Muscat : Monica Dantis is First Woman President of MCCP

Muscat : Monica Dantis is First Woman President of MCCP
by Clarence Pinto
Pics by Dilip Correa
Daijiworld Media Network - Muscat

Muscat, May 29: Monica Dantis, the current Vice President of MCCP and multi-talented Mangalorean lady, became the first lady president of the Mangalorean Catholic Centre of the Parish (MCCP - Sts. Peter and Paul Church, Ruwi) for the year 2010 – 2011 during MCCP 18th Annual Day function held on Friday, 21st May 2010 at the Main Parish Hall of Sts. Peter and Paul Church - Ruwi.  

 Monica Dantis is the fourth child of Late Benjamin D Souza and Mrs. Cocess D Souza, wife of Valerian Dantis, mother of Meval and Dale is hailing from Kinnigoly Parish of Mangalore Diocese and currently residing at Vellankani Church, Yelahanka – Bangalore. She had served as the General Secretary of MCCP during Henry Martis’ tenure as the President and also, the Vice President – Cultural, Spiritual and Community Services Committees in 2009 – 2010. As many prominent community members say, Monica Dantis has opened a brand new chapter in the history of MCCP to become the first lady president.

Speaking – Muscat team Monica expressed her joyful feelings in these words,  “ I am really happy to take up this prestigious and responsible position as the very first lady President of our beloved organization, MCCP. MCCP is a strong organization nurtured by many leaders of the community for the last 18 years has offered a platform to bring out the best talents among Mangaloreans in Muscat.  It is an organization under the patronage of Ruwi Parish, completely dedicated to the Konkani speaking Mangaloreans of Sts. Peter and Paul Church. To become the first lady president of such a huge and enormous organization is certainly an honor, but, along with it comes the responsibility to emulate the history of past 18 years.” Highlighting her team’s plans for the coming year, she mentioned “For the coming year, we have lined up many exciting events that will be entertaining our members and at the same time bring back the true essence of our motherland.  We want to have a real enthralling year for our members. Right now, I request a wholehearted support and cooperation from every member of our community to make this year a memorable one for every one.”

The annual day program commenced at 10.30 a.m. with a “Thanks giving Holy Mass” in Konkani offered by Fr. Albert D’ Silva, Parish Priest of Holy Spirit Church – Ghala and one of the Spiritual Advisors of MCCP.  The Konkani Choir under the leadership of Apolinaris D Souza presented many spirit filled hymns. Suraj Rebello, Mariette Fernandes, Savitha Rebello, Vivian Fernandes, John Mathias and Ajith Walder presented the holy readings during the high mass.

After the Holy Mass in Konkani, snacks and soft drinks were served. The cultural program commenced at 12.00 noon, with the classical MCCP Anthem “Parameshwara” composed by Muscat’s Crown Price of the Konkani Music and veteran composer Oswald D’ Souza and presented by the youth of the community; they were  Meval Dantis, Lanisha Sequeira, Kimberly Dias, Cheryl Fernandes, Larissa Rego,  Praful Serrao,  Shonnery Mascarenhas and  Crystal Mascarenhas. Meval Dantis provided the music for the same.

Prayer Song “Swagath Tuka Povithr Othmea” (Welcome Holy Spirit) in the form of Tableau was presented by Lancy Lobo and team highlighting the descent of the Holy Spirit on Mother Mary and Apostles. Lavina D Sa, Cultural Secretary and Reena Mathias, Community Services Secretary were the anchors of the show and they welcomed the gathering. Fr. Albert D Silva the new parish priest of Holy Spirit Church - Ghala was honored and presented with a floral bouquet. Mega sponsors of the event were honored by the current vice presidents of MCCP, Monica Dantis (Cultural, Spiritual and Community services) and Prescilla Machado ( Sports and Finance).

In his presidential address, Suraj Rebello expressed his joy of accomplishing a great achievement in the past year and said “We kicked off the year with the theme ‘Sthree garso divo, saunsaraso uzwad…’( Woman : Light of home, Radiance of world) and I must admit that this was auspicious for us as it celebrated and glorified the role of women at home and in our society. With seven gifted women in our executive team we were able to embody the very spirit of women-hood and celebrate it at almost every event that we organized.”

The out going Executive committee were honored by Fr. Albert D Silva

For the first time in the history of MCCP, a Souvenir was released by Fr. Albert D Silva which was meticulously formulated by multi-talented lady of the community, Reena Mathias. MCCP Souvenir 2009 – 2010 contains the memories of the past year’s events and also messages from Spiritual Advisors, past presidents and core team members

General Secretary of MCCP Jessie Pereira presented the annual report of the year 2009 – 2010.

Three young achievers of the community were felicitated with mementos. They were : Adrian Gerald Saldanha, son of Alwyn Oswald and Ginny Saldanha (Valencia, Mangalore and now in Muscat) passed in Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering ) from National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK – Suratkal - Mangalore) and won Gold Medal in Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering), U. S. Mallya memorial prize for the best student of the Final Year B. Tech (Civil Engineering), Prof M. N. Shivshankar Gold Medal for 1st Rank holder in B. Tech. (Civil Engineering), Dr. R. K. Yaji Gold Medal for the Best Out-going student in B. Tech. (Civil Engineering)  Second one, Lin Pinto daughter of Lancy Antony Pinto and Jacintha Pinto secured first rank in  Management Aptitude Test (MAT), the entrance exam for MBA,  in the whole of Karnataka with a 96 percentile. Third youngster was Alistair Christopher Pinto son Clarence and Jane Ida Pinto, represented St. Joseph’s Engineering College Table Tennis Team in three years and helped his team to win the first place in Bangalore University.

The family of the Year award was given to Wilfred Flavia Castelino & Family for their continuous and active participation in all MCCP events during the past years. 

The Gulf Voice of Mangalore semi-finalists  Ambrose Ivan Moras,  Dilip Correa, Peter Issac D Souza,  Joachim Stephen D Souza,  Vincent D Souza, Vivian Sandeep Fernandes, Anita Lobo,  Jane Ida Pinto, Victoria Soares and  Virginia Glannie D Almeida presented scintillating songs in the entertaining program.  Konkan Kalakars of Muscat Deepak – Bendur, Alwyn – Kokkada, Walter – Puttur, Helen – Madanthyar, Lancy – Kelarai, Peter – Gantalkatte and Sunil- Katipalla presented hilarious comedy skits – “Kagath” (Letter) and Varshikotav (Annual Day)

The youth of the community, Melanie Crasta, Jayal Tharakan, Joshna Tharakan, Dean D Souza, Clarence Lobo, Brian Monis, Caroline D Souza, Saurav Rebello, Roshini D Souza, Alistair Pinto, presented a fusion dance which was choreographed by Kevin and Mark Redwood.  Bhangara Shingara dance item was presented by Alston Moras, Megan D Souza, Sneha Sequeira, Relista Correa, Adriana Noronha, Andrea Noronha, Dale Dantis and Melita Rodrigues. This dance was choreographed by Brian Monis.  Victoria Pais choreographed a dance for the song “Indian Idol” sung by Vincent D Souza and presented by Adriana Noronha, Vitalis Pais and Vivian Monis.  While Ivan Moras a sang  titled - “Susanna”, Megan D Souza, Shaina Rebello and Alston Moras danced beautifully to that tune.  

The Core Team members, Henry Martis, Stanley T H Fernandes, Donald Pinto and Clarence Pinto, were felicitated by Suraj Rebello with floral bouquets. Guest Priest Fr. Scaria and Asst. Parish Priest of Sts. Peter and Paul Church, Fr. Sabestian, were also greeted with Floral Bouquets.  Sts. Peter and Paul Pastoral Council President – Glen Gonsalves and Mangalorean Community's Parish Council Member – Nelson D' Silva, were also greeted with Floral Bouquets. Suzy Fontes was also honoured for her constant to the web portal

After the sumptuous lunch prepared and served by Divine Restaurant, the entertainment program continued. The new Executive committee was formed under the guidance of Donald Pinto as the returning office, Stanley T H Fernandes and Henry Martis, the Core Team members. The new Executive Committee members were as follows :

Monica Dantis            President
Cyprian Misquith        Vice President for Sports and Finance Committees
Lancy  Thomas Lobo   Vice President for Cultural, Spiritual & Community Services Committees
Nancy Vaz                 General Secretary
Simon D’Souza          Honorary Treasurer
Jacintha Serrao                 Internal Auditor
Alexander Sequeira            Sports Secretary
Deepak Ranjan D’Souza     Cultural Secretary
Reena Lobo                         Spiritual Secretary
Celine D’Souza                    Community Services Secretary

Outgoing President in his final speech assured complete support to the new president and the new team. The new president, Monica Dantis expressed her feelings of excitement and challenges in performing the duties as the president of the community. She also thanked Henry Martis and Suraj Rebello for being her mentors and guides and inspiring her to take up this honorable post. She also mentioned that next year’s theme will be based on “father” and MCCP will strive to present the programs dedicating all fathers around the world.

A special team to manage MCCP website was announced and the members of the team were 

Editor in Chief    : Suraj Rebello
Editorial Team    : Reena Mathias and Suzy Fontes
Representative from Ruwi Parish : Helen Lobo
Representative from Ghala  : Lavina D Sa
Photographers    : Dilip Correa and Joachim D Souza

Finally MCCP out-going Executive Committee presented a fusion dance, choreographed by Sonia D Souza to give a perfect finale to the program. 

Mega Sponsors of the year were Oman Telecommunications Company SAOG (Omantel), Jerald Mascarenhas of Hamdan Trading LLC and Clifford Sanctis of Hydrotec International LLC.

Main Sponsors of the year were Muscat Pharmacy , Suleyam Al Kiyumi Trading LLC, Areej Vegetable Oils and Derivatives SAOG, Ligory D Mello – Technofit Trading LLC, Raphael D Souza – Muscat Golden Services LLC, Raphael Quadros – Zahrat Al Rawdha LLC, Vincent Machado, Jerald Mascarenhas – Hamdan Trading LLC and  Leo Quadros – Addhia Trading and Contracting LLC.


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  • Maxim lobo, Neermarga/Muscat

    Fri, Jun 04 2010

    "Heartly Congratulations" Mr.Lancy Lobo,Good luck and GOD BLESS U

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  • From The Outgoing MCCP EC Team, Oman, Oman

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    To Our Dearest Monica and the New EC Team!

    We wish to convey our best wishes to the FIRST LADY PRESIDENT OF MCCP! We are so very proud of you that a part of us has moved on further to achieve this great post and responsibility! We are definite that you and your team will do a wonderful Job! God Bless you Monica and your family always for their wonderful support!

    Cyprian, We are proud that you have been promoted this year! :-) And just like you were an asset to our team, you are definetly an asset to the new team too!

    And to each and every member of the new EC Team - Lancy, Deepak, Nancy, Simon, Reena, Jacinta, Alexander and Celine - we wish you all the very best! Each one of you is filled with talents which will benefit our Mangalorean community tremendously! Be sure of our support in every way in the coming year!

    And to all our Dear MCCP Members and Friends, Thank you so much for your enormous, whole hearted support during the entire last year! Without your support, we would not have been able to give our best!

    Good Luck once again and Keep up the fantastic work!!

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  • Peter & Anna Mendonca, Karkala / Muscat / USA

    Sun, May 30 2010

    Congratulations Dear Monica, for becoming the First Woman President of MCCP.
    May the good Lord be with you to guide you and lead you to success as the new president of MCCP.

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  • Ronnie, Managalore / Doha-Qatar

    Sun, May 30 2010

    Dear Munni,
    Congratulations. We, the Alvares family (Mangalore) are proud of your achievement. Our Best Wishes for your future endeavours.

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  • Melwin Lobo., Neermarga/Muscat/Sohar

    Sun, May 30 2010

    Congratulations Mr.Lancy Lobo on being elected as the Vice Pesident of MCCP.As we all know you have worked hard to keep alive our 'Maai Baas Konkani'in Muscat,and I am sure with your endless efforts we will get to taste the great great Mangaloren Cultural Flavors through out the year.So All the best to you and the whole MCCP Team...!!!

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  • Charles Lobo, Moodubelle/Navi Mumbai

    Sun, May 30 2010

    It is with great pleasure that I read of you being The first Woman President of MCCP.

    I am sure they made a very wise choice and that you will excel in your new role.
    i would like to bring your notice that many programmes conducting in English rather than Konkani. I hope you will do the necessary changes.I was in oman for 15 years and i was member of MCCP. Goodluck and God Bless you.

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  • Fr.Cyprian Capuchin, Mangalore

    Sun, May 30 2010

    Congratulations! All the very best to you

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  • Dr Maxim / Juliana D'Costa, Kinnigoli/ Aberdeen,UK

    Sat, May 29 2010

    Congratulations Monica and the new MCCP team. I am surewith all your experience you will guide the new committee to carry on the great work done by Suraj and previous committee! All the best, nice to see 3 kinnigolians in the committee!!

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  • Johnson mathias, Kinnigoli / Dubai

    Sat, May 29 2010

    Congratulations Monica Dantis.
    It’s a Great pleasure that I read of you being The first Woman President of MCCP and you deserve………
    All the best for your new Role.

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  • mabel v menezes, bejai mangalore

    Sat, May 29 2010

    hi rajah u look very handsome,and cute,savitha bore kavotha gi,any how congratulations,
    lancy mabel franswa gloria

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  • Austin Prabhu, Nanthur/Chicago

    Sat, May 29 2010

    Congratulations to Monica Dantis on being elected as the first woman president of MCCP. women are shining all over the world even at corporate levels and showed that they can do more than men! Wish you all the best Monica and your Team MCCP in your future endeavaors.

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  • Sylvester Alva, Kidiyoor/Muscat

    Sat, May 29 2010

    Congratulations to Mrs Monica Dantis.Hats off to you for accepting this challenging post.Best of luck to you and your committee.

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  • Sr.premlatha, Kinnigoli

    Sat, May 29 2010

    Hi Munni,
    Gongratulations and best wishes in your new responsibility.Praying for you.Want a big party?

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  • Edmond Noronha, Kirem-Sharjah

    Sat, May 29 2010

    Munni you are the right choice baby!

    I must admit, you create records and others follow suite.

    Come-on, keep going strength to strengths, height to heights and create more unbreakable records

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    Sat, May 29 2010

    Dear Monica,
    Congratulations and all the best in your new role.God Bless you.

    From Richard Pinto/Kinnigoli/Abu Dhabi.

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  • Henry G Martis, Pangla/Muscat

    Sat, May 29 2010

    Dear Monica,
    Congratulations to you and your team.Hatts off to you.You have made the history in MCCP by becoming First Lady President.I have seen your talents and capacity, No doubt you deserve this post by taking into consideration the services you have rendered to MCCP. Best of Luck to you and your committee.

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  • hemacharya, Mangalore

    Sat, May 29 2010

    I have every reason to be excited and elated, upon hearing the news of Monica being elected president of MCCP, the first woman to adorn this coveted position. Besides being a kind and compassionate neighbour, we had the privilege to spend much of our childhood together playing and fighting over trivial matters. No more reservation for women, please, they have every right and potential to stand on their own. Congratulations, Munni, you’re a woman of substance.

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  • Flora Dsouza, Kalmady - Jerimeri (Mumbai)

    Sat, May 29 2010

    “Hearty Congratulations” Dear Mrs. Monica Dantis. Its like ****HARVEST IS MORE BUT LABOURS ARE FEW***** You are the proud of all women. May Almighty pray God to bless you abundantly and to give you more strength and knowledge to continue your service and all the success in years to come.

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  • Cletus Dsouza, Mira Road, Mumbai

    Sat, May 29 2010

    Dear Sister

    It is with great pleasure that I read of you being The first Woman President of MCCP.

    I am sure they made a very wise choice and that you will excel in your new role.

    Please accept my congratulation and my very best wishes for your continuing success.

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  • cyprian Dantis, Balakunje/kadri/Kuwait

    Sat, May 29 2010

    Congratulations on your achivement .Nice to hear my cusins are doing something in Muscat, Oman. Good Luck and God Bless You, From Kuwait -Cyprian,jacintha Dantis.

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  • Walter Dantis, Kinnigoli, Bahrain

    Sat, May 29 2010

    Dear Monica,
    Congratulations and all the very best in your new role.

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  • Ronald, Shalet, Rhea & Raksha D'Souza, Kinnigoly,Falnir / Muscat

    Sat, May 29 2010

    Job well done Suraj! Thank you! Glad to have a woman on President's chair. Congratualtions to Monica & the entire new team of office bearers of MCCP 2010 & all the best for the year ahead.!!!!!!!!!!!!

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