Dubai : Devadiga Sangha Celebrates 19th Annual Day

Dubai : Devadiga Sangha Celebrates 19th Annual Day
by Shodhan Prasad
Pics : Shodhan Prasad & Ashok Belman (Gulf Kannadiga)
Dubai, Jun 12: Devadiga Sangha Dubai celebrated their 19th annual get together on 11th June, 2010, at Sheraton Hotel, Deira, Dubai in a grand manner by organising a powerful entertainment package which enthralled one & all.  The full day programme started at around 10.30 AM with welcome note by P. Shekar Moily followed by Prayer by Master Anshul Harish Sherigar & Akshata Sherigar.

A one minute silence was observed in respect to those who lost their lives in the recent Air India Express crash at Mangalore and everyone prayed for the souls to rest in peace.

Then was a prayer dance titled ‘Mahaganapatim’ by Kumari Nikita Ramesh Devadiga & Group well performed by participants namely Nikita Ramesh Devadiga, Gayathri V. Pillai, Seethal Susan Rajan, Ardra Premkumar & Nishi Nair.

This set up the inauguration of the get-together anchored by Dinesh Kumar. Former President of Devadiga Sangha Mumbai Dharmapal Devadiga, Editor of Devadiga Jyothi H. Mohandas & Prajna Mohandas and Vice President of Karnataka Rajya Devadigara Sangha, Mangalore Vaman Maroly accompanied by Chairman its Ladies Wing Veni Maroly were the guests of Honour. B.G. Mohandas & Yashoda Mohandas, Narayan M. Devadiga & Mallika Narayan, Harish Sherigar & Sharimila Harish, Ananda Devadiga & Shobha Anand, Padmavalli Sanjay and the coordinator of the event P.Shekar Moily graced the stage. Ladies on stage lead by Prajna Mohandas, Veni Maroly inaugurated the event by lighting the tradition lamp.

B. G. Mohandas introduced the Guests of honour and spoke about how the Sangha started many years back as UAE Devadiga Koota which is now christened as Devadiga Sangha Dubai UAE.  He also thanked all those helped and contributed to the birth & growth of the Sangha and applauded the contribution of members for the cause of Lohitaksha’s release from Saudi Jail recently. He recalled that the Sangha’s Scholarship fund of Rs.5 lacs which has been set up at the Mangalore Sangha signifies the vision & commitment of the UAE Sangha towards helping the talented younger generation. He appealed & encouraged all youngsters to come forward to whole heartedly participate in activities and thus make the Sangha much stronger.

Dharmapal Devadiga spoke few words in Tulu about Devadiga Sanghas worldwide.  He remembered the reference made by Dr. Veerendra Hegde of Dharmasthala that Devadiga community is the one said to be ‘close to God’ and so are with the people of other community.  He shared the achievement of building a full pledged Devadiga Bhawan inaugurated in Mumbai two years back and thanked all his community people in UAE who have contributed and supported in the building fund.  He also mentioned on the Education Scholarship Devadiga Sangha has distributed for the poor community brethrens and requested all the committees in different parts of the world to come forward and support similar education causes. Devadiga’s Akshaya Co OP Bank in Mumbai is another milestone, and he stressed all the community people must make this Bank a strong one.

Vaman Maroly who spoke hared some of his lighter moments in Dubai many years back.  He said that earlier he could see few Devadigas in Dubai which is tremendously increased over the period and was surprised to see them in great numbers attended today.  While thanking the organizers for inviting him he briefed the activities of Karnataka Rajya Devadiga Sangha Mangalore and its contribution to the society and the future plans of upgrading the Sabha Bhavan so as to encourage holding variety of other function which in turn shall fetch more income to Sangha so that School & other activities of the Sangha could be upgraded.  He requested the audience contribution for this venture. He also invited the interested to register as members with Karnataka Rajya Devadiga Sangha and visit the Sangha when they come down to India.

Another representative of Mumbai, H. Mohandas spoke on the occasion and appreciated the efforts of Devadiga Sangha Dubai in rising to great level in all fields.  He said that Devadiga Sangha Bombay is in the 3rd ranking after Bunt’s and Billawas.  He too thanked  the contribution of members of  the Devadiga Sangha Dubai in the building of Devadiga Bhawan at Mumbai.  He said that it is his personal dream that they should plan a World Devadiga Conference in an international level and stressed that more concentration needs to be given for Education Institutions back home.

Guests of Honour were felicitated with flower bouquet and mementos by Harish Sherigar and B.G. Mohandas

Much awaited entertainment program began in right earnest as enthusiastic youngsters; Akhil Mohandas & Shikha Narayan Devadiga took over as the Masters of Ceremony ably conducting the entertainment section.  

Duet Dance by Kumari Deeksha & Prathik Suresh Devadiga performed neatly and followed by a Tulu  /Kannada mix Folk Dance by Naveen Kumar & Party which was ably choreographed by Sathish Devadiga with participants namely Naveen Kumar, Praveen Kumar, Sathish Devadiga, Sudeer Ullal & Nijesh Kumar set the tone & triggered exciting buzz around .  Followed by  a Group Dance by Kumari Nikita Ramesh Devadiga & Group which was called breathless choreography by Kumari Nikita Ramesh Devadiga with participants namely Kumari  Nikhita Ramesh Devadiga & Gayathri V Pillai.

At this juncture the Chief Anchor Dinesh Kumar called on and introduced the famous duo NADEEM & HARISH who presented few sensational foot tapping and memorable musical numbers in Hindi & in Kannada .  The audience enjoyed solos by Suresh Devadiga-a Kannada song called ‘Yantha Saundarya’, a Hindi number ‘Zara Zara’ by Vinaya Sudhakar Devadiga, a Hindi number ‘Ek Ajnabi Haseena sey’ by Harish Sherigar & duet with Sharon Rego, ‘Yellelli Nodali’ and ‘Tum Mile’ by Nadeem himself who rendered some enchanting numbers.   

Not to forget the group family Tulu song called ‘Le Le Le’ rendered by Veni  Maroly, Ashwini, Padma Sanjay, Yashoda, Laxmidas & Suresh to the tunes of Nadeem and beats of Kalyan which literally made the made the audience jump from their seats & tap their feet.

Soon Harish Sherigar conducted some interesting spot games making the families involve along with their children. Later Nithyanand Beskoor also conducted good games for the children..

Later, the group dance presented by Mary Miranda & Group of  Sharjah which was the most appreciated and applauded. This dance performed at Indian Pavilion Global Village. st the stage ablaze. The participants were Mary Miranda, Valerine Miranda, Deeksha Suresh Devadiga, Yash Rao, Riya, Zahra, Natasha, Tony James, Prathik Suresh Devadiga, Keshav, Amaljeeth & Sikander.

Meanwhile the felicitation of Sponsors were staged where in every one who contributed to the success of the program were called on to the stage and felicitated.  This part of the event was again ably conducted by Dinesh Kumar.  They sponsors were honored with flower bouquet, shawl and memento.

Continued with the entertainment, youngsters Shikha and Akhil took over the stage to announce the rest of the programs Viz.Dangerous Dance by Naveen Kumar and Party  choreographed by Sathish Devadiga with participants Naveen Kumar, Praveen Kumar, Sathish Devadiga, Sudeer Ullal and Nijesh Kumar.  Followed by some melodious numbers by Harish, Sharon, Nadeem & Yuvaraj.

The audience liked and appreciated a short Yakshagana prasanga  ‘Mahishashura Vadhe’ which was narrated by Dinesh Kumar. This theme from ‘Devi Mahatme’ was directed by Sandeep Devadiga with participants’s viz., Dhootha & Simha by Sandeep Devadiga, Mother Malini by Nanda Ramesh Devadiga, Mahishasura by Dileep Devadiga, Devi by Shekar Moily Padebettu, Devendra by Ramesh Devadiga, Eshwara by Arun Manipal. Make Up provided by Kishore & Shekar of Yaksha Mitra

A group dance again by Mary Miranda and Group preceded the Lunch Break. 

Fusion Dance was the next item which was choreographed by Nikita Ramesh Devadiga with participants namely Nikita Ramesh Devadiga, Gayathri V Pillai, Seethal Susan Rajan, Ardra Premkumar, Nishi Nair, Moksha Dileep Devadiga and Nanda Ramesh Devadiga.

Media persons along with other well wishers were called upon on the stage and honored with mementos. And all the organizing committee members were also called onstage and thanked with mementos. 

The skit named aptly ‘Moodanambikege Baliyavade, manthravdhinu Nambade’ a subtle warning to the society was staged next.  This skit was choreographed by Sathish Devadiga with participants Sandeep Devadiga, Arun Manipal, Dileep Devadiga, Ramesh G Devadiga, Suresh G Devadiga, Mamatha Sandeep Devadiga and Satish Devadiga.

‘Silsila Ye Chahat Ka’ by Nikita Ramesh & Group won the hearts of the spectators for its delicate presentation of expression of love and scintillating presentation.

By popular demand of the whole community ‘Bootha Kola’ by Shekar Moily Padebettu & Group was presented which was narrated by Dinesh Kumar.  ‘Kola’ was directed by Shekar Moily Padebettu with Suresh G Devadiga as Marpalli- Mukkaldhi, Vadiraj Devadiga as Marpalli - Assistant to Mukkhaldi/Daiva, Ramesh G Devadiga, Marpalli as Guthinar, Vishwanath Devadiga, Marpalli as Madhyastha, Prabhakar Devadiga, Mudharangadi as Ballaldr, Sandeep Devadiga, Yeyyadi as Drunkard, Dileep Devadiga, Moodbidri as Guthudha Javane, Suresh Devadiga, Ninjoor as Thembaredhaye, Suresh Devadiga, Pavanje as Paathri, Shekar Moily Padebettu as  Daiva, Arun Devadiga, Udipi as assistant and Prakash Devadiga, Ninjoor as assistant. 


The behind the screen support of Kishore Gatty and Yaksha Mitraru who did the make-up & costumes of the participants of Yakshagana, Boothakola and Skit with glow and glitter were then appreciatively complimented.

Nithyanand Beskoor concluded the day long programme with cool & crisp vote of thanks.  He made note of special appreciation to all those who put in lot of time in midst of their busy schedules to practice and produce such a beautiful & power packed variety entertainment.  

At the end of the wholesome program a Raffle Draw was conducted by Harish Sherigar and Dinesh Sherigar and the lucky members took away fabulous prizes like Laptop, Camera etc.

The exciting & much applauded and enjoyed programme concluded with a hearty felicitation to the senior talented and most admired co-coordinator of all the get-togethers ; Shekar Moily Padebettu. He was felicitated with Shawl, Flower bouquet and Memento by Dharmapal Devadiga, Harish Sherigar & BG Mohandas.  In return Shekar spoke few words and thanked the Sangha for the honor bestowed.

The event concluded at around 5pm as scheduled.

More Pictures.. Click Here


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  • suresh, nagoor, kundapur taluk

    Sat, Dec 25 2010

    dubai programe was excellent, congradulation to each and everybody for making this occassiion success.

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  • Best Regards to all Devadiga Cummnity Members, Mumbai, Muscat (Oman)

    Wed, Jul 21 2010

    Dear & Dearest to all Devadiga Members. Wishing U & your Family. Best of Luck for the Past, Present & Future Activities.I Also like to give my Hearty Love & regards to my C.Bro. Harish Sherigar & His Family for there Availble Contribution for Our Devadiga Cumunity, May God Bless him & his Lovely Family all the Suscess in Future. Best Regards

    Rajesh Rao, Ashok Rao & Family
    Muscat (Oman)

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  • Chandrashekar Melmane, Mangalore

    Tue, Jun 15 2010

    Mr.Ganesh Rao/Kundapur,Dubai Mr.Anand Devadiga,Udipi has correctly commented.When yopu are holding programmes like this you have to promote your own culture/traditions back at home.We people from coastal area speak different languages like Tulu/Kannada/Konkani/urdu/hindi.However when you apply/register in any one our schools/colleges/govt office we write our mother language as Kannada.We are called Kannadigas not Engladiga.Promoting,encouraging is a good thing but not at the cost of our culture/tradition.There are people of your community who can not understand even a bit of English.Under the circumstance Using our own mother tongue is viable solution with little usage of English in between.I attended almost all the community programmes,wherein they used to talk mostly in Tulu/Kannada with little English.Your wards should be taught first our culture/tradition,if not that is parent's fault.Please see that these things are materialised.With rgds.Chandrashekar

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    Mon, Jun 14 2010

    It’s Awesome Program !

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  • Nithyananda Beskoor, Udupi,Dubai

    Mon, Jun 14 2010

    Splendid performance,excellent workmanship,beautiful spectators,nevertheless it was a mind blowing experience.But don't sit behind and ponder my dear devadiga folks, best is yet to come, year after year.
    We have more & more members taking interest to join hands, let's take them into confidence.

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  • Ramesh G Devadiga, udupi/dubai

    Mon, Jun 14 2010

    Congratulations for all the Devadigas for the celebration of 19th anual get together.event was fabulous and hard work done by our members is worth by the complation of this successful event,hope next year more and more young people will join this event for working this program more grand.jai ho devadiga

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  • sunil devadiga, Ambalpady/Dubai

    Mon, Jun 14 2010

    I would like to mention that the success of show depends on the skills of organizers. It was very well organized show. The stage was wonderfully arranged. It was very colourful & attractive. tables were well desiged for the audience to watch & lunch ,dress, lights, sounds was worth praising. Music arrangememnt was excellent, Harishanna what a voice. Great icon of songs. Music was excellent.Mr.Dilip ur really Mahishashura on the perticular time it was a chummeshwari performence. Overall the show was mind blowing. Congratulations to the organizers and all the artists. my special thanks to Mr.Ramesh devadiga & Shekar moily,Mr.Harishanna they have made this programme wonderful.

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  • Manju, Brahamvar

    Mon, Jun 14 2010

    Program was excellent.  But instead of Tulu, Kannada should be promoted as a regional language.

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  • shweta devadiga, katipalla/surathkal

    Mon, Jun 14 2010

    Congratulations to all Devadigas for making this program a great success...

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  • Dinesh Kumar, Mangalore/Salalah

    Mon, Jun 14 2010

    Thanks Shodhan & Ashok for putting in more pictures, Points noted anandanna and ganesh rao. Sunil mulky should get in touch with one of us,

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  • Allan Dsouza, Trasi / UAE

    Mon, Jun 14 2010

    I heard alot about the Devadiga Sangha function from my Devadiga frenz who won some complementary prizes as well. I've got friends from Devadiga community and its good to see this Sangha working hard to spread their community message through various aspects in UAE. Good on u people keep on the spirit and hard work.

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  • sunil, mulky, dubai

    Mon, Jun 14 2010

    great event!!! i never expect it will be so grand function, as i am new in dubai!!1 pls elders, just a request!!pls give a chance to the new guys like me to participate & assist you, wherever we needed,,,,

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  • dilip, moodbidri, dubai

    Mon, Jun 14 2010

    this was the pure proof of unity in our sangha,by organising such a great event, even though we are limited in numbers in dubai!!!my sincere thanks to Mr.Harish sherigar, being a back bone for our sangha, not only financiallly,,but arranging from sponsor's,gifts,hotel,stage,momento's,sound system,,,,even in his busy schedule,,, great!! thanks to all the committe members & salute to our elders beeji,anand,narayan,shekar,ramesh & all for supporting,guiding,,,next year it should,double the performance of sangha event by eleminating minor errors & with high gather of new members,,,,
    thanks again,,,

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  • Dhananjay. k Devadiga, Kinnigoli/Abudhabi

    Sun, Jun 13 2010

    Congrats UAE Devadigas!!!!
    It was indeed a memorable day,thanks to the untiring efforts of the Members & Participants.I really enjoyed the event...Well done & Keep going,keep devadigas united.Thanks to Mr Ramesh Devadiga,Shekhar Moily & other organising members for their outstanding efforts & work.

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  • Laxmidas, Manglore / Dubai

    Sun, Jun 13 2010

    Well done devadigas, it was a fun & joyful variety entertainmenet. People of all ages seemed to have enjoyed & liked the function.
    Every year the program seems to get better & i feel pride in saying that I am part of this Sangha. All the best for the coming years.

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  • Harish Sherigar, Mangalore / Dubai

    Sun, Jun 13 2010

    Congratulations to all Devadigas for making this program a great success, we have improved a lot from our last years program all credit goes to the combined efforts of all members of Devadiga sangha. I am sure if we work together as one and hand in hand we can definitely do much better in the coming years. We still need to plan in more details while organizing programs like this, will be possible only when talented people of our community come forward without any hesitation, so that we are able to put forth a flawless performance on stage.

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  • dinesh sherigar, kadri/dubai

    Sun, Jun 13 2010

    ever made this fanction our devadiga commnity i give thanks Mr.B.G. Dinesh shekaranana bro. harish

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    Sun, Jun 13 2010

    Congratulations for all who made this event a grand success.Credit goes to all the dedicated organizing committe members who worked day and night this to happen. Cheers to all.
    This is not one man show,this is collective effort. Hard work always gives return/dividend.This is the simple and classic example for that.

    I was surprised,speechless and dumb when I was called for felicitation.Never expected and will not expect - I just do my duties entrusted to me without expecting any laurels.

    However hereby extend my sincere and deepest sense of gratitude for spotting me for this slot.This recognition not only belongs to me but belongs to all who supported,co-operated whenever I wanted by way of their moral / mental, sposorship, financial support.

    Name to few who supported me really to make this happen is Mrs&Mr.Ramesh Devadiga,Miss.Nikita Ramesh Devadiga,Mrs & Mr.Harish Sherigar,Mrs & Mr.Dinesh Devadiga,Mrs & Mr.Narayan M Devadiga,Mrs &Mr.Nityanand Beskoor,Mrs & Mr.Suresh Devadiga,Mrs & Mr.Sudhakar Devadiga, Mr.Naveen Kumar & Group,Mrs & Mr.Dileep Devadiga, Mrs & Mr.Sandeep Devadiga and last but not the least yaksha Mitra Group and so on....
    Shekar Moily padebettu

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  • Ganehs Rao, Kundapura/ Dubai

    Sun, Jun 13 2010

    We fail to understand what Sri.Anand Devadiga meant really!!. It seems in his sense Tulu is the only mother Tongue of Devadigas. Except for the young presenters many other announcers spoke in Kannada . At times, English may have been mixed in between to convey a proper meaning. The program was great & indeed a great moral booster for the whole community. Instead of appreciating & supporting the sporting team of young presenters, this senior member has posted on record the unwanted comment. Yes! We agree we need to improve & communicate in our respective mother tongue in a function like this. But speaking in International language is no crime. He could have chosen to call the people to air his views. Priorities seems to have mixed  !!

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  • anand devadiga, udupi/dubai

    Sun, Jun 13 2010

    program nice , but mother tounge forgetten most of the master of cremoney only english except harish sheregar. pl kindly go only mother tounge

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  • Sandeep Devadiga, mangalore/DUBAI

    Sun, Jun 13 2010

    It was a nice day full of JOY & HAPPINESS.A well planned & managed function.BEST WISHES FOR ALL..

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  • Mohan, Kuloor

    Sun, Jun 13 2010

    Well organised, and very clean and neat programmes, congratulations Devadiga Sangha..
    Please upload more photos from Cultural and entertainment programmes.

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  • Dinesh Kumar, Mangalore/Dhofar/Dubai

    Sun, Jun 13 2010

    Congratulations & Thanks to the entire team for making this happen including the sponsors. And Shodhan thanks for the detailed report. Well I am not sure why some entertainment pictures are missing?

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  • Vasanthkumar hegde, Udupi/Riyadh

    Sat, Jun 12 2010

    Well done BG. You have now become more matured organizer and a great leader. You can try again to contest from Byndoor and we support you.

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