Mangalore: Gregory Patrao Begins Indefinite Fast at DC’s Office

Mangalore: Gregory Patrao Begins Indefinite Fast at DC’s Office

Daijiworld Media Network—Mangalore (RS/CN)

Mangalore, Jun 18: Citizens demanding civil rights for farmer Gregory Patrao and his family members who lost their house during the alleged forcible acquisition by the KIADB began an indefinite fast in front of the deputy commissioner’s office in the city on Thursday June 17 as part of their protest.

The protest was inaugurated by ‘Negila Yogi’ Gregory Patrao in the presence of representatives from supporting organisations.

Patrao said that there was no way without fasting as he had lost all means of earning a livelihood. He added that the officials of KIADB and the district administration, with their dictatorship have led him to this. 

“My requests to officials and demands put forth before the government through letters have not received any reply, so I will continue my fasting till I get justice”, he said.   

Allowing Patrao to continue agricultural activities on his 14.27 acres of land till he uses all the options available through the law as status quo should be maintained, return of agricultural produce and other goods valuing Rs 24,65,815 from the houses, compensation of lost and damaged goods, withdrawing of all the criminal cases filed against him and his family, and punishment of officials who demolished his house with suitable legal action for unlawful acts of seizing essential and valuable goods using ‘goondas’ during the acquisition, are the main demands of Patrao.

T R Bhat, district president, All India Bank Employees Union, said that this is an unfortunate day where a farmer, who is respected and honoured in our country, is sitting on an indefinite fast. “The government should think about the farmers and the poor who become homeless and landless before permitting large scale and anti-environment industries”, he added.

Rohitaksha Rai Kulaiguttu, leader, Krishikara Vedike, said that the people in this district can breath a sigh of relief only when the cruel and inhumane act of the KIADB officials is punished. “Bringing a farmer to the streets is disrespectful to the men who believe him to be the backbone of the country”, he added.

“The representatives from the supporting organizations will also accompany Patrao in fasting”, said Vidya Dinakar, convener, Citizens Forum, and added that panchayat members and other individuals will also join in. 

Members from Catholic Sabha, Karavali Karnataka Janabhivruddi Vedike, Jamath-e-Islami Hind, Artists’ Forum and other organizations were also present.


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  • Shresha Surathkal, Surathkal

    Thu, Jul 08 2010

    Vincy, Shamboor/Bangkok is far away from truth.

    There has been no court order till now

    There has been no money put in gregory's account

    KIADB claims that it has depsosited the money in court
    You say that 'there is laws in country to arrest the officials and sue them' Kindly help Gregory to file those cases

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  • salvadore, katipalla/mangalore

    Wed, Jun 23 2010

    Very sad to read ALL your comments KIRAN . Sorry..Better to be silent. what to say. "thatti ko hath lagana nahi. bye...

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  • Patrick, Mangalore

    Wed, Jun 23 2010

    Dr. Kiran!! I am sorry, your are completely off track. This case of Patrao should ignite into the "Singroor" of Karnataka. Law is for the politicians and the beaucrats and the richie rich. We need to stop recognizing it any more. What God gave us the gift of life in the original earth in all its bloom for judicious use is now being devoured in the name law for unjudicious use.

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  • Dr Kiran Acharya, Manipal

    Tue, Jun 22 2010

    Only constant in life is Change!
    Patrick, Steven, Wilson, Langoolacharya...I agree with your emotions...but brooding over the past, too has a limit. Applying your logic further...
    If one is so adament/ emotionally attached to a 350 year old ancestral house/ piece of land, why can`t crores of Hindus have passion over Ram Janma Bhoomi?

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  • Patrick , Mangalore

    Tue, Jun 22 2010

    Kiran Acharya, Manipal. Easier said than done. When "development" comes knocking at your door lets see you commenting then. If land around Patrao is aquired so be it. If Patrao refuses to wilt under pressure so be its. Acquiring virgin and fertile land for converting into barron land to run your scooters and cars is a henious crime in the eyes of our future generations. Let us be anserable now to our future generation of tomorrow.

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  • Kiran Acharya, Manipal

    Tue, Jun 22 2010

    Dear Langoolacharya, I partly agree with your comment. Emotional attachment to ancestral house can not be quantified, it has to be felt.

    However, when all others have surrendered the land for the collective good of the community, it does not look normal to withhold a land aquisition for 14 years (with due help from hounourable courts), inspite of having the 1.5 crores compensation deposited in the account! Remember that if all coastal people were like Gregory Patrao, we would not have had airport/port/power projects...or for that matter even NH17...If we had enough job opportunity, you would not have been sitting in USA and commenting!

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  • Vincy, Shamboor/Bangkok

    Tue, Jun 22 2010

    Dear readers and people who comment on both ways should also consider the present situation of Mangalore. Mangalore is on the process of globalization and so many activities have come up and resolved and many have gained and many have suffered in the process of such developments.

    The Catholic Sabha Mangalore or any representative from the catholic board was not seen at the sight where all the demolitions took place. The demolition activity was done with permission granted by the court judge and then only the police arrived.

    Many people have lost land and agricultural property for MCF, KIOCL, MRPL and other projects and many Gregory’s have lost court battles.

    If you people know that KIADB acquired the land forcibly and then there is laws in country to arrest the officials and sue them but such thing did not happened. They use the proper tools and the court ruling was in favor of acquiring the land followed by an estimated value for the subject matter. Now if Mr. Gregory fails to take the compensation on time and continue the hunger strike that will worsen his financial situation. He should take the money now and then see what else he can demand from the authorities.

    Now there are people around him to fight the cause as they also get publicity for free on the farmer platform but they will disappear if the compensation is delayed or deprived.

    You are in front of DC office and many have not seen the office and building from inside. They are still using British built tiled building which does not have basic amenities.

    I do not believe in any miracles or any saviors will come to rescue this Patrao.I believe in practical life where he should open his eyes and see the big dragon sized KIADB and its relatives with corrupt officials who will move files only for extra money.

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  • Langoolacharya, Belman/USA

    Sat, Jun 19 2010

    Dr Kiran Acharya, Manipal,

    Respectfully I disagree with you.

    Emotional attachment to ones ancestoral house is perhaps not taught in medical schools, during residency, or during fellowship.

    Patraos are not dacoits,
    I wish District Amnistration could have been more civil with Patros...

    States powers to forcefully
    accquire private property for private use comes under the definition of eminent domain, is debatable....

    State can show its force it more humane way than this ugly display of State Powers...I thought India is biggest democracy in the world, this gives an impression that we are a "banana republic".

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  • Manohar Veigas, UDUPI

    Sat, Jun 19 2010

    We all agree that agriculture is the backbone of our economy and other industrial development is a supplementary and not substitute to our economy. Mr. Gregory Patrao is one among many farmers who want to continue cultivation should have been encouraged by the Government. Instead they want to snatch away acres of fertile land and forcibly industrialise and pollute the fertile place. Isn't it a common sense that only barren and non-cultivating land be demarcated for Industries.

    Very few of us are aware of the fact that D.K. District is now NO.1 in polluted place in Karnataka becuase of the reckless decisions taken by the Government and Bureaucrats at the helm of affairs. Jobs should not be created at the cost of fertile agricultural land, if we are true sons of the soil. God Bless everyone who are working towards restoring this agricultural land. Let better sense prevail on the bureaucrats and Government agencies to refrain from working against the wishes of the society.

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  • Shrisha, Surathkal

    Sat, Jun 19 2010

    Dr. Kiran, when the issue is about the life and death of a person it is inhuman to make blanket statements. You should go through all the available facts and then take a stand. You just can't limit your understanding to the first two paras of Daiji report and call others ill informed.

    Go visit Mr. Patrao, ask the KIADB officials to provide you with the order which directs them to evict Patrao family and loot his belongings. Or if you have no patience and have no concerns for farmers like Gregory at least read beyond the two paras that you quoted.Please don't look down at people who are less powerful than you

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  • V. Thomas, Bahrain

    Sat, Jun 19 2010

    When I was a child, I used to go fishing in near by lakes & Ponds of our village. Today, after MRPL functioning, there is no fish, no frogs or no even water snakes in the entire area. In short, the water has become lifeless. Anyone can go to Permude & check it personally. Greedy politicians are trying to change beautiful Mangalore in to a den of deceases.....another Bhopal. Mr. Patrao, you are the real son of soil. I salute you for your brave struggle. Thanks Swamiji for joining the struggle for justice.

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  • ajith lobo, bangalore

    Sat, Jun 19 2010

    Roshan, Mangalore.
    few points..
    - case against this farmer is pending for last 14 years..(most time minority supprting congress ruled in 14 years)
    - bofors scandal hapend in congress ruled madyapradesh .

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  • maxim, panambur muscat

    Sat, Jun 19 2010

    walter cyril Pinto, President Central Committee, Catholic Sabha Mangalore Pradesh, Kallianpur Udupi. Thank you.The information given to people like KIRAN AND ALL. They donot know what is happening real to the poor farmers all over the India.

    I am displaced person from panambur,we sacrificed 16 acre fertile land ( sugarcane fields won district level prize during 1960 sad was when acquiring land for industrial devt or port they labled it barren land or low level salty area unsuitable land for agriculture. MR KIRAN do u know the valuation for such fertile land only pea nuts and MR KIRAN PLEASE find out HOW MANY PEOPLE ( displaced from panumbur , kulai, tannirbavi ? we had doctors engineers during those time They promissed like better than today they promiss ) WORKING IN these areas ?

    We know you will go silently from our sight. There are very few people like our Swamijii & very few priests ( no time for these cause) we can see this picture.really dedicated service. not so easy job! we are not against any development. why dont they give good and real value for land? Is it necessary bribe and put more valuation for that? you will understand when the situation like patravo come to you. do u know how many years, days without proper meal struggling behind this head ache ? Is it the proper opinion from you ? this is not story....this is the world !!!!!!

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  • Roshan, Mangalore

    Sat, Jun 19 2010

    State govt know precisely how to tornment the poor guys. Mostly, when notifying areas, they show the areas as forest land, govt property, barren land, uncultivated and so on. When resident people fight, their puppets call them anti-development. If any legal remedy to be sought, the onous is on the victim. Where a common citizen fight against best trained minds hired by the Govt.?

    People have little time to think, until it affects them. Bhopal is a good reminder to all those who are in favor of senseless development.  This kind of development can help on rich and politicians. Not common man.

    Today, the entire world is recognizing the inner strength of mind & body, learning to re-use organic products. We Indian's who always lived with nature friendly culture, today drumming up against it.

    It is rightly said - 3 percent smart, rule over 97percent ignorent by choice, conviencing their life is better.

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  • Roney Veigas, mangalore,Bombay

    Sat, Jun 19 2010

    Very sad to hear this, thank to Swamiji and V. Dinakaran, all supporter...  why can't Govt. give Healthy amount to mr.gregory,  Dear James Vilas dont compare crore for agriculture land, you should pay per cence more than 75 thousand you got it...

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  • Dr Kiran Acharya, Manipal

    Sat, Jun 19 2010

    I trust Daijiworld for the news. In the news appeared on April 29, 2010 it reported "Mangalore, Apr 29: After the state High Court dismissed a long-pending case filed by a local resident against the acquisition of his lands, the officials of Karnataka Industrial Area Development Board (KIADB) took into possession 6.9 acres of land located near Kalavar village under Bala gram panchayat from the concerned on Wednesday April 28, with police escort.

    Gregory Patrao had fought a dogged court battle against the KIADB’s initiative to acquire land belonging to him for the Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Ltd (MRPL), all these years" It also said "KIADB had deposited Rs 1.56 crore being the compensation for the land acquired, in the civil court here, in December 2009. He added that the High Court had dismissed the case filed by Patrao on March 19, 2010 and that the family refused to accept the offer for alternative arrangement for relocating them at Permude village"

    Hence I consider others making comments without any basis "ill informed"

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  • walter cyril Pinto, President Central Committee, Catholic Sabha Mangalore Pradesh, Kallianpur Udupi

    Fri, Jun 18 2010

    I pity all those are misinformed, or are saying Gregory Patrao is wrong.
    If Kiran Acharya, Manipal or those who like him quote Court Orders,have a copy Pl provide a copy of the court order, so that issue is resloved. Where is the order? Who has the order?
    The misinformation is spread by the officials,to protect themselves,they have violated all civil and human laws, in the pretext of acquisition, stated in records that, Patrao family's fertile agricultural land is 'barren land'
    Every citizen has the right to legal deffence, why deny that right.
    The AC, DC, Tehsildar, KIADB officials all agree that Patrao, has the right to appeal. Then Why this hurry?
    Dont mix politics/party, this is a case of civil rights, human rights. Gregory has not broken any law, the officials have!
    Those who are talking about crores and comforts that it can bring, the development etc should not forget, we cant eat money. The reduced agricultural land and produce, rapidly reduces the purchase power of money. Every responsibe citizen must support this just struggle for citizen and human rights. Patrao has not recd a paise of compensation. Patrao is true son of the soil,the mother earth. True sons donot sell their ......
    May better sense prevail on the officials and their supporters, who also eat food grains to live. We are grateful to Gregory Patrao, for his brave struggle, may it open many eyes.

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  • Shrisha, Surathkal

    Fri, Jun 18 2010

    Know all Mr. Kiran Acharya should get his facts right. Please show the court orders before you say that "the officials were carrying out orders from the honorable court". There was no order from the court neither to evict him or to loot his belongings. Neither the KIAD act mentions about eviction. Misinformation is usually by ill informed people like you. Do you know that the concerned KIADB official demanded 2 lakhs from Gregory?

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  • Arun Lobo, Pothnal Raichur

    Fri, Jun 18 2010

    Dear Activists, God Bless you for the cause you fight for. The inhuman act to be condemned. Gregory do need our support and justice. Lets be united with him.

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  • Kiran Acharya, Manipal

    Fri, Jun 18 2010

    There is a limit to the protests. It has now become a fashion to protest for the sake of protesting. Our Twin coastal districts have lost out on major industrial investment due to non cooperation from the "self proclaimed environmentalists" and their associate "for rent" NGO`s whose only job seems to be spreading misinformation. The clever coastal people commenting from abroad proves my point. If you had job here, why you had to work away from motherland?

    I see nothing wrong in officials action, as they were carrying out orders from the honourable courts. I think 14 years is a pretty long time for anyone to make alternate plans.

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  • Yathish Kumar, Attavar/Dubai

    Fri, Jun 18 2010

    Mr. G.K.Ravindra shetty,there is nothing wrong in KEMARU SWAMIJI getting involved in this case is because Mr PATRAO approached the SWAMIJI for help,when people like you couldnt help him when this kind of incedence was going on in front of your eyes shame on you . Dont try to mix up HUMANITY with RELIGION .You will experience the pain n difficulty only when it comes to you , please wait n watch

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  • ayub malpe, mangalore

    Fri, Jun 18 2010

    I salute the swamiji,who is stage,for his support to Mr.PATRAO
    ..jai ho.

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  • lancy, mangalore/doha

    Fri, Jun 18 2010

    generally humans have special attachment to certain things which we prefer not to share or give away to others at any compromise. there is so much of dry and waste land which the large companies can develop why do we need to acquire the agricultural land. we need development, but people should also encourage farmers as good food, water and air are basic necessities for all living creatures. day by day children of farming workforce is reducing due to their migration for rightful aspiration for better education and jobs. if this situation continues, we should be prepared for some kind of other subsistence by not eating food but artificial food perhaps edible plastic or chemicals. just remember trees and plants provide us oxygen and food for our living, let us all work for better living environment. it is we who pollute the land not otherway.

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  • Patrick, Mangalore

    Fri, Jun 18 2010

    I would cherish to see "development" coming to the door steps of readers like GK Shetty, Guru etc. and see what they have to say then. When MRPL was first licensed was this expansion laid out!!!. Tomorrow, in the name of development swallow entire DK District to run you scooters and cars. GO, GO set up industries at places where there is ample poverty and waste and barren land available.

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  • deepak, muscat

    Fri, Jun 18 2010

    Where is our chief minister who took oath in the name of farmer and promised that he will not acquire land forcefully.

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  • G K Ravindra Shetty, Mangalore

    Fri, Jun 18 2010

    I sincerely and humbly suggest Kemaru Swamy to stay away from this movement. End of the day NGOs who are supporting Patrao will take booty and Kemaru will go back to Mutt. Government / Court has given 14 years to Patrao, is that time not enough? Highly educated seer like Kemaru should stay nuetral in this case

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  • Prakash, Derebail/Mangalore

    Fri, Jun 18 2010

    I fully agree with Stevan. We can not blame companies after disaster strikes because the culprits have 100 ways to run away from taking responsibily of the ill-effects. Those who support the SEZ, can anybody explain as to where the water is going to come from for the industries and the people's household consumption? What about the power?

    My dear development/industry lovers, first let the state govt. give an undertaking that the water and power will be supplied uninterruptedly.

    Plus, Mr.Gregory has all the rights to fight against the injustice! It is the responsibility of the fello citizens to support his cause.

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  • The Guru, Mangalore

    Fri, Jun 18 2010

    Steevan, Mangalore

    I hope u have a motorbike or a car with you.. do you think without petrol or diesel u can drive the veichle which u have... To run these vehiecles we need the petrol or diesel and this what MRPL is doing.. If govt decides to close all the petro checmical complex then we need to import refined petroleum products which will be very costly and most of the people like us will not be able to afford it..

    So i think secured industrial development is required... he is from BJP even govt cant help this person since its a court order, if the court order is violated surely the authorities will demolish , there is no other way.

    Patrao must have vaccted before his house and other things where buldozed

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  • santhosh, dublin/ireland

    Fri, Jun 18 2010

    mr.james vilas mangalore&vincy from money you cant buy our livelihood of our emotions we know we have to obey the court rool but we have full rights to defend the order i have big land in that area i have money also now still somebody is working in that land i am not expecting any thing from that but when i come to mangalore i want to see greenery no one can take my atechment now if the officials ask for to buy for 10 crores i want give so i will fight like what patrao family did

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  • Vishwamitra, Parnakutir

    Fri, Jun 18 2010

    Vincy seem to be the only red-shirt army who surrendered last month though the other brave thousands that wore Red-shirt are still protesting in Bangkok. Mangaloreans dont need red-shirt but they still fight for their cause and I am happy to see the staging people.

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  • Wilston, Mangalore

    Thu, Jun 17 2010

    What Gregory is doing is Right. there was a total fraud in acquiring the land. Gregory is fighting for his right. We cannot eat petrochemical products or software. we need food grown by these farmers.

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  • Steevan, Mangalore

    Thu, Jun 17 2010

    For all those who comment about court ruling here is the quick check
    1 Gregory has the right to appeal in the higher forums of the judiciary like the full bench of the high court and then to the Supreme Court. Gregory and other organizations sitting on fast so that he be given chance to take full recourse to the legal opportunities.
    2.So called officials have taken pocession of his things of his daily use and other valuables worth around 24 lakhs without adhering to standard procedures. If everything is above law this has to be followed without any prejudice.
    3. Gregory has agriculture land which grows three crops as per rule you cannot acquire the land with three crops.
    More importantly Gregory Fight is only a warning signal of the things to come. All of know the fact that in tragedy like Bhopal not a single person could be fixed with any liabilty. Dead are gone but those living are still suffering from ill effects. Same will be the fate of Mangalore with such petro Chemical complex. Have people forgotten that the administration did not have even arrangements to preserve 158 dead bodies of the plain crash. They were kept on the floor. God Forbid, what will happen tomorrow if there is industrial tragedy in Mangalore. Wake up please wake. Gregory's case is just giving you warning signal to all people of South Kananra. Hurry Up time is marching fast.

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    Thu, Jun 17 2010

    Mr Vincy Shamboor/Bangkok,what you furnished techinical arguement may be correct but the way KIADB ejected Mr Patrao using force by uncivilised means is not correct.Since he belongs to BJP GP member and set to become GP President as information made available by print media,indefinite fast in front of DC office may yeild something from the govt side.This incident may bring embrrassment for Karntataka Govt and ultimately bring an amicable settlement?

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  • The Guru, Mangalore

    Thu, Jun 17 2010

    Vincy, shamboor/Bangkok

    The case regarding patro is running in the court for more than 10 years, i dont think BJP was ruling at that time.... Anyways goverment cant comment on the court judgement in india coz it is against the law.. This is not Bangkok

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  • James vilas, mangalore

    Thu, Jun 17 2010

    This is insane, and cannot believe all the people from these organization are wasting time.. This guy has been paid 1.6 crores for 1/2 his land and another 1.6 crores is coming for the rest.. How is his livelihood gone.. With that money he can buy 25 acres of land elsewhere, buy a good flat in mangalore and put the rest of the money in bank and earn enough interest for his rest of his life. such a shame..

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  • Lokanath.D, Bantwal/Iran

    Thu, Jun 17 2010

    Dear Patrao and family,I agree with your pain,really it is a sad news but what to do law is having upper hand in our country.see goverment can aquire the land of the country on developmental basis or any national requirement on certain conditions.some times we need to obey the is better to approch the court if any possibility is there or try to make a amicable settlement with goverment or through politics.

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  • Vincy, shamboor/Bangkok

    Thu, Jun 17 2010

    Dear Patrao, there is no point in fasting as you have lost the court battle. It is better you demand the compensation money credited to your account (worth crores) which is announced earlier so that you can go back and relax.
    The DC has no such powers to ovethrough the court ruling. Today you are having people around you because you won the JP election under a BJP ticket. If you continue like this you won’t even get this seat in next election. Now they are in power and they did not support though you are a farmer. What you expect from a DC who can be transferred by a notice by the Acharya and CM.

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