Sisters of Charity Mark Italian Missionaries' 150th Year in India

Sisters of Charity Mark Italian Missionaries' 150th Year in India
Daijiworld Media Network – Mangalore (RD/SB)
Mangalore, Mar 23:
Sisters of Charity of Saints Bartholomew Capitanio and Vincenza Gerosa commemorated the 150th anniversary of arrival of first Italian missionary sisters in India (1860–2010) here, recently. 
The Institute of the Sisters of Charity a charitable enterprise for a great need was founded on 21st November 1832 at Lovere on Bartholomew’s initiative and with the co-operation of the Vincenza Gerosa and helped by Fr Angelo Bosio.

Sisters render long dedicated services at Prashanth Nivas, Jeppu, here for the mentally challenged girls, orphan children and the neglected old people of the society. In Nirmala Social Welfare Centre, Ullal, here and through Father Muller Charitable Institutions the service is rendered giving hope for the young girls. The people of Mangalore have benefited a lot from their long selfless service in the education, social work and health care.
From its inception the institute enjoyed the protection and patronage of the Infant Mary. By an extraordinary miraculous happening connected with the little wax statue of the Infant Mary, bound the Institute to her devotion, hence, the Sisters of Charity also known as the Sisters of Maria Bambina.
Four Italian Missionary sisters chosen by the then Superior General Mother Teresa Bosio being invited by the Italian Missionary Fathers in Bengal for the education of  girls to sow the seed of the Word of God. They treasured the charisma of charity in their hearts and set out on February 7 1860 beyond the confines of their secure land Italy, placing no limits to their generosity except the bounds defined by religious obedience. They arrived in Calcutta on March 11 1860. After three days journey along the Ganges on March 17 they arrived in Krishnanagar and lived in a poor hut.
In 1898 the Sisters stepped on the shores of Mangalore. Within a short time they took charge of the catechumenate at Jeppu, here, which admitted the destitute, aged, the disabled and the foundlings of Mangalore and its suburbs.  
The Mangalore Province saw the light of day in the year 1932. Today we have 8 provinces in India namely, Mangalore, Calcutta, Calicut, Dharwad, New Delhi, Secunderabad, North East and South East.
Both Saints were canonized on May 18 1950.
Mother Piercarla Mauri is the present Superior General. Under her guidance 4,538 sisters, spread in 21 countries and working in 438 communities give expression to the charisma of charity through education, caring for the sick, socio-pastoral work, empowerment of women and reach out to the marginalized of all kinds.

Presently in the province of Mangalore we are 400 sisters in 40 communities. Under the able leadership of Sr Irene Jane provincial superior sisters render dedicated service in Mangalore, Udupi, Bhatkal, Kasargod, Hassan, Chikmagalur, Mysore, Bangalore, Shimoga, and Bijapur districts. The main apostolate is Education, Health care, Home for the destitute, Prison ministry, Care of leprosy and HIV/AIDS afflicted.  Sisters also work as missionary in Italy (Milan, Rome, Bergamo), California, Japan, Thailand, Myanmar, Zambia and Zimbabwe (Africa), Bangladesh, Nepal and Nazareth. 
Today, the congregation reaps the harvest of what had been sown with faith and toiled with patience of Italian Missionary Sisters. Loyal to the precious heritage they have left behind, to recapture their close involvement with the poorest and the neediest of today, their love for poverty, dedication and hard work.


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  • jacintha,

    Thu, Aug 16 2012

    i would like to join your congregation please help me as a nun

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  • jacintha,

    Thu, Aug 09 2012

    i would like to join o your congregation because i liked your become a good nun

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  • `rev, seth twumasi ankrah, ghana

    Mon, Jul 12 2010

    keep the good work up

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  • br.sunil lobo, goa

    Sun, Apr 04 2010

    May the almighty continue to shower His bountiful blessings for all your generous services.

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  • Balwanth, Palimar

    Sun, Mar 28 2010

    Mr Mohd by covering head no one becomes saint or a better person ,only by doing good work please do not waste your time what Abram did @ that time.

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  • Santhosh D'Souza SJ, Arva/Bangalore

    Sun, Mar 28 2010

    Nice to hear of this celebration. I am very much grateful to these Sisters as many of my family members and cousins have been the beneficiaries of their service. I myself grew up in Naravi Boarding along with many of my relatives. The Charity Sisters were mothers to us. How can I forget the saintly Sr. Apoline, the good-old-Sister who told us, the hostel boys, the stories of the likes of saints, Antony of Padua, Aloysius Gonzaga, Dominic Savio, etc., thus inspiring many of us to become priests and religious. And there were other giants like, Srs
    Bridget, Falicita,Mariza,
    Clement,Stella,Gracy,Electa,Mary,and scores of thers, who as hostel prefects or as teachers have touched our hearts, each in her own unique ways. If I am a Jesuit today, it is due to them. They formed me in the early years of my life. Thanks, all you Charity
    Sisters! May your tribe increase!!

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  • seema, udupi

    Sun, Mar 28 2010

    Good works by the sisters .Congratulations.

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  • Jane, Mangalore

    Sat, Mar 27 2010

    Congratulations of sisters of charity. May God Bless you all for the good work.

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  • Nelson Gracious, Mulky India

    Sat, Mar 27 2010

    Congrat's. I wish you all the best.

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  • Martha (Pais) Daruwalla, Shankerapura/Mumbai

    Fri, Mar 26 2010

    Hearty Congratulations to the whole congregation of "Sisters of Charity" on the occasion of completing 150 years in India.

    I am very greateful and greately indebted to them for what I am today. Their beautiful name is our household name from the time I was small. I am a student of Capitanio High School & and a boarder of Capitanio Convent from 1973 to 1978. I have seen their dedication in the fields of Women"s welfare, education, medicine, social work, orphanages and Spiritual ministry. These sisters have created wonders in every field.

    I have visited Sisters of Charity Convents Jeppoo, Gerosa, Hassan, Hyderabad, Secunderabad,Gangavati(here I stayed with them for 1 year teaching 1983-84), Brahmavar, Solur & in Mumbai at "Yuvathi Sharan" , after my graduation, I stayed as a Hostelite from 1984 to 1989 & did my various courses in order to get a job in mumbai.

    The total 12 years that I spent with them, I have cherished my stay with them and I fondly remember each one of them very often.

    These sisters have given so much, to this side of our world, that we cannot forget in whole of our lives.I pray, May God bless them all, and protect them all, always, with good health & strength to continue to do their charitable services. God knows, without you all, we would have been no where in life.


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  • Juliana Ferns/Masci, Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 26 2010

    Hearty Congratulations to all the sisters of Charity, for completing 150 years of your dedicated service in India. Thank you for the service you render to the soiety-our country at large.May Almighty God be with you to guide and protect you. Long Live The Congregation of Sisters of Charity.

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  • Stanley D'sa Muscat, Belman

    Thu, Mar 25 2010

    Dear Sister Aileen ,
    Its pleasure to see you in this article.
    May GOD BLESS YOU, for your helping hand.Iam remaining same your classment.

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  • judith vas , nanthoor

    Thu, Mar 25 2010

    May god bless dear sisters.  I have seen the work you have done I also visited personally jeppu prashanth nivas. It is a great mission God have given to u...  may God give u more strength to godd charity to others

    sr. judith

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  • Miss.Suman, Dubai

    Thu, Mar 25 2010

    These works by Christan sisters reminds Mother Theresa words.

    "I try to give to the poor people for love what the rich could get for money. No, I wouldn't touch a leper for a thousand pounds yet I willingly cure him for the love of God" : by Mother Theresa

    "I see God in every human being,when I wash the leper's wounds, I feel I am nursing the Lord himself.." :by Mother Theresa.

    So much inspiring....the true "Jana Sevakaru".

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  • Edward Cyril Mathias, Bermuda/Mukamar

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    Congratulations Sisters of Charity. I know and proud of your good work to the Society. I am happy my sister Sr.Aileen also is a Sr.Of Charity. May God bless you all. I am happy to visit them. thank you sisters for your love and care and the hospitality we family members enjoy.
    Good luck and best wishes for your future work.

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  • Ray Fernandes, Mangalore/Dubai

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    Dear Sister Aileen Mathias,
    So nice to see you in this article.
    GOD BLESS YOU, for your good work & helping hand you give to everyone.

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  • anthony, mangalore

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    congratulations sisters of family has b een closely related with your institution.
    three of my aunts namely
    'medina sisters(2 were in burma as missionaries)and a cousin sr.theodore who died few years backat a very young age.. and another desouza(grace)thank you so much for your generosity!

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  • saif, Thodar/Al-Jubail

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    Good work done by christian community sisters...keep it up...god bless you.
    I saw some muslim and christian missionaries/organisations are doing this kind of humanity work which will be benifited to poor and needy we will hardly believe there will be a life after dealth..

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  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    God's blessings be upon the "
    Sisters of Charity". The
    people of all faiths will understand
    what the the Christian community
    has done for India, and the blessings everybody got through
    their dedicated service.

    Mr. Shahnawaz Kukkikkatte and the rest have
    written very truthful and commendable comment
    about the service of the Christian
    community in India.

    Mr. Mohammed. Covering of the head
    by the women is being practiced
    in many religions, especailly in the Abrahamic religions.

    " But every woman that prayeth or
    prophesieth with her head uncovered
    dishonoureth her head:for that is even all one as if she were shaven.
    For if the woman be not covered,
    let her also ben shord:but it
    be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered.
    For a man indeed ought not to
    cover his head, forasmuch as he is
    the image and glory of God: but
    the woman is the glory of man.
    1 Cor 11 3-7.

    Even today, women cover their
    heads while praying in many parts
    of the world, but in the western
    countries, I have found very rarely
    the women convering their heads
    while praying. However, believers
    of certain Christian denominations
    in the U.S. cover their heads
    while praying at home or Church.
    Your interest with this subject
    is greatly appreciated.

    There are many other passages in
    the Bible pertaining to this

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  • Anand Dsilva, Dubai

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    Looking at the pictures above, I am forced to acknowledge the benefits that we all have received in our lives due to your sacrifices.

    Many times we take for granted the pain some people take so that we can lead a better life. Our nuns are doing an extraordinary job that needs to be recognised and rewarded. I am completely spellbound by the noble work the nuns carry out and their ability to run large charitable institutions to empower less fortunate people.

    I am given to understand nuns are mostly send to difficult terrains and some of the reputed hospitals and education institutes were actually started from scratch in places where there were no lights, no shelter and nothing.

    Your dedication to teach skills to women such as stitching, cooking, typing etc irrespective of their religious beliefs have empowered women to be self employed and run their families decently than let them fall into wrong hands. Most of us today having goods jobs are a result of solid foundation that we got due to sacrifices from you. Thank you for what that you have done for us and our prayers are with you.

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    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    150 filfilment years for the Sisters of Charity in Mangalore Diocese. Their noble service in the field of education, medicine, social work, women's welfare, orphanages and pastoral ministry is to be appreciated. Dear Sisters, congrtulations and thank you for your wonderful service. All the best in the years to come. Long live your congegation.

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    Congratulations. Dear christian brothers/sisters and loving kids. Keep up the good work. You have been doing an exemplarary work for the betterment of community and humanity. You are leaders in charity, old age homes, homes for destitutes, homes for needy, sick, lepors, orphans. You pioneered modern education system with quality eudcation. Udupi/Mangalore/Bangalore/Mysore all known aas hub of quality education because of vision of our christian missionaries. Unfortunately, some seers, fanatics, politicians they cover the truth and blame these peace loving and selfless community just for political gains and infamous fame. If any one has to take lessons in the field of rural education, rural upliftment, community service, they should take lessons from these christian missionaries. Lets call spade a spade. Its high time to acknowledge their service to the nation and reward them fondly. We need them and its our necessity that we support these missionaries and charitable christian organisations. May God bless you all.

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  • Max E Rasquinha, Mangalore/Houston, Tx

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    The beautiful name "Sisters of Charity" has been floating in our household from the time I was born.The nuns of Sisters of Charity have brightened our home because my father worked for Fr. Mullers Hospital where the nuns have created wonders thru their dedication of noble work. One of our sister joined the Sisters of Charity and died after completing her 50 years Jubilee. I have visited Sisters of Charity Convent in Fr.Mullers, Jeppoo, Capitanio, Hassan, Sakhlaspur, Chickmaglur, Hyderabad, Secunderabad, Bhadrachellum Road, Goa and Mumbai. One of our son was born at Fr.Mullers under the care of Sisters of Charity and he was also sent for one year to Gerosa School. The nuns have given so much for the charitable dedication throughout India. May God continue to bless them and protect them at all times. They deserve the best at all times.

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  • Lancy Moras, Bendur - Jeddah, KSA

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    May God Bless Sisters of Charity of Saints Bartholomew Capitanio and Vincenza Gerosa. This is really a great mission and the job should be really memorized and blessed by God. Hats off to this sisters. I am bit more interested to know where they are exactly located so that I can pay a visit to them and offer some help on my next visit to Mangalore.

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  • Prakas, Kundapur/KSA

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    Congratulations to Sisters of Charity. May the Heavenly Father shower his blessings on you for the good work you all have done for the society.

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  • Fedrod Daril Dsouza, kundapur/Bangalore

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    Congratulations to Sisters of Charity for completing 150 years of dedicated work in india.....

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  • Lokanath.D, Bantwal/Iran

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    May God bless you all sisters,now a days parents are ignored by the children,in spite of that your selfless dedicated service to the society is great.thank you DAIJIWORLD good coverage.

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  • John, Mabgalore

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    It is written in bible when a women is in prayer she should cover her head, it is not compulsory, up to each individual to follow, the bible verse to refer 1 Corinthian 11:3 -7.

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  • Mohammed, Mlore/Blore

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    Just curious to know from my christian brothers,if it's compulsory for females to cover their head when they are inside the church? Are there any verses from the bible that i can refer?
    Learning and understanding abrahamic faith's(judaism,christianity and Islam) is my passion.Any information on this will be useful.

    And i really appreciate the good work done by Sisters of Charity.God bless you all for your good work.

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  • Thomas Valder, Bahrain

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    Hearty Congratulations to Sisters of Charity for completing remarkable 150 years in India. Undoubtedly, it requires lot of sacrifices & great patience to serve mentally challenged children, aged & sick people. It is only possible to render such selfless service through prayer and by the blessing & strength of Mother Mary & Holy Spirit. May God bless you sisters for your great sacrifices and selfless, dedicated services to the society.

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  • Anil John Karvallo, Basrur, Abu Dhabi

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    God bless them. This is the great charity doing by us christian sisters. I pray to god for their mission.

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  • Gladson D'Almeida, Brahmavar/Qatar

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    Take a bow at Sisters of Charity of Saints Bartholomew Capitanio and Vincenza Gerosa. They need to be feted for their invaluable service to our diocese in particular. I think there will be many more joining me in congratulating Charity Sisters for they have made a difference in the lives of countless. Many are indebted to these little Nuns who have made difference in their life with their profound humility, care and love which has been the hallmark of their presence amongst us. I personally owe a lot more than I could put in black & white to them.

    Right from the day one in school when the ever-smiling Sr Marceline welcomed me to this very moment, I have been their admirer. They have left a lasting imprint in my life whether it is for academics or career. While I take liberty to name a few of them like Srs Lavinia, Judith, Andrade, Florine, Hilda, Mable, Roseline, Angeline, Jacintha, Stella, Gerosa, Anny James, Elekta, Gulalmina along with the present Provincial Sr Irene Jane, I recall to mind all others who brought about revolution in Brahmavar vicinity with their disciplined and impartial way of imparting education. What more, they still going great with their mission. With profound gratitude, I take liberty on behalf of my fellow Brahmavarites, to thank them for their presence among us and wish them all that is best on this auspicious occasion. May your tribe increase and may many more get to experience your warmth, care and love in the coming years. Kudos Sisters!!

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  • Jawar D'Souza, M'lore/Doha

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    Good work by the sister's May god bless you all for the good work. Congrat's for completing 150 year's of dedicated service in India. Keep up the good work.

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  • Veera, Mangalore

    Wed, Mar 24 2010

    Congratulation Sisters, & May GOD bless you abundantly, & keep all of you in good health

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