Great Konkani Nightingale Mr. Wilfy Rebimbus a big loose for the Konkani world, but you will be remains in our hearts though your songs, heartfelt condolences to his entire family. May Mr. Wilfy Rebimbus' soul rest in peace

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    • Clinton lobo, Bajpe/Sharjah

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      My sincere and hearfeltt condolences to Wilfy Remimbus family. May his soul rest in peace

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    • nancy sequeira, kinnigoli (kirem)

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      It was shocking to read about the passing of the Konkani legend singer. His music touched everyone who heard it. It will take a long time to fill the vacuum created by
      his passing in the Konkani Music World.
      May his soul rest in peace. May the Almighty grant his family the strength to bear this great loss.

      You will not sing any more but your voice is with us.
      You will not be seen any more but you will be there in our hearts
      No Konkani Mangalorean gathering was complete without your
      melodious voice played around
      The songs you composed and sang, made us cry, laugh, made us feel
      Adevs tuka Wilfyab, may your soul rest in peace

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    • Nithan & Shanthi Rodrigues, Mangalore/Bangalore

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Very sad news. we have lost a humble and a precious soul. Heartfelt condolence to all his family members. May his soul rest in peace. Vishwas and Charlene… Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to get Wifly uncle’s Golden collection. Even if we cannot meet and see his live shows we will hear and remember him through his songs. Life that he lived on this earth is an inspiration to all of us.

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    • Roland & Laila Pinto, Mangalore / KSA

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      It was shocking to read about the passing of the Konkani legend singer. His music touched everyone who heard it. It will take a long time to fill the vacuum created by
      his passing in the Konkani Music World.
      May his soul rest in peace. May the Almighty grant his family the strength to bear this great loss.

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    • Dsouza Rakesh, Mangalore

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      He Was a Legend,a great loss for us all.May his soul rest in eternal peace Amen.

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    • Lourdes Kanajar Association Emirates, Kanajar / Dubai

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      We, the President and members of Lourdes Kanajar Welfare Association deeply mourn the death of our legendary, Wilfy baab.

      We have cherished every moment of our life through his beautiful lyrics and composition, he will always remain a heartthrob of every konkanni household.

      We salute him for his dedication, and passion towards his language and we pray that the almighty grant his family enough strength to bear the loss.

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    • Ivan Martis, Shirva/Kuwait

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Heartfelt condolences to Meenabai ,Arthur/Veena/Arvin/Anna and Vishwas/Charleen Remimbus to bear this great loss in your lives.Wilfyab is a person who will always be remembered, cherished and treasured in the hearts of every Mangalorean forever. If we mangaloreans are known today it is because of this Legend. He is a person whose place can never be taken.The Konkani speaking belt had lost a Gem who is very special to all. Though time did not walk hand in hand with him...his songs are a left mark to dwell in the hearts of all.We will miss you Wilfyab...we will miss you very dearly.These words are too less to describe this angel to the land of Mangalore. He was a true blessing from God to all of us.May his soul rest in peace.AMEN.
      Sorrowfully yours:
      Ivan-Irene-Irel and Ines Martis

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    • Pratap Naik, S.J., Kundapura/Alto Porvorim, Goa

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Great artists and writers continue to live even after their death in the hearts of their fans and through their precious contribution. Wilfy was the emperor of Konknni music world. He will continue with that honour for years to come. May his tribe increase. Let us praise and thank God for the gift of Wilfy. He is the honour and pride of Konknnis (Konknni people)

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    • Philip / Catherine Furtado & fly, Kallianpur / Dubai

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      It is with deep sadness, that the maestro of Konkani music is no more amogst us..May the Almighty grant this great soul, eternal rest..

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    • Charles Gomes, Bangalore

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      We are grieved with the sad demise of our beloved Wilfy Rebimbus. His journey to the heavenly abode, has left all of us in the state of shock and sadness. It was just two months ago, we (FKCA) got an opportunity to confer him with the " Lifetime Achievement award". I was a great honor to all of us in Bangalore, to confer an award to such a great legend, who has left an indelible mark in all our hearts, filling us with gaiety and joy all the while. Today to realize, he is not with us is really shocking. Wilfy has devoted his whole life to the Konkani music. His love for music has made him a household name among all the Konkani Catholics. A gifted music composer, he has contributed and enriched the Konkani music world for over 50 years (composing over 3,000 songs, 500 stage shows and conducted as many as 248 musical nites). We salute this master. His voice will never die. Be it in party, celebrations, marriages or any occasions his songs have entertained all of us. I am sure there is hardly anybody who does not know of Wilfy. The very idea of such a great person, who's contribution was a part and parcel of our everyday life is not with us anymore is saddening. His untimely death has caused vacuum in our lives and the music world which can never be filled. As I am writing this message the heart is heavy but no one can qu

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    • L.A.monteiro, kulshekar/Bangalore

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Sincere and heartfelt condolences to his bereaved family.

      May wilfy's soul rest in peace.

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    • KCA UK, United Kingdom

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      The President, and the members of KCA UK (Konkani Catholic Association) conveys their deep sorrow on the passing away of Wilfy Remimbus.

      It is A great loss to Konkani World. Our heartfelt condolences to his family and we pray to the Almighty Lord to give them courage, strength and support. We know that his passing will not only leave a void in our lives, but in the hearts of all those who knew him a legend of Konkani in our generation and to come.

      Once again our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family.

      President and members
      KCA UK uk
      United Kingdom

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    • Vijay Pinto, mangalore, dubai.

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Sad news. It's a great loss for us n our konkani community.May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Stephen Dsouza, Karkala / Mumbai

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      It's a greatest loss to us and our Konkani community.
      Condolences to his family. May his soul rest in peace

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    • Norbert Mendonca, Urwa/Dubai

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Sincere and heartfelt condolences to his bereaved family.

      May wilfy's soul rest in peace.

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    • Wilson Saldanha, Shirthady/Kuwait

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      A great personality with a down to earth nature. He will be remembered till the KONKANI exists. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • ShabithaDsouza, Shirva,Kuwait

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      It's a shocking news and great loss to the entier Mangalorean konkani community,my heartfelt condolences to His family, May his soul rest in peace. We miss you Wilfybab

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    • Shauns Niddodi, Niddodi, Dubai

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Great loss to mangalore a great personality and great human being may his soul rest in peace Good....byee...Wilfy.

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    • Vally, Belle, Belle

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Sad news for the konkani Community. Heartfelt condolence of the wilfy Rebimus family may his soul rest in peace.

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    • Dolphus pinto, Thottam / Bangalore

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      It is a Great Loss for the whole Konkani World community,May his Soul rest in Peace.
      Heart felt condolences to his family.

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    • Richard Castelino, Moodubelle

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Our heartfelt condolences to the family of konkani music legend Wilfy Rebimbus, Ever since we are small we heard his songs.He will remain with us forever with his songs.
      May departed soul rest in peace

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    • Pressy Braggs & Edna Rodricks, Poona

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      You will not sing any more but your voice is with us.
      You will not be seen any more but you will be there in our hearts
      No Konkani Mangalorean gathering was complete without your
      melodious voice played around
      The songs you composed and sang, made us cry, laugh, made us feel
      Adevs tuka Wilfyab, may your soul rest in peace, Pressy, Edna, Poona

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    • Fr.Wilson, CBE, Mangalore

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      A Great man. A great loss to our community. Many will miss him. May his soul rest in peace

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      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Wilfy rebimbus you left in thousands and thousands of people's mind & heart in indian and around the world that, beautiful songs, lyrics, music & presious love and joyined with Almighty for eternal life. May God grant his soul rest in peace.

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    • Janet Pinto, Damaskatte/Amboli

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Shocked to hear the passing away news of Wilfy. We all Mangalorean people lost a beautiful Star.You are always remain in our heart and mind when we hearing your songs.Goodbye Wilfy. May his soul rest in peace-Amen

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    • Rony Rodrigues, Valencia Kuwait

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      What a loss to all of us Managaloreans,especially Konkany Music lovers. He was a true genius, he entertained and amazed all mangaloreans for 4 decades. I came to know Wilfy personally during 1970’s when I started playing guitar in his group and since then I have never come across such a wonderful, humble and down to earth human being.
      Dear Meena, Vishwas Charlene, Veena Arthur Arvin Ana, we express our deepest regret, We will miss Wilfy as much as you do, but he will always live in our hearts
      May his soul rest in peace

      Juliet & Rony Rodrigues Kuwait

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    • Vally Vagga, Mysore

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      I am Deeply Shocked and Saddened to Hear the Sudden Demise of ‘Konkan Kogul Wilfy Rebembus’
      my Deepest Sympathy and Condolences to His Wife Meena and Daughter Veena, Son Vishwas and Entire Family Members.
      May His Soul Rest in Peace!

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      Wed, Mar 10 2010


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    • Sr.Blasie Lobo.S.R.A., Puttur,Uganda .E.Africa.

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Sad to hear the demise of the great singer Wilfy.My herty Condolence to Mrs.Meena,Mrs.Veena.Vishwas and his near and Dear Ones.May his Soul rest in Peace

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    • Sujith Pinto, Kadri.

      Wed, Mar 10 2010

      Undoubetdly, Its a Fact that cannot be Swallowed on the Sad Demise of "The Legend In Konkanni History, Wilfy Uncle!!!! He's a Person that Konkanni Community can Never Ever Produce!!!!
      We Will Miss u a Lot.... Wilfy Uncle.... May Your Soul Rest In Peace!!!!!!

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is indeed a great loss for the christian community and konkani lovers. Hardly anybody can replace the gem. May his soul rest in peace and pray that the almighty god give strength to his family to bear the great loss.

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    • mervin , belthangady

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      undoubtedly the great among the greatest the konkany community ever produced, wilfy was the giant in the music world.such talent dont come regularly he's like what elvis or jackson to pop or what newton or einstein to physics..he's absence surely a huge loss..unlikely2 b filled ever.
      dear wilfy my thanx2 giving us so beautiful so fantastic songs..
      WE MISS U..

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    • Robin, Vorkady

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Its too hard to believe and too too sad to us. Not only Konkani world all of us missing Sr. Wilfy. I think From the end of 2009 and beginning of 2010 has become a year of termination of great people.

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    • Samith, Mangalore/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is really sad news to the Kokanni community. May his soul rest in Peace. He would live within us for many more years to come.

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    • anthony, mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      good long wilfy

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    • Alwyn Menezes, Mangalore/ Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      The King of Konkani Music will live forever, in everybody's heart. What he did to music is undescribable. Konkan Kogul Wilfy Rebimbus is the defenition of Konkani MUSIC. We love you. MAY HIS SOUL REST IN PEACE.

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    • Felcy Fernandes, Derebail. Muscat

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Our Dearest Meenabai, Veena,Vishu and fly members,
      It is difficult to believe that wilfy Uncle is no more with us. May the Good Lord give you the courage to accept the fact that one day we all will meet him under the Almighty's arms. Kindly accept our deepest condolances

      Wilfy, Felcy and Shawn

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    • Manoj, Bajpe

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      My Heartfelt Sympathy to his family and May His Soul Rest in Peace.

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    • shashi poonja, mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      "Wilfy Rebimbus Nite" at Don bosco hall -We got to hear of this & see this as a part of our daily life,every weekend, as we grew up in Mangalore.
      A trend setter in terms of stage shows & konkani music , you paved the way to a host of youngsters from the current generation.

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    • Jennifer, Goa

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heard lot about you and heard your songs too..We goans too will miss you.May your soul rest in peace.

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    • Benny Galbao, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is really a sad news for all of us. But against GOD's will one can do anything.
      Etarnal life grant unto him oh lord May his soul rest in peace.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      BARRSONS GROUP Salult a great son of konkani who kept KONKANI ALIVE in the hearts of millions wolrdwide through his songs and music.We in GOA miss you wilfy bab.You are a True Legend of KONKANI world.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      BARRSONS GROUP Salult a great son of konkani who kept KONKANI ALIVE in the hearts of millions wolrdwide through his songs and music.We in GOA miss you wilfy bab.You are a True Legend of KONKANI world.

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    • CANUTE MATHIAS, Shirva/Sharjah

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      My Heartfelt condolences to the family of the Konkani Music Legend, WILFY REBIMBUS.
      My heart & mind doesn’t accept the fact that he is no more. It’s all God’s wish & we all pray for his soul.
      WILFY REBIMBUS, A true Inspiration in my life. Ever since I was a small boy, I got to listen to his songs and loved them all. Even today I Love his songs especially songs like Philomena, Vanita Vandana, Mog Tujo, Zor Moji Maay Maka Distik Podon, Sanj Zalire etc.
      Even though we all miss him, his songs will always remember in our hearts & minds. Every musical show will definitely remember him & his songs. He will remain with us forever.
      The Legend, Wilfy Rebimbus is not lost for Konkani Community, as his musical achievements & contributions will live in our hearts till the end.
      I pray – OH ALMIGHTY GOD, IF AT ALL POSSIBLE, kindly send Wilfyab back.
      CANUTE MATHIAS, Shirva/Sharjah

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    • prakash Leema, Bhatkal/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      We may not get one more Wilfyaab, but with to pray that come once more as we used to shought Sing once more during his shows. May the departed soul rest in peace.

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    • Stevi Ferrao, Pakshikere/Sharjah

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      When I was young I almost copied your voice and put many into surprised. Today I have no new songs to sing but I have something to say on your journey of heavenly abode ‘GOODBYE’. Now you have stopped working for Konkani but the love for Konkani that we have in our hearts will not stop but it will continue with pride, love and forgiveness into our Spirit. You have put your best into our society and now many will come out with the same and we will never consider your loss but always put you as a legendary.
      Stevi,Jessy,Ashton and Ashlyn

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    • Ruben Nazareth, Kinnigoli

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      No words to utter.....Wilfy is the
      person who introduced me to konkani. My parents used to play his music around and i used to babel the tunes... He has left back great tresure of memory which i will cherish throughout my life.....May god rest his soul in peace.......

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    • Padmanabha Shenoy, Udupi / Saudi Arabia

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      He was Rafi of Konkani songs....My heartfelt condolences to his bereaved family. May Almighty Lord rest his soul in peace and give him the highest position in heaven...AAmen...

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    • Melwin D' Souza, Mangalore/ Chennai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is indeed a sad and shocking news that great legend is noe more with us.we salute you wilfy for your contribution to the konkani music world. heartfel symapathies to his family members.May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Melwin D' Souza, Mangalore/ Chennai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is indeed a sad and shocking news that great legend is noe more with us.we salute you wilfy for your contribution to the konkani music world. heartfel symapathies to his family members.May his soul rest in peace.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010


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    • Melwin D' Souza, Mangalore/ Chennai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is indeed a sad and shocking news that great legend is noe more with us.we salute you wilfy for your contribution to the konkani music world. heartfel symapathies to his family members.May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Wilfy, Kemman, Kemman

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is hard to believe that wilfy our 'konkanni kogul' is no more. He's is a greatest legend who reigned over five decades in Konkanni people's hearts.Although he is gone , that peculiar golden melody will remain forever in our mind and body.

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    • vinay, mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Great loss to mangalore a great personality and great human being may his soul rest in peace

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    • Louisa Miranda, Mangalore /Bangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      adevs tumka Konkan Kogul ilfyaba... I alwya use your songs whenever I am sad and get worried.. your songs relieves pain and worries.. .MAy God Almighty take you to his own home to sing his praises all the time.
      Heartfelt condolences to your wife MEena and Children Vshwas and Veena
      Louisa Kirem

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    • Ronald Prakash D Souza, Attawar, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It was with throbbing pain, I had to accept the reality that Wilfy is no more. I had deep respect for his songs.  Had known wilfy since my childhood and had always admired his meaningful & graceful Lyrics that flowed into our hearts via his songs. His konkani was of highest quality. I had always appreciated his indept knowledge of konkani and the lyrics. The songs he sang were an icing based on his lyrics.
      He was indispensible.
      May his soul Rest in Peace. Alas! the legend is no more but will always live in our hearts.


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    • Joachim Sequeira, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is very sad to here that the nightingale of Konkanni songs and the King of Melodies is no more with us. But his songs will always help us to remember him forever.

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    • Laurie Miranda, Goa, Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt sympathy to his family.
      May His sould rest in Peace.

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    • Alban D' Souza, Udyavara, Doha Qatar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is unbelievable that Konkani musical legend Konkan kokul is no more. A great talented musician, composer, lyricist, writer performer. He is in the heart of millions millions admired his musical abilities May his departed soul rest in peace and may God almighty give the strength to his family & loved ones to bear the loss. It is a great loss to Konkan community in particular and music lovers in general. His lagacy will last long in millions of hearts. Our prayers with his family.

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    • Fr Arun Wilson Lobo, Siddakatte/Kulshekar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Wilfy you are a great contributer to konkani language and konkani people. We may miss you here but we will not miss you ever. Fr Valerian Pinto,Fr Arun Lobo and Fr Rajesh Rosario Kulshekar

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    • Simon, Pressy Machado &fly, Bahrain, Pernal

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      our dearest Remimbus family, please accept our heartfelt condolences to you all. may his soul rest in peace.
      simon, pressy, shawn, shaina

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    • Edwin, Jessie & Jane D'Souza, Pune / Bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Wilfy, You were a legend in Konkani Music. The Konkani world will remember your compositions for generations to come. May your soul rest in peace. Our condolences to the Rebimbus family.

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    • judymoras, bejai,mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      our healrt felt condolences to the entire rebimbus family,,,especially meena,veena and vishwas.may his soul rest in peace....we will NEVER find one more such personalityfor sure........good bye wilfiab,,,,,,,,we r also mourbing with ur family....we r ur grt fan.....rocky judy,carol and darol moras...bejai,mangalore.

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    • Juliet Vas, Neermarga

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt condolences to his family. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Austin Monteiro, Mangalore/Bangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It's a greatest loss to us and our Konkani community.
      His songs were so meaningful and melodious, I always love to listen to his songs,
      I don’t think anyone can ever fill this space.

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    • veena, Mangalore/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is very sad to hear this news. i dont have words to express my sadness for i have been hearing wilfy's songs ever since i was born. No one can replace wilfybab, he is the blessing from God to our community.

      May his soul rest in peace. Heartfelt condolences to his family.
      Veena and Family Dubai / Pangala

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    • Emirates Pangalites, Pangla, UAE

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is a great loss for the whole konkani world. He will live with us as a Konkani Music Emperor by his evergreen konkani hits. May his soul rest in Peace. President & Members, Emirates Pangalites, UAE

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    • Loy and Gladys Mudarth, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Forever remembered.
      Forever missed.
      I was born in the same year as you.
      Gladys Mudarth

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    • navin almeida, Kundapur/Goa

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt condolence of the wilfy Rebimus family may his soul rest in peace.
      Special Thanks to Daijiworld media for news published.All other media's NDTV,Etv,Udaya news,Times now.and all goan news channel were sleeping.

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    • Fr Clifford Fernandes, Jeppu Seminary

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena Bai and family
      I express my heartfelt condolences.
      Our dear Wilfyyab sang through out his life here on earth and now he has gone to join the Angelic Choir to sing praises of God, day and night before the Throne of Grace.
      I earnestly pray that the Good Lord grant you the strength to bear the pain of separation.
      With love and prayers
      Fr Clifford Fernandes, St Joseph's Seminary, Jeppu, Mangalore.

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    • Clement and Janet, Nermarg

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      We have lost our valuable pearl of Mangalore.

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    • Ambrose, Bajpe

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      We have lost our valuable pearl of Mangalore.

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    • Helen Monteiro, Mumbai / Toronto

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena, Veena & fly, Vishwas & fly. Please accept our heartfelt condolence on the sad demise of your loving husband/father. May God give you all the grace to bear this irreparable loss. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Anita D'souza, Calgary, Canada

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is very sad to hear this news. We lost one pillar in the Konkani songs.We really miss this great son of "KONKANI MOTHER". We pray that his soul rest in peace. Great sorrow to the whole konkani community.

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    • Donald, Toronto Canada

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena/Vishwas,
      I along with my family share the sorrowful news of Wilfy's demise and also share the sorrow with the Konkani fraternity all over the world for this sad moment and may the Good Lord Give him rest in peace

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    • Philip D Souza, URWA

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      No doubt it's a great loss to our konkani community. We will not forget Wilfy's meaningful Lyrics and Songs. Our heartfelt condolences to his family. May his soul rest in peace

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    • Ancy S DSouza, Paladka, Vasai, Mumbai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      When Wilfy Rebimbus came to Mumbai to perform in 2004 November it was my previlage to give him the publicity. He performed at Vileparle and Vikroli on 12th, Malad on 13th, Matunga and Mira Road on 14th and Thane on 15th. I witnessed all his shows. But I did not know that it was my last chance in Mumbai. Wilfy was so happy that he specially invited me to his house and gave all his collection. I just can not forget his gesture. May his soul rest in peace

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    • Reginald & Olivia Moras, Kuppepadu/Toronto

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Pranam tuka Kartavun Wilfyaba. Thuzo udas aamkan sadans yetholo.
      Your music will live in our hearts forever. We have been listening to your wonderful songs right from childhood. Attending Wilfy Nite was always one of our most favourite activity. You will be remembered as the Greatest Konkani Singer. We will miss you always.
      May your soul rest in peace. May God give your dear family the strength to bear this great loss. Dear Meena, Veena & Vishwas please accept our heartfelt condolences.
      Deepest Condolences from
      Reginald & Olivia Moras – Mississauga, Canada.
      Mary Philomena Moras & Family – Kuppepadau, Mangalore

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    • Cyril Martis, Pangla/Ottawa/Canada

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad news. It is a great loss to our community. It was nice to him in Toronto. My condolences to the family. May his soul rest in peace

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    • Merwyn Pinto, Bijai / Houston

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Wilfy's Music reflected the Mangalorean culture and traditions. His Music was instrumental in bridging the connection between Mangalorean’s living overseas with our community back home. Wilfy’s demise is a terrible loss to our community. My condolences to Wilfy’s Family.

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    • Lorna & Tony D'souza, Toronto, Canada

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is great loss for KONKANI community. Our heartfelt condolences to the family. May his soul rest in peace.Your music will live in our hearts forever. It was really great knowing you. It was joy listening to your wonderful songs. You will remain the greatest Konkani singer of all times.We will miss you dearly......

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    • Stanley T.H.Fernandes, Milagres/Muscat

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Our dearest Meena,Viswas/Charlen,Veena/Arthur, we offer you our heartfelt condolences & deepest sympaties on the sudden demise of our most beloved Wilfybab.I was shocked to hear the sad news from Mr. James Mendonca Dubai this morning. My assocaiation with Wilfybab since 1965 - 1975 through Sound.He was a greatest Song Composer/lyricest & singer. His Contribution to Konkani Music,Language & Culture/ Literature is imense.Konkani Music world has lost a greatest legened. Konkani music lovers spread all over the world shall remember him forever through his Songs.
      Dear Meena, may the Almighty God give you strength, courage to bear the irreperable loss. May his noble Soul rest in eternal peace.
      "Adieu Wilfybab" Stanley,winnie, winston,Stawin/Gizelle Muscat Oman

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    • Jossie M., Bajpe/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      We shall miss those lovely lyrics and tunes. God give him eternal peace.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      wilfy rebimbus's demise is a big loss to konkani community & his wellwishers all over the world.No one can ever replace this konkani singing legend.Let's hope the almighty give strength & courage to his family to bear this unexpected death.Also be in a hope that,as he himself sung in his song "PORTUN JOLMON YETHOLON".we really miss him always.

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    • Louis D'Souza, Sasthan/Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      My heartfelt condolence to his family. May his soul rest in peace. He is no more but his voice is alive in every konkan home.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is Still Unbelievable for me to hear that konkan kogul no more
      I have no words to express my sorrow, I had several opportunities to act in wilfy nites in Bahrain,
      Meena Bai. Vishu and Veena Please Accept our Heartfelt Condolence
      May his Soul "R.I.P"


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    • AK Team, Niddodi

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is a great loss to Konkani community. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • john Lancy Sequeira, kinnigoli

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Wilfy you have kept Konkani alive let your voice live forever.we will never forget our childhood we were awake for each show whenever you have played. God Bless you konkan Kogull

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    • John Gonsalves, Barkur / Muscat

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Is there any greater loss for a mother than to lose her greatest son ?. Today Konkan Mata has lost her greatest son who cared her most, nourished her, dressed her with dignity, purity and beauty, took her to every nook and corner of the world and gave her recognition. Wilfy Rebimbus, a great legend, the whole Konkani fraternity salutes you. Through your music and songs you have given the best possible to the world, which will remain with generations, for many to smile when they are distressed, to cheer up when they are saddened, to wakeup when they fall, to fight when are deprived, to love when they are lost, to celebrate, to romance, to console, to reconcile, to cry, to laugh, so on and so forth or… just to listen and enjoy. Thank you Sir, you will always be in our hearts and mind. Good bye…
      Our heartfelt sympathies to Rebimbus family and all the loved ones

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    • jossy, mangalore/BRAZIL

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      This is very shocking news for me here about the sad demise our legend!'konkan kogul'.my heartly condolence to the family.may his soul rest in peace.this is huge loss for konkani music lovers in mangalore&all over the world!but dear wilfy bab,you are always alive in our hearts&in konkani music forever...

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    • Sam Lobo, UAE

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      My heartfelt Condolences.

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    • Walter & Irene Serrao, Kulshekar,Doha-Qatar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena,Veena&fly.,Vishwas&fly.,our heartfelt condolence on the sad demise of your husband/father.May his soul rest in peace.Our hearty sympathies to all family members.From:Walter,Irene Serrao & fly.,

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    • denis tauro, belvai,israel

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is a huge loss to the community.May the almighty God grant eternal rest to his soul. The rebimbus family members have courage to bear this loss

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    • KCA Members, Manchester

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      "Mog thujo kithlo ashelo... DoDthyaa mapaan amkaam diloy, visrovnk jaaynaaslo". Your revolutionary contribution towards Mangalorean Konkani music for the last half century is memorable for centuries ahead... God bless your soul to rest in peace.

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    • melwin dsouza, bajpe

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      char dis hen jivith amchem,zalmonchen jiyovnchen morchen.....konkani sangeeth shilpy `wilfy` konkani lokancha kalzani sadanch amar.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010


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      Tue, Mar 09 2010


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    • WILSON D'SOUZA, Kayyar/Kuwait.

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is great loss for KONKANI community. Our heartfelt condolences to the family. May his soul rest in peace.....!

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    • Jerald Natasha Rodrigues, Agrar, Pernal, Abudhabi

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt condolences to Rebimbus family.. He was a legend to the konkani community, its a great loss to all of us and to the world of Konkani music. may his soul rest in peace. His songs will be cherished for ever

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    • dony rodrigues, mangalore,dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very very sad to hear this news.a big loss for our konkani community.he was a great singer in our konkani community.his name will alive always.My sympathies to his family members.

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    • UK Konkans, London

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      We are shocked to hear the sudden demise of ‘Konkan Kogul’ Wilfy Rebimbus. Mangalore has lost one of its most adored sons but he will remain in our hearts forever. Our heartfelt condolences to his family and May his soul rest in Eternal Peace

      Members of UK Konkans-London

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    • Louis D' Souza, Mangalore/Saudi Arabia,Jeddah

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It's a shocking news,great loss to the entier Mangalorean konkani community,my heartfelt condolences to His family, May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Titus, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt condolence to his family. May his soul rest in Peace.

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    • Joseph Mathias, Bendur/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena Bai,Vishwas, Veena & family members, Please accept our heartfelt condolences on the sad demise of our dear friend Wilfyaab. We pray Almighty God to strengthen you & give courrage to bear this great loss. Death at any age is Painful. Wilfyaab lived a life of Great Achievements in Konkani Music. May his soul rest in Peace.
      Joseph Mathias & Family Dubai

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    • Ambrose D'Mello, Pangala/ Saudi Arabia

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocking!Konkan's pride dear Wilfy is no more with us - but his great legacy will surely remain.

      May his soul rest in peace and my heartfelt condolences to dear
      Meenabai & family.

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    • McQueen, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Veena and all at home,
      May the Almighty grabt you the strength to bear the loss of your family member.
      the death of Mr. Wilfy Rebimbus is a great loss to society and an irreperable damage to konkani.
      heartfelt condolences

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    • cyril, nakre/israel

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      heartfelt condolence of the wilfy rebimus family may his soul rest in peace

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    • Joseph D'mello, Australia

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt condolences to the family. I was lucky enough to meet him recently while attending my mother's funeral. God rest his soul.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010


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      Tue, Mar 09 2010


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    • Stany D'souza , Kinnigoli - Muscat

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      We were a pride for Konkani community and will remain so forever. May your soul rest in eternal peace and give strenth to your family to endure this irreparable loss.

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    • Frenny Fernandes, urwa /dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena, Vishwas, Veena and family members,

      We are deeply grieved by the loss of Wilfyab. He was a very simple and a wonderful person. Passing away of Wilfyab is a great loss. The whole world will miss him a lot. He made a lot of great songs and has done something no one has ever done before. Please accept our heartfelt condolences and sympathise.

      Lawrence, Frenny and Family

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    • Sheila and Roy Castelino, Canada

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena, Veena, Vishwas and family,
      Please accept our heartfelt condolences. Wilfy has left us but his voice will live on forever in our hearts and in our homes. I had the pleasure of singing with him on stage when he came to Canada in 2005. He was a link to my parents, Stany (Thea) and Jane Pinto who were also in konkani theatre in the early 60s and 70s.
      Our prayers are with all of you. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Richard Rodrigues, kinnigoly/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      "Pranam thuka karthavn"
      Heartfelt condolences to his family. May his soul rest in peace

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    • Ophilia Baretto & Family, Puttur/Sharjah

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      This is a saddest day in the World of Konkani Music. We grew up listening to your beautiful songs. It's difficult to digest that you will not be singing anymore.
      Your music will live in our hearts forever. It was really great knowing you. It is joy listening to your wonderful songs. Attending Wilfy Nite was always one of our favourites. You will remain the greatest Konkani singer of all times. We will miss you dearly for sure.
      May your Soul Rest in Peace. Dear Meena, Veena & Vishwas may God give you the strength to bear this loss. Our heartfelt condolences.
      Ophilia Marita, Vincent Ronald & Ryan - Puttur / Bantwal / Sharjah

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      may his soul rest in peace
      i was preaching a retreat at Corpus christi church, Moodbidre
      shocking news came to me, about Konkan Kogul's death. i couldn't believe. then i called my friends in Mangalore.
      yeah it was true. I informed the people. suddenly all were shocked. then we offered prayers for him and for his family and fans around the world.
      as a young boy i admired his songs like KURU KURU MAMA, Muje nanv ladru simanv, Laksan sangta hanv still fresh in my mind.............he gave life to KONKANI LANGUAGE. yes millions of fans and admirers are there for him around the world.
      yes he sufferred and offered that suffering to the Lord. Wilfy you will remain in our hearts untill our language is spoken.

      Hearty condolences from Rev. Fr Franklin D'Souza

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    • Lancy Moras, Bendur, Jeddah KSA

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Wilfy Uncle, I am Heartbroken, I am aware you do not need my prayers. You were blessed round the clock when you were born. Ah !! God could have taken to his holy court before you SIR. I do not have words. With full of sorrow my heart is swollen and the would my heart received this morning when you breathed the last can never be repaired by any Doctor in this world. You were God to me, You were my singing Guru and you were my alfa and omega. I was so much inspired by you that when I released my Konkani devotional CD on 24th Christmas night in 2009, I thank God from the foundation of my heart for giving me GEM of a chance to offer that first volumne CD of mine into your golden hands and got the mighty God's blessing under your precious house roof. Oh ! Jesus during your agonised days I along with my entire Moras family surrender our precious departed soul to your heavenly holy court where Uncle Wilfy will needless to say be seated at the right hand of the heavenly Father. Uncle Wilfy, ADEVS TUKA KONKANI SUPUTHRAK. ADEVS TUKA MONGLURCHA GILMILLEYA NEKETHRAAK. ADEVS TUKA KONKAN KOGULEK till we meet again. From 7 across the seas, I with deep sorrows bow my head for an hour for your precious the ONLY PRECIOUS soul to RIP Amen.

      Aunty Meena, Veena, Vishwas and entire Rebimbus family today though from far away I vouch myself to be in your deep mourning and kindly accept the entire Konkani mathechi heartfelt tears. PARATH ADEVS TUKA KONKAN MATHECHA SUPUTHRA.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010


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    • MATHEW VALDER, Mangalore/Muscat

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is a shoking news that our Wilfy Bab is no more. It feels that Konkani music has now truly become bankrupt. Wilfy Bab's name is synonimous to Mangalore's Konkani Music. Wilfy Bab's soul is departed simply means that the soul of Mangalorean Konkani Music also is departed for ever!

      With deep grief, I extend my family's hearfelt condolences to the bereaved family. May the departed soul rest in peace.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It's a shocking news, realy its a great loss to the entier konkani community, we express our sincere and heartfelt condolences to his bereaved family. May wilfy's soul rest in peace.

      Al Mazroui & Clevy Auto services
      Abu Dhabi

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    • George & Janet Crasto, Mumbai/Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      If tears could build a stairway
      And memories were a lane,
      I would walk right up to heaven.
      To bring you home again.
      My heart still aches in sadness
      And secret tears still flow.
      What it meant to lose you,
      No one will ever know.

      Dear Meena, Veena ,Vishwas and family, pls accept our heartful condolences. may his soul rest in peace.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      ಕೊಂಕಣಿ ಶೆತಾಥ್ ಭಂಗರ್ ಪಿಕೊವ್ನ್ ಕೊಂಕಣಿ ಮತ್ಹೆಕ್ ಗ್ರೆಸ್ಥ್ ಕರುನ್ ಕೊಂಕಣಿ ಅಸಾ ಪರ್ಯಥ್ ಅಮರ್ ಉರೌಕ್ ತುಜ ನ್ಹವ್ ವಿಲ್ಫ್ಯ್ ತು.ಸಸ್ನಿಕ್ ಸುಕ್ ದೇವ್ ತುಕ ಫಾವೋ ಕರುಕ್ ಸರ್ಗ ರಜ್ಯಥ್ .ಮಗೊನ್ ದಡ್ ಬೇಸವ ತುಜ್ಯ ದುಕಸ್ಥ್ ಕುಟ್ಮಚೆರ್ ಆನಿ ಸೋಮಸ್ಥ್ ತುಜ ಅಬಿಮನಿಚೆರ್ .

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    • Lancy Madtha, Sharjah

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meenabai, Veena, Vishwas and family members,

      Just six days ago, I & Nathalia met some of you at the bedside of Late Wilfyaab, in Fr. Mullers Kankanady!
      Do not be sad on the fate of Wilfyaab's demise the number of individuals and families behind you are in sharing sorrows may be limited whereas those admirers around the Globe are countless. Late Wilfyaab achieved in his lifetime what he could let his gifted talents inhabit in the new family member due to take birth, shortly.

      As a concerned family, we extend our heart felt condolences to you all. Take good care of your health to complete Late Wilfyaab's mission, left behind.

      Lancy, Natalia, Lynn, Leoney & Lillian MADTHA, Sharjah/UAE

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    • Ivan Gonsalves, Barkur / Muscat

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      You have created a revolution in Mangalorean Konkani music for the last half a century. The kind of pure original langauge lyrics and the way you compose them are really touching. We thank God for having given us a chance to live during your golden regime to enjoy your music. Same time, we pray for the departed soul and the family members and your group to bear this unbearable loss and continue with your good deeds for the society and konkani language.

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    • Royston Prabhu & fly, Bejai/KSA

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      A great man indeed and a symbol of our Mangalorean Catholics. His talents and contributions to Konkani music, art and culture will remain for generations. May his soul rest in peace. Our deepest condolences to the entire family. I would call him the "Elvis Presley" of Konkani Music.

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    • Ivan, Mangalore/UAE

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      One of my top favourite lyric writer is no more in this world.The Legends never die.... they live in people's hearts. I am sure that Wilfiab will live in all konkani loving people's hearts thruogh his songs.May his soul rest in peace and my heart felt sympathies to his family.

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    • Richard Fernandes, Derebail/Bangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt condolences to his family. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Melba Martis, Pangla/Bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Wilfiyab "The King" of konkani art,culture and music will always remain in our heart and mind through his endless contribution towards konkani.Yes,....indeed you will be remembered over generations
      We offer our heartfelt condolences to his family members and pray to the almighty to give them the strength and courage to bear this great loss. Yours in grief,
      Melba Martis and family(Bahrain)

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    • Roland & Laila Pinto, Valencia,KSA

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      The contribution of Wilfy to Konkani music is great. Our heartfelt condolences to Rebimbus family. May his soul rest in peace. Roland, Laila, Rohit and Rosella

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    • Roy Sequeira, Mangalore/Bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt condolences to Meena bai,Veena-Arthur,Vishwas-Charleen. God give you strength to bear this shock.
      May the departed soul of Wilfyab rest in peace,

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    • AMBROSE D'SOUZA & ALRYN, Mudarangadi

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      "Adlo tho ugdas kelyaar.. denvthelin dhukhan dolyanth..Zalmatha hazaar pavtim, wilfy tumchi podan aikok melyaar..." MAY THE LEGEND'S SOUL REST IN PEACE.

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    • walter felix d souza, Bajpe, Mangalore.

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      We deeply mourn the sad demise of GREAT LEGEND of KONKANI MUSIC WORLD. May his soul Rest in Peace. Deep Hearted condolences to his family members and members of United Youngsters.

      Walter d souza and family, Bajpe.

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    • Purushothama Aila, Uppala/Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Its very sad news. Heartfelt Condolences to the family of Wilfy Rebimbus. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Reevan D'Souza, Urwa/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      its a shocking news and a great loss for Konkani. we miss you a lot Wilfy Baab.

      Heartfelt Condolences to the family on the sad demise of Wilfy Rebimbus. May his soul rest in peace.

      Reevan D'Souza & ROMANS ARK, Urwa.

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    • Shanti Pais, Cambridge, UK

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      I don't have words to express the pain my heart is feeling at the moment. I loved this legend, the most. I was his fan, who had fallen for his voice. I had 2 desires in my life. 1. to collect all volumes of Wilfy's songs, which fullfilled last week when my friend brought the pouch which we ordered. 2nd one was to attend one Wilfy nite, which remained unfullfilled forever.

      The last thing I could say is 'May his soul rest in pease.

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    • Fr.Wilfy Rodrigues, Farla/Mysore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Wilfy Rebimbus,
      Bearing your name,I too was inspired to make 3 "Wilfy Nite"s in the seminary when I was a seminarian. You have specially celebrated a mother's love and sacrifice in many of your songs which move many to tears. We now shed a few and pray that your soul may rest in peace.Adevs Wilfy Rebimbus and condolences to Meena and family.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • vincy,prasanna,melwyn,joyel, m'lore,(Y A/C)dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It's a shocking news,great loss to the entier konkani community, may his soul rest in peace.

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    • pearl pinto, falnir,mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      very sorry to hear about the sad demise of our legend 'konkan kogul'. we extend our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family members.

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    • Shankar KS, Vorkady/Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Wilfy you made Mangalore noteworthy around the world....Heartfelt condolences to the family.

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    • kevin peris, mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Its the greatest loss to all konkanni music lovers across mangalore, india and abroad. we will always rememeber you and your MUSIC

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    • Fr. Baptist pais, SVD, Allipade/Andheri

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Wilfy was one of the finest persons I met in my life. Though great, he was very humble and simple in his dealings with people. I am really sad to know that this great man is no more. But he will live in the hearts of Konkani people forever. He has tremendously and selflessly contributed to the growth of Konkani culture and language. I express my sincere and heartfelt condolences to his bereaved family. May wilfy's soul rest in peace.
      Fr. Baptist Pais,SVD, Andheri East.

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    • ERIC/FLAVIA, kulshekar/doha qatar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Our heartfelt condolences to veena and family. May his soul rest in peace.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • James Pinto, Buntwal/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      May his soul rest in peace..

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    • Robert Castelino, Manipal/Bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is a sad day to the Konkani Community to loose a great singer like Mr.Wilfy Rebimbus.He was a veteran who gave his entire life to the Konnkani singing & made the whole konkani speaking world a delight to watch his musical shows.He promoted the Konkani language in his meaningful songs.
      It is a huge loss to the community.May God grant eternal rest to his soul.May the Rebimbus family members have courage to bear this great loss.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Robert Castelino, Manipal/Bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is a sad day to the Konkani Community to loose a great singer like Mr.Wilfy Rebimbus.He was a veteran who gave his entire life to the Konnkani singing & made the whole konkani speaking world a delight to watch his musical shows.He promoted the Konkani language in his meaningful songs.
      It is a huge loss to the community.May God grant eternal rest to his soul.May the Rebimbus family members have courage to bear this great loss.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Fr. Vincent Menezes, Cascia, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      You were 'IMMORTAL' in Konkani World. May the Lord now make you 'IMMORTAL' by granting you Eternal Rest. Thank you for your support and encouragement while I was the Managing Editor of RAKNNO. May the Lord console your bereaved family.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Robert Castelino, Manipal/Bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is a sad day to the Konkani Community to loose a great singer like Mr.Wilfy Rebimbus.He was a veteran who gave his entire life to the Konnkani singing & made the whole konkani speaking world a delight to watch his musical shows.He promoted the Konkani language in his meaningful songs.
      It is a huge loss to the community.May God grant eternal rest to his soul.May the Rebimbus family members have courage to bear this great loss.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Wilfy's music and love for humanity will always remain in our minds and hearts. May he RIP.

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    • ossie bendur, Bendur/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Salute to you - Our great Wilfiaab.
      How wonderful to revere that you showed, opened and d the power of KONAKNI to the world of music lovers. Your achievements and success will remain ever in our hearts. You continue to live with us as we hear and hear your songs - oh! that great voice.

      With prayers to the Almighty to grant you eternal peace.

      My sympathies to Meenabai and family members.

      Ossie Fernandes, Kadri [ Dubai ]

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • HENRY MISQUITH, M'Lore/Bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010


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    • ossie bendur, Bendur/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Salue to you - Our great Wilfiaab.
      How wonderful to revere that you showed, opened and d the power of KONAKNI to the world of music lovers. Your achievements and success will remain ever in our hearts. You continue to live with us as we hear and hear your songs - oh! that great voice.

      With prayers to the Almighty to grant you eternal peace.

      My sympathies to Meenabai and family members.

      Ossie Fernandes, Kadri [ Dubai ]

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • victor concesao, derebail/mumbai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      mogachea wilfy, tu zaun asloi konkani paudancho shilpi,hazarani tuve gadali paunda, konkani premichea kalzant kantoun urleant wilfy, taalo tujho aamar jao otomeak tuhjes shanti magta hauv, kutmak tujhea bhuzvont pataita ani tuka hi shradanjali arpitaun,
      victor concessao ani kutaum

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    • Ashley Dsilva, Bendur

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Vishwas/charleen, Veena/Arthur, Meena Bai Please accept our heartfelt condolences.
      There are few people in the world who earn fame and goodwill when they pass away into the next world and there are only a handful who achieve this while they live. Wilfy was truly a godsend who will never be replaced. May his soul rest in peace.
      Ashley, Bonita, Clyde and Dasha
      Rudy, Jessie and Astrin Dsilva

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    • jane D'souza, manglaore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      heartfelt sympathies to his family, and may his soul rest in peace

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    • princy, peramannur/dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Its very sad news. May his soul rest in peace. Adevs tuka "konkan kogul Wilfy Rebimbus

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    • Peter pais, Sakinaka Mumbai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartly Condolense to the Rebimbus Family Its a great loss to the Konkani Samart As rightly said he is still and will be alive through his Heart felt Songs. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Jyoti Pereira, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dearest Veena, Aunty and Vishwas,
      Please accept our heartfelt sympathies and may God give you the grace to bear this loss.

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    • Rayan Lobo SJ, Belman/Pune

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      A great loss to the cuture and tradition of konkanni..... a loss which could never be filled by some one else.....

      He has left behind a vaccume, which will always remind us of his great deeds as an singer....

      May his soul rest in peace

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    • peter martis, pangla /kurla mumbai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      we lost a great konkani legend
      of the world. may his soul rest in peace, our heartfelt condolences for the bereaved family members.
      peter, agnes, rodney and rohwin taximen colony kurla mumbai

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    • Richard,Florine,Joseph, Dubai/ Abudhabi

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt Condolences to the family on the sad demise of Wilfy Rebimbus. May his soul rest in peace

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    • Fr Francis Crasta, Nityadarnagar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Wilfy though you left us your memories and melodies will not leave us. you have made this konkanni culture and language rich with your meaningful lyrics. may your singing reign in peoples heart and mind. may your soul rest in peace. heartfelt condolences to meena veena vishwas and the whole family.

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    • Ronnie D'Souza, Kodi-Kemmannu-Mumbai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      He stole our hearts in his first visit to Mumbai in Khalki Raat. I
      know him as a very humble/honest and dedicated person.

      The Konkani lovers will surely miss him.

      Condolences to Meena and the members of the family

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    • Fr Walter D'Souza, Ammembal

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Wilfy has made our konkani rich. He has called us to love our mother tongue. Loving and using our mother tongue is the best respect we can pay. Let us alow him to live in our homes by his voice and literature. He is one of the rare personalities konkani has ever seen. We are grateful to him for all that he has given us My heartfelt condolenses to all his family members. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • fr. Francis D' Almeida SJ, Suratkal/St. Aloysius College

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena, Veena, Vshwas and family, Passing away of Wilfy is a great loss to the entire world. He is a legend par excellance. The music world, the literary world, a conciousness creator of the world has went back to God Almighty leaving his footprints in the history of humanity for every one to emulate. Wilfy we bid you farewell. You with your Jeppu church choir sang for my ordination 21 years ago. All those hymns still ring in my ears.May your soul rest in peace.

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    • Dr Gerald PInto, Kallianpur

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Wilfy rebimbus ceases to sing but ever remain as one one of the great Konkani men of 20th Century.
      Dr Gerald Pinto, Kallianpur

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    • walti master, BELMANNU/ ABUDHABI

      Tue, Mar 09 2010


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    • Maria, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      MAY HIS SOUL REST IN PEACE. He will remain as a LIVING LEGEND forever in everyones life.

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    • Kiran(LF) - Oleen Fernandes, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Its a great loss to Konkani Music and culture. Untimely death of Konkan Kogul has left a void that cannot be filled. He was and will be the greatest Konkani Musician/ Lyricist/ Dramatist ever. An era has come to an end. May his soul rest in peace. May the Almighty grant him eternal rest. I pray that God give strength to the family to bear this huge loss and comfort them. Dear Vishwas and family please accept our heartfelt sympathies

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010


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    • devdas dolphy serrao, Bangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Wilfy never wanted to die. he will live through his voice. His glistering love for konkani, expressed in his melodious songs will never die.

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    • charles furtado & Fly, puttur d.k., india

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena, Veena Vishwas and family, pls accept our heartful condolences.

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    • Pais, mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      A Great loss to the coastal region of India and to the Konkani community.

      Wilfy will be remembered in all times to come for his talent and contribution to our society.

      My Heartfelt condolences to his Family. I pray his soul RESTS IN PEACE.We will miss you Wilfy.

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    • Rayan D'Souza, Mangalore/West Indies

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      I am shell shocked hear of the news. Its hard to take it in. Me and my family have been die hard fans of Wilfy... His 'Mog tuzo kitho ashelo' still rings in my ears... Pray his soul rests in peace and the legacy that he has left behind becomes an inspiration to all the young to keep 'Amchi bhas ani amso mai gaanv' ever alive. My heartfelt condolences to Aunty Meena, Vishwaa, Veena and Family. Konkan Kogul will live forever in our hearts. Jai Konkani!

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • devdas dolphy serrao, Bangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Wilfy never wanted to die. he will live through his voice. His glistering love for konkani, expressed in his melodious songs will never die.

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    • Fr Maxim Rosario, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      We have lost an eminent personality in the field of Konkanni music & literature. We will miss thematic songs henceforth. May he rest in peace.

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    • Mangalore Konkans, Dubai, Dubai, U.A.E.

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena & family members,

      Those we love remain with us
      For love itself lives on,
      And cherished memories never fade
      Because a loved one's gone.
      Those we love can never be
      More than a thought apart,
      Far as long as there is memory,
      They'll live on in the heart.

      Sincere Condolences & prayers

      Honorary President & members,
      Mangalore Konkans, Dubai

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    • Genevieve, Mangalore/Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Vishwas,
      Heartfelt condolences to you & your family members. Pray that God will give you the courage to be the strength of ur family in this time of grief. The world is with u during these moments.

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    • Maurice D'Mello, Pangla/Toronto

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad to hear Wilfy Rebimbus is no more. His is a Legend in Konkani Music and leterary world and HAS ACHIEVED THE UNACHIVEABLE! My heartfelt condolences to Meena Rebimbus, Veena and Vishwas, Family members, Leslie Rego, United Youngsters Association and his fans. May the Lord grant his Soul Eternal Peace. Amen.

      Maurice D'Mello, Pangla.

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    • Pereira, Kalianpur / Abu Dhabi

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt Condolences to the family on the sad demise of Wilfy Rebimbus. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Santosh Kevin Nazareth, Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena, Veena, Vishwas & family members,

      “Gone is the face we loved so dear,
      Silent is the voice we loved to hear
      Too far away for sight or speech,
      But not too far for thought to reach.
      Sweet to remember him who once was here,
      And who, though absent, is just as dear.”

      My sincere condolences & pray to Almighty to give one and all of you the strength to bear this great & irreparable loss.

      In grief with you,

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Walter Dantis, Kinnigoli/Bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      This is the sadest day in the history of mangalorean Konkans. Wilfyab will live forever not only for his musical talents but for his integrity, simplicity and humble way of life. He is a true Mangalorean hero!!

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Renita, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Its really shocking news.May his soul rest in peace.My all time favourite song "Mog tujo kitlo Ashelo". We will miss u Wilfy baab.

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    • Maryvale , Convent, Kinnigoli

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      We are sorry at the loss of Wilfy. It is a loss for the Konkani world. May his soul rest in peace. Our heart felt condolences to the bereaved family.

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    • Fulgencia Dsouza, kallianpur /Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      May his Soul rest in Peace

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    • stephen quadros permude, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Words however put, will fail to express our grief and loss. May the departed soul rest in peace. We are now left only with sweet memories and his rich contributions.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      i was shocked to see in daiji today evening flashing news that the legend is no more.
      its hard to beleive he is no more,but nobody can undo what fate has willed.
      my heartfelt condolences to his entire family and all his fans.
      in grief ALLWYN THOMAS PAIS.

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    • Vijay Barboza, Kanajar / Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Wilfy is NO more!! But his MUSIC will last for ever without any doubt.His death leaves a great void in Konkani music.He was Konkany's ULTIMATE singer & uncomparable to none.We pray to GOD may his SOUL rest in PEACE!!

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • derick sm, permannur/mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad news to hear death of wilfy R, great loss to "Konkani speaking people" My Heartfelt condolences to Rebimbus Fly. May his soul rest in peace.We miss you lot.

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    • Prameela Monteiro, Mangalore / Doha

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Its very sad news. May his soul rest in peace.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010


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    • gibson, mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      hey u wer seriously a gr8 person which cannot evn be simplified..we are speechless but our blessing n prayers are always wid ur family....u are seriously a assum person...n thanks 4 ur dedication.......

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    • Joseph Dias, borimar/bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      May his soul rest in peace

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    • daisy vas/pinto, moodbidri/ canada

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is the time to celebrate his life. Lets not weep standing at his grave. He won't be sleeping. Let's carryfoward his messages he gave us through his singing and meaningful writings.

      We love you Meena, veena and Fly and viswas and fly. We are proud of Wilfy and all of you the tremendous contribution you gave it to the world specially mangaloreans.

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    • Richie/Jessie, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena Bai, Veena & Vishwas, Although it's difficult today to see beyond the sorrow, May looking back in memory help comfort you tomorrow. May the peace which comes from the memories of love shared, comfort you now and in the days ahead. Accept our heartfelt condolences. May his soul rest in Peace.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Unbelivebale...., Its very sad news. May his soul rest in peace. we all miss you wilfyab..

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    • adshenoy, mangaluru

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      A tremendous loss hard to accept. Konkan Kogul will me remembered for ever. All the condolences to the family.

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    • joycutinha, qatar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      dear Meena Vishwas AND Veena and all Family My Hertfelt Condolences May His Soul Rest In Pease.

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    • CANUTE MATHIAS, Shirva/Sharjah

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      My Heartfelt condolences to the family of the Konkani Music Legend, WILFY REBIMBUS.
      My heart & mind doesn’t accept the fact that he is no more. It’s all God’s wish & we all pray for his soul.
      WILFY REBIMBUS, A true Inspiration in my life. Ever since I was a small boy, I got to listen to his songs and loved them all. Even today I Love his songs especially songs like Philomena, Vanita Vandana, Mog Tujo, Zor Moji Maay Maka Distik Podon, Sanj Zalire etc.
      Even though we all will miss him, his songs will always remember in our hearts & minds. Every musical show will definitely remember him & his songs. He will remain with us forever.
      The Legend, Wilfy Rebimbus is not lost for Konkani Community, as his musical achievements & contributions will live in our hearts till the end.
      I pray – OH ALMIGHTY GOD, IF AT ALL POSSIBLE, kindly send Wilfyab back.
      CANUTE MATHIAS, Shirva/Sharjah

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    • Prakash Costa, Mabukala / Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is a great loss to the music world. However a legend always lives and so will his music.

      Condolences to his family on the loss of their beloved one. May GOD grant him eternal rest and may his soul R.I.P.

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    • joycutinha, kuppepadavu

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      dear Meena Vishwas AND Veena and all Family My Hertfelt Condolences May His Soul Rest In Pease.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shri Wilfy Remimbus has accomplished legendary contribution to KONKANI SPEAKING WORLD. He will never be forgotten. His name must be written in Golden Letters in the pages of Konkani History. May God console his family. He was the humblest of all Konkani artists ever I met in my life. May his soul rest in peace. Fr. Rudolf OCD (Madanthyar)

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    • Lolita Rodrigues, Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena Aunty/ Veena & Family/ Vishu & Charlene

      Our sincere and heartfelt condolences on the sad demise of Wilfy Uncle. He was a true legend in the world of Konkanni Music. A humble being and caring individual. We pray that God may grant him eternal rest and give you his family the courage to bear this loss.

      Yours in grief
      Sudhi Lolita Syona Fronteiro, Louis Rita Russell Rodrigues - Kuwait
      Lizzy Fronteiro & Family - Jeppu,Mlore

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Ramcy Fernandes, Bendur / Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt Condolences to Meena bai, Vishu & Charleen, Veena & Arthur. May Wilfyab's Soul Rest in Peace.

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    • Mario Rego, Vamanjoor/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Really shocked to hear Wilfyab's sudden demise!Our heartfelt condolences to Rebimbus fly.Konkani world have lost a great leader.but...will remain in our hearts forever!MAY HIS SOUL REST IN PEACE.ADEVS TUKA KONKAN KOGUL WILFYAB.

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    • Pramod Fernandes, Bangalore/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Miss u Wilfy uncle.May your soul rest in peace. My heartfelt condolence to entire fly.

      Xavier & Ivy, Asha & fly, Vivila & fly, Pramod & Linda

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    • CANUTE MATHIAS, Shirva/Sharjah

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      My Heartfelt condolences to the family of the Konkani Music Legend, WILFY REBIMBUS.
      My heart & mind doesn’t accept the fact that he is no more. It’s all God’s wish & we all pray for his soul.
      WILFY REBIMBUS, A true Inspiration in my life. Ever since I was a small boy, I got to listen to his songs and loved them all. Even today I Love his songs especially songs like Philomena, Vanita Vandana, Mog Tujo, Zor Moji Maay Maka Distik Podon, Sanj Zalire etc.
      Even though we all will miss him, his songs will always remember in our hearts & minds. Every musical show will definitely remember him & his songs. He will remain with us forever.
      The Legend, Wilfy Rebimbus is not lost for Konkani Community, as his musical achievements & contributions will live in our hearts till the end.
      I pray – OH ALMIGHTY GOD, IF AT ALL POSSIBLE, kindly send Wilfyab back.
      CANUTE MATHIAS, Shirva/Sharjah

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    • Raymond Patrao, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt sympathies to the Rebimbus family.May his soul Rest In peace. Indeed it is a great loss to the entire konkani Community. I pray that God may give strength and courage to the whole family overcome this great loss..

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    • edlien, brahmavar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      may his soul rest in peace....

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    • Ronald Madtha, Borimar / Mira Road

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena, Veena Vishwas and family, pls accept our heartful condolences. may his soul rest in peace.Ronald, Fatima and frinton

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    • joseph pinto, anjelore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Hearty condolences to the family....u ll'b remembered forever dear wilfyab....may ur soul rest in peace....

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    • Charlie, Sastan

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Mangaloreans lost a true legend.
      The joy he brought to mangalore throuh his evergreen songs will ever remain a legend.
      Good bye "KONKAN KOGUL".

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    • Ronald Madtha, Borimar / Mira Road

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena, Veena Vishwas and family, pls accept our heartful condolences. may his soul rest in peace.Ronald, Fatima and frinton

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    • Pramod fernandes, Bangalore/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Miss you wilfy uncle. May your soul rest in peace. My heart felt condolence to the entire fly..

      Xavier, Ivy, Asha n fly vivila n fly. Pramod & Linda

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    • Stany & Lynette D'Souza, Ruzai/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dearest Meenabai, Veena, Arthur, Vishu & Charlene,
      We know words would fail to console your insurmountable grief now. We know yours is a very close knit family. We join you in your grief as a part of Wilfyabs’ extended family. All the good times we spent together and all the affection Wilfyab had for his friends flash before our eyes. A kind soul, humble to the core, the undisputed Emperor of Konkani World, cannot be ‘no more’. Wilfyab will never die in our hearts. Please be consoled as from now on he will be singing praises of Almighty and will send heavens blessing to you all.
      Yours in grief: Stany, Lynette, Rovina & Kevin D’Souza, Dubai

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    • victor lancy, nellikar/bangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      May his soul rest in peace

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    • Wilfred, Pechh, Aaron and Anora D'Mello, Dubai/Udupi/Bola-Belman

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Right now no words are coming out. We surely miss you a lot Wilfy Baba. Hartfelt condolence to Rebimbus Fly.

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    • Alwyn,Terina,Ash & Kate, Kundapur/Qatar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meenabai, Veena/Arthur,Arvin,Ana,Vishu/Charleen,Kindly accept our heartfelt condolences on the demise of our loving konkani legend Wilfybab. We pray that may the god almighty grant you all the strength and courage to overcome this great loss.
      May his soul rest in peace.

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    • valerian,avil, manglore paladka

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      we lost our greatest singer in konkani world may rest in peace

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    • Vinnu, Allipade

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Its a great loss for the whole KONKANI world .... very sad news. I pray May his soul rest in peace

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    • Lydwin Pinto, Kulshekar - Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It's a shocking news! We are gonna miss Wilfyab. May his soul rest in peace. Hearty condolences to his family!

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse


      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      No....No... How can you die? You are with us.Your music is with us.your songs are with us. Your voice is with us.No one can take you from us.

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    • vasant raj, udupi/Abudhabi

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Good bye Konkana Kogileye !!

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    • John B. Miranda, Pachinadka/Bantwal/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      A great loss to "Konkani World" My Heartfelt condolences to Rebimbus Family. May his soul REST IN PEACE.We miss you.

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    • Norbert Sequeira, FERAR/DUBAI

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena aunty,Veena,Vishu and all the members of Rebimbus family,
      We are really shocked to hear about this sad news.Our heartfelt condolences to you all.We consider ourselves lucky to have met you all at your residence in August'09.We are sure that Uncle Wilfy will remain in the hearts of every music lover . May his soul rest in peace.
      -Norbert,Dora,Kendrick,Kenisha Sequeira,FERAR-DUBAI.

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    • Vivian D'souza, Bondel/Doha-Qatar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is very Shocking news Dear Mena and Fly please accept our heartfelt condolence. May his Soul rest in peace.From Vivian / Enid and Fly. Bondel/Mangalore/Doha-Qatar.

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    • Joy Paladka, Mira Road

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena bai, Viswas, Charleen, Veena and Arther,
      Please accept my heartfelt condolances.I pray to God, to give you strength to bear this pain
      May the Almighty God grant eternal rest to Wilfyab's soul

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    • Norbert Sequeira, FERAR/DUBAI

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena aunty,Veena,Vishu and all the members of Rebimbus family,
      We are really shocked to hear about this sad news.Our heartfelt condolences to you all.We consider ourselves lucky to have met you all at your residence in August'09.We are sure that Uncle Wilfy will remain in the hearts of every music lover . May his soul rest in peace.
      -Norbert,Dora,Kendrick,Kenisha Sequeira,FERAR-DUBAI.

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    • vidya Alvares,

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Arthur,Veena & all family members,

      We are very sorry for your loss, & pray to Almighty God to grant him eternal rest

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    • Arun Fernandes - KONCAB, Bantwal/Bangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Wilfy Rebimbus - I have always felt that he did not get what was due to him because he came from a lesser known language and a minority background. I have not seen more talent than this ever in India. Mohd Rafi, Kishore, Lata, Manna dey etc sang what others wrote....But here was a man - Wilfy who not only wrote his songs, but also composed the tunes and sang so many songs....Indeed great talent for a humble background....Wilfy you will always live in our hearts as long as we hum those wonderful tunes you created for us.... Thank you very much....
      Adeus tuka....
      May your soul rest in peace...
      Condolences to the bereaved Rebimbus family.....

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Death has snatched one of the greatest singers of konkan.The void created by his untimely death may take a long time to fill.Wlfy was konkani musics Mohdrafi, Mukesh n Kishorekumar, indeed a THREE INTO ONE.May his soul R I P., N may God give strength to his family to bear the heavy loss.

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    • Prof.M.Abubaker, Thumbay/RAK UAE

      Tue, Mar 09 2010


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    • Stanley Muscat, Belman

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Its very sad news. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • VINCENT AND FLY, Gurpur, Kaikammba

      Tue, Mar 09 2010


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      Tue, Mar 09 2010


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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very very shocking and sad news gto hear the sudden dismise of Wilfy rebembus. It is a great loss to the entire konkani community worldwide, our Heart felt codolences to Meena Vishvas,Veena and rest of family. May has soul rest of peace, Vincent Rodrigues and family.

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    • Louis Mendonca, Mudarangadi,Mumbai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      May his soul rest in peace

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    • Melvin D'souza, Mangalore/Muscat

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      My heartfelt condolenses to Meena & Family. Its really shocking to learn that Mr.Wilfy rebimbus is no more. But he will be remembered forever. The whole Konkani community is built on the foudation called Wilfy Rebimbus. Mr.Wilfy Rebimbus is the Composer & Singer par excellence. There is no subject which Wilfy hasn't touched in his songs. He was a humble person with radical thinking. His contribution is immense to Konkani community. You will remain in our hearts forever.RIP

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    • Titus Menezes, Shirva

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      "Konkan Kogul".., will be remembered over generations....may his soul rest in peace..

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very very shocking and sad news gto hear the sudden dismise of Wilfy rebembus. It is a great loss to the entire konkani community worldwide, our Heart felt codolences to Meena Vishvas,Veena and rest of family. May has soul rest of peace, Vincent Rodrigues and family.

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    • Lawrence Balkunje, AIKALA MANGALORE

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Really Shocking news Wilfy my hero is no more on earth but still he will live many more centuries in our heart..... My heartfelt condolances to Mrs. Meena and family members.....

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    • Antony Pereira, Bejai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Aadevus thuka Konkan Kogul Wilfy Rebimbus. Konkani mathecha votanth konkan karavlere poolulen pool tun. Thya poolacho pormoel maai gavanth, hare gavani ani porgavani vochon pavla. Devacha thalenthan borulen pool tun aaj thyche Devan tuka kadun vela! Tujo thalo aani tuja sangeethacho vallo amche moade aasa. Dev borekuru thuka aani sasancho vishew thuka bava wilfy. My heart felt condolences to Meena, Veena, Vishwas Rebimbus & fly - Tony, Ejai

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    • Sunil coth, mumbai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Our heartful condolences to the family on the sad demise of Mr.Wify Rebimbus.May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Alphonsus, Veena, Ashlene, Ancia, Mysore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      dhukha borthath dollyanth,
      miriyoe padthath kapalar,
      kaslen ghadeeth thenh ghadlay
      nirbagi ya mangluranth.

      you shined like a star. we will never forget your sentimental songs. May your soul rest in peace.Heartfelt condolences to the family.

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    • P.Archibald Furtado, BARKUR / MUSCAT

      Tue, Mar 09 2010


      Once the shocking news saying ‘Konkan Kogul Wilfy Remimbus ceases to sing’ flashed in ‘Daiji world’ this morning, it unfolded innumerable feelings at one time, mostly with almost all Konkani lovers. There are many Konkani speaking populace who hardly read any books or literature in Konkani but surely we can vouch there will be none who have not heard of Wilfy’s songs!

      For us Barkurian’s Wilfy the ultimate ‘King of Konkani Songs and Voice’. Yes our heart and soul would like to cherish those countless melodious numbers. But Wilfy you are matchless and unparallel, extremely enviable blend, both in composing and singing and coming to presenting them on stage, its a committed perfection – you are the one and only capable of filling the full stage, of any magnitude, that too anywhere in the Konkani world, in terms of your extreme dedication, class in every song you choose, with that gifted voice inbuilt in a towering personality, with authority!!

      It is early 80’s we come close to you in Mumbai. St. Peter’s Catholic Association Barkur – Mumbai (SPCYA) had that proud privilege to sponsor full packed record Wilfy Nite at St. Mary’s Hall, Mazgaon, thereafter it’s the turn of St. Peters Association (SPA) to invite you thrice at ultra modern Bhaidas Maganlal Auditorium at Vile Parla……all grand shows. Then in Brahmmavar in aid of Barkur Church renovation Fund, then never forgetting ICYM – Silver Jubilee Finale at Barkur Church open ground on Christmas Day in the year 2002, in the presence of all time record spectators. Last three decades you are at the zenith of your fame as a live performer, and during this period, we are fortunate to have you and your troupe midst of us more than a dozen occasions. The last we witnessed the Wilfy Nite at ‘Makkala Mantapa, Brahmmavar’, organized by our own ‘The Expressions Group’ in December 2007, to the full entertainment of more than couple of thousand admirers.

      The Wilfy’s musical ocean full of passion, love, punch, expression, appeal, moral with modulating expertise - Yes out of every 10 songs you composed, might have sung one by yourselves and the rest of the nine for others…….you are the only one, groomed and trained scores of artists, singers for us……!
      We consider Wilfy Remimbus as a ‘versatile genius’ with so many unique facets – a dramatist, story writer, composer, musician, in one man, dedicated more than 50 years to Konkani culture both as an addition and as a service and thereby earning a livelihood

      Any amount praise is surely an understatement, yesterday the living legend and now onwards ‘great legend’ - long live this voice, for years to come and beyond……….Wilfy Remimbus will not be there physically, but we always remember you many times, everyday, because you and your songs become part of our busy life, at times gives us a sacred healing, and many a times smile, happiness in this so called modern uncomfortable and confused

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    • robin, jeppu /mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      may his soul rest in peace

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    • Richard Alvares, Kulshekar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Konkani shetant bhangar pikovn konkni mathek gresth korun amar jalai tum mogal Wilfy Rebimbus.Sasnik sukh Dev tuka favo korundi sorga razanth.Magon dhad besavan tujya potinicher, burgyancher ani kutmacher.

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    • Anita Menezes, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Hummed your songs while in distress & pain, Muttered your lyrics in times of confusion, Sang & danced to your tunes to show the world I was happy. Glorified the creator through your hymns. Thank you wilfy. You've taken the journey we all must take
      We take comfort and we know
      You're in a place, you can share with Grace
      We miss you...
      but we're letting you go. May you rest in Peace.

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    • Mrs Prescilla Pinto, mlore, blore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Hearty condolences to the family..
      This undoubtedly is an incredible loss to the konkan music fraternity.... rest in peace Mr Rebimbus.... you'll be remembered forever..

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    • Fr. Praveen D'Souza, OP, Shirva/Nagpur

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt sympathies to the Rebimbus family. May Wilfy's soul rest in peace.

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    • Johnson, Barkur/Bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      End of an era which will remember forever. Our heartfelt Condolences to the fly,may his soul rest in peace.

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    • Ernest/Reshma, Mangalore/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena aunty,Vishwas,Veena and family,Please accept our heartfelt condolences.May his soul rest in peace.

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    • vesma, mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Its very sad news. May his soul rest in peace. We want you back. Please come back.

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    • Kevin Mascarenhas, Mangalore/Sydney

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      A shocking news indeed. His songs does bring fond memories down memory lane and Konkani music lovers will definitely miss him a lot. May his soul rest in peace and the lord help his family cope with this great loss.

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    • mohan sequeira, mangalore/dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Words are not enough to sing the praise of this great personality who has contributed so much to the konkani language. JAB TAK SURAJ CHAND RAHEGA WILFY TERA NAAM AUR GANA DONO RAHENGE.


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    • Joachim/Lavina D'Souza, Neerude, Doha-Qatar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear members of the Rebimbus Family, Please accept our heart felt condolence on the untimely death of our beloved WILFIAB. We pray that God give you the strength and courage to overcome this great loss. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Roshan, m'bidri/a'dhabi

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Mog tuzo kitlo ashelom titloi labonk na maka...portun aanv zalmon yetholo moga mun aponk tuka....kandith jaun ami konkani lok tuka runi jaun asthelyan,thu portun zalmon yethloi ya konkani loka modhe wilfyab ee uthran borethana mujya dholethaun dukan devli,tujya podha shivai amcha garanth dis ujvadona ...Sarvespar dev tuka thachya rajanth geundi, tuve konkani loka katir vavrlya pasoth kandith dev,pavothe inam pavo a big fan of urs,oh my god am crying.

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    • USWAS, Shirva / Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Our deepest and sincere sympathies to all family members on the sad demise of dearest Wilfy's. His loss in your family and our community is unbearable. May God grant you all the strength and courage to bear this great loss.

      U.A.E.'s St. Mary's Welfare Association Shirva.

      U.A.E's St. Mary's Welfare Association Shirva

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    • walter menezes, Chilimbi,Urwa ( Dubai)

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena & Fly
      Heartfelt Condolences. Its really sad to hear the sad demise of Mr Wilfy.we will miss you wilfy but you the konkani kogul will remain in our heart, May his soul Rest In peace

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    • Ignatious Francis, Bantwal/qatar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt Condolences to Rebimbus family. May his soul rest in peace

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    • Robin Vas, Bantwal, Saudi Arabia

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is shocking news to hear that our konkanni kogul wilfyab is no more with us,,,,But his songs and memories will be with us.....may his soul rest in peace.

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    • Sr.michelle, kulshekar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena, Vishwas and Veena and all the family members ,my heartfelt condolences.May God give you strength to bear this shock.
      May Wilfy's soul rest in peace.

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    • Valson Mendonsa, Mangalore/USA

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad news specially for all Mangaloreans.He was a king of konkani music. Heartfelt condolence to his family.

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    • Fr. Walter Mendonca SVD, Kulshekar/Tortola BVI

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is a shocking and heart-breaking news. Konkan Kogul of Konkan World was a great inspiration. he has touched the hearts of millions around the world. As he has left us to his eternal home, his voice will be alive in every home of Konkani Mogi. May God welcome him into His Paradise with the Choirs of Angels singing goodness of Wilfy.

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    • Fr Baptist Menezes, Episcopal Vicar Udupi Dist., Shirva/Udupi

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shri Wilfy Rebimbus is no more. His golden voice is now still but still his voices will resound all around till the end of time.His beautiful memory will live in our hearts since his songs entered before he did and now both live in our hearts not to leave...Remaining poor, he made konkani rich with his beautiful, meaningful theme of messages in every song, and indeed proclaimed the Gospel.Meena, Veena, Vishu, and your family members, yes, you all mourn unconcoled, still be consoled that you continue to have Wilfy the Legend whose name will live beyond...Rest in peace dear wilfy and continue to LIVE.

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    • Francis pangla, Pangla / Singapore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      you can never die, you are alive in our hearts, when i think of deep love of my mother (no more) i listen mai mai and cry, your death is imposible so to say people love u so much, we miss lot as a living person, but as a person u are "AMAR"

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    • Fr Baptist Menezes, Episcopal Vicar Udupi Dist., Shirva/Udupi

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shri Wilfy Rebimbus is no more. His golden voice is now still but still his voices will resound all around till the end of time.His beautiful memory will live in our hearts since his songs entered before he did and now both live in our hearts not to leave...Remaining poor, he made konkani rich with his beautiful, meaningful theme of messages in every song, and indeed proclaimed the Gospel.Meena, Veena, Vishu, and your family members, yes, you all mourn unconcoled, still be consoled that you continue to have Wilfy the Legend whose name will live beyond...Rest in peace dear wilfy and continue to LIVE.

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    • Ronald F.D'Souza , Mulky/Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      it is very sad day in the konkani lovers.We Lost Great meloidy King KONKAN KOGUL WILFY the konkani world no one can fill his place,he is the grat person. heartelt condolence to his family members.may his soul rest in peace

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    • Stany Dsouza, Mumbai / Miyar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocking news. The entire Konkani community has lost a legend. Difficult to fill the vacuum. Pray God Almighty grant his noble soul eternal rest and peace. Heartfelt condolences to his family.

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    • Fr Baptist Menezes, Episcopal Vicar Udupi Dist., Shirva/Udupi

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shri Wilfy Rebimbus is no more. His golden voice is now still but still his voices will resound all around till the end of time.His beautiful memory will live in our hearts since his songs entered before he did and now both live in our hearts not to leave...Remaining poor, he made konkani rich with his beautiful, meaningful theme of messages in every song, and indeed proclaimed the Gospel.Meena, Veena, Vishu, and your family members, yes, you all mourn unconcoled, still be consoled that you continue to have Wilfy the Legend whose name will live beyond...Rest in peace dear wilfy and continue to LIVE.

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    • Franklyn Lobo, Mangalore/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      In Wilfyab's passing away Konkani Music has lost a composer, singer, an icon par excellence. Thank you Walty for a touching editorial. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Avil D'souza, Attinja, Shirva/Qatar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt Condolences. May his soul Rest In peace. We will Miss u A Lot,

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    • Ivan & Jenevive, Karkala

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Sad to hear the news, may his soul rest in peace.

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    • James Gomes, Mangalore / Bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena, Veena, Vishwas & family members,
      It was a great shock to hear of Wilfy’s sudden death. Please accept our heartfelt sympathies. Today Konkani music has truly lost a shining star. His music lives on in our hearts and we will cherish the memories of the times shared together during the shows held in Bahrain. May Almighty God grant you all the strength to overcome this great loss. Rest in Peace dear Wilfy.
      In prayers,
      James,Muriel,Nisha,Sheetal & Hazel

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt condolences to the family members of Rebimbus family. A big loss and very sad news to the entire Konkani music lovers & mangaloreans. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Fredrick,Felcy,Rahul,Sharel & Melissa, Mangalore, Bondel

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      We express our heart felt sympathies to the bereaved family. May god shower his blessings on you'll and give you'll the strength to bear this great loss.

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    • Ronald & Cynthia Mathias, Mudarangadi/Mississauga/Canada

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is very sad to hear about Wilfy passing away. May your soul rest in peace. Dear Rebimbus family pleae accept our heartfelt condolences. Even though he is no more with us we will hear his sweet voices.

      Ronald, Cynthia, Ashton, Aidan & Ashley Mathias, Mudarangadi, Mississauga, Canada

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    • Mike, KSA

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Indeed very sad news. May his soul rest in peace, I pray.

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    • Joseph Helen, Mangalore, Muscat

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      What a great loss to Konkani Kutamb. Eyes filled with tears and hearts saddened. May his family members have the strength to accept this big loss. May his soul rest in peace. We love you Wilfy Baba!!

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    • Oliver D Souza, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is very painful to know the untimely demise of Mr. Wilfy Rebimbus.Thanks Wilfy for the service you have rendered to the KONKANI LANGUAGE.I am sure you will be rewarded in heaven.

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    • Mrs & Mr.Boniface Monteiro & Fly, Valencia - Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena & Fly
      Heartfelt Condolences. Its really sad to hear the sad demise of Mr Wilfy. May his soul Rest In peace.

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    • Valerian Dalmaida, Mangalore/Abu Dhabi

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Thank you Lord for the gift of Wilfy to all of us. Thank you Wilfy for the treasure of Konkani Songs and the "Kogul" voice you left behind.I had the previlege to organise your 36th Nite for Sacred Heart Yuvak Sangh Suratkal and Town Hall Mangalore. We join your sorrowful family in bidding you farewell. Long Live Wilfy.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010


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    • Johnel D'Souza (Johnel Cascia), Cascia, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Last Saturday, 6th March, I visited Wilfy at the hospital and knew atonce that he was sinking. He repeated my name after I identified myself. I told him in the presence of Meena and Babita D'Sa and 2 others that 'at home we are listening to his songs from the 40 songs pouch that we feel that he is singing in my house in person and that he will remian in our hearts and minds'.
      A gereat legend has gone but his songs, the memorable words will remainon the tounges of all Konkani perople worldwide.
      My heartfelt condolence to Meena, Vishu & Charleen, Veena & Arthur & kids.

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    • Peter, Brahmavar/Sharjah

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      This is "HISTORY " whole Konkani World weeps for the death of Konkani Great Wilfy Rebimbus. Thank you Daiji World.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      A Muhammad Rafi of Konkani, Mr Wilfy R death is really shocking and a great loss for Konkani speaking people. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Roger Christopher Lobo, Shirva

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      My the soul of this Dearly beloved person, Rest In Heavenly Peace, We'll Miss u A Lot,

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    • Pradeep Pinto, Sasthan / Dubai- UAE

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      A PERSONALITY LIKE WILFY REBIMBUS WAS NEVER BORN AND NEVER WILL BE BORN. This day we are extremely grieved to learn of his death since this is not only a loss to the world of Konkani music but also the loss of a humble, down to earth, kind & a humanitarian person from our earthly journey. He will be missed tremendously but will continue to live in our hearts & minds with his everlasting sweet melodies. May God grant his soul peace & may his heavenly journey be a sweet & melodious one too. My heartfelt condolences to Meena Aunty, Veena & fly, Vishwas & Charleen

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena, Vishwas, Veena and family:
      It is shocking to hear the sad news. There never will be another who will replace in him in times to come. Our heartfelt condolence to all of you and May God shower his blessings and give you all the strength to bear this great loss.
      We will keep you in our prayers.

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    • Linus Moras, Mangalore/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Sad day in Konkani history. Legend, King of Konkani Music and good human is no more. Hard to believe. Wlfy gave everything to Konkani and made Konkani rich. He is not dead but become immortal and will live forever in our hearts.

      Dear Meena, Veena, Vishwas and all Rebimbus family members please accept our heartfelt condolences. May his soul rest in peace.

      Linus/Jessie/Nimit/Nisha & Nobel

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    • Raj, Bangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      I express my heartfelet sympathies to the brieved family. May Heavenly father grant him eternal rest and bless all his family members

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    • Lovelyn D'mello, Kelarai/Mangalore/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Its very shocking news, Our community lost one of the talented composer cum singer.May his soul rest in peace.

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    • PWCK - KUWAIT, PiusNagar - Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear members of the Rebimbus Family, Please accept our heart felt condolence on the untimely death of our beloved Konkon Kogul WILFIbAB. We pray that God give you the strength and courage to overcome this great loss. May his soul rest in peace.

      Pius Nagar Welfare Committee,

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    • raj, Bangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      I express my heartfelet sympathies to the brieved family. May Heavenly father grant him eternal rest and bless all his family members

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    • Max & Jessie Rasquinha, Mangalore/Houston, Tx

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      This is a shocking news indeed. I had just posted a letter to Wilfy today with our booklet on "Yesr of celebration" not realizing that our dear Wilfy Rebimbos is no more. God has His own plans. I had the opportunity of meeting Wilfy in December. Dear Meena, take courage. May God help you today and always.

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    • Lawrence Saldanha, Kanajar/Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear grieving Rebimbus family members,

      First of all, please accept our heartfelt condolences on the tragic death of your beloved Wilfy Rebimbus

      Quite deservedly the passing away of Late Wilfy Rebimbus has sent shockwaves in the Konkani World, which has lost its unique legndary artists, who dedicated his life for the cause. I am sure, Wilfy will be remembered by Konkani folks for a long time to come.

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    • jossie castelino, mlore / bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      May his soul rest in peace.

      Heartfelt condolences to the family and the mangaloreans in general.
      We all enjoyed his songs and will cherish them for a long time.
      may be the grand child to be will be the reincarnation of wilfy. only the time will tell us.

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    • Janet D'almeida, Moodubelle - Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Sad to read about the demise of a legend of konkani commmunity of Mangalore... The whole world has lost one of the great contributor of Konkani music and songs.... But his memories will always be cherished through his beautiful voice and his great songs which always will live for ever…May his soul rest in peace...and heartfelt condolences to his family..

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    • anil/glany dsouza, mangalore/ireland

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      legends never die you will always remain in our hearts.our condolences to the family.may your soul rest in peace.almighty bless your family

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    • Arun & Shalet Pinto, Karkala,Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt Condolences to Rebimbus family. May his soul rest in peace.The Konkani Legend Konkan Kogul Wilfy Remimbus will be remembered by the entire konkani commuinity forever.
      With Grief,
      ARun,Shalet & Andrea Pinto

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      My heartful condolences to the Rebimbus family on the sudden demise of Konkan Kogul Wilfy Rebimbus.Your voice always remain in my heart.May his soul rest in Peace.

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    • rockyderic moras, bejai,mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      our heart felt sympathies to his wife meena,children vishwas and his wife cherlleen,,,daughter veena,huby arthur and thier kids,,,,,we have reallly lost a grt person,,,i odnt think anyone can replace him...we salute u sir wilfy,,we the moras fly tooo mourn with ur family...we r ur fan,,we have atttended alll the nights last yr.and also bought his pouch of 40cds,.......we miss u wilfyab,,,,,,,,,,,may your soul rest in peace...we alll hear ur cds daily..............wilfy with his fly and his troup were invited to our home in bahrain when he had his shows there.we attended alll the nights in bahrain without fail as we r very big fan of him..a grt man...may his soul rest in peace..........rocky,deric,carol and darol moras,,bejai,mangalore.....or u can also say the NORONHA FAMILY frm falnir.........

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse


      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Those we love don't go away,
      They walk beside us every day,
      Unseen, unheard, but always near,
      Still loved, still missed and very dear.
      Heartfelt condolences

      Canute Mathias

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    • Nithan & Shanthi Rodrigues, Mangalore/Bangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad news. we have lost a humble and a precious soul. Heartfelt condolence to all his family members. May his soul rest in peace. Vishwas and Charlene… Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to get Wifly uncle’s Golden collection. Even if we cannot meet him and see his live shows we will hear and remember him through his songs. Life that he lived on this earth is an inspiration to all of us.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Gerry, Audrey, Conan and Cavan, Bijai/Abu Dhabi

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is heartbreaking to know that our dear Wilfy is no more with us. A gem of a person and a legend, it is very difficult to digest the news of his sad demise. His songs have become part of us, part of our lives. Who will compose such beautiful and meaningful songs for us? There will not be another Wilfy, there will not be another wait for Wilfy's songs. Meena bai, Vishwas, Charleen, Veena and Arthur please accept our hearfelt condolences.

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    • Althaf Ahmed, Siddakatte, Vantage Infotech

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      this was very shocking . my heartbeat started increasing when i heard this news .May his soul rest in peace . I was a great fan of wilfy nite. god bless u wilfy.

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    • Ivan Almeida, Tallur, USA

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is great loss for konkani community. Our heartfelt condolences to the family. May his soul rest in peace. Ivan & family

      DisAgree [1] Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

    • Austin Prabhu, Nanthur/Chicago

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      I have no words to express as I shocked to read this sadest news of my life after my parents. May his soul rest in peace and may God Almighty grant Meena, Veena, Vishwas and their family members enough strength to bear this great loss. Konkani World lost a legend!

      DisAgree Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

    • Saritha, Kuwait / Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is shocking and unbelievable news. It is great loss for our Konkani Language and Culture. Our Heartfelt Condolences and Deepest Sympathies to the family. Its God’s will, and finally we all have to be there. May the Lord give courage and strength to the family to bear this irreparable loss.

      Wilfy Rebimbus you will live forever in our Hearts through your Konkani songs and no one can fill your place.

      We will miss you always.

      May your soul rest in peace.

      DisAgree [1] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

    • Oliver D'Mello , Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very very shocking news to hear the sudden demise of Wilfy Rebembus. It is a great loss to the entire konkani community worldwide. Our heartfelt condolences to Meena,Vishwas,Veena and rest of the family. May his soul rest in peace.

      DisAgree [1] Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

    • H. R. Alva, Pangala / Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Knowing 'Konkan Kogul' Wilfy Rebimbus was the best part of my public life. I had several opportunities to visit his house and interact with him. The Parish bulletin of Pangla Church "Panglacho Prakas" started in 1988 was printed at Wilfybab's 'Vishwas Prints' for the initial years. I had the opportunity to organise 'Wilfy Nite' twice in 1991 and 1993 on behalf of Pangla Parish at Shankerpura. Even our wedding invitations were printed at his press.
      Wilfybab was so simple, humble and down to earth. He was the real treasure of Konkani Community in real sense of the term.
      A decade ago I had a long interview with Wilfybab in Konkani for broadcast over All India Radio (AIR) Mangalore. Last year I had the opportunity to write a Documentary feature in Kannada for AIR on his life and contributions. The program produced by my wife Concepta was broadcast simultaneously over all the 13 AIR stations in Karnataka having a listener strength of over 5 crore. It was the first time that a Konkani artiste has got such an opportunity. Subsequently it received a state level award for program excellency and it was broadcast once again across Karnataka.
      It was my humble wish that Wilfybab received a National Award during his life time and I had tried for it at my level. But my dream not realized.
      Along with Concepta I extend heart-felt sympathies to Meena Bai, Veena, Vishwas and the entire family. May God grant them strength to bear the loss.
      'Adevs tuka Wilfybab'

      DisAgree [2] Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

    • Frank madtha, Bangalore/Puttur

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Wilfy will be remembered to generations to generations, till the Konkani lasts. Heartfelt condolences to family members on behalf of Konkani Samudai, Jayanagar,Bangalore members. His voice will be in our hearts for ever. May his soul rest in peace.

      DisAgree [2] Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

    • Alfred & Suzan D'Souza, Bendoor / Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      End of a Glorius Era. Konkani Language in general and Konkani speaking people in particualr will miss Wilfy for ever. One of the calmest, peace loving, expressive persons - expressed his feelings throug his script and enlivened every heart that understood a pefect Poet's language. As a kid I used to visit him with my friends years ago have never seen such a down to earth, humble and peace loving person like him. We miss you Wilfy. Live eternally in every Mangalorean Heart. Heartfelt condolences to Meenabai and the family. May the Lord give you'll the exemplary courage to bear this loss.

      DisAgree Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

    • Konkan Singers Club, Bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear members of Rebimbus family, we are sadned by the knews of Wilfyaab. Please accept our heartfelt condolences. Wilfyaab will be remembered by all due to his music and songs. His lyrics can not be matched. May his soul rest in peace.

      DisAgree [2] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

    • Oliver Quadros, Moodubelle

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      A man who lives in every Konkan’s Life. this gentleman has blended every occasion, every essence and every aspect of an ordinary Mangalorean’s life in his songs.
      There is a song called Adi nachlo aso atan zalan piso…. A situation where husband and wife fights and baby child expresses her feelings by saying Hai hai suroo zali hai amgelya gharantli sodanchi lodai.
      There is another song called Moinyachi Poili taarik where he expresses the feelings of the monthly Pay day
      He composed romance and pure love songs like Roopa, Zeena, Sezarachya Ghara, Havn tuze Mog karthan, illo illo, Chedu kon and many more this man has recorded every day of an ordinary man’s life. The Masterpiece which I feel that no composer has created is” Ani Dudhanth Dhuton Teeche Paai” Where he expressed Son’s feelings to his Mother after she passes away. No one would have ever written a song like this.
      Over and above his classics Maria, Mog tuzo kitlo ashellon, saanz Zali, Raat Zalia Jeevana, Mother Theresa, Mogachen Ghar and so on….
      He had composed a song for every occasion, and every season. His music and his songs itself expresses his richness he is a King who united all of us through his Music. Being a solid fan of Wilfy, I always had a dream to meet him which seems now be an only a dream forever. As I listen to him every day, I always felt him as a part of my life and a member our family. I do not know how Konkani Mata will fill the loss of her most loved son.
      He will always remain alive in our h

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    • Sarita D'Souza, Valencia / Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Struck by grief. Cannot express our sorrow. May your soul rest in peace. You will continue to live long in the hearts of Konkani Music Lovers. Heartfelt condolences to Aunty Meena, Veena, Vishwas and all family members.


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    • Lilly, Vamadapadve/Managalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It was shocking news when I heard.
      Miles & Miles he goes apart,His memories & songs will never depart.A Konkoni Nightingale will sing in my Heart. May His soul rest in peace.

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    • Reena/Alexis Castelino, Makale/Doha - Qatar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Veena & Arthur, heartfelt condolences to you and to your family. May his roul rest in peace.

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    • Glen Mendoca & Fly., Tallur/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dees aadlay galay udone
      Sinthi menthani budone
      Ghadaap hain aila ghadone
      Sarvanki laagi vodone.
      we lost you, but your sentimental songs always remains in our heart, may your departed soul rest in peace

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    • vinod suvarna, muchur kana

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      may lord grant him eternal rest and heart felt sympathy yo his fly members relatives and dear and near ones

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    • Jude D. Alvares, Notingham,UK

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Wilfyab you are not with us today,
      But your songs will be with us always. We grew up with your music and it'll definately last forever. And at this moment of time, I am greatful to Almighty God for giving us Wilfyab "A legend" in our Community. May Lord grant him eternal peace and take into his Kingdom.
      My heartfelt condelences to Meena, Veena, Vishwas & all Family members.

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    • sunil dsa, mangalore ullal, doha qatar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      its very sad news may his soul rest in peace

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    • Allen, Manipal

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Sad to read about the demise of a legend of konkani commmunity of Mangalore...he is the one who united the konkanis by his melodious voice...may his soul rest in peace...and heartfelt condolences to his family..

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Aloysius Saldanha, Urwa/Pune

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It's a great loss to the konkani world, but surely God has taken away the best to join in the choir of angels above. "May his soul rest in peace".

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Wilfy kityak amchor zalo tuka vochonk Zainathlengi ani thode dis thari ravonk Mochor zalo astholo Devak Wilfik anga sodunk Kogul zai asulli konna Devak thain aikonk.

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    • Jameel, Mangalore/Qatar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      My Heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family. living in his neighbourhood at Joseph Nagar, I have had the opportunity to meet Wilfy Uncle regularly. He was Humble, soft spoken and always cheerful.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      WE DEEPLY MOURN THE SAD DEMISE OF OUR BELOVED mr. wilfi rebimbus . may his soul rest in peace

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    • Lionel Aranha, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      “Music speaks what cannot be expressed, soothes the mind and gives it rest, heals the heart and makes it whole, flows from heaven to the soul.” Wilfy was sent to us to soothe our minds and heal our hearts. He may be gone, but his voice will live forever. Eternal rest grant unto him Lord!

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    • kishoreshma dsouza, talapady/bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      today really a sad day for konkani people.we miss a lot 'konkani kogul'...................our heartfelt condolence to his family.may his soul rest in peace.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Denzil Mendoza (Dennu), Kallianpur/Bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sorry to know the sad news of Mr. Wilfy's sudden death. My condolences to the family. May his Soul Rest in Peace.

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    • veena anitha castelino, siddakatte(Doha qatar)

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocking news,great loss to the entire Konkan community.may his soul rest in peace.

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    • Amrit & Norma, KSA

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      A sad day in all us Mangloreans' lives, the legend is no more, our heartfelt condolences to the family, at this their most difficult time. Eternal rest grant him, o Lord. Let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul, and all of the souls of the dearly departed, rest in peace. Amen. ( )

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    • mishal, Mlore,kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt condolence to his family.May his soul rest in peace

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    • Carmo Santos, Goa / Kuwait.

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      The Chairman,President,Members and the Managing Committee of Goan Cultural Centre-Kuwait conveys their deep sorry on the passing away of Wilfy Remimbus. Our heartfelt condolences to the breaved family.

      The world has lost one of the great contributor of Konkani music and songs.

      Our Prayers to The Almighty God to grant him Eternal Rest.

      May his soul rest in peace.

      Carmo Santos

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Will miss your entertainment,thank you for your great work...may ur soul rest in peace!!

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    • Milton, Kallianpur/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Our heartfelt sympathies to the family and to all Konkani Song lovers of Mangalore. Wilfy will be remembered for generations to generations for his extraordinary song building and delivery capacity. The songs that took us back to our childhood, our youth and always portrayed the simplicity of Mangalore culture at every opportunity. May Almighty grant him eternal peace and strength to his family to bear this huge loss.

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    • sherry/Babla, shirva/kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Mrs meena,veena,vishwas, and all the family members when i heard the demise of our 'konkan kogul' i was greatly hurt and shocked.may his soul rest in peace and my heartfull condolence to his wife and family.

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    • Clarence & Jane Ida Pinto , Kaikamba - Muscat

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is really very sad day for whole Konkani Community. We have lost a wonderful singer, great composer, above all a marvellous human being. May his soul rest in peace. Heartfelt condolences to Meena and whole Rebimbus family.

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    • Preetha, Vinay, Varenya, Mangalore, Jeppu

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Feel sad to hear the news of death of Wilfy uncle. Our heartfelt condolences to Meena Aunty, Veena Arthur & fly, Vishu Charleen and rest of the United Youngsters team.

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    • Brian DSouza, Katipalla

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Will miss your entertainment,thank you for your great work...may ur soul rest in peace!!

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    • Donald Pinto, Chickmaglur/Abu-Dhabi

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Its great loss for all of konkani pepole.Heart felt condolence Rebimbus Family.Long live Konkan Kogul Wilfy

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    • Roshan Trasi, Tarsi

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      "We loss a great konkani legend singer , Long live Konkani Kogul,

      "MAy His Soul Rest in peace",
      " I give condolences to his family members."

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Philip Neri Rodrigues, Mangalore/Bangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena, we are at a shock. The whole Konkani world is at a loss which none can express. May Almighty grant Rest to his Soul & give the strength to you, Veena & Vishwas to bear the loss.
      With heartfelt condolences
      Philip Neri & Jessie Rodrigues, Bangalore

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010


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    • Henry & Bela D'Almeida, Shirva/ Bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena Bai, Veena, Vishwas and close family, please accept our heartfelt condolences. Truely a Legend of Konkani music is no more. A great loss for Konkani community. He will be remembered by all. May the Almighty give you the strength to bear this loss. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Celine Correya, Bangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      On behalf of Ekvot - Konkani Association Belandur, Bangalore,I deeply grieve the death of Mr.Wilfy Remimbus and pray to God Almighty to grant him eternal rest. Undoubtedly we have lost a Great Hero. I condole Mrs.Meena Remimbus and all the family members and assure that the whole Mangalorean community is with them at this time.

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    • Pramila and Carol Saldanha, mulki

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is a very great loss for konkan community.We were shocked to hear the demise of Konkan Kogul.May his soul rest in peace.

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    • SWAK, Shirva / Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear members of the Rebimbus Family, Please accept our heart felt condolence on the untimely death of our beloved WILFIAB. We pray that God give you the strength and courage to overcome this great loss. May his soul rest in peace.

      Shirva Welfare Association Kuwait

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    • gretta pinto, Agrar/Madyantar/Mumbai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meenabai, Veena, Arthur, Vishwas and Charleen,

      We are extremely grieved to learn about the sad demise of our beloved wilfyab. It's truly unbelievable that he is no more. We are left with no words to express.His sweet voice and konkani songs will be remembered forever.We will miss him. Our heartfelt condolences to you'll. May the Almighty God and our Blessed Sweet Mother grant you strength and courage to bear this irreparable loss.

      "May his soul rest in peace"

      Your in grief,
      Vincy, Gretta, Chevone and Clevone

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    • Fr. Andrew Leo D'Souza, Jeppu, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Mogal wilfyab, thum moronk nai. Thum amcha kaaljani sadaanch asai. konknni samaaj thukaa kedhinch vesrana. thum thuja sobith thalyaa dwarim aani molaadhik uthraam dwarim aamcha kaaljaani sadhaanch astholoy. Konknni samaaj thukaa runi. thujo mogaal vigaar, Fr. Andrew

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Harriet D' Souza, Bajpe / Bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad news and a great loss to the Konkani people all over the world. But his memories will always be cherished through his beautiful voice and his great songs which has always spoken of reality will live for ever. Heart felt condolences to his family. Wilfy we miss you!

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    • Max Mendes, Taccode/CANADA

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      We are deeply grieved by the loss of such a great personality. He was a humble and a wonderful human being. His death has left a void in the Konkani music world. He will always be living in our presence through his immortal songs. I extend my heartfelt sympathies to Meena bhai, children and grand children. May his soul rest in peace and eternal rest grant unto him.

      Yours in sorrow:
      Max, Nancy, Rayner, Shaina & Tamera

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    • Madeleine Convent, Mulki, Mulki

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      We express our heartfelet condolences to the brieved family of Meena and children. We relish the beautiful melodious and meaningful Konkani songs. May Heavenly father grant him eternal rest and bless all his family members.

      Superior and Sisters, Madeleine Convent, Mulki

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    • bryson breez, sharjah/mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      no words to say we will miss you forever may your soul rest in peace.,our deep condolence to the femily

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    • Jason Quadros, Kemannu/Qatar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Mena Bai, Venna/Arthur, Vishwas/Charleen, Arvin & Anna, Please accept our heartfelt condolenses on the sad demise of our loving wilfy bab, we lost one of our great konkani legend. We pray to the almighty lord to give you strength and courage to overcome from this lose. May the god give him eternal rest and his soul rest in peace. In Prayers Jason, Dorothy & Nolan - Qatar

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    • roshan Rodrigues, Madanthyar-Makkah

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Today you are not ther within us but your voice will remain forever. May your soal rest in peace.

      Roshan K.S.A

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    • David Rodrigues, Kayyar/Bangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt Condolences to the family . May his soul rest in peace

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    • Victor Rodrigues, Angelore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      The death of ‘Konkan Kogul’ Wilfy Rebimbus is a great loss to “Konkani singing world”. I pray for the repose of his soul and offer condolences to his family members.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Jennifer, St. Mary's Konkan Community (SMKC) Dubai,

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena, Vishwas and Veena and all the family members :
      Loss of a beloved one is unthinkable but our dear friend, 'Konkan Kogul' Wilfy Rebimbus is not lost forever as his musical works will live for many generations to come.

      Wilfy Rebimbus may cease to sing in person but willl reign in the hearts of the KONKAN world and beyond. His passion, his dedication for the KONKANI language and music is worth admiring. He has been an ideal MENTOR to all upcoming singers - amateur and professionals. He will live in all our hearts forever.

      We offer our special prayers and pray that God may grant you all enough strength and courage to bear this irreplaceable loss. May his soul rest in peace.

      Fr. Freddy (spiritual director), Jennifer Mascarenhas (main coordinator) and all the SMKC family members
      On behalf of St Mary's Konkan Community, (SMKC) DUBAI

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    • Noel Chungigudde, Kundapur

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Mog tujo kitlo aashelo
      titlo labhonk na maka
      portun haav jalmon yetolo
      moga mun aapovnk tuka.
      Dear Wilfy ur MOG AANI MAYPAS will live forever in our hearts.

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    • Navin, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It was a dream meeting him a few yrs back at his home. I grew up listening to his songs like most of us. A legend has passed away. Our deepest condolences to his family. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Nazareth Nery , Taccode

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Hanv Yetango Ghati Devun
      Mhuja Mogachya Gavak Pavonk
      Mhuja Dolyantli Dhuka Gholovn
      Hanv Yeta Dhavon Dhavon.....................
      Saglem Jivit Dhavloy Konknek Lagon ani Aaj Tum Wilfy Jivant Nai...Pun Thujho...Kogle Thalo ani Bhangrale sobdh... Aajoon Jivan Aasat Har
      eklyacha Thondant...Gharant....Angnant..thotant..Kumerint....Sobhanai...ani
      Har eklyacha Khalzani
      Tho yeta Sadanch Mhunun 'Hanv Yetam Ghati Devun.....'
      Tho yeta mhunun 'Ghirboji Thi yek Ghirboji Dista Sobit Kitli......'
      Tho yeta mhunun 'Mhay Bhashe Mhuja...............'
      Tho yeta mhunun 'Sayrik yevcha Vokta ...Sontos mhojo kedo Novro Mhunun
      Mhojo Bharik Bolo Sado Dislo......
      Atam Phata Phat Bhurgi Jali ...8.
      Tho yeta mhunun 'Mhujo Thalo Gaytolo...Thuji Hoglik Sangtolo......Chafra'n
      Kavitank Jiv Dilo.....
      Pun Wilfy Swatachem Jivit Konknek Divun Aaj Tho Amka karta Adevch....

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Stephen Dsouza, surathkal/Doha Qatar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Our heartful condolences to the family on the sad demise of Wify Rebimbus.The Voice of Konkan Kogul will never ends it will cherish for the years to come.May his soul rest in peace.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Konkani people lost the finest singer of konkan world, May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Prakash Menezes, Shirva / Now Melbourne

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meenabai, Veenabai & family, Vishwas & family, when I heard the demice of Wilfyab I was greatly hurt and shocked. I did not expect him to go so soon. I have been listening to his albums since my childhood and have been singing ever since, many of his songs. Even today I have his collection stored in my ipod and listen to it frequently.
      I miss ur presence Wilfyab....... May you rest in peace.. May jesus grant you eternal rest.... Heartfelt condolence to all his family members, friends, fans, dear and near ones.....

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • AnilPernal&Wilfred. R.Pangla, Muscat

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Wilfy`aab,Though you have left this world,through your songs you will live in our hearts forever.....May the Lord grant your soul eternal peace.Our heartfelt condolences to dear Meenabai,Vishwas,Veena&Fly.May the Lord grant you the courage to bear this immense loss.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena Bai, my heartfelt condolences.May God give you strength to bear this shock.
      May Wilfy's soul rest in peace.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • AnilPernal&Wilfred. R.Pangla, Muscat

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Wilfy`aab,Though you have left this world,through your songs you will live in our hearts forever.....May the Lord grant your soul eternal peace.Our heartfelt condolences to dear Meenabai,Vishwas,Veena&Fly.May the Lord grant you the courage to bear this immense loss.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena Bai, my heartfelt condolences.May God give you strength to bear this shock.
      May Wilfy's soul rest in peace.

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    • John Peter Fernandes, Moodubelle/Nottingahm U.K

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      That’s so sad to here. He is a wonderful and Talented Singer. I offer my condolences to family. RIP

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    • Roshan Fernandes, Kundapur / Australia

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad to hear this news. Life will never be the same for Konkani music lovers without Wilfy Rebimbus. Heartfelt condolences to the Meena Rebimbus & family. May his soul rest in peace.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Richard, jacqueline & Ansel, Omzoor

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is A great loss to Konkani World.
      Our heartfelt condolences to his family and we pray to the Almighty Lord to give them courage, strength and support. We know that his passing will not only leave a void in our lives, but in the hearts of all those who knew him.

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    • sunitha fernandes, abudhabi/vogga

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very very shocking news to hear the sudden demise of Wilfy Rebembus. It is a great loss to the entire konkani community worldwide. Our heartfelt condolences to Meena,Vishwas,Veena and rest of the family. May his soul rest in peace.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Prakash Saldanha, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very very shocking news to hear the sudden demise of Wilfy Rebembus. We will miss u Konkan Kogul Wilfy Rebimbus but we never miss your gifted talent.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Felix Machado, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Wilfy may not sing personaly but songs will be rememberd for ever.

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    • Dr.Anand & Geeta N Pereira, Sakleshpur/Kadri

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      The Legend is no more, Long live Wilfy in the hearts and minds of people, regardless of caste or religion.He devoted his entire life to bring humanity together and through his unique songs and soul touching words he made a positive difference.Our heartfelt condolences to his family,and let Almighty keep his soul in peace.

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    • Fr. Roshan, Capuchin, Agrar/ St.Anne'sFriary, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Mogal Wilfy
      Kithyak Vogo?
      Raktha Thuzo Rochnaar
      Bhangra-githam, bhangra-kurov
      Raktha Thuka sargaar!

      Dukham Thumchim Jirom
      Jivonth Jezu sangim thumi
      Sodanch amar urom!
      -Fr. Roshan,Capuchin

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    • Sandria Rodrigues, Mngalore/Melbourne

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena aunty/ Veena & fly, Vishu & Charleen,
      My Heartfelt Condolences to you all.
      I am deeply shattered by the news of the sad demise of dearest Wilfy Uncle. I am left with no words to express. Being one of the fortunate ones to be a part of his group for 10 years, I have learnt life's valuable lessons from him.I cant thank you all enough for all the wonderful oppurtunities you gave me.
      Wilfy uncle will live in our hearts forever through his music.His place is irreplaceable. I pray Gods choicest blessings on you dear aunty.- You were his pillar of strength, Veena & Vishu- You were his pride.
      May His Soul Rest in peace.
      I miss you dear Uncle..I miss you..

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Fr Ronald Cutinha & Fr Pius F. Pinto, Samanvaya, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      In the death of ‘Konkan Kogul’ Mr Wilfy Rebimbus, the Konkani world has lost a strong pillar of Konkani songs. We feel that this void cannot be filled immediately. We condole his sad demise and offer sympathies to his wife, children and dear & near ones.

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    • Sebastian Alvares, Dubai, UAE

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Someone like Wilfy can never be dead. He will live in the heart of every Konkani speaking person in the world. He will be alive in every song that he has created, for generations to come. He kept the konkani music alive, but his departure has created a vacuum that can never be filled. God bless his soul.

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    • Daya Kirodian, Mangalore/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It was shocking news for me when i just happened to visit daiji. A great loss to our whole mangalore people. Wilfy's songs were popular not only with konkani community, but the whole tuluva community was enjoying with his melody voice. My condolence to his family and may his soul rest in peace.

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    • Gratian D'Silva, BARKUR/UK

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      So sorry to hear about KONKAN KOGUL WILFY REBIMBUS.May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Prashanth Pinto, Sasthan / U.A.E

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Really a shocking news to know that the music legend of konkani is no more. Each and every mangalorian irrespctive of language and religion knows wilfy as he has done great works for Konkani Language. My deepest condolance to Meena, Vishwas,Charleen, Veena and fly. May the almighty God give them strength to bear his loss. Rest in Peace

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • desmond almeida, kundapur/thane

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Its....really....a sad day for konkani people.....the person who always there for konkani language....May his soul rest in peace....Hearty condolences to his fly.....

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse


      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      We are all lost a great singer Mr.Wilfy Remimbus . Through him our konkani langauage is goes to a very strong position .  Heartfelt condolences to the family. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • G.W.Carlo, Fatimapura/Hassan

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      ಮೊಗಾಚಾ ವಿಲ್ಫಿ ತುಕಾ ಎದೊಳ್ ಹಾಂವೆ ಪಳೆಲ್ಲೆಂ ನಾ. ತುಜಾ ಸಂಗೀತ್ ಸಾಂಜೆಂಕ್ ಹಾಜರ್ ಜಾಂವ್ಚೆಂ ಭಾಗ್ ಮ್ಹಾಕಾ ಮೆಳೊಂಕ್ ನಾ. ತುಜಾ ಪದಾಂ ವರ್ವಿಂ ಸದಾಂ ಮ್ಹಜಾ ಆನಿ ಮ್ಹಜಾ ಬಾಯ್ಲೆಚಾ ಕಾಳ್ಜಾಂತ್ ತುಂ ಆಸ್ತೊಲೊಯ್.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      BEAUTIFUL /UNFORGETTABLE LOVELY SONGS...& CDS remembers our heart...
      Glen Rebello, Roof Top, Andheri, Mumbai

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    • Reyan/Junitha, Farwania

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      We are lucky to born as KONKANI people and to have the WILFY's albums and songs with us. Tujen Navn amar Javn.

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    • vincent fernandea (mogachi lahran), cascia-dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very shocking news great loss for konkani music surely mangalore has lost a true legend.may he rest in peace. heartfelt condolences to the family

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    • Wilson, Sharel & Stallon, Pernal / Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena aunty, Vishwas,Charleen, Veena & all the fly members, Very sad shocking news, please accept our Heartfelt condolences . May his soul rest in peace

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • jossie rego, bendur, mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      My Heartfelt,deepest sympathy and condolences to Meena bai, Veena, Vishvas and entire family members. MAY HIS SOUL REST IN PEACE.

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    • Maria Pereira, Mangalore/Qatar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Our Heartfelt condolences to the family. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Sacred Heart Pariesh, Andheri , Andheri, Mumbai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      We also still remember Meena Rebimbus had sung with us in our Konkani coir.
      Sacred Heart Konkani Coir members.,Andheri (E), Mumbai.

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    • Konkani Writers' Forum Karnataka (R), Mangalore, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt condolences to the family on the sad demise of Wilfy Rebimbus. Long live Konkan Kogul Wilfy. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Ashish.Shetty, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      A great loss to Konkani Music lovers around the Globe...May his soul rest in peace...

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    • Dian Zeena Crasta, Mundkur/Bangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      A true musical legend KONKAN KOGUL will always be remembered in our hearts. May his soul rest in peace my deepest condolence to his wife meena and family

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Clive, Bola

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      The Mangalorean community has sent an angel to heaven... who will sing ever gloriously .....

      We can be assured of God's wonderful blessings on our Konkan Community.

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    • Wilred_Charlotte Lewis, Matpady-Brahmavar/Manhattan-New york, USA

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Wilfred Rebimbus and his family is the greatest history makers of Konkani Language. More than 40 years of dedicated service to Konkani language made talented Wilfy Rebimbus the most popular Konkan ever. I recall my visit to his residence, he and his family were gracious hosts. Condolences to Wilfy's beloved family. Lakhs of his fans will miss him.

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    • Olivia Veena D'Silva, B.C.Road/ Kundapur

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Its a shocking news to hear the sudden demise of Mr.Wilfy Rebembus. Heart felt condolences to his entire family members. Great loss to the entire Konkani Community Worldwide. "MAY HIS SOUL REST IN PEACE".

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Prakash Fernandes, UPPUNDA/CALICUT

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad news big loss to konkani pepole..May his soul rest in peace....

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    • M F CRASTA, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is the unbearable loss to entire Konkani community. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Linda Fernandes, Bangalore/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      May his soul rest in peace & condolence to his family members.
      From xavier Fernandes & fly, Bangalore

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    • M F CRASTA, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is the unbearable loss to entire Konkani community. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Gilbert Mascarenhas, Puttur Nellikatte

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      President & Members of EMIRATES PUTTURIANS DUBAI-U.A.E
      Our Heart Felt Condolences & Sympathies to Dear members of the Rebimbus Family. Sad Demise of our 'Konkan Kogul' is a great loss to Konkani World and all the music lovers. May his soul Rest In Peace
      Gilbert. Mascarenhas Puttur

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010


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    • Fr. Anil Kiran SVD, Divine Call Centre, Mulki

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena and Fly,
      We are deeply saddened by the sudden death of our dear one Mr. Wilfy Rebimbus. Our heartfelt condolences are with you and your family. We do not know how to express our sorrow with you at this time with you all. Neverthless, we pray that his soul rest in peace and may he continue to live in our hearts always. We also pray for you all that our good Lord may give you enough strength and courage to bear all the pain and sorrow at this present time. We remain .....
      Fr. Cyprian Lewis SVD, the Director, Divine Call Centre, Mulki and His Team - Fr. Sylvester Rego SVD, Fr. Edwin Vas SVD and Fr. Anil Kiran Fernandes SVD. May God Bless You ALL.

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    • alwyn , kadri mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear konkani lovers we lost one of the evergreen artist of konkani music legend. the might god showers of blessing to his family.  my deep condolence to them

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    • Lancy&Jessy D'Silva, Swaroop Apts, Andheri, Mumbai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      We have lost the Great Famous "Konkan Kogul" - dear Wilfy..Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, May his soul rest in peace.
      All your songs & CD's are unforgettable. Shocking news for us today. Our deep condolence to Rebimbus Fly.....
      Lancy/Jessy/Jackson & Lorna D'Silva, Swaroop Apts, Andheri, Mumbai

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    • Alwyn Crasta & Family, Airody, Sasthan

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      We can't find the words right now to express ourselves how deeply saddened by Konkan Kogul's passing,Very Sad news for all of us and it is a great loss for konkani people.Heartfelt condolences to Wilfy Rebimbus family."MAY HIS SOUL REST IN PEACE".

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse


      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocking news.May his soul rest in peace.We will miss you

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    • Jacintha D souza, Bela

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is A great loss to Konkani World.
      I was shocked to hear of the sad demise of our loving Konkani Kogul. My heartfelt condolences to his family and I pray to the Almighty Lord to give them courage, strength and support. We know that his passing will not only leave a void in our lives, but in the hearts of all those who knew him. Like a bird singing in the rain, let grateful memories survive in time of sorrow.

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    • Lancy D souza, Borimar/Bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family,a true legend of the konkani language,hard to digest the sudden demise,one of my favourite singer,great loss and difficult to regain in his place,may his soul rest in peace

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Lancy D souza, Borimar/Bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family,a true legend of the konkani language,hard to digest the sudden demise,one of my favourite singer,great loss and difficult to regain in his place,may his soul rest in peace

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010


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    • Melchides & Olivia Lewis, Mangalore / Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt Condolences to the family on the sad demise of Wilfy Rebimbus. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Christopher Lobo, Kulshekar/Bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Unbelievable and non- digestible news. God grant his soul eternal rest.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Douglas Machado, Bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Our heartfelt condolences to Meena Bai and family. "May his soul rest in peace"

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    • Clara Lobo & Dolphy Cascia , Vamanjoor-Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Its a sad day for Coastal Karnataka.We have lost a great Konkani legend. There is no match and subsitute to him so far .May his soul rest in peace. Herewith we convey our heartfelt condolences to Konkan Kogul Wilfy's family and his associates.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010


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    • Maxim A D'souza, Kavooor

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      The sweetest voice of Konkani world has gone silent rather prematurely. Konkani will be poorer without wilfy's unique melody. But his memory will always be cherished by all through his immortalised songs and music. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Lancy-Jessy Pinto Nayak & Fly, Kuwait / Kulshekar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      ಸದಾಂ "ವಿಲ್ಪಿ ರೆಬಿಂಬಸ್" ಎಕ್ ಕೊಂಕ್ಣೆಂತ್ಲೆಂ ನಾಂವ್,
      ಕೊಂಕ್ಣಿಂ ಉರ್ತಾಆನಿಮೊರ್ತಾ ವರೆಗ್ "ಆಮರ್" ಜಾಂವ್.
      ಜೀವ್ ಸರ್ಲೊ ತರೀ ಆತ್ಮೊ ಕೊಂಕ್ಣಿ ಸಂಗೀತಾಂತ್ ಉರ್ಲೊ
      ಕೊಣೀ ಪೊರ್ಲೊ ತರೀ ಕೊಂಕ್ಣಿ ಕಾಳ್ಜಾಂನಿಚ್ ಇರ್ಲೊ!??

      ನಶಿಬ್ ಆಮ್ಚೆಂ , 'ವಿಲ್ಫಿ'ಕ್ ಚಾರಿತ್ರಾ ಜಾಂವ್ಚ್ಯಾ ಆಧಿಂ ದೆಖ್ಲೆಂ.
      ಗಾಂಧಿ,ನೆಹ್ರುಕ್ ದೆಖಾನಾಸ್ತಾ ಆಮಿಂ 'ಆದರ್ಶ್' ಮ್ಹಣ್ ಮಾಂದ್ಲೆಂ.
      ಕೊಂಕ್ಣೆಂತ್ ಫಕತ್ "ಎಕ್ ವಿಲ್ಫಿ" , ಸರ್ಗಾ ರಾಜ್ ಬೊರ್ಲೆಂ,
      ಆತಾಂ ಕೊಂಕ್ಣಿ "ದಾಯ್ಜಾ" ಆಮ್ಚೆಂ ಆಂಜಾ ಕೋರಾಂತ್ ಉರ್ಲೆಂ.

      ದುಖಾಳ್ ಶ್ರದ್ದಾಂಜಲಿ ಭೆಟೆಯ್ತಾಂವ್ ಆನಿ ಭುಜಾವೊಣ್ ಪಾಟೆಯ್ತಾಂವ್, ತಾಚ್ಯಾ ಕುಟ್ಮಾಕ್,
      ಮೀನಾಬಾಯೆಕ್, ವೀಣಾಆನಿ ವಿಶ್ವಾಸಾł

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • ashok dias, byndoor dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad news great loss for konkani world

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    • Edward Dalmeida , Shirva / Doha Qatar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena Bai, Vishwas & Fly, Veena and Fly., please accept our sincere and heartfelt condolences on the passing away of your dear husband and father. Indeed a sad day for the entire Konkani speaking people, he touched our hearts with his music and songs, the lyrics so true and meaningful. We will miss him and pray God to grant you all the strength and courage at this very difficult time. May his soul rest in peace. God give all of you strength and courage to bear this great loss.

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    • Kishore Shetty, Mangalore/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Mangalore has lost a music icon who has cherished in the heart of the music lovers across the globe. May his soul rest in peace

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    • Parish Priest and Parishioners, Alangar Parish-Moodbidri

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      We lost a great personality in the Konkan world. Through his songs he not only entertained us but took us closer to God and the people. Our Heartfelt condolence to Meena, Veena and Viswas.
      May his soul rest in peace

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    • Percy Noronha, Mangalore, Muscat

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Whatever we say is too little for this great personality, specially his contribution to the konkanni community. May his soul rest in peace and let God give all his family members strength to bear this irreparable loss. Let the konanni community rise to salute to the great heritage he has left behind to the younger generation.

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    • Richard Rodricks, Kulshekar/Mumbai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Indeed we lost a great singer and a great human being.It is a irrepairble loss to the konkani music lovers. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Mickey Castelino & family, Pangla/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocking news, a great loss to the entire konkan community, Dear Meenabai, Veena, Vishwas and all Rebimbus family, Please accept our heartfelt condolences. May his soul rest in eternal peace and grant you the strength and courage to bear this great loss.

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    • Reginald P. D'Souza, Allahabad

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is the passing of an era. For us brought up in far away north, Wilfy was the only factor that helped to stay connected with Mangalore.

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    • vincent dsouza, mysore/australia

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Its a sad day for mangalore.we have lost a big konkani legend there is no match for him so far . its hard to believe that he is no more, may his soul rest in peace

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010


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    • Navin Sunitha & Fly., Tallur

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is very sad we lost a greatest meaning ful KONKANI singer and a noble human being. Our heartfelt condolances to his whole family. May his soul R.I.P.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      A True Legend is no more,a great loss not only to Konkani Music but whole of South Kanara."Wilfy Night" was block buster during our collegs days,which I used to attend with my Christian frends. .He was a inspiration to up coming Beary Singers,and his ideal approach with all ,irrepective of their social standing is worth mentioning.
      Our heartfelt condolences with his family,and let Almighty keep his soul in peace.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Felix D`Souza, MangalorePadavu

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      My heart felt condolences to the family. May his soul rest in peace. We shall pray to God to be with you and help you bear the loss.
      Many aspire to be someone, people respect for what they have achieved in life. This legend not only achieved this but also set an example to the youth of this community. It was an honour knowing him personally. His kindness and humbleness will remain in the hearts of everyone who he touched.

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    • Ferick , Kundapur

      Tue, Mar 09 2010


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    • Edward Barboza, Kanajar/Auckland

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena Bai, Vishwas and family, Veena and family,
      Our heartfelt condolences.
      We cannot express the joy and thrill Wilfy has given to the Konkani language especially keeping it alive in the hearts of young and old.

      We have indeed lost one of the greatest pioneers and the one and only one in the Konkani culture.

      May Wilfy's soul rest in peace.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad to hear the ultimate death of our loving Konkani Kogul Wilfy bab. Please accept my heartfelt condolenses to you all and your family members. May lord give him eternal rest and may his soul rest in peace.

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    • Rakesh Dalmeida, Udyavar/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      I feel like ,  I lost one of my family member.This is the saddest day in my life.You are not only a Lagend but a true human being too.The way you came up in life is a inspiration to others.Your body may disappear from this world but your songs and work remain for ever.Hatts off to you .., May his soul Rest In Peace.

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    • Matilda Pinto, Anjelore / Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt condolences to the family. May his soul rest in peace.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • PETER MONTEIRO, mangalore/ mumbai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt Condolences to the family on the sad demise of Wilfy Rebimbus


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    • Vincent Castelino, Vidyavihar, Mumbai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heart felt condolences to the bereaved family of Wilfy. Konkani music world has lost its living legend. He has left a void in the world of Konkani music which will be difficult to fill. May his soul rest in peace.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010


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    • Brian D'souza, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Surely mangalore and the whole of karnataka has lost a true legend. may he rest in peace...
      his works will always prevail in our hearts forever.

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    • Sannu Monis, Boliye, Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt condolences to Mena bai, Vishwa Veena and Fly members. very sad news for konkani world sply for konkani music. wilfi bab you r always live in our hearts we cannot forget you and your big musical singing voice in konkani world!

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Shaila Aranha, Mangalore /Sharjah

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      We lost a great personality in konkan world.Our heartfelt condolences to Rebimbus family.May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Jacintha Lobo, Mangalore /Bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocked to hear the sad demise of our 'Konkan Kogul'. May his soul rest in peace. Our heartfelt ondolences to his family.

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    • Vinod Lester Monteiro, Mangalore, Ullal/kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Its Hard to believe, we will miss u Konkan Kogul Wilfy Rebimbus but always in our minds. May God give strength to his family. May soul rest in peace

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Cedric Vanet D'Silva, Mangalore/Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena bai, Vishu, Veena & Family,
      A heartfelt condolence to you all!
      At this moment of grief, we pray to the Almighty God to strengthen you all to bear the loss. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Saleem Gh, Abu Dhabi/Puttur

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      His Talent never Die.. May his soul rest in peace and the God grant strength to his family.

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    • Jerry Moras, Kuppepadavu, Canada

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt condolences. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • FLAVY MICHAEL, Mumbai / Sharjah

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Our heartfelt condolences to the family.May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Valerian Serrao,, Abu Dhabi/Venur

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena Aunty, Veena, Vishwas and Family,
      Please accept our heartfelt condolences on your irreplaceable loss. We pray that his soul rest in peace and courage to the family to bear his loss.
      From Valerian, Shanthi & Sania

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    • Joseph, Mumbai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very Very Sad News And Today is a Sad Day for Konkani People to hear the news of sad demise of Konkani Kogul, Konknani Legend Welfy Rebimbus. Nobody can match his talents. Mogal Wilfyyaba Amche uka lakh lakh pranam. MAY HIS SOUL REST IN PEACE.

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    • V.A. D'Souza, Mangalore / Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Albert Mascarenhas and family., Uppinangady/Bangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Its very shocking to know the sad demise of Mr. Wilfy Rebimbus. A great loss to Konkani. We will remember him till our death. Kindly accept our heartfelt condolences. We will pray for his soul to rest in peace. May God give strength and patience to the family members to tollarate the great loss. Adevce tuka Wilfy Rebimbus.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse


      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very very shocking news to hear the sudden demise of Wilfy Rebembus.this is a great loss to the entire konkani community worldwide. Heartfelt condolences to Wilfy Rebimbus family."MAY HIS SOUL REST IN PEACE".

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Lancy D Souza , valencia/bondel-Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Sad to here the demise of konkankogul mr wilfy rebembus,may his soul rest in peace,my heartfelt condolences to Rebembus family,we will miss u wilfyab,but you great songs will be remembered always.

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    • ALWIN PEREIRA, Beltangady/Mumbai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      We have lost a great KONKANI singer  and a noble human being. Our heartfelt condolances to his whole family. May HIS soul rest in peace.

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    • R Sequeira, Mangalore/UK

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Music never fades, so does Wilfy Remimbus. May his soul rest in peace and the Lord grant strength to his family.

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    • Rudolph Lasrado, kallianpur,Abudhabi

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      'jiyetaai tor moron jiye, tya jivitaak moron naa' May his soul rest in peace

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    • Michael D'Souza, shirva / UAE

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Mike, Rosy,& Milan
      Dear Meena, Veena, Vishwas and Family,  Please accept our heartfelt condolences on your irreplaceable loss. Wilfy has left a void in the world of Konkani that will be difficult to fill.
      We pray that his soul rest in peace and courage to the family to bear his loss.

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    • Jyothi Colaco, Mangalore/Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena Aunty, Veena/Arthur/Arvin/Ana, Vishu/Charleen, ‘United Youngsters’ & people of St. Joseph Nagar-Jeppu,

      We are fortunate people, who've had the taste of uncle Wilfy's goodness, his personal acquaintance for we know what a good soul he was apart from his renowned extraordinary talent. Konkani world misses a legend of music we miss that fine human being, who was indeed a rare combination of simplicity, prudence, kindness with his talent. I have seldom seen reachable Stars, Uncle Wilfy was!
      I console myself with words from scriptures, & I hope it consoles you too
      "To be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord." -Corinthians 5:8
      Assuring you our prayers at this time of grief,
      Jyothi-Sunil-Mikasha Noronha, Baptist-Irene Colaco, Roshan-Susan-Shannon Colaco, Kuwait.

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    • alwyn dsouza, shirva/dxb

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      May his soul rest in peace...
      We will be missing you.  Mangaloreans lost one of the gem person.

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    • Kishore & Roshni Noronha, Pamboor/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Our heartfelt condolence to his wife & his entire family.May God give them strength to bear this great loss.May his soul rest in peace.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Our heart felt condolences to wilfy family members, Great Loss for Konkani World, May his soul Rest In Peace
      rtn michael mathias
      gurkar pilar lower ward shirva
      members of rotary shirva

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    • Roshan, Elinje,Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      May his soul rest in peace.
      Great loss for all the Konkani ears after years of listening great music by Wilfy.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010


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    • Faruk A.K. (Abu Dhabi), Koornadka, Darbe, Puttur

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      I was shocked to hear of the sad demise of our loving Konkani Kogul. My heartfelt condolences to his family and I pray to the Almighty Lord to give them courage, strength and support. We know that his passing will not only leave a void in our lives, but in the hearts of all those who knew him. Like a bird singing in the rain, let grateful memories survive in time of sorrow.

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    • Karishma Gomes, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It's eight in the morning here, I just got this news. As I heard it, I felt a great loss, not just for Konkani but also for me and my family. He was the epitome of goodwill and talent. He has been more than just a family friend. He always welcomed our family in his house with a smile on his face.I strongly believe that this death immortalizes him and does not finish him. His works will live on in our hearts till the end. Heartfelt condolences to his family during this difficult time. Let us grieve together for this great loss both professional and for music- Karishma Gomes, Helen Dsouza, Karan Dsouza ( late Mick- Max and Fly)

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    • Cyril Vas, Bangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      The singer has passed away but the song will never pass away. Wilfy you are the Living Song of Konkans throughout the world.Your heart-touching words,your golden voice and your beautiful stories will remain for ever. We may forget the birds of the air but not the " Konkan Kogul". Our families, our children, the youth, the elders, one and all will rememebr your songs for years to come.It will pass on as our heritage for the future generations.You will live in the hearts of all irrespective of caste or creed.

      May you live in peace with Jesus, the Good Shepherd , to 'sing to the Lord a new song'.

      May your sudden demise not bring sorrow to your Wife Meena and children Veena and Vishwas but ring in their hearts melodies of love and courage.

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    • Sunil Alwyn D'Souza, Udupi/Muscat

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt Condolences to the family on the sad demise of Wilfy Rebimbus, a musical legend who made all Mangaloreans proud with his immense talent and success.
      "May his soul rest in peace".

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Konkan Mai lost her favourite son. A great loss to Mangalore Konkans. My heartfelt condolenses to Rebembus $ Pais family. May the Lord Almighty give you strength and courage to bear this great loss.May his Soul rest in peace.

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    • cludy monteiro , bantwal/mumbai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Our heartfelt condolences to the family. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • clement , bantwal/mumbai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Great Loss for Konkani World, May his soul Rest In Peace.

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    • Santa Lopes, Lower Kasarkod, France

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Wilfy Remibus ceases to sing, but his sweet and everlasting memories, his enthusiasm and love for the music, his valuable and adorable creation of Konkani and other music will last forever in the hearts and minds of millions. Thank you Wilfy Remibus!

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    • Gilbert Misquith, Permude/Sharjeh

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is a great loss for us may his soul rest in peace may his songs live for ever & our condolenses for his family & groupe

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    • Sheldon John, Falnir,Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      I grew up listening to your songs along with my mum. The days when listening to music was as simple as popping in an audio cassette. I still yearn for those days. Your voice has become immortal in the hearts of konani people. Konkani Kogul, though you may have left us, we can and will never leave you.
      My condolences to the family,relatives, friends and fans all over the world.
      May your soul rest in peace.

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    • Anil John Karvallo, Basrur, Abu Dhabi

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very Sad news for all of us and it is a great loss for konkani people.His soul rest in Peace and condolence to his family member.

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    • prema sequeira, jeppu/bombay/Dombivli

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear meena bai,vishu, and veena please accept our heartfelt condolences. Myna has paid special condolences to her mumma.

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    • Clement Saldanha, Shirva-Qatar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Mena, Veena/Arthur, Vishu/Charleen, Arvin/Anna, Very sad to hear the ultimate death of our loving Konkani Kogul Wilfy bab. Please accept our heartfelt condolenses to you all and your family members. May lord give him eternal rest and may his soul rest in peace. Clement,Gretta & Fly. Mumbai-Qatar

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    • prema sequeira, jeppu/bombay/Dombivli

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear meena bai,vishu, and veena please accept our heartfelt condolences. Myna has paid special condolences to her mumma.

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    • prema sequeira, jeppu/bombay/Dombivli

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear meena bai,vishu, and veena please accept our heartfelt condolences. Myna has paid special condolences to her mumma.

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    • Fr. L. Maxim Noronha, Bishop's House, mANGALORE 3

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Wilfy Rebimbus was a great man. Not only because of his vast conribution to Konkani, but as a person with simplicity and humility. May his soul rest in peace and his contribution to Konkani live perpetualy.

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    • Godi, Mangalore / Bangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      R.I.P - Sasnaso vishev dhi thaka ye somiyan, ani niranthar prakas thajeyrr fahnkhondhi, samadhanan tho vishevey gevhuen dhi. Amen!

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    • Norbert Rego, Mangalore/Mumbai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      The King of Konkani is dead, Long live the King!

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    • B.N.R.Rao, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Wilfy was an artist/singer/composer par excellent! His voice is immortal.He will live in our hearts and memories for ever.May His Soul Rest in Peace!Mangalore has lost one of its noblest sons.

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    • B.M.Iqbal, Bantwal/ Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Our heartfelt condolences to the family. May his soul rest in peace

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    • Basil Mascarenhas, Bejai / Muscat

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      We salute you the Legend of the Konkani world. We thank you for your contribution to our community. We miss you. May your soul rest in peace.

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    • Richard, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      You are a asset to this generation and the generation to follow. You will always be remembered by thousands of pepople. May his soul rest in eternal peace.

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    • Prakash Lewis, Mabukala / Vashi, Navi Mumbai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Words cannot expresses the loss of a legend, Indeed we lost our great singer.......He may be no more with us A Great Man & a rarest singer in Catholics of Managaloe as well as whole world is gone from us,It is hard to believe. It is a heavy loss and burden for the whole world, specially for his fans. my deepest sympathy and condolences to his entire family.
      May His Soul Rest in Peace. Amen

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    • nirmal, mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      This is a great lose for the Konkan soceity and culture.May the Heavenly Father and Mama Mary grant the enough strength to his family members to come out the grivious pains and sorrows. May his soul be rest in peace.

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    • Sharmila Moras Bawish Beauty Parlour, belthangady

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Konkan Kogul Wilfy is the legend of Konkani Music..
      May his soul rest in peace

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    • Della Rego & family, Mangalore, Doha, Qatar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Those were the days where there was not much social entertainment except with black & white TV with only Doordarshan channels in it and that time music and entertainment lovers used to hear the announcement of Wilfy Nite and along with the family, friends and neighbors used to line up near the venue in advance to get the ticket and enjoy the nite. How good days were those ! Though he is the legend of konkani activities, I remember Meena bai and Veena was actively and voluntarily participated in the choirs and readings at Jeppoo church for 8.00 o'clock mass as a simple and common people. Sad news and our heartfelt condolences to Rebimbus family, may Wilfy bab-Konkan Kogul's soul rest in eternal peace. May the Lord grant the strength to his family to bear a great loss.

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    • Akshay DSouza, Suvarna Nagar,Moodbidri

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very very shocking news to hear the sudden demise of Wilfy Rebembus.It is a great loss to the entire konkani community.Our heartfelt condolences to the members of his family.May his soul rest in peace.God give you strength and courage to bear this great loss.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010


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    • George Olivera, Thirthahalli

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Wilfy songs were always inspirational with a message for the people. Never he used it to lower the high ideals that he cherished all his life. His melodious voice reached Heavenly destiny. But his musical cds keep his great memory ever alive in music lovers homes. May His Soul rest in Peace.

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    • Austin/Sylvia DCunha, Madanthyar/Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      We can't find the words right now to express ourselves how deeply saddened by Konkan Kogul's passing, We have lost a genius, legend and a true ambassador of Konkani music but of all times. He has been an inspiration to multiple generations. Our heart goes out to his family and loved ones. May his soul rest in peace.....................

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    • Sr Maria Goretti SRA, Austria

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      We lost a great personality in the Konkan world. Through his songs he not entertained us but educated our hearts. We sympthise with Meena, Veena and Viswas.
      May his soul rest in peace.

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    • steve, kinnigoli

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      May he be inspiration not only for the musicians but also poor who struggle in life and find difficulty in standing straight in the society...may his soul rest in pece.

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    • Joe Prabhu , Madanthyar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Rebimbus is another name for charity. It is another name for love and concern. He was a great human being. I thank God for Wilfy Rebimbas, a wonderful man who encouraged many children for higher education. I salute him and call him as 'Gaurdian Angel'

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    • Mr. Richard Peris & Tressy Peris, Andheri/Mumbai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      We will miss our KING OF KONKANI MUSIC...Our heartfelt sympathy to his beloved wife & his entire family.May God give them strength to bear this great loss...May his soul rest in peace..

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    • Nicholas D'Souza, Surathkal/Abu Dhabi

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      A melodious unique voice and his creations cannot be replaced it is hard to realize a rare person, simple, humble is no more. What a shock! He is remembered for ever. May his soul Rest In Peace.

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    • Vivek Monteiro, Mangalore / Doha

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Great Loss for Konkani World, May his soul Rest In Peace.

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    • Wilfy,Roydon Video,Belman, Belman

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad news,great loss for Konkani music. Heartfelt condolences to Wilfy Rebimbus family."MAY HIS SOUL REST IN PEACE".

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      A legend, Millennum Star, Hero of Konkani Music world and one and only A Great Man of Mgalorian Catholics of Karnataka, as well whole world is gone from us,is hard to believe. It is a heavy loss and burden for the whole world, specially for his fans. my deepest sympathy and condolences to Meena Bai, Vishwas, Veena, Sherlyn and his entire family. Not forgetting his co-stars in his group.
      May His Soul Rest in Peace.
      H.J. Goveas

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    • Wilfy,Roydon Video,Belman, Belman

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad news,great loss for Konkani music. Heartfelt condolences to Wilfy Rebimbus family."MAY HIS SOUL REST IN PEACE".

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    • Vandana Dsilva, Padukone/Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      I grew up listening to your fabulous songs since my childhood along with my Father (Robert D'souza - Padukone). The moment when we used to get your Audio cassette me and my pappa used to listen and I used to start writing the lyrics...and used to sing together with audio cassette. I really miss those days. Our heartfelt condolenses for the Rebimbus family specially to Mrs. Rebimbus to accept the God's will. Wilfyayab will remain in our heart until we die. His songs will be wispered by us all, even by our children. I would like to thank the Rebimbus group for the tremondus job, that they launched the "Golden Edition" for those Konkani loving people so that he will remain through out our life career.

      ಆದೆವ್ಸ್ ತುಕಾ ವಿಲ್ಫ್ಯಾಬಾ.
      ಸಾಸ್ಣಾಚೊ ವಿಶೆವ್ ದೀ ತಾಕಾ ಎ ಸೊಮ್ಯಾ, ಆನಿ೦ ನಿರ೦ತರ್ ಪ್ರಕಾಸ್ ತಾಚೆರ್ ಫಾ೦ಕೊವ್, ಸಮಧಾನೆನ್ ತೊ ವಿಶೆವ್ ಘೇವ್ದಿ. ಆಮೆನ್

      Your biggest Fan
      Vandana(Daughter)Robert D'Souza(Father) Padukone (Kuwait)

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    • Norbert Mendonca, Madanthyar - Bangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Legends don't die, they Live on through their good work. So does this beloved son of Konkani will live on for generations to come. my heartfelt condolences to the Rebimbus family.

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    • Abraham Coutinho, Mundkur/Bombay

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad news. Konkan Matha lost her Golden Son . Curtain fell on Konkani Music ruled by Wilfy for half a century. Heart felt codolences to his beraved family. Pray Almighty to rest his soul in peace.

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    • santhosh, Mangalore / Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      May his soul rest in peace.Great loss to konkani.Why our konkani institutions, kOnkani centers, and konkan not closed.Very sad.

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    • Oswald Pais, bendor Parish

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is really a shocking news of Wilfy's departure from this world. I think it will be difficult to forget such a gifted & talented singer of all time.A great personality indeed.Our sincere & heartfelt condolences to Meena & Children.We will pray that his soul may rest in eternal peace for ever.Not only Mangloreans but the people all over the world are shocked to hear this news. Lets all join together hand in hand to say adieu to unmatchable hero of all times. Osey & Family

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    • ALFRED & RITA, Paladka/Doha

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      The sudden demise of Wilfy Rebembus is a great loss to the entire konkani community.Our heartfelt condolences to Meena,Vishwas,Veena and rest of the family.May his soul rest in peace.


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    • Lulla/Dolphy, Abu Dhabi/Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena, Vishwas & Fly, Veena nd Fly.. do accept our sincere and heartfelt condolences on the passing away of your dear husband and father. Indeed a sad day for the entire konkani speaking people, he touched our hearts with his music and songs, the lyrics so true and meaningful. We will miss him and pray God to grant you all the strength and courage at this very difficult time. God bless!

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    • Arun Fernandes - KONCAB, Bangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Wilfy Rebimbus - I have always felt that he did not get what was due to him because he came from a lesser known language and a minority background. I have not seen more talent than this ever in India. Mohd Rafi, Kishore, Lata, Manna dey etc sang what others wrote....But here was a man - Wilfy who not only wrote his songs, but also composed the tunes and sang so many songs....Indeed great talent for a humble background....Wilfy you will always live in our hearts as long as we hum those wonderful tunes you created for us.... Thank you very much....
      Adeus tuka....
      May your soul rest in peace...
      Condolences to the bereaved Rebimbus family.....

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    • godwin pinto & fly, BIJAI, mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      May his soul rest in peace."konkan kogul " amar zaum.

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    • Fhilu, Falnir/Muscat

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very very shocking news to hear the sudden demise of Wilfy Rebembus. It is a great loss to the entire konkani community worldwide. Our heartfelt condolences to Meena,Vishwas,Veena and rest of the family. May his soul rest in peace. God give you strength and courage to bear this great loss.Ivan/Fhilu/Alston & Aldrean

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    • Yvonne, Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Truly sad news and Great loss.
      Our hearfelt condolences to Rebimbus fly. May his soul rest in peace - Yvonne, Sean, Elton & Stan

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    • TIMOTHY SERRAO & Fly., mumbai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Our heartfelt condolences to the family. May his soul rest in peace. We will always remember his songs.

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    • JohnDSouza, Mangalore/Mumbai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      "Mog tuzo kitlo ashello,Titlo labonk na maka..Porthyan zalmon yetholon,moga mun apounk tuka."
      It is very sad to hear.May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Clifford Vaz, Mangalore / Mira Road

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dearest Meena bai, Veena and Vishu, heartfelt sympathies to you all. May his soul rest in peace and may God Bless you all with strength to face this. The great man will be remembered for ever. In fact since a week back first song which was taught to me and my brother namely "bikari" was coming to my mind frequently. Now I know...Proud to be part of Sir (for me) Shree Wilfy Rebimbus. WIll pray for you all...

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    • Reshma Barnes, Mumbai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      'May his soul rest in peace'.

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    • Rony D'cunha, Derebail/ Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena bai, Vishu, Veena & Family,
      A heartfelt condolence to you all!
      At this moment of grief, we pray to the Almighty God to strengthen you all to bear the loss of our “Guru”, Wilfy baab – A precious gift, the Konkani world has ever found…

      Rony, Jasmine& Jeswin D’cunha

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    • nightingalesmusic, moodbidri

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      We have lost a Nightingale of Konkani music.. its a great loss for all of us.. he inspired us through his music.. we pray to god on this occasion May the soul of our beloved Wilfy rest in peace.. we love you...

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    • Philoo Lobo, Mmbai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Deeply shocked with this sudden news of untimely death of our Beloved WILFY..We will miss Wilfy n his lovely songs..he leaves a void in our hearts..He was our Konkani Nightingale...We will never forget you -U R IMMORTAL IN UR SONGS LEGACY! Proud of his achievements n Glorious Life!! Condolences to Meena n Fly

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    • Theresa Dssouza, Katabail, Anegudde, Moodbidri

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Hearty Condolences to the family.
      May his sould Rest In Peace.

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    • george menezes, farangipet/dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Great loss for konkan music lover's.may his soul rest in peace & may lord give strength & courage for his family to bear the loss.

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    • Leo / Laveena Rodrigues & Family, Kadri/Abu Dhabi

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dearest Meena,Vishwas/Charleen,Veena/Arther
      Please accept out heartfelt condolences on your irreplaceable loss.Wilfy is a legend of konkani music world. Hard to believe that "Konkan Kogul" Wilfy Rebimbus is no more.We pray that may his soul rest in peace and sterength and courage to the family members to bear his loss.

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    • Sr.Shalet D' Souza, Gurpur

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is really shocking news.We thank God for the great gift of Mr. Wilfy to us Mangalorians.Your Contribution is unmeasurable. I like all your meaningful songs.May God comfort and console your family.May you behold God face to face.

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    • MS JOY JEEVAN RAI, mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      dear meena bai veena ,vishu and family
      please accept my heartfelt condolences on the loss of our dear wilfybab.may his soul rest in peace and may god give you strength to bear this huge association with your family is a real beautiful memory to cherish

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Big Loss to Konkani world. May his soul rest in peace.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena and family, Please accept our deepest sympathies on the sad demise of my classmate Wilfy. May the god almighty grant you and all the courage and strength to bear this loss. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Ajith/Roshan, Kundapura/Oman

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Its a sad news for all of us and we lost a great singer and an artist, may God give him heavenly happiness and salvation.

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    • Ronson D'Souza CSC, Pune/

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      May His Soul Rest in Peace.

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    • vinay norbert dsouza, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      We all grew up listening and singing to Wilfy rebimus songs....My condolence to rebimus family

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010


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    • Wilson Lewis, Kalmady/Pune

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is realy a shocking news. I grew up listening to his songs. I am a great admirer of Wilfybas Songs. I loved the lyrics of all the songs composed by him. We will never have another Wilfy in the future.
      Heartfelt condolences to Rebimbus family. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • royan ivan dsouza, mangalore/bangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Great loss to konkani community.May his soul rest in peace....

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very very shocking news to hear the sudden demise of Wilfy Rebembus.It is a great loss to the entire konkani community.Our heartfelt condolences to Meena,Vishwas,Veena and rest of the family.May his soul rest in peace.God give you strength and courage to bear this great loss.

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    • Tony D'Cruz, Belman/Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt condolences to Meenabai, Veena/Vishu family members ‘Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday Unseen,unheard, but always near still loved,missed & very dear’ Wilfiab will live in our memories forever.
      May his soul rest in peace

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    • Melvyn D Cunha, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      We are extremely shocked on the demise of Wilfy Remimbus, we have lost a talented and renowned musician of our times. Our heart goes for his family members. May his soul rest in peace. Melvyn D Cunha - Chairman & Comittee Members, MCC Bank, Mangalore

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    • Nelson A Mendonca, Tallur/Mumbai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      My heartly condolenses to his family may his soul rest in peace. this is very sad news all konkani people

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    • Felix Monteiro, Vorkady

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Coastal Karnataka has lost a precious pearl. May his soul rest in peace

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Alban D'souza Kuwait, KUWAIY/SHIRVA

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      The Greatest Konkani Musical Legend, 'KONKAN KOGUL' has ceased to sing, leaving a vacuum in Konkani Music, which may not be filled in the generations to come. The fond name 'Wilfy' will always remain in our memories. My hearty sympathies to Meena, Veena,Vishwas and your families. May Wilfy's soul rest in peace.Alban D'souza&Fly.kuwait,shirva

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Anita Dsouza, Mumbai/Mudarangadi

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Singing Legend Wilfy will continue to live in our hearts for generations to come... We will miss you & your emotional voice Sir!
      May his Soul find repose in the Heavenly Kingdom
      Condolence to the Rebimbus family!

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Asha Nazareth, Byndoor (Mumbai)

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Words cannot expresses the sorrow you are a legend, Indeed we lost our great singer.......He may be no more with us....but hissweet konkani songs will be remain with us forrever.......May his soul rest in peace..Heartleft condolence to his familly.May god grant them to bear this irreparable loss..

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • RENITA NELSON ALVA, Pangla,Bahrain,

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad news.konkani world has lost a great singer.Heartfelt sympaties to his family.May his soul rest in peace.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Pearl D'Silva, Mangalore/Bangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt condolences to all the family members.An empty place left in the konkani music.Konkan Kogul Wilfy,may you soul rest in peace.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Flavia Dsouza, Bajpe / Oman

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very very shocking news to hear the sudden demise of Wilfy Rebembus.It is a great loss to the entire konkani community.Our heartfelt condolences to Meena,Vishwas,Veena and rest of the family.May his soul rest in peace.God give you strength and courage to bear this great loss.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Jessy n Jacob Fernandes, Pangla, Doha-Qatar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad news. Wilfy baab will always have a special place in our hearts and homes. 'Namaan tuka' May his soul rest in peace. Our humble condolences to Meena Bai, Veena & family, Vishwas & Charlene.

      Recently released Wilfy's 40 CD album collection itself is a treasure to have.

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    • Fredrick Correa, Nairobi, Kenya

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      What a loss! Legends like Wilfie come once in a while. This generation was fortunate to have a person like him. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • fr.J.B.Crasta, mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena Praying for you.

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    • Arun Dsouza, Katabail, Moodbidri, Moodbidri

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      The greatest singer's songs, really touched my heart and I always used to sing his song 'naman tuka ye bhagi avoipona........
      May his soul rest in peace. Heartfelt condolences to Rebimbus family.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Dolphy Dsouza, Bajal

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt Sympathies to Wilfy's family members -May his soul rest in peace

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Prakash Lobo(PRAKASH CATERERS), Angelore/Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heart felt condolences to wilfy rebimbus family May His Soul Rest In Peace

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    • Satish Edneer, Edneer, Kasaragod/ Bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad news,My heartly condolenses to all the family members. May his soul rest in peace

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    • Stevan Jyothi Lobo, Angelore/Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heart felt condolences to wilfy rebimbus family May His Soul Rest In Peace

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    • Alfred, Lydia, Andrea & Areetha, Mangalore / Fujairah

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena, Veena, Vishwas and Family,
      Please accept our heartfelt condolences on your irreplaceable loss. Wilfy has left a void in the world of Konkani that will be difficult to fill.
      We pray that his soul rest in peace and courage to the family to bear his loss.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Sharmila Moras Bawish Beauty Parlour, belthangady

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Konkan Kogul Wilfy is the legend of Konkani Music..
      May his soul rest in peace

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    • John J. Lobo, Moodubelle

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Great loss to the whole Konkani community. May his soul rest in peace. Our hearfelt symphathy to the bereived family.
      John Family, Muscat

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    • Wilson Cornelio, Pangla/Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      My heartly condolenses to meena bai, veena, vishwas and family . its a great loss to konkani language & culture. He and his songs will remain in everyones heart forever. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Merwyn, Udupi, Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Its a shocking news in this morning.A very big loss to konkani music.
      May the Lord Grant eternal rest and peace to his soul...

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    • Satish Edneer, Edneer, Kasaragod/ Bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad news,Our heartly condolenses to all the family members. May his soul rest in peace

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    • Wilfy-Shanna , Kinnigoli/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Really we are shocked to know about the Legend of Konkani. He gave the true taste of music. May his soul rest in peace.Hearty Sympathies to you Vishwas, Veena Meena and the rest.

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    • John Roosevelt Lobo, Kaikamba, Mangalore, Kaikamba, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Wilfy,

      You are Jewel of Konkani and your songs are AMAR.
      Adiues , May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Joseph Conrad D souza, Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is a shocking news to all of us. May his soul rest in peace. We pray to God to give all the strength to his family to bear this loss.

      YOU are the soft spoken, humble and dignified man . YOU are one of my Role model . YES your absence will make a big difference. YOU have not only contributed for the music , but also for education culture and for the poor as well. YOUR songs will play in our lips from dawn to dusk. YOUR songs are immortal. YOU are the LEGEND. YOU have done the homework to enter the Paradise.

      On behalf of all the beneficiaries of Gratian Rebimbus Education Fund


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    • wilson wills studio, belthangady

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heart felt condolences to wilfy rebimbus family May His Soul Rest In Peace

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Lancy pius, Bajpe / kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very shocking news all of us,
      May his Soul Rest in Peace.

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    • Oliver Rebello,Creations Band, Pangla,Shankerpura

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad news...!We lost a Great personality in konkani music world.May his soul rest in peace.

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    • John Roosevelt Lobo, Mangalore, Kaikamba, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Wilfy,

      You are Jewel of Konkani and your songs are AMAR.
      Adiues , May his soul rest in peace.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Kiran Gonsalves, Kundapur/Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Wilfy is truly a legend and the most popular artist of Konkanni art. He will be remembered for long long years in the history. My heartfelt condolances to the bereaved family.

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    • claudius, kokkada/puttur

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Our heartfelt condolences & sympathies to members of Rebimbus family.May his soul Rest in Peace-claud family

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    • Nelson Fernandes & fly, Kundapur/KSA

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocking news. Great loss for Konkani.
      Our hearfelt condolences to Rebimbus fly. May his soul rest inpeace.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Praveen , Gurpur, kaikamba

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      May his soul rest in peace. condolence to his family

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    • melwin, mangalore/Gujarat

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      May His Soul Rest in peace.

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    • Carol Martis, Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Bai: Meena, Veena/Anna/Arvin Paes, Vishwas/Charlene Rebimbus

      Love Lasts beyond a lifetime,
      it lives forevermore….
      A timeless flowing in the heart,
      like waves upon the shore….
      And like the tide that comes
      And goes, hoping that you find,
      While memories of your loved
      one grow, the sadness fades behind

      May the thoughts of those who care,
      Comfort Rebimbus family during
      This time of sorrow May his soul rest in peace

      'Konkan Kogul' no more…. Unbelieveable……great loss to Konkani world……

      I'm shocked.....Deepest sympathies from :

      Carol Martis and family 9.3.2010

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • olina pinto, fujairah/koteshwer

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      'May his soul rest in peace'.

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    • Joseph D'Sa, Kallianpur

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Words cannot express the sorrow. You are a legend! You have created a history! The void can never be filled by anybody! You have touched the chords of our heart. A irreparable loss to Konkani, your family and all your music admirers. May the Lord receive you in his bosom and grant your family enough strength and courage to bear this great loss.

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    • Roque Lewis, Udyavara/Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocking news indeed. Irreplaceable loss. May his soul in peace. May God give strength to his family members and the entire community, to bear the loss of beloved ".Wilfy"

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Mr.Reyan & Junitha,, Belthangady/Farwania

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt sympathies & condolences to Wilfy's family, shocking news, cannot digest it,may his soul rest in peace..your melodius voice will always be remembered...

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • rupesh rego, suralpady/dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      "May his soul rest in peace"

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    • Walter&IreneSerrao&fly.,, Kulshekar,Doha-Qatar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena,Veena & Vishwas,we express our heartfelt condolence to you and to all your family members on the sad demise of your loving husband/father.Its very shocking news and a great loss to all of your family members and also to all the Konkani music lovers.May the Lord grant you enough of strength to contain this great loss.Eternal rest grant unto him and may his soul rest in peace.Walter,Irene,children.

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    • rupesh rego, suralpady/dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      "May his soul rest in peace"

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    • Senek, Bangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      "There was never another & there will never be ever another artist like you"
      You will live forever as the undisputed king of music in Konkani with every song of yours that touched hearts and made them feel proud my mother tongue Konkani.

      There was no one as humble as you with so many fans, and as a true master you gave us the strength to perform as we started music aspiring to be some day like you.

      May not even reach that close but promise to keep your name alive with every melody being truly yours

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    • Sanjay & Sunitha Sequeira, Ujire/Bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Its been very sad to hear the sad news....our heartfelt condolences to Rebimbus family Members...may god give them strength to bear the great loss...may his soul rest in peace

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Mount Rosary Sisters, Austria,Linz

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      !!!MAY YOUR SOUL REST IN PEACE!!! Heartfelt condolences to Wilfy Rebimbus family

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010


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    • roman gilbert, mumbai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt condolences. May his soul rest in peace

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    • Vincent Sequeira, Kateel / Bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Our heartly condolenses to all the family members. May his soul rest in peace. The Konkani Legend Konkan Kogul Wilfy Remimbus will be remembered by the entire konkani commuinity forever.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Bro. Lancy M Fernandes SJ, Jepp / Pune

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      A legend has gone from us. i am really pained at the demise of a geat parishioner and singer. he has upheld Kokanni clture in his own unique style. I am a proud parishioner to have once sung in is concert.

      May his soul rest with the eternal music master.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • rupesh rego, suralpady/dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      "May his soul rest in peace"

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    • Nimmy Goveas, Bendur / Muscat

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      ಕೊಂಕ್ಣಿ ಸಂಸಾರಾಚೊ ರಾಯ್ ಕುವರ್
      ಮಂಗ್ಳುರಾಂತ್ಲೆಂ ತಾಲೆಂತ್ವಂತ್ ನೆಕೆತ್ರ್
      ಸುಮಧುರ್ ತಾಳ್ಯಾಚೊ ಸರ್ದಾರ್
      ಪದಾಂ ಗಾಯಾನಾಚೆಂ ಭಂಡಾರ್
      ದೆವಾನ್ ದಿಲ್ಲೊ ಅಶಿರ್ವಾದಾಚೊ ಶಿವೊರ್
      ತುಜೆ ತಸಲೊ ತಾಲೆಂತಾಸೊ ಪುಂಜ಼ೊ ಜ಼ಲ್ಲೊಂಚೊನಾ ಕೆಂದಿಂಚ್

      ಏಕಾ ವೊರ್ಸಾ ಆದ್ಲಿ ಮಸ್ಕಟಾಂತ್ಲಿ ಮಿಲಾಗಾತ್
      ವಿಸ್ರುಂಕ್ ಸಕ್ಚೆನಾಂವ್ ಕೆದಿಂಚ್
      ತುಜಿಂ ತಿಂ ಭಾಂಗ್ರಾಳಿಂ ಉತ್ರಾಂ ಅನಿ ಮೊಗಾಚಿಂ ಇ-ಮೈಲಾಂ
      ಆಮರ್ ಉರ್ತೆಲಿಂ ಅಮ್ಚೆ ಕಳ್ಜ಼ಾ ಪಾನಾನಿಂ ಸದಾಂಚ್........
      ಲಾಂಬ್ ಜಿಯೆ ಲಾಂಬ್ ಜಿಯೆ ಕೊಂಕಣ್ ಕೊಗುಳ್, ಕೊಂಕಣ್ ಪ್ರಜ಼ೆಚಾ ಕಳ್ಜ಼ಾ ಮೊನಾನಿ ಸದಾಂಜ಼್ ರಾಜ಼್ ಕರ್.....
      ಅಮರ್ ಉರೊ ತುಜ಼ಿಂ ತಿಂ ಪೊದಾಂ....ಗಾವಾ

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • rons, Bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Sad to hear about his death. My condolences to the family. May his soul rest in peace. His songs have always touched my heart and inspired my life.

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    • NELLU, Permannur

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Our heartly condolenses to the family members. May his soul rest in peace.
      >Nellu & asal kalakar team mangalore

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    • Franky/Vinny, Shirva/Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      "Konkan Kogul" Wilfy Rebimbus is one the greatest person ever lived on this earth planet for konkani world.
      It's a shocking news and untimely death brought a great loss for konkani community and konknai lovers. I am pretty sure the konkani community never forget his tireless contribution.
      Today, we lost a great king but not his soul touching songs.... remians forever..leaving [Living]a mark of his image in our hearts.

      Our heartfelt condolences to Rebimbus family. We share your grief.
      Franky/Vinny - Kuwait

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    • Fr. Melwyn, Mysore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shree Wilfy you are in our hearts. Your songs, lyrics, melodies will make us to remember you always. May God grant you eternal happiness and peace. Konkani culture literature, music, music flourished for you were a special and unique talent.
      Pamedi Capuchin, Mysore

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    • Santhosh/Crystal & fly, Mangalore/Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      May God grant eternal rest to his soul and strength to bear the loss to his family and all his dear music lovers. We will miss you Wilfy...

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    • Fr.MaxPinto,Capuchin., Paladka/Mangalore.

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena,Veena/Arthur, Vishwas/Charleen
      and all fly members, accept my heartfelt Condolences and deepest sympathies on the sad demise of our beloved Wilfy. I have no other words to console you than the words of our Saviour- "I am the resurrection and the life.Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live."Jn,11:25.May the Almighty God grant eternal rest to his soul and give you the strength to bear this loss -Fr.Max P Pinto,Capuchin.

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    • Augustine D'Souza, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      May the LORD give his family strength to bear the loss and may his soul REST IN PEACE.

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    • Liguory D' Silva, Manjanbail, Niddodi

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      The Greatest Konkani Musical Legend, 'KONKAN KOGUL' has ceased to sing, leaving a vacuum in Konkani Music, which may not be filled in the generations to come. The fond name 'Wilfy' will always remain in our memories. My hearty sympathies to Meena, Veena,Vishwas and your families. May Wilfy's soul rest in peace.

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    • John Vas, Kulshekar/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt condolences to Rebimbus fly members. I still remember the day in 1967 when he visited our home along with Meena & his singing troupes, how humble he was. Singing and making people happy around him on all occassions. God bless his soul and he will definitely pray from heaven for all singers.

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    • Arwin Tauro, Mysore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      I was shocked at the news. May his soul rest in peace, he still lives with us

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    • Valerian, Leena, Vijesh & Vanessa Peris, Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Hard to believe and very sad to hear about the death of our beloved great Wilfy Rebimbus, popularly known as the Konkan Kogul. It is a huge loss to the Konkani Music Industry and Wilfy Rebimbus will dearly be missed by the entire Mangalorean and Konkani Catholic community, spread all over the world. We pray to Almighty God to give strength and courage to Meena, Veena/Arthus and Vishu/Charleen to bear this irreparable loss. May his soul rest in peace and find eternal salvation.

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    • Wilson D'Souza, Belthangady/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad news,Our heartly condolenses to all the family members. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Simon Francis Lasrado, sullia/Bangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very very shocking news to hear the sudden demise of Wilfy Rebembus.It is a great loss to the entire konkani community.Our heartfelt condolences to Meena,Vishwas,Veena and rest of the family.May his soul rest in peace.God give you strength and courage to bear this great loss.

      with grief,
      Simon Lasrado & family

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    • Mabel Kent, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena, Veena, Vishwas and family, Please accept our heartfelt sympathies. Our prayers are with you during this difficult time. May Wilfy's soul rest in peace. Wilfy will live in our hearts forever.
      With prayers : Stany Minezes, Mabel Kent and family

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    • Denzil Britto & Family, Doha, Qatar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Unbelievable!! We born listening to his music, his songs inspired our family to enjoy konkani music during all our functions. It is a shocking news for us and all the konkani music lovers all over the World!
      Dear Veena, Arthur and all family members, kindly accept our heartfelt sympathies on the demise of our Loving Wilfy Rebimbus. May the Almighty grant you all the strength & courage to overcome this irreparable loss. May His Soul Rest in Peace.

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    • stany mendonca, mangalore,UK

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt condolences dear Meenabai,Veena,Vishu and all family members.
      My eyes filled with tears while hearing this sad demise of my beloved Konkan Kogull.Its a great loss to us and our konkani community but its gods wish,he called him to sing in his kingdom with angels and saints.May his soul rest in peace.

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    • valerian, renjala/karkala

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      konkani music lost one its greatest legend !! may his soul rest in peace!

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    • CGS & Family, Valencia,Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      A legend passed away.Konkani Music
      World lost a greatest lyricist cum
      singer.Deepest sympathies to Meena
      Vishwas/Charlene and all the members of this bereaved family

      May God grant them serenity,
      strength and fortitude to bear this
      irreperable loss.May his noble soul
      rest in eternal peace.
      Adieu Wilfybab.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse


      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocking news.Konkani music lost one of its greatest legend.An irreplaceable void in the Mangalorean catholic community.
      May his soul rest in peace. Heartfelt Condolences to Rebimbus family.

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    • gratian, mangalore, niddodi

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      No body can replace his place. he is really great. his contribution to konkani music industry is marvelous.
      we all gonna miss you.

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    • Nimmy Goveas, Bendur / Muscat

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heart Felt Sympathies to you Meena Bai, Veena, Vishwas and fly. My humble and only prayer at this moment is to grant you the grace to overcome the irreparable loss. May God grant you the same strength which i was blessed with two years ago. "May his Soul rest in peace" Absent in body, present in soul, May he send forth lords abundant blessings on all. Be assured of our prayers always.

      With love and condolences from, Mike, Nimmy, Angel Melissa and Melina. Bendur / Muscat.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Joseph Dsouza, Bangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Its sad and shocking ! Our deepest sympathies to all members of Rebimbus family. May God grant them strength and courage to overcome this great loss. May his soul rest in peace. Joseph Dsouza & family / Bangalore

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Genny Mascarenhas, Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena,Veena/Arthur, Vishwas/Charleen
      Please accept our heartfelt condolenses on the sad demise of our beloved Wilfy. We lost him out of great shock which is indeed painful. We tremendously miss him now and for ever physically, yes, but not spritually.
      May the Almighty lord give you (meena,Veena, Arthur, Vishwas & Charleene) strength and courage to bear this irreparable lose. We share your sorrow.
      Yours in grief,
      Jocelyn, Genevieve, Vanessa, Jaden & Gavin Mascarenhas from Dubai

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    • Jimmy Goveas, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena and all family members,
      My Heartfelt Condolences and Deepest Sympathies.
      May the Lord give you courage and strength to you and your family to bear this irreparable loss.
      Jimmy Goveas.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocking news to the konkani world .may his soul rest in peace

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    • Alan, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      May His Soul Rest In Peace.

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    • Satish Kunder, Mangalore/Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt condolences to the Rebimbus family.

      He may be no more, but his Konkani songs will remain with us forever

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Rudy D' Souza- President KCWA Kuwait, Omzoor/Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Hearty Sympathies to you Vishwas, Veena Meena and the rest. It is hard to believe - Wilfy is NO More. Wilfy the Konkan Kogul done Great things for Konkanni which is unforgetable to the Konkanni world for ever. There is no replacement for Wilfy. We miss him and it is a great loss for us. Let his soul rest in peace.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • john d'cunha, karkala

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      wilfy will remain with us as long as KONKANI exists.may his soul rest in peace.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      heartfelt sympathies to meena ,veena , vishal arthur and family members.may the LORD give you the grace and strength to withstand this great loss and console you and grant eternal rest to dear wilfy

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    • Lancy Cardoza, Abu Dhabi

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Wilfy Rebimbus was like a family member in every house of konkani world through his songs. It is like loosing our own family member. I pray for his soul and his family.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocking news..and great loss to Konkani music world and community, May God grace the family to bear this loss by his compassionate love. May his soul rest in peace

      KONKANI SPEAKING COMMUNITY unit Catholic Church Of Our Lady Of The Rosary DOHA QATAR

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    • Alwyn Mahias Moodubelle, Bombay

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      May His Soul Rest in peace.

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    • President & Members of USWAS, Shirva-U.A.E

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Our Heart Felt Condolences & Sympathies to Dear members of the Rebimbus Family. Sad Demise of our 'Konkan Kogul' is a great loss to Konkani World and all the music lovers. May his soul Rest In Peace.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Paul D Souza, Bondel/Sharjah

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very Shocking News for Konkans.Heartfelt Condolences to Wilfy Baba's Family.MAY SOUL REST IN PEACE. Paul and Family

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    • Jason, Kaikamba

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is the greaT loss to Konkani Music..Wilfy is the legend of Konkani Music..
      May his soul rest in peace

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    • Paul D Souza, Bondel/Sharjah

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very Shocking News for Konkans.Heartfelt Condolences to Wilfy Baba's Family.MAY SOUL REST IN PEACE. Paul and Family

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Austin Mendonca, Tallur/Qatar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Mena Bai, Veena/Arthur, Vishu/Charleen, Grand children Arvin & Anna. Please accept our heartfelt condolenses on the sad demise of Sri. Wilfy Rebimbus. May almighty lord give him eaternal rest and his sole rest in peace. Austin, Delita, Lanish & Lavishia -Tallur/Kundapur

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Ancy Paladka, Vasai, Mumbai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Wilfy is a Legend of Konkani world. It is hard to believe that he is no more. Hearty Condolences to Meena, Veena, Vishwas

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    • UK Konkans, Konkan Region/UK

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      A void has been created that shall not be easy to be filled A voice has fallen silent, that was our identity to the world. The Almighty blessed us all with this huge bundle of talent, one of it's kind in a generation, and now has taken him away to Heaven.

      Along with the whole world, we, though miles far from the native place that Wilfy praised and worshipped n his songs, and various literary works, feel very saddened on his demise. We send our deepest condolences to Meena, Veena, Vishwas and the entire community that mourns Wilfy.

      Wilfy will be in our hearts and minds forever. We pray to the Almighty that he may be granted Eternal Peace. RIP dear Wilfy Rebimbus.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse


      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      WE LOVE YOU FOREVER UNCLE!!!! MISS YOU A LOT!!!MAY YOUR SOUL REST IN PEACE!!!!Hearfelt Condolences To Meena,Veena,Vishwas and Family.

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    • Thelma & Santosh Dsouza, Bondel/ Abu Dhbai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Our Heart felt condolences to wilfy rebimbus family

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    • George Coutinho & Fly, Palimar,Udupi

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena, Veena, Vishwas and Family,
      Please accept our heartfelt condolences on your irreplaceable loss. Wilfy has left a void in the world of Konkani that will be difficult to fill.
      We pray that his soul rest in peace and courage to the family to bear his loss.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is a shocking news. It is great loss to Konkani Language and Culture. But we should thank God he gave us Wilfy and through him he only made Konkany richer and sweater. It is God's wish that he has to leave this world and now the Heaven shall have the wonderful gifted artist who shall pray and send us all Lord's blessings.
      We pray for his soul and at the same ime wish his wife children and near and dear ones the strength to accept the God's wish in their life.
      Wilfy Rebimbus shall live for ever in our Hearts. There is no death to these type of stalwarts.

      Bye Wilfyab!

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • George Coutinho & Fly, Palimar,Udupi

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena, Veena, Vishwas and Family,
      Please accept our heartfelt condolences on your irreplaceable loss. Wilfy has left a void in the world of Konkani that will be difficult to fill.
      We pray that his soul rest in peace and courage to the family to bear his loss.

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    • Alwyn Noronha, Bajpe

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt symphathies to Meena Bai and all Family members. Wilfyaab was my role model in my music life. May his soul rest in peace.
      On Behalf of all the Konkanni Singers From Bajpe,
      Alwyn Noronha, Bajpe.

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    • Deevan Dcunha, Mumbai / Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      There will never be another Wilfy Rebimbus!!! RIP...

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    • Conrad & Sharmila, Kinnigoli/Abu Dhabi

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Its indeed a shocking news. We have heard his songs since our childhood. People who have met him will know, how simple and down to earth he was. May his Soul rest in peace. Heartfelt condolences to his etire family. We will miss you Wilfy. Your songs will live forever.

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    • Irene Sequeira, Derebail/Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Really shocking and breaking news of the day. Wilfy is no more but his memory will remain forever. Just remembered Mohd.Rafi's song from Dil Ek Mandir 'JAANE WAALE KABHI NAHIN AATHE BUS UNKI YAAD AATHI.....' AMAR RAHEM WILFI KI YAAD. We salute the Konkan Kogul. Sincere condolences and heartfelt sympathies to his beloved wife, children & family. May God give them strength & courage to bear this irreparable loss. May his soul rest in peace. From God we come unto him we return.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Frederick Pinto & Fly, Shirva

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      'Shocking News....!

      Heart Felt Sympathies to his family. May his soul rest in peace.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010


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    • Harry, COORG/ B'Lore/ Abu Dhabi.

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad shocking news.Heartfelt condolences to Rebimbus family. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Irene Pereira, Falnir

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It was a great shock to know the sudden demise. No one can fill his vacuum. May the Lord Grant eternal rest and peace to his soul...

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    • julie wilson d souza, anagally

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad news,our heartfelt condolences to the Rebimbus family.May his soul Rest in peace.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is a shocking news. It is great loss to Konkani Language and Culture. But we shold thank God he gave us Wilfy and through him he only made Konkany richer and sweater. It is God's wish that he has to leave this world and now the Heaven shall have the wonderful gifted artist who shall pray and send us all his best of Lord's blessings.
      We pray for his soul and at the same ime wish his wife children and near and dear ones the strength to accept the God's wish in their life.
      Wilfy Rebimbus shall live for ever in our Hearts. There is no death to these type of stalwarts.

      Bye Wilfyab!

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    • Rays Band, Mangalore/Attavar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      "Mog Tuzo Kitlo Ashelo"

      He Utra kednans mujya kalzanth gazteli..... Dev Taka sasnik vishew devndi...

      Rays Group.

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    • cheryl ferrao, katipalla , mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010


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    • Gavin Martis, Moodbidri / Muscat

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Wilfyab, we grew up listening to your fabulous songs which had very realistic and meaningful lyrics. It is a great loss for all of us Mangaloreans.To describe it as a mere loss would be an understatement to make considering your contribution to konkani music world. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Vally Kuwait, KADABA

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very Shocking news.May his soul rest in peace.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocking news for all...I am great fan of Konkan Kogul Wilfybab and I had a good relationship with him. He has won all the sentiments of konkani people.Heartfelt condolences to Meenabai,Veena-Arthur,Vishwas-Charleen. May his soul rest in peace.
      Wilfy,Janet, Vijetha & Viveca, Dubai

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    • Francis DSouza, Buntwal / Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Our heartfelt condolences to the Remimbus family. May his soul Rest in Peace

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    • Sylvester Alva, Moodubelle / Kidiyoor / Muscat

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Our heartfelt condolences to Meenabai & Rebimbus family, may his soul rest in peace. Sylvster Alva & family.

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    • Deepak D'Cunha, Mangalore/Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Indeed a rude shock!I had met Wilfyyaab during my last visit to Mangalore in November.Certainly, an irreplaceable void in the Mangalorean community especially, the catholic community.
      Heartfelt condolences to the familly members. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Arun D'Souza, Kadri / Thane

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Its a shock to learn that such and well renowned and hard working person - Mr. Wilfy is no more. Gods ways are very puzzling but we have to honour same. WE pray that God gives his family courage, strength and support to bear this tremendous loss. Eternal rest grant unto him Oh Lord and may his soul rest in peace. May you light shine on him always.

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    • Prakash Passanha, Kallianpur,Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      "May his soul rest in peace"

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    • Augustine/Gracy/Melinda Fernandes, Thottam/Doha

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena, Veena/Arthur, Vishal/Charleen. Please accept our heartfelt condolences on the sad demise of our beloved konkani legend Wilfy Rebimbus. May the almighty give you all the strength and courage to overcome this great loss. May the good Lord grant him eternal rest and may his soul rest in peace. We always admired his simple, kind and humble nature whenever we met him. We will miss him a lot. Though he is not in sight any more, he will be in the hearts and minds of all his fans in millions. Take care all of you. You all are in our prayers always. With deepest condolences - Augustine, Gracy & Melinda. Doha.

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    • Mangalore Cultural Association, Doha-Qatar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Mena Bai, Veena/Arthur, Vishwas/Charleen, Please accept our heartfelt condolenses on the sad demise of our loving Konkani Kogul Sri. Wilfy Rebimbus. May the almighty lord give you strength and courage to overcome from this great lose. May god give him eaternal rest and his sole rest in Peace. MCA & EXCOM QATAR.

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    • John Concesso, Permude / Muscat

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad news, may His soul rest in Peace.

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    • Kevin/Linnet, Sharjah/Mumbai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt condolences to the family members of Rebimbus family. A big loss to the entire Konkani music lovers. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Maxim Sequeira - President, Karnataka Social Club, Bahrain, M'lore/Bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      A legend passes away. an unimaginable loss for the Konkani music and lyrics. a loss that konkani community will feel forever. our heartfelt sympathies to Meena and children. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Arun Jossy D'Souza, Perampalli/Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocking!!! Our heartfelt condolences to Remimbus family and enire World's Konkani family. May His soul rest in peace. We, mangalorean lost a Diamond ....

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Nimmy Goveas, Mangalore / Muscat

      Tue, Mar 09 2010


      ಕೊಂಕ್ಣಿ ಸಂಸಾರಾಚೊ ರಾಯ್ ಕುವರ್
      ಮಂಗ್ಳುರಾಂತ್ಲೆಂ ತಾಲೆಂತ್ವಂತ್ ನೆಕೆತ್ರ್
      ಸುಮಧುರ್ ತಾಳ್ಯಾಚೊ ಸರ್ದಾರ್
      ಪದಾಂ ಗಾಯಾನಾಚೆಂ ಭಂಡಾರ್
      ದೆವಾನ್ ದಿಲ್ಲೊ ಅಶಿರ್ವಾದಾಚೊ ಶಿವೊರ್
      ತುಜೆ ತಸಲೊ ತಾಲೆಂತಾಸೊ ಪುಂಜೊ ಜಲ್ಲೊಂಚೊನಾ ಕೆಂದಿಂಚ್

      ಏಕಾ ವೊರ್ಸಾ ಆದ್ಲಿ ಮಸ್ಕಟಾಂತ್ಲಿ ಮಿಲಾಗಾತ್
      ವಿಸ್ರುಂಕ್ ಸಕ್ಚೆನಾಂವ್ ಕೆದಿಂಚ್
      ತುಜಿಂ ತಿಂ ಭಾಂಗ್ರಾಳಿಂ ಉತ್ರಾಂ ಅನಿ ಮೊಗಾಚಿಂ ಇ-ಮೈಲಾಂ
      ಆಮರ್ ಉರ್ತೆಲಿಂ ಅಮ್ಚೆ ಕಳ್ಜಾ ಪಾನಾನಿಂ ಸದಾಂಚ್........
      ಲಾಂಬ್ ಜಿಯೆ ಲಾಂಬ್ ಜಿಯೆ ಕೊಂಕಣ್ ಕೊಗುಳ್, ಕೊಂಕಣ್ ಪ್ರಜೆಚಾ ಕಳ್ಜಾ ಮೊನಾನಿ ಸದಾಂಜ್ ರಾಜ್ ಕರ್.....
      ಅಮರ್ ಉರೊ ತುಜಿಂ ತಿಂ ಪೊದಾಂ....ಗಾವಾನ್ ಗಾಂವ್ ಸŃ

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    • Joyce Santos, Jeppu Mangalore/Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena bai, Veena & Vishwas, we all convey to you and to all your family members heartfelt condolence on the sad demise of your beloved husband/ father. I know it is an irrepairable loss to all of your family member & even all the konkani Music lovers . May almighty god give you all necessary strength to contain this irrepairable loss.
      May his soul rest in peace.

      With heartfelt sympathies: Alphonsa Santos, Joyce, Wilson, Joe, Joylet, Janice, Jane

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    • jeevan pinto/linol pinto, manglore/dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      May His Soul Rest in peace.

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    • Joseph Paul Mendonca, Pernal / Belman

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Great loss. Heart felt condolences to the Rebimbus family. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Sanjay, Vamanjoor/Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocking news which nobody wants to listen. Wilfy sir, you will never die from our hearts. You ruled, rule and will rule the Konkani music. My sincere condolences to Meena Aunty, Veena, Arthur and Fly, Vishwas n Charleen and all family members. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • melwyn, paladka/kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Konkani music lost one of its greatest legend!! We will always cherish his songs!! May his soul rest in peace!

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    • preema, moodbidri hosabettu

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt condolences to rebimbus family....may his soul rest in peace.......its a shocking his voice will be rememberd always forever n ever

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Harry D'Souza, Bejai, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      I am shocked and grief stricken to learn of Wilfy's death,
      and express profound sorrow and condolences to the Rebimbus family.

      I have worked with him for many years on several shows and have a lot of memories to remember down the lane.

      This is truely a great loss to the Konkan Community which can never be replaced. The mark made by Wilfy on Konkani music is deep and ever lasting.

      We will miss u Wilfy... May your soul rest in peace...

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    • Reshma, Mlore/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      May his depareted soul rest in peace, May the Lord give his grieving family and all his fans the strength to bear his lose....We lost a great talent

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      May his soul rest in peace

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    • Diany Dsouza & Fly, Pamboor/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocking news, great loss to Konkani music & community. Today we lost a multi talented legend of Konkani music. He will be in our hearts and will be remembered for ever through his golden songs.
      Our heartfelt condolences to his family members and dear ones. We pray that Almighty God give you the strength and courage to bear this huge loss. May his soul rest in peace.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Ronald D'souza, moodubelle/sharjah

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocking news. May his soul rest in peace. Heartfelt condolences to Rebimbus family.

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    • gratian dsouza, bejai/kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heart Felt Sympathies to you Meena Bai, Veena, Vishwas and the entire Remimbus family. My humble and only prayer at this moment to the Lord is to grant you the grace to overcome the irreparable loss. May God grant you the same strength which i was blessed with two years ago. "May his Soul rest in peace" Absent in body, present in soul, May he send forth lords abundant blessings on all. Be assured of our prayers always.

      With love and condolences from,
      from gratian n fmly kuwait

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    • rohith martis, mani, m'lore-bangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      May his Soul Rest in Peace

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    • Stanley Noronha, Mangalore/Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Our heartfelt condolences to Rebimbus family. May God grace the family to bear this loss by His compassionate love. May his soul rest in peace. With prayers, Stanley Noronha & fly.

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    • Lancy Dsouza, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      today a sad day for all mangaloreans & Konkani lovers.His konkani songs are loved accross the generations.
      May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Rakesh and Jasmine Singh, New Delhi

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt sympathies and condolences to rebimbus family. May his soul rest in peace. He will remembered in all our prayers.

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    • Sharin Dsouza, Mangalore/Bangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      We have lost the precious Wealth of Mangalore.
      Hearty Condolences to the family.
      May his sould Rest In Peace.

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    • Joel D'sa, Moodubelle, Bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      What a tragedy for Konkani community. One of our all time Legend is no more. hard to believe that Wilfybab is no more. One of the kind hearted person I ever known in my life, MAY THE LORD GRANT HIM ETERNAL PEACE. My heartfelt simpathy to his family. This is indeed a irreplacable loss to Konkani community, but Wilfybab will remain with us for ever through his ever melodius voice and beatiful and meaningful lyrics. I WILL MISS YOU A LOT Wilfybab.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010


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    • s pereira, Bijai/ Abudhabi

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      shocking news to the entire mangalorean community.May his soul rest in peace. we can never forget the lovely songs that he has left behind for us.

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    • Mandd Sobhann, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Mandd Sobhann wishes to place on record its grief and sorrow at the sad demise of the greatest son of Konkani, the father of modern Konkani songs – ‘Konkan Kogull’ Shri Wilfy Rebimbus

      In his untimely death, Konkani has suffered an immense loss which can not be replaced. He was a master of the art of crafting songs. He was unparalleled in his ability to compose songs on contemporary issues. At a time when organizations like ours did not exist, he was the sole missionary of Konkani. Last year Mandd Sobhann took great pride in honoring him with the ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’ at the First Global Konkani Music Awards.

      In today’s Konkani world there isn’t a taller figure who has served the cause of Konkani for more than 50 years. We mourn his loss and pay that his soul rest in peace. We offer our most sincere condolences to his beloved wife Meena, his loving daughter Veena and his son Vishwas and all his near and dear ones.

      He might have passed away but his memory will remain immortal in every Konkani heart, for ever and ever.

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    • Rocky Cutinha, Valencia-mangalore (Qatar)

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Our heartly condolenses to all the family members. May his soul rest in peace. The Konkani Legend Konkan Kogul Wilfy Remimbus will be remembered by the entire konkani commuinity forever.

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    • Rakesh and Jasmine Singh, New Delhi

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt sympathies and condolences to rebimbus family. May his soul rest in peace. He will remembered in all our prayers.

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    • Antony T. D' Souza, Karkala / Qatar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Konkani's Son Wilfy and Wilfy's 50 years of Konkani works are the heritage of Mother Konkani here to remain for forever. Wilfy had a unique bond with Konkani language and its Konkans, can not depart on 9th March but will continue to be so for generations after. May his soul rest in Peace.18th July 2009

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      May his Soul Rest in Peace

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    • Lancy Pinto Nayak, Kulshekar / Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad news.
      'The golden voice is no more'.
      The Konkani World is at a great loss with the sad demise of our Konkan Kogul. May his soul rest in peace.Our heartfelt condolences to the Wilfy Remimbus family.

      Convener and Members,
      Konkani Kulvaar and Kulvaar Rangmanchi. Kuwait.

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    • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur,Puttur/Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      A great loss to Mangalore. My Sympathies and condolences to the bereaved family. May our Lord and Saviour console the survived due to the death of Wilfi.

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    • Glenson Sequira, Barkur/India

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Mena Bai, Veena/Arthur, Vishu/Charleen, Please accept our heartfelt condolenses on the sad demise of our loving Wilfyab. We pray to the almighty god to give him eternal glory and may his sole rest in peace. Hector, Lilly, Glenson & Jaffney

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    • Sunil Fernandes & fly, Kota/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt condolences to the family of Wilfyab. The Konkani world has lost a great personality. May his soul rest in peace.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Wilfy you were a LEGEND in your lifetime...!!we grow up listening to your songs., in our every neighbourhood functions.., really shocking news..!!
      May his soul rest in peace..AAMEEN.

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    • jds navunda, padukone

      Tue, Mar 09 2010


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    • Melwin Nancy D'souza & fly, M'lor/ Milar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It's Socking news !!!?? Dear Meena,Vishwas/Charleen, Veen/Arthur, & all the fly members. please accept Our deepest Heartfelt Condolences to the fly members.on the demise for MOGAL WILFY YAB. may GOD grant his soul rest in pesce.

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    • Nimmy Goveas, Mangalore / Muscat

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heart Felt Sympathies to you Meena Bai, Veena, Vishwas and the entire Remimbus family. My humble and only prayer at this moment to the Lord is to grant you the grace to overcome the irreparable loss. May God grant you the same strength which i was blessed with two years ago. "May his Soul rest in peace" Absent in body, present in soul, May he send forth lords abundant blessings on all. Be assured of our prayers always.

      With love and condolences from,

      Mike, Nimmy, Angel Melissa and Melina.....

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    • william Kumar, Kinnigoli / Mira Rd-Mumbai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocking news.Not possible to digest."May his soul rest in peace" - William Kumar & Fly

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    • Robin D'souza, Barkur

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocking!!!! May his soul rest in peace. Wilfy was a great Konkani Singer.

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    • Preetham , Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It was a shocking news for us all and we couldnt belive. We lost a great singer. May his roul rest in piece and let god give power to tolerate this sorrow to us and family members.

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    • James & Shobha Mendonca, Vamanjoor / Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena, Veena, Vishwas and Family,
      Please accept our heartfelt condolences on your irreplaceable loss. Wilfy has left a void in the world of Konkani that will be difficult to fill.
      We pray that his soul rest in peace and courage to the family to bear his loss.
      James Shobha Mendonca & Family
      Vamanjoor / Dubai

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    • Paradela Bejai, Bejai, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Those Who Loved You, And Were Helped By You Will Remember you.Your Singing And Your Melodious Voice Will Always Be Remembered. You Have Carved Your Name In Our Hearts.Farewell Dearest Friend.Paradela Has lost One Of Its Staunchest Supporter Today.May God Grant Eternal Rest .Hearfelt Condolences To Meena,Veena,Vishwas and Family.

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    • Vishwas Troy, Kundapura

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocking News..... May his soul rest in Peace

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    • Bhaskar G., Kinnigoli, Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very Sad and Shocking to about the sad demise of our beloved Konkan Kogul - Wilfy Rebimbus. May his soul rest in peace. May almighty God give strength to his family to bear the loss..........

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    • Lavina, Kuwait / Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocked to hear the sudden death of 'Konkan Kogul' Wilfy Rebimbus .
      May his soul rest in peace.
      Your Voice, songs will always going to remain with us.
      Condolences to Rebimbus family

      Sasnacho vishev di thaka hai somiya ani niranthar prakas thacher pankondi. Amen

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    • stany lobo, Bajal Mangalore/Bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Mog ani maipass borleya rebimbus kutmaso prakaas borith divo palvalo.Kokne matheso pooth kokni bhashe katheer vauroon aaz amka antharla.Vorthe dook bhogtha.Rebimbas kutmak bhuzavon thosen amche dhook pateithavon.
      Stany ani Rosy Lobo.
      Manu Bahrain

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    • Joyce D'Souza, Dubai / Bandra

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocking news!! Wilfy Rebimbus will always be remebered by all. It is a great loss to the mangalorean community. Our deepest condolences to the family. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Maria, Udupi

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      No words to express.. its a shocking news. We born listening to his songs and now we sing his songs to make our children sleep. We have CD and book of all his songs. May his soul rest in peace!! We will miss you...

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    • Jennet Prescilla, Mangalore / Muscat

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is a great loss indeed to the Mangalorean Konkani fraternity in particular and the entire Konkani community all over the world. While praying Almighty God may give strenth and courage to his bereaving family, to bear this irreparable loss, we intercede for eternal rest to the dear departed soul. May his Soul Rest in Peace.Amen

      Konkani kogul will no longer sing but the legacy that he has left to the Konkani lovers is immeasurable. Let us support his achievements and his family to continue their contribution to the noble cause of Konkani.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      We deeply mourn the passing of this Konkani "Yugpurush" and pray to Almighty to grant eternal peace to the departed soul. May generations remember his contribution to Konkani language and culture.

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    • walter, kulashekar/mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad news,

      May his soul rest in peace

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    • prashlin, Mangalore /Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Our heartly condolenses to all the family members. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Melwyn Aranha, Shirva

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      very sad news,great loss.may is soul rest in peace.

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    • Henry D' Souza, Ashoknagar/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Wilfy "Konkan Kogul" has left a permanent place in our hearts.
      Heartfelt condolences to his bereaved family. May his soul rest in peace.
      Henry D' Souza & fly
      Merit Freight Systems, Mangalore

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    • Anil Cardoza, Belman/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Veronica Rego, Kinnigoly/Karama

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartbreaking news - I am a fan of Wilfybab since the age of 10 and I am deeply shattered to know that the voice that I loved so very much is not in existence any more. However, I am privileged to have his latest album of 40 CDs which I will cherish till I breathe my last. My heartiest condolence to the bereaved Rebimbus family. May the Almighty grant them courage and strength to bear this great loss. May his departed soul 'REST IN PEACE'

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    • Felix Saldanha & fly, Derebail

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Really Shocked to hear the news wilfy's sad demise. Heartfelt condolences to the familly members. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Rohit D'souza, Barkur/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      "May his soul rest in peace"

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    • Harry, Leena, Alsten & Alita, Pangla / Qatar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      We lost a Great Personality in Konkani Music World....Dear Meena aunty, please accept our deep heartfelt condelences & May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Rons Bantwal, Mumbai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Konkani Legend Wilfy Remimbus... We Salute for your Great Konkani
      Melodies. Your voice will always remain in our midst. May ur soul Rest In Peace

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    • Vinod Nazareth Propritior Vantage Infotech, Moodbidri

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It was a shocking news i couldnt belive. We lost a great singer. May his roul rest in piece and let god give power to tolerate this sorrow to us and family members.

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    • Rita Menezes, Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad news. Heartfelt sympaties to his family. May his soul rest in peace

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    • Francis Fernandes, Bajpe/Sharjah

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad to hear'Konkan Kogul no more'. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Melvin D Souza, Kundapur / Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      The Konkani Legend Konkan Kogul Wilfy Remimbus we all miss u. shocking news all man Mangaloreans . excellent contribution to the konkan samaj

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    • Konkani Cultural Organisation (K.C.O.), Abu Dhabi

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      We are deeply saddened by the death of our dear Wilfy. His contribution to Konkani culture is immense. His songs have inspired and entertained thousands of people over the years! His will live on forever in our hearts. Our heartfelt condolences to Meena, Vishwas Veena and family. May his soul rest in eternal peace.

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    • Eulalia D'Souza, Bijai / Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocking news for sure. It is an un-believable, non-replacable loss to us Mangaloreans, that Wilfy is no more with us. We know that he will live in our hearts n minds always, but we will miss him. Dear Meena madam, Vishwas & Charleen, Veena n Arthur n kids, please accept our sincere and heart felt condolences on the sad demise of our beloved Wilfy Rebimbus.
      May God Bless His Soul and take Wilfy with HIM to the kingdom of heaven to sing HIS Praises. May the Lord give you all strength and courage to accept this huge loss and live with hope that God will fill that vacancy in your Home.
      Donnet ( St. ALoysius College ) & Eula ( Lia Travels - Bijai ) with Eldon.

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    • Dolfred, Mangalore / Bangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      "Udello suryo, sanjer toh budtha, dusrya sakaalin, porthyan yetha ....... Ek dees apapinch budlolo suryo, udevnso na amchya, hya jeevithaanth ...."
      How fortunate are we to have taken birth in an era, shared by a legend who soothed / rejuvenated minds and hearts of all those who followed Konkani and Tulu through his melodious and meaningful songs. As all of you have known, besides being a great musician, he was also a well grounded human being. My heartfelt sympathies go to Meena Aunty, Veena and Vishwas and all those who have shared the stage with him and most importantly as our "Konkan Kogul" is received by the heavenly hosts to enjoy the fruits of his life on earth, I thank God for this gift and blessing to all Konkani and Tulu lovers. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Victor Leena Lewis, Mumbai,Anderi West

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      shocking news but his voice will alway be remembered forever & ever heartfelth condolences to his family May is soul rest in Peace

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    • Alwyn Pinto, Derebail / Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena and all the members of Rebimbus family, please accept our heartfelt condolences on the sad demise of Wilfyab.It's a great loss to the konkani music world. May his soul rest in peace.
      Alwyn, Prescy & Magna
      Derebail / Dubai

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    • Dexter Britto, Mangalore/Auckland

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Though the 'Konkan Kogul' is no more, he has left us with unforgetable memories with his songs which will remain in our hearts forever.
      Dexter Britto & fly

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    • M.P.RODRIGUES, Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It was my good fortune to be associated with this great man, a legend of our time, a humble and affable man. His contribution to Konkanni literature and music will always be remembered. He was a bouquet of talents and an all rounder in Konkanni language. I join my family in offering our heartfelt condolences to Meena, Veena, Vishwas and the entire family on Wilfy's demise and pray eternal rest for his departed soul.
      - M.P. Rodrigues & family

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    • Rohina Pinto, Kallianpur / Mumbai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocking news ! May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Conald & Lora Veigas, Mlore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      shocking News !!!!!!!!!!!!!! May his soul Rest in Peace.

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    • harik coutinho, palimar/mira road

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear wilfy rebimbus fly, sorry to know sudden dimise of konkan kogul.may his soul rest in peace.

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    • Apolinaris D'Souza, Valencia / Muscat

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt sympathies, Meena-bai, Veena & fly, Viswas & fly. for the sad demise of our belowed Wilfyab. No words come in mind to express the sorrows of his sad demise, for he had taught us & the whole world to sing. He will be remembered for generations to come. May his soul rest in peace. With prayers Apolinaris D'Souza & Family, Muscat

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    • Alwyn Almeida, Mangalore / Goa

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      We would truely miss his presence for the wonderful songs he has left behind, which, I still hummm and think of the good old days of mine. May God rest his soul in Peace and May God take care of His family in a special way. We will miss one of the great Legend in Konkani world.

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    • Stan Ageira, Mulki / Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      This is HUGE loss and Daiji-Dubai had rightly bestowed DAIJI PUROSKAR on him in 2007. Almost all members of Daiji-Dubai had great attachment with Wilfy and we are truly shocked. We will always miss him. We express our heartfelt condolences to his family, relatives, friends and all dear ones- DAIJI DUBAI Core Committee, Founders and ALL MEMBERS

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    • Veera, Ashok nagar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocking news,greatest loss of konkani kutam all over the world.Heartfelt condolences to the family members,may his soul rest in peace. From Veera Lobo and Fly - Ashok Nagar

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    • Henry Castelino, Pangla/Bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Our heartfelt sympathies to Rebimbus family. May his soul rest in peace.
      henry castelino & fly

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    • Dilip/Sunitha Gonsalves, Hosabettu/Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Our heartfelt condolences to the Rebimbus family. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Dolphie, Byndoor/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt sympathies.. May his soul rest in peace...

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    • Maxim Pereira, Angelore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Our heartfelt condolences to the Remimbus family. May his soul Rest in Peace.

      Maxim Nisha & Abigail Pereira

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    • Terence Binoy D'Silva, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      May his soul RIP

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    • clement lobo, chakala mumbai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      it is really a shocking news.heartfelt sympathies meenabai n rebimbus family may his soul rest in peace. clement lobo n family.

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    • Vincy, Kallianpur/ Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Sad News, May his soul rest in Peace

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    • poornima jagdish, mangalore/bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      May the departed soul rest in peace.

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    • raymond dcunha,Editor Pingara news paper, taccode,valencia mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heart felt condolences to wilfy rebimbus family.
      The legend of Konkani no more..
      May God Bless the family.

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    • M.Mathias, Mangalore/Bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocking News. You are always alive in the heart of Konkani & Tulu speaking People.

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    • Peter, Brahmavar/Sharjah

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Konkani generation will remember The Great Wilfy Remimbus. His funeral should be conducted with all Government respect.

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    • Rosy Monis, Roof Top, Andheri,Mumbai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Wilfy,
      Very shocking news. "May your soul Rest In Peace".
      Cant forget the lovely konkani songs....

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    • Thomas Valder, Bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      I find no words to express the shock. The great, irreparable loss to Konkani community. Mr. Rebimbus, the King is gone, but his melodious, sweet, mesmerising voice will always echo in our heart. Rebimbus family, we share your grief and stand by your side at this agonizing moment of life. May his sould rest in peace...Amen.

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    • Jyothi Dsouza, Mangalore/ Bangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shoching News!!!!!!! May his sole rest in Peace.....Great loss to the Konkani World.....We will Miss you a LOT....

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    • john b pais, chikmaglore,muscat

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      very sad news,great loss.may is soul rest in peace.

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    • Abdul Rasheed , Muloor/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocking News!!! May His Soul Rest in Peace.... My deepest condolence to Vishu and Family

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    • Jeswin, Managalore/Goa

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      May His Soul Rest in Peace.My Deepest Condolences in this moment of grief..

      Have grown listening to his songs...

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    • Antony Crasta, Mangalore/Sydney, Australia

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocking news - hard to believe! Very sad to hear the great Wilfy Rebimbus, popularly known as the `Konkan Kogul`, passed away. May his soul rest in peace and find eternal salvation. It is a huge loss to the Konkani Music Industry and Wilfy Rebimbus will dearly be missed by the entire Mangalorean and Konkani Catholic community, spread all over the world. There will be one and only Wilfy Rebimbus, and this loss is irreplaceable. My deeply felt sorrows and condolences go to his wife Meena and entire family. May Wilfy`s soul rest in peace and find eternal salvation. I never had an opportunity to attend in person any of Wilfy`s concerts and singing programmes, but at least, I am glad that I procured the Golden Edition Album comprising of his popular Konkani Songs that was released recently, and can now only find solace in listening to his golden voice and enjoying his beautiful music and songs.

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    • Denzil Fernandes, Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocking and sad news. One of konkani's greatest singing sons will not be heard singing anymore. He now joins the Lord to sing with him ! May his soul rest in peace.
      Despite his success, Wilfy Rebimbus was a down to earth artiste which was his hallmark.
      I had the privelege of taking Wilfy and his troupe to Bahrain for the first time and found him to be extremely nice and cooperative without any unusual demands whatsoever unlike some other performers. Later too I had a couple of occasions of taking him to the Gulf. That was a personal satisfaction for me. Sadly, my dream of taking him on a planned non stop Gulf tour remains unfulfilled despite discussing the subject with him at least once or twice.
      Overall, Wilfy was a simple personality and a great family man.
      At this sad time, we join Meena and the family and pray for the departed soul. Kindly accept our heartfelt condolences and let our Lord grant him eternal rest.
      Wilfy's memories will always remain for ever.
      Denzil Fernandes and family. Dubai

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    • Wilson Mendonca, Tallur/Doha Qatar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Mena Bai, Veena/Arthur, Vishu/Charleen. Please accept our heartfelt condolenses on the sad demise of our loving konkani legend Sri. Wilfy Rebimbus. May the almighty god give you strength and courage to overcome from this irreparable lose. May the good lord give him eternal rest and his sole rest in pease. In prayers - Wilson, Shalini & Waylon

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    • Ivan Moras, Falnir/Muscat

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Really it is a shocking news, cant believe,May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Austin & Thelma Noronha, Bangalore/Doha

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Veena & all family members,
      Like a bird singing in the rain, let grateful memories survive in time of sorrow.. May his soul Rest in Peace!!!

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    • Prescilla Philip, Ammembal Parish / Oman

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      A legend for Konkan is no more...! A definite irreparable loss for all of us...! Another Kogul yet to be Born...!
      I loved his compositions so much... there was not a song left uncomposed by wilfyaab may it be feelings in human nature, or relations...! or any situation in life or world. He had everything under his hat.... He is genius....!
      We pray May his soul rest in eternal peace and May the almighty give strength to his fly and Konkani freternity.

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    • cehal, mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      may his soul rest in peace

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    • Andrina Pais, Mudarangadi/Singapore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Its really shocking to have heard this news.Wilfy sir was a great honour to the entire Manglorean community and to all his well wishers around the world.We would never have the konkani kogul again in our lives.We will all miss you sir.I ask the almighty to grant his soul peace and his family the strenght to overcome this shock.

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    • Richard Lobo, Shirva/Bangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      We have grown up listining Wilfys Konkani songs. It is very sad to know that he is no more but his voice will live till konkany lives. His konkani songs are loved accross the generations.
      May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Richard, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Zolmonche jiyevche morche munshachi eks kani, khaim thari korun jiye tovol thi sufol jini....wilfy the legend who lived his words..

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    • Arthur Concessao, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Really sad to note that the legend like Wilfy Rebimbus is no more. We grew up and lived listening/singing his songs. Our condolences to the family. We pray that his soul rests in peace amen. Eternal rest grant unto him oh Lord, may his soul rest in peace.amen.

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    • Joseph Mascarenhas, Mangalore/Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      May his soul rest in peace,Heartfelt condolances to the family of Konkan Kogul Sri Wilfy, he left this world leaving a everlasting memory on konkani music.

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    • Sunil Dsouza Farla, Farla Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      We had a shocking news. miss u wilfy as a konkan kogul.we missed good writer and singer had never born like Wilfy Rebimbus.Our hearlty felt condolences to his fly.

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    • Parish Team, Mira Road/St. Joseph's Church

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It's really a shocking news for all of us. We cannot forget his meaningful songs. May his soul rest in peace. Our heartly condolenses to all the family members.

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    • Charan Colaco, Bangalore / Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Rebimbus Family,
      Please accept our heartfelt condolences on the sad demise of beloved Wilfybab. May the Almighty God give you the strength and courage to bear this loss.

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    • Shalini Noel Coutinho, Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      True Legend. Unbearable loss to Konkani Music and Literature. Such a Konkani Artist was never born before and I doubt will be born again.
      May his soul rest in peace and his music last for ever.

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    • Sundeep Malani, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Mog Tuzo Kithlo Ashelo....


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    • Fr William Menezes, PRO,Diocese of Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad to hear that Konkan Kogul is no more.In the name of the Bishop of Mangalore and the Diocese we condole his death and offer our heartfelt sympathies to the Remimbus Family.

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    • NOEL, M'LORE

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena Bai, Veena, Vishwas & all the family members please accept Our sincere and heartfelt condolences to you all and we join you in praying that the dear departed soul of our dear Wilfybab rest in eternal peace. We also pray that He gives his family members and loved ones the strength and courage to bear this huge loss.
      Wishes from Noel D'almeida & Family Dubai

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    • Mark Denis D'souza, Niddodi/Sharjah,U.A.E.

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Deepest sympathy and condolences to Rebimbus family on the sad demise of the great legend of Konkani music,Star of Konkani comuunity,the multi talented parsonality,KONKAN this sad moment of grief my thoughts and prayer with you.May God give strength to bear this great loss,may his noble soul rest in eaternal peace.
      Mark Denis D'souza

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    • Rev.Fr.Vincent D'Souza, Alangar-Moodbidri

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      My heart felt Sympathies to the Dear members of the Rebimbus Family. The Konkani World is at a great loss with the sad demise of our Konkan Kogul. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Vincent Mascarenhas, Moodbidri

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad news. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Praveen Veigas, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very Sad News to Mangaloreans.
      May his soul rest in peace :( :(

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad to hear the heart breaking sad news of Konkani Legend’s demises. Our heartfelt condolences and deepest sympathies to Wilfybab’s family. We pray that his departed soul rest in heavenly peace.

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    • Kiran Renny Crasta, Mulki / Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena and all family members,
      It is hard to belive that the great personality of konkani music is no more.My heartfelt condolences to his family.May his soul restin peace.

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    • Arun Andrade & fly, Sastan / Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad news the golden voice is no more, may his soul rest in peace. Our sincere & heartfelt condolences to all Rebimbus Family mambers.

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    • Francis, Moodbidri/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Body died but Voice is still alive in this world!!!

      May his Soul Rest in Peace

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    • Simon Francis Lasrado, sullia/Bangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very very shocking news.May Wilfy's soul rest in peace.Condolences to his wife Meena and rest of the family members.We share in your grief

      RIP Wilfy

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    • Princita Miranda, Mulky / Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      I am deeply saddened to hear this. His contribution to Konkani world is invaluable. We lost a great singer and writer who kept konkani music alive. I enjoy listening to his songs. Pranam tuka, Mog Tuzo kitlo ashelo and many other, are my fav songs. He will live in the hearts of mangaloreans for ever thru his precious songs. May his soul rest in peace and may God give strength and courage to his his family in this time of sorrow and pain.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocking news-cant beleive it-Meena bai, Veena and Vishwas fly, we share your grief. Kindly accept our condolenses-dolphy vaz & fly, Cascia-Muscat

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    • Mr. Vincent Castelino, Mangalore/ Derebail

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It's hard to believe that he's no more. It's a huge loss for the konkan community.

      Heartfelt condolences to the family members. May his soul rest in peace. - Castelino family, Derebail

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    • Vincent Rego, Derebail / Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Great Personality! His songs can be echoned in any part of the world. Konkani world has lost a great singer. May his soul rest in peace. Heart felt condolences to the family

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    • Nischal Ferrao & Fly, Belman/Muscat

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      A sad day for all Mangaloreans and Konkani music lovers. The golden era ends here in which our dear wilfyab has lifted Konkanni language through his voice with his family. Dear Meena aunty, Veena, Vishwas, kindly accept our deep heartfelt condolences on his sad demise. God has taken him leaving millions of konkani music lovers. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • alwy sequiera, kulshekar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      a melodious singer in the arms of god, a real shock, of a very good singer and a very humble human being may his soul rest in peace

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    • Fr. Reginald Pinto, Eliyarpadavu, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      JIVITHANTH..RE MUNSHYA, TUKA MELCHE DIS CHAAR, KODSAAN LOTT KONSHYA, JINI GODSANEN SAAR. The man who made, people like me to live a happy life, keeping aside the sorrows - is no more. MAY HIS SOUL REST IN PEACE. Heartfelt condolence s to Meena bai, Veena, Vishwas & family members and his near and dear-ones.

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    • Carol Tauro, Bejai/Pune

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very Very sad news but his voice will always remain in our midst. May his soul rest in peace.
      Dear Aunty, Veena & Vishu Heartfelt condolences

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    • Prashanth Dsouza, Arva Delhi

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocking News!I am shocked and speechless. His soul is not be more..We have lost our voice of mangalore. but Voice will remain forever in our heart.... God bless his soul rest in peace.

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    • zak, Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      ಸಸ್ನಾಚೊ ವಿಶೆವ್ ದಿ ತಾಕ ಯೆ ಸೊಮ್ಯ ಅನಿ ನಿರ೦ತರ್ ಪ್ರಕಾಸ್ ತಾಚೆರ್ ಫಾ೦ಕೊ೦ವ್ದಿ - ಆಮೆನ್

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    • Adrin, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad news... Amazing contribution to Konkani literature...!! May his soul rest in peace.

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    • sandra dsouza, mangalore/israel

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Really really shocking news.......we will miss him....may his soul rest in peace....

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    • Priya Mascarenhas, Mangalore / Kingdom of Bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Aunt Meena, Vishu, Charleen, Veena & Arthur,

      I am shocked to hear about Uncle. May his soul rest in peace. We will miss him a lot.

      Please accept our hearfelt Condolences and deepest sympathies.

      Priya and Swibert Mascarenhas

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    • Arunjessy, Palimar / Riyadh

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocked To Hear Koguls Sad Demise. We Can't Belive Kogul is no more.Heartfelt condolences to dear & near once. "Konkni Jeeval Ooronk Konkni Kontaran va Kogulechee Podan Munchak Doan Oothran Nanth."

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    • Lawrence d souza, Kelari/Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      What a great loss for all of us.
      It is very hard to believe that he
      no more. our heartly condolenses to his family.Lawrence and Julie kuwait.

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    • Michael D'Silva, Cordel/Bangalore/Melbourne

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena & all family members,
      Our heartfelt condolences to you all.
      The most authentic thing about you Wilfy, was your capacity to create, to overcome, to endure, to transform, to love and to be greater than your suffering.We all loved you & we will Miss you dearly.May your soul rest in Peace.
      Micky/Mary/Meena/Manoj/Meera & their families.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Lloyd D'souza, Surathkal

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Let his Soul rest in Peace. His Death is big loss to all mangaloreans. Not only we Christian Catholics but all communtiy miss him.

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    • Hilary Tellis, Kuntalpadi, Bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      This is shocking news, We can't forget Wilfiyab.. you are always in our heart. Because you kept our Konkani alive by your melodious songs... you will remain with us for ever... I express my heartfelt condolences on the sad demise of our Wilfyab.

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    • Maithri, Ajman

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad news... May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Naveen,Qatar, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocking news!!! .May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Richard & Gracie Pais & Fly, Bajpe

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      heartfelt sympathies.. May his soul rest in peace..

      Richard & Gracie Pais
      Rossi & Roger Pais

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    • tracy dalmeida, mangalore/israel

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      shocking news. may his soul rest in peace.

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    • harold, managlaore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Konkan(mangaloreans) lost its main root,all we never think about another wilfy in life, may his soul rest in peace

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    • Jaison, Reema & Reanne Lasrado, Mangalore/Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Aunt Meena, Vishwas/Charleen, Veena/Arthur,Anna/Arvin & all the fly members please accept our heartfelt condolences on the demise for Uncle Wilfy. May God give you all strength during this hour of grief. We will surely remember all the wonderful moments we shared. May his soul rest in peace.

      Sorrowfully yours-Jaison, Reema & Reanne

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    • Terence Lewis, Sastan/Abu-dhabi

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Sasnacho vishev dee taka ye somiya ani niranthar prakas taacher fankondi,samadanein toh vishev ghevndi, Amen.

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    • Rupert Lobo, Kelarai,QATAR

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Our heartfelt condolences and sympathies to the Rebimbus family and Pais family.
      May GOD rest his soul in peace.

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    • Theodore & Shalet Castelino., Kanajar/Qatar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very shockig news that our beloved 'KONKANI KOGUL'is no more.May his soul rest in eternel peace.Our deepest heartfelt condolences to Meena Rebimbus,Vishwas,Veena and all the family members.

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    • Carol Martis, Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Bai Meena, Veena/Arthur & kids, Vishwas/Charlene Rebimbus

      Love Lasts beyond a lifetime,
      it lives forevermore….
      A timeless flowing in the heart,
      like waves upon the shore….
      And like the tide that comes
      And goes, hoping that you find,
      While memories of your loved
      one grow, the sadness fades behind

      May the thoughts of those who care,
      Comfort Rebimbus family during
      This time of sorrow May his soul rest in peace

      'Konkan Kogul' no more…. Unbelieveable……great loss to Konkani world……

      Deepest sympathies from :

      Carol Martis and family 9.3.2010

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    • Roopesh D'Silva, Mangalore/Bangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad to hear about Wilfy's sudden demise. Sincere condolences to his family members. May his soul rest in peace.

      Eternal Rest grant to him Oh lord, let perpetual light shine upon him, May his soul rest in peace Amen

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    • Stan Rodrigues OCD, Agrar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      The Konakni world has lost one of the greatest talented personalities of the modern era. Wilfy’s legacy will live on. Our heartfelt condolences and sympathies to his family and friends especially United Youngster Association.

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    • RONALD VAZ, kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad to hear the news.may his soul rest in peace.

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    • Moushmi, Mangalore/Sharjah

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Really Shocked with this news and cannot digest the fact that we can no more look foward to Wilfy Nite. Wilfy Uncle even though you are no more. You will always live in the hearts of all Konakani Music Lovers for ever. Heartfelt Sympathy Wishes to Meena Aunty, Veena, Vishu & Fly. May god give you strength to bear this great great loss. Eternal Rest Grant unto thee. May his soul rest in peace. Amen From Claud, Marie, Melissa & Moushmi

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • RONALD GOMES, Kadri, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena and all family members
      Our hearfelt Condolences and deepest sympathies on the sad demise of dear Wilfiab.May his Soul in Peace.

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    • T.S.Thomas, Mangalore, Colombo

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is not only a big loss for the Konkani and Tulu music lovers, but even for Malayalis in the coastal Karnataka.I have attended his music concerts and found him a great legend of all times. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Vally & Bertha Fernandes, Kulshekar/Bangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt condolences to Meena, Veena & Vishwas. The community will miss him always but his immortal voice will live amongst us.

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    • Prakash Rai, Sohar, Oman,

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Notable Konkani singer and one of the proud sons of Mangalore. Heartfelt condolences & May his soul rest in peace.

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    • MRS.Mable Monteiro, Sharjah\Mudarangadi

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocking news,greatest loss of konkani kutam all over the world.Heartfelt condolences to the family members,may his soul rest in peace.from,Monteiro family.

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    • Naveen & Hazel, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      We are shocked to hear about the sudden demise. May the Almighty Lord bless and comfort the family in this time of sorrow.

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    • Eddie Sequeira, Mangalore / Qatar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      The 'Soul of Konkani' is no more. For me he was the begining and the end of Konkani Music. Will miss you my dearest friend. Heartfelt condolences to dear Meena, Veena, Arthar, Vishwas, Charleen and all his well wishers all over the world.
      May Almighty God Rest his gentle, noble soul in eternal peace.
      Eddie, Joyce, edel & Joanne

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    • SUNITA, Mangalore,Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocking news,May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Jason Correa, Kallianpur / Abu Dhabi

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is a tremendous loss to our Konkani Society, which cannot be filled up. I on behalf of Kallianpur Milagreans Gulf Association Dubai wish to express our heartfelt Condolences and deepest sympathies on the sad demise of our dear Wilfy Rebimbus. May God Rest his Soul in Peace and give his family the strength and support to withstand the loss of their dear one.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Clifford D' Costa, , moodbidri/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very shocking news, can't beleive that he is no more. Great composer,singer & lyrics writer of the millenium. We cannot forget his sentimental songs. Noboday can take his place. Huge loss to konkans, "Sanj Zalire,Sanj Zalire oot munsha bair sar sowsaranthlo Aaj pole chintinasta sooryo budlo". what a meaningful lyrics of his. May his soul rest in peace.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocking & unbeleivable news!!!. No doubt The golden era of Konkani music came to an end. It is great loss to Konkani music & language. Wilfy's songs are always based on family values. He started new trend in Konkani music. Along with music he is also a great writer. I still remember his story "MUGUTHI" that was published in POINNARI weekly.
      It is hard to beleive that the great konkani personality Wilfy Rebimbus is no more in thid world. My heartfelt condolences to his family. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Arun Noronha, Pangla/Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Rebimbus family. Please accept my heartfelt sympathies for your loss. My thoughts are with you during this difficult time. May the departed soul rest in peace.

      Wilfy’ab you have left a big vacuum in the Konkani entertainment industry. The Konkani people and other people who have had the opportunity hear you will never forget you. We love you.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010


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    • Vanil Veigas, Mangalore/Bangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      heartfelt sympathies.. May his soul rest in peace.. Gonna miss u sir.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Jesus Christ said I am the death and resurrection. May his soul rest and peace Amen. Great person falls down from our Mangalore diocese and born in God’s place. God has given lot of gifts in this world to make him great. May God help him to be great in heaven too.

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    • Vinita & Vivian Lobo, Jeppu / Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Aunt Meena,Vishwas,Charleen, Veena,Arthur & all the fly members please accept our heartfelt condolences on the demise for uncle Wilfy .May his soul rest in peace.

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    • arun, mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Wilfy the legend will always live....

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    • Clifford D' Costa, , moodbidri/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very shocking news, can't beleive that he is no more. Great composer,singer & lyrics writer of the millenium. We cannot forget his sentimental songs. Noboday can take his place. Huge loss to konkans, "Sanj Zalire,Sanj Zalire oot munsha bair sar sowsaranthlo Aaj pole chintinasta sooryo budlo". what a meaningful lyrics of his. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Michael Goveas , Muscat

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocking News! May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Nancy Rodrigues, Mangalore / Fujairah

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad to hear about Wilfy's sudden demise. Sincere condolences to Meena, Veena & Vishwas. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • callen dsouza , bendur

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      We have lost our voice of mangalore may his soul rest in peace.

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    • Denzil Goveas, Mangalore, Kingdom of Bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena and all family members
      We wish to express our hearfelt Condolences and deepest sympathies on the sad demise of dear Wilfy Rebimbus.
      May God Rest his Soul in Peace.
      Denzil, Bina, Meghna and Vishal

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    • Ronnie / Irene D'Souza , Bondel / Bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Meena, Veena, Arthur, Vishwas, Charlene and all family members,

      We are shocked and speechless. It is just impossible to accept that Wilfybab is no more and we cannot express our grief in words. Lord wanted Wilfybab in His midst and took him away to a safer place where he will live with peace and without pain.

      Our sincere and heartfelt condolences to you all and we join you in praying that the dear departed soul of our dear Wilfybab rest in eternal peace. We also pray that He gives his family members and loved ones the strength and courage to bear this huge loss.

      With deepest sympathies:
      Ronnie, Irene, Jude, Dona and Jason

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    • Paul Pinto & Fly, Bajpe

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Really a Shocking News. May His Soul rest in Peace.

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    • Godwin, Mangalore/Mumbai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      My hearts broken - Sad day for Konkani lovers and Konkani Mangaloreans around the world. We have lost our precious gem... Wilfy sir We adore you and you shall be remembered for a long time. Your contribution to our mother tongue is unparalleled and tremendous. Heartfelt grief and I pray to lord almighty to grant your soul peace and joy in your heavenly abode.

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    • sathish saldanha, kateel/ kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      dear rebimbus family, pls accept our deepest sympathy and praying to the almighty God to rest his soul in peace.

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    • Anoop Patrao & Family, Sakleshpur/urwa/Doha

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocked to know this sad news.....huge loss for Konkani music world & Konkani music lovers....may his soul rest in peace

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    • Melvyn D Cunha, Chairman & Management Comittee, MCC Bank, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      We deeply regret the demise of the greatest Music legend of this century. Pray Gods comforting strength to his wife, children and all music lovers. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Uday Rodrigues, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocking news...sad to know :( May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Vijay & Rekha Lobo, Ranipura/ Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Please accept our heartfelt sympathies. May almighty God give all of you the strength to bear this unbearable loss.May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Robert Castelino, Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Great loss. I have no words. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Venance A.J.Crasta, Udyavar / Bangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad News. A great loss to Konkanni language. May his soul rest in peace.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear Minabai, Vishwas and family members
      Please accept our heartfelt condolences. May his soul rest in peace, Amen.

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    • Roshan, Shirva/Qatar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Final Salute to Wilfy - " Konkan Kogul"

      Condolences to all Konkani Music lovers & Rebimbus family

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    • vincent and cynthia latha dsouza, kulshekar/bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Dear meena aunty,vishwas,veena and all family members,Heartfelt condolences to you all.We are all very sad .May his soul rest in peace.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

    • Lavina S. Pinto, Mangalore/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocked to hear the sudden death of 'Konkan Kogul' Wilfy Rebimbus. May his soul rest in pace.

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    • Abu Mazin , Mangalore/ Riyadh

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Whenver we hear any konkani songs automatically a name flashes in our mind is "Wilfy". His death is not only a loss for the Konkanis but also thousands of music lovers.
      My heartiest condelnse to Wilfy family.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      great loss to konkani world. MAY HIS SOUL REST IN PEACE.

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    • Fan, Konkan

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      the father of modern konkani music, wily aab will always remain in the hearts every single konkani music composer and konkani music lover...his inspiration is within every single musician of konkani his legacy will continue....

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    • Kirthan Rodrigues, Mangalore/Doha

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family.

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    • Jawar D'Souza, M'Lore/Doha

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      What a sad situation India on a whole has lost a great singer. He was a great legend in coastal karnataka. Very sad to loose such a good voice. May His soul rest in peace, and God give the family and his near and dear one's the strength to bear the loss. We cannot change Gods plans.

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    • Olivia Moras & family, Puttur/Toronto

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      This is a very sad news. He was a legend in the World of Konkani Music. we had the opportunity to attend Wilfy Nite in Dubai as well as in Canada. I just love all his songs. We are going to miss him so much. May his soul rest in peace. Our heartfelt condolences to his dear family & friends.

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    • Roshan , Shirva / Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad and shocking news to all konkani music lovers!! May his soul rest in peace. May Almighty God give strength to his family to bear this loss!!

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    • jossy tauro, mangalore/abudhabi

      Tue, Mar 09 2010


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    • Prima Braganza, Bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      You are simply great. You will never die in the hearts of konkani music lovers. May his soul rest in peace

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    • georgy, mlore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad news. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Lancelot N Tauro, Mangalore/Doha Qatar

      Tue, Mar 09 2010


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    • Kenneth, Lalbagh, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      My heartfely sympathies to all of U.Wilfy's family. May GOD give u strength. But U.Wilfy's songs and voice will always be in our hearts and minds. May his soul Rest in Peace.

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    • Allwyn Dsouza, Barkur

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      May his soul rest in peace. we love you Wilfy

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    • Ina D'Souza, Thottam/Kingdom of Bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      May His soul rest in peace in the paradise of the Living. Amen. A great singer of our time and our Karavali region. Enjoyed his music over the years.

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    • Averyl/Gavin Rodrigues, Mangalore/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heartfelt condolences to the family. May his soul rest in peace. Its a great loss to the konkani music world.

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    • Francis Lobo, Bejai,Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      A sad moment to Mangalorean Konkani commmunity and all fans.Let Lord give the family courage to withstand the loss.

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    • Adrian Gomes, Shirva / Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Heart Felt Sympathies Dear members of the Rebimbus Family. The Konkani World is at a great loss with the sad demise of our Konkan Kogul. May his soul rest in peace.
      Hearty condolence.
      Adrian Gomes & Fly

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    • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      It is really shocking news. may his soul rest in peace. When I opened this news i was thinking what made him stop singing, never expected his death.

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    • Valentine W. Pinto, Vittal/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord. and let perpetuel light shine opon him. May his soul rest in eternal peace.AMEN.

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    • Ronald Nirmala Fernandes, Bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      May his Soul Rest in Peace. Lord, may he enjoy eternal rest in your paradise.

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    • Fr.Chetan, Capuchin, Bangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Though the Konkani Nightingale, 'Gentleman' Wilfy has stopped singing, he is immortal through his melodies. May he enjoy the celestial symphonies for ever.

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    • Anita Peres, Udupi/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      May his soul rest in peace.

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    • Anita Peres, Udupi/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      May his soul rest in peace.

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    • munna, bangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Its a great Loss.... feeling very sad Indeed May his soul rest in peace

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    • Anil, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      May the almighty rest his soul in peace. I am not a Konkani, however his song Mog Tuzo Kitlo Asheilo rings bells in my heart all the time. He has just left his mortal coil, Mr.Wilfy will live with us always through his music.

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    • Belsi Goveas, Bangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad to hear this. May his soul rest in peace.

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    • naveen, dubai/udupi

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      May be his body dies not his voice!!
      Voice will remain forever in our heart.... God bless you

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    • Vinitha, Kuwait

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Very sad to hear that the great voice of Mangalore no more. May his soul rest in peace & may God give the family to bear this loss.
      Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, & let perpetual light shine upon him. Amen.

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      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Shocking and I cant belive this. My heartly condolenses with his family.We lost a wonderful person and a great acheiver.

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    • Laveena Dantis, Mangalore / Bahrain

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      A great human being!!!
      We will miss you, Wilfyab. But you will always have a special place in our hearts.
      May your soul rest in peace.
      Our humble condolences to Meena B ai, Veena & fly, Vishwas & fly.

      Walter, Laveena and Rochelle Dantis

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    • Raina Sequeira, Bejai/Dubai

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      May His Soul Rest in Peace.

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    • Devi Prasad, Mangalore

      Tue, Mar 09 2010

      Ohh!! When I was in school I used to see his cassettes all over the shops at Konkan Traders at Milagres School. I remember seeing it from more than 15 years back! Always liked how he set such a soothing impression on all who even just saw the cassette cover!

      May god bless his soul. Rest in peace.

      You will be missed. :(

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