Mangalore Diocese Felicitates High Court Judge B V Pinto

Mangalore Diocese Felicitates High Court Judge B V Pinto
Photographs: Pachu Ferar, Raknno
Report: Fr Francis Rodrigues, Raknno

Mangalore, Apr 26: The newly appointed Justice of the Karnataka High Court Justice Benedict Victor Pinto was honoured on the 26th of April in the Bishop’s House on behalf of the Diocese of Mangalore by Most Rev. Dr Aloysius Paul D’Souza, the Bishop of the Diocese of Mangalore. 

Responding to the honour he said: “I am chosen to impart justice to those who are in the darkness of injustice, especially  those who belong to our own community.  I cherish my initial associations with the Catholic Sabha in its initial stages. Then, Blasius M. D’Souza had said once  that ‘there is always a vacancy at the top.’  This  original concept and the initial acquaintances with the Catholic Sabha has taken me from the little village of Kelmbet to the heights of the High  Court of  Karnataka.  I am aware of my responsibility, as today the justice has become the property of the rich alone. I cherish the inspiration given by number  of priests, leaders and institutions especially where I had my studies in undivided South Kanara. I will try my best to respond to the needs of our community with regard to the field of justice.  Bless me so that I may impart real justice to the people.”

M. P. Noronha, one of the senior lawyers of the city and a Christian leader introduced Justice Pinto to the gathering.  He was born in Kelmbet in 1956. In 1980 he was the Joint Secretary of the Mangalore Catholic Sabha and later Vice President for 7 years.  In 1986 established Legal Assistance Cell.  From 1987 to 1990 was the member of the Diocesan Pastoral Council.  After moving to Bangalore in 1990, he still remained a community and Church oriented lawyer.  Till to this date he is the member of the Parish Pastoral Council of Madivala Church.  He was the founder Secretary of Konkani Catholic Sangh of Koramangala.  After practicing criminal law in Mangalore and Bangalore he was appointed the Additional Prosecutor and on the 12th of March 2010 he took oath as the Judge of the High Court of Karnataka. In spite of his great position he still remains a person of simplicity. 

The Bishop of the Diocese of Mangalore honoured him, prayed for the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit on him so that he may bestow real justice and wished that he would reach the Supreme Court in the years to come.  Representing the Diocese, the heads of the different Diocesan Institutions and Associations greeted the new Justice.

Sr Assumpta B.S. led the prayer service. Fr J.B. Crasta welcomed the gathering. Advocate Ivan D’Souza proposed vote of thanks.  PRO Fr William Menezes compeer the programme.  Chancellor Fr Henry Sequeira and Mrs Maria pinto, wife of Justice B.V. Pinto were on the dais. 

Also see:

Bangalore: Mangalorean B V Pinto Becomes Judge of Karnataka High Court 



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  • Stanley R.D'Costa, Mangalore

    Thu, May 06 2010

    Mr. Arish Babu while replying your query: I know I am perfect. I am boasting about myself, what I have done and what I am. I have been sent to this world by the lord Almighty to do some meaningful things, to treat my people alike and to point out whenever my brother is wrong either he may be a layman or a clergy. On the whole all the apples are not rotten, many are good in the basket i.e. my opinion about the clergy. Are you a nameless person after all/you belong to which caste/creed? Who are you to question me? Only God can do so. Further you say about my bad intentions and bad thoughts towards the clergy. Do you think clergy are the angels of God? Don't they commit mistakes. As you say correct your own mistakes! Can you show me what sin I have done to the clergy? And about teaching a lesson only the time will teach you a lesson. To stop writing comments neither you nor anybody in the world except God can stop me writing. I am showing weak image to the public as stated by you - i.e. my problem don't worry. Please disclose your identity and don't use any fictitious name. Now who is the coward? Me or you. Definitely you. I am prepared for a public debate. Tell me and announce in public which is the place and time. I will not reply to your foolish and baseless comments in future ok?

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  • Arish Babu, Mangalore

    Tue, May 04 2010

    Mr.Stanley R.D'Costa,
    Who are you to correct the misdeeds or wrongs of the clergy..... Every citizen has Right of Speech to express his or her opinions. But your right of speech expresses your deep ill intention and bad thoughts towards clergy. Take stand to correct your own mistakes and wrong doings instead of pointing on others especially clergy. Please do not expose your own weak nature by this way. I am not teaching you lesson but making you aware that you do not put down anybody and insult the good works done by the clergy. Stop writing such kind of unwanted comments. You are showing of your own weak image to the public. Be Perfectionist in reality of thoughts and live genuinely without blaming others. Do not boast yourself anymore.

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  • Stanley R.D'Costa, Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 29 2010

    Mr.Arish Babu
    In a democratic country like India it is the fundemental right given to its citizens i.e. freedom of speech. It is the opportunity given by me to correct the misdeeds and wrongs of the clergy in the interst of general public to uphold the unity and integrity of christian community. So though I have been given an opportunity to publish my articles in konkani magazines doesn't mean that I should stop correcting the wrongs of the clergy. So please dont teach me any lesson. I am perfect in my own way of functioning. I am not a fool to sling mud on my own community heads please remember ok?

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  • Langoolacharya, Belman/USA

    Thu, Apr 29 2010

    Abraham Coutinho, Mundkur/Bombay,

    Thanks, i know difficulties of students studying in villages, especially if they are from poor families, i am sure these difficulties make them strong in long run.

    I can understand his former teachers being very pleased with their former students achievements.

    I wish Justice BV Pinto all the best, and pray to almighty to give him wisdom of Solomon, as you rightly said.

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  • Abraham Coutinho, Mundkur/Bombay

    Thu, Apr 29 2010

    Mr. Langoolacharya, Belman/USA.
    H.M. then was Late Shri A.T. Shetty
    (Aikala Bhava, Thampanna Shetty). After his retirement, Pandu Sir became H.M. This event had happened when the school was housed in Panchayat Board Office in Jepe, Mundkur.

    Benedict's Hindi teacher then was Santhan D'Mello Sir, Naldaguttu in my neighbourhood who is now blind for the last 36 years to whom I conveyed the news of Benedict and congratulated him as "a teacher of Judge". He felt very happy. He also disctintively remembered Benedict.

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  • Langoolacharya, Belman/USA

    Wed, Apr 28 2010

    Abraham Coutinho, Mundkur/Bombay,

    Was Pandu master HM then?

    Probably not, i think he came afterwards..., Pandu master was my friend long time ago....

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  • Arish Babu, Mangalore

    Wed, Apr 28 2010

    Mr. Stanley R.D'Costa, it is better that you stop commenting on the clergy. Clergy are taking initiatives to help the lay persons in so many ways. even your article are published in Sevak, a magazine edited and published by clergy. Your book Kanoon Daiz was inaugurated by the clergy. Inspite of that it is not fair on your part to blame clergy. You have been given chance to earn good name by the clergy. Instead of admiring the works done by the clergy you have chosen to pass comments on them. If you are not invited for the programme it may be either because they could not contact you within short period of time or in alternative you have failed to maintain good relationship with them. At least here afterwards try to appreciate good works done by the clergy. We hope you too will salute the clergy.

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  • Abraham Coutinho, Mundkur/Bombay

    Wed, Apr 28 2010

    Congrats. Benedict .
    To the readers of - It is said "do not search the origin/moola of Rish, River and Guru". May be when you find it, you will lose interest/respct for it. But in case of Benedict, it is otherway.I was Clerk,sitting next to H.M's office in Vidya Vardhaka High Scool, Mundkur when he was a student in 1971.

    One day, it so happened some students wanted to drink water clinged to wooden cup board with science experient items, to pick up the Lota on its top and pulled it down.Loss was Rs.80/-. 8 students were implicated.Benedict was one who was not involved. All were asked to come to school next day with their fathers. Benedict came with his father - Benjamin who back fired Benedict -"do not argue and obey the teachers". Agreed to pay Rs. 10/- fine.

    Next day Benedict came with his mother. H.M asked "why Benedict? why mother now". He said "noboday listens to me" ( = not allowed to defend me) so mummy is here" but H.M. wrapped her up explaining the loss to the school and she also agreed the fine. Benedict had no option. He said to his mother - "Mumma, you can pay Rs.10/- to school as 'Dhan" (donation) but not as a fine in my name. Your son has committed no mistake.

    Listening this H.M was taken aback. He told this event to one teacher who met me in the evening and said " this boy if became a lawyer, will be a susscessful one". Today, I say "Look, he is more than that and is a Judge." God bless you with the wisdom of Solomon.

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  • Stanley R.D'Costa, Mangalore

    Tue, Apr 27 2010

    I am deeply hurt because myself as the Vice President and Mrs Grace D'Silva being the Secretary of the Lawyers Guild were not informed nor invited for the felicitation programme and hence it was my presumption that other advocates were not invited as usual for the diocesan programme.

    Further the messages of Mr.Nicholas Udupi and Mr.Arish Babu, Mangalore were appears like written by a same person written by different names. On the whole why I should be jealous about my brother when/if he is doing good to the community? I raised the point/displeasure the way our Christian system works. Anyway good luck to those who salute our clergy.

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  • Arish Babu, Mangalore

    Tue, Apr 27 2010

    It is my Honourable pleasure to greet and congratulate Justice B V Pinto being appointed as the Judge of High Court of Karnataka. Excellent programme was organised at Bishop's House Honouring Justice B.V.Pinto and wished him every success in his future undertakings. It was one of the best programme organised by respectable priests and advocate leaders who always stand for goodness and unity.

    It is very painful to read the comment of Mr. Stanley R.D'Costa which is not at all agreeable. Unity in diversity. This programme brought everybody to appreciate and recognise the goodness of each other. Meaningful Programme was organised. I do appreciate all the organisers who have taken lot of efforts to do such a wonderful programme. More then 25to 30 christians advocates were present to this programme.Senior advocates Clarence Pais, Eric Sequeira, Darryl Andrade, David Pais, Elizabeth Pereira Mariamma Thomas etc. were also present. Advocates Ivan D'Souza and M.P.Noronha who are the real, enthusiatic and effecient leaders of our community, who have involved themselves as leaders to serve for thier community.unnecessary comments given by Mr.Stanley R.D'Costa against his brother advocates is totally unappreciatable.

    It shows of his jealousy towards another advocates who are dedicated themselves to render service to the people who are in crisis. I wish Justice B.V. Pinto all the best. May he continue to grow in the inspiration of Jesus to give justice to the people who are helpless.

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  • S. Nicholas, Udupi

    Tue, Apr 27 2010

    I do not agree with the comments of stanley R D'Costa.I was present to the programme. More then 25 christians advocates were present.Senior advocates Clarence Pais, Eric Sequeira, Darryl Andrade, David Pais, Elizabeth Pereira etc. were also present.unnecessary comments against brother advocates is unethical. Advocates Ivan D'Souza, M.P.Noronha and Mariamma Thomas are the real and enthusiatic leaders of our community who have emerged as leaders due to their concern for the community. An advocate who refused to stand with christians at the time of crisis should not feel jealous about other advocates who really serve for their christian community with zeal and sacrifice. It is indeed to appreciate their generosity and love for the people who were in struggles and troubles.

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  • Stanley R.D'Costa, Mangalore

    Mon, Apr 26 2010

    It is very sad to note that neither the Diocesan Lawyers Guild office bearers nor the members were invited while felicitating Justice B.V.Pinto. It is only the diocesan three lawyers created as leaders of the community by the clergy were invited for the programme. If this trend continue in future too how our christian community gets good leaders. When our community is in such crisis why can't our clergy open up their eyes at least now. Christian community should choose their leaders and it is not the leaders to be imposed on the people by the clergy. I hope atleast in future our diocesan heads will think in right direction and self proclaimed leaders nor leaders imposed on the people will not have any thing to do with. So let us introspect ourselves in protecting our community in times of distress.

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  • Joe Gonsalves, Mangalore - U.S.A.

    Mon, Apr 26 2010

    I join scores of people in congratulating Justice B.V. Pinto on his elevation as C.J. Of The Karnataka High Court. It has been my pleasure in the pas to say kudos who have brought honour to our community like Diany Noronha and Michael Saldanha. Diany was our family friend - May His soul rest in peace. Michael the vibrant person that he is is close to us all.

    Justice Pinto have a long way to go and I wish you a fruitful career.

    Joe Gonsalves

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  • Valson Mendonsa, Mangalore/USA

    Mon, Apr 26 2010

    Congratulations!! to Mr.B.V.Pinto. You made our community proud.Let God give you the strength to command the 'Law of Land' equally to everyone.He is the role model to others, we need more people from our community in Government service like Police Department, Politics, Government Sectors and Justice Department..etc.

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    Mon, Apr 26 2010

    congratulations to you dear justice MR,BENEDICT PINTO,on being appointed as the judge of karnataka high court.we are proud of you.we wish you al the best.keep it up.GOD BLESS(SEQUIERA BROTHERS KUWAIT)

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  • Fr.MaxPPinto,Capuchin., Paladka/Mangalore.

    Mon, Apr 26 2010

    Congratulations to you my dear Bonu Dattu(B.V.Pinto) on being appointed as the Judge of Karnataka High Court. We are proud of you. You have been given the right credit for your selfless work. “You are the light of the world …let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven”-Mt,5:14. May God bless you and protect you from all that is evil. May He give you the courage to uphold the truth and pronounce the right judgments in favour of the innocents. Wish you all the best. Congratulations to Most Rev. Dr Aloysius Paul D’Souza, the Bishop of the Diocese of Mangalore and the organizing committee Members, for organizing this beautiful Function.>>> Fr.MaxPinto(Henry),Capuchin.

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  • Fr. Lancy Lewis OCD, Mangalore/ Prague

    Mon, Apr 26 2010

    Dear Justice Benedict Pinto, Congratulations. As your name itself indicates Blessed, you are a blessing to our community and to the county at large. Satya mehva Jayathe. May God bless you and your family.
    From Fr. Lancy, Infant Jesus Shrine Prague. Eu

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  • Kateel Ramesh Prabhu, Mangalore/Bengalur

    Mon, Apr 26 2010

    Mangalore is honoured by the appointment of Justice B V Pinto as the Judge of High Court of Karnataka. We are proud of you sir.Congratulations and best wishes to you in your endevours.

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