DC Ponnuraj Seeks Public Help to Change Mangalore

DC Ponnuraj Seeks Public Help to Change Mangalore
Pics by Spoorthy Ullal
Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore

Mangalore, Jun 26, DHNS: Deputy Commissioner V Ponnuraj dreams to bring many changes in Mangalore city, based on the USA model. His recent study tour to Knoxville, Durham in North Carolina in the US, has opened new vistas to change the basic infrastructure of Mangalore in the areas of building construction, solid waste management and the like. 

In an exclusive presentation and interaction with the media persons in Press Club on Friday, Ponnuraj explained the mediapersons about the major differences in the Indian and American system of functioning by using video aid. “The construction of villas and roads, and the solid waste management are the major areas where a drastic difference is to be found in USA compared to India. The construction pattern in USA is so beautifully planned and so are the drainage and solid waste management systems. If not completely, atleast a slight imitation of their system would solve much of the problems faced in Mangalore and it would make Mangalore more beautiful,” he said.

However, the Deputy Commissioner opined that no changes could be brought without the co-operation from the public.  “Here if the MCC requests the people to allow them to dig some land in front of their residence for the construction of drainage system, the public show a troublesome attitude. They are not even ready to allot some of land for the drainage construction. In such a case, one can’t expect the administration to come up with the positive moves as we can’t import the land,” he opined.

 Unauthorised buildings

Stating that there are no unauthorised layouts and apartments in the US, he said 90 per cent of the buildings have violated the rules and regulations in Mangalore City. As per the preliminary report on traffic policy submitted to the district administration, 60 to 70 per cent of the area in Mangalore can not be provided with fire service if any mishap occurs, the DC revealed.

CDP debate

The DC said there is a need to have public debate over Comprehensive Development Plan. The public debate will be organised by the district administration at the earliest. The debate will include technical session and open session wherein public and NGOs will discuss on the revised CDP. Public debate on CDP was not carried out in the City so far.
Stating that CDP, master plan in India is only for cities, Ponnuraj said “planning for a city goes much before the place becomes a city.”


To a query on what changes Mangaloreans can expect from DC’s experience in the US, he said “solid waste management is one area which will see a lot of change in the future. Once the door-to-door collection starts, then the City is likely to become clean.” The work on the footpath will also be taken up, he added. 


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  • P.Oswald Rodrigues , Mangalore/Mumbai

    Mon, Jul 05 2010

    Good to see the initiative coming from the DC side. I hope all, right thinking Mangaloreans will rise up to the occasion and give constructive suggestions so that something positive comes out in the CDP. Never ever discourage a man with negative things which happened in the past, give him the Best suggestions you have and give a free hand, hope our builders MP's, MLA's & their friends join in the beautification & cleaning of Mangalore.

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  • Naveen, Mangalore

    Sat, Jul 03 2010

    I am a young Mangolore student, who is admired by our DC Ponnuraj achievements and constant effort to make Mangalore clean.

    Do not put baseless allegations, come up with some evidence and deal legally.

    I had few minutes of interaction with him, and he is the man with clear mission, wait for few more months and you will see what he is capable of....

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  • neil rodrigues, mangalore / london

    Mon, Jun 28 2010

    This man is just loads of talk and nothing else. if he initiates even a few of what he says, we could start supporting and working closely with him...But honestly, i dont think its worth expecting anything good from this corrupt individual!!!

    The problem we have is the Government has always neglected Mangalore for 2 reasons.
    1. It was always a BJP Bastion. Unfortunately the BJP reps were and are still incompetant to represent the city. lets face it what good did Dhananjay Kumar, D S Gowda amd Kateel do? not much apart from showing their faces in public celebrations and taking credit for some bit of work done!

    2. Our Good Old Congress Governments have been too busy with Mysore thinking that the potential is with Mysore due to the benifit of proximity to BLR which led them to throw money in MYS than MLR! In the end, nothing! Nothin at all happened!

    I think its important that a leader needs to rise from within! Some one educated, someone who wants to work for the people! it can be anyone! including me!

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  • Vivekananda Paniyala, Mangalore

    Mon, Jun 28 2010

    Good that DC has a vision for Mangalore.

    The major cause of pressure on road traffic is due to parking on the road margin. So, any road widening is of no use, unless commercial complexes provide parking for thier own customers. The best course of action is:-

    1. Ask MCC to cancel trading license of the shops being run in parking space. [ Like basement, Ground floor etc].

    2. By doing so, trading in the parking area comes to a halt.

    3. Once business in parking area stops, there is no question of carrying on any business !. So, unregulated parking on the road side is eliminated.

    4. Take action against planning and licensing officers of MCC for issuing trade license in the shops illegally put up in parking space.

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    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    For unathorised construction in the City of Mangalore, DC Sir, why dont you seek assistance of Mangalore City Corporation. See if they listen to you. MCC officials have given a false affidavit to High Court of Karnataka stating that they have authorised the illegal construction in Bejai.But the fact is that even today no licence is issued. This is the way our MCC functions. You as DC, the boss of the District can call for the details and take severe action. But you are not taking Sir. Why?? Ponder over such questions and then seek the help of the citizens of this Port Town, probably you will get their co-operation, but I challenge you will not get from MCC, where most corrupt people are recruited.How helpless we are just think. Take the case of our beloved Chief Minister. He had to shed tears. He says there is so much corruption in Karnataka. Then why not give more power to Lokayut?? No we cannot give because certain people will not get the money for which they are there. Dont go to USA, try changing certain things in your District. It is enough.

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  • DayanandP, Jeppu,Mangalore/Chennai

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    If we have 1000 action oriented & honest Ponnurajs in the country we will prosper on a very fast track. My sincere appreciation to Ponnuraj.

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  • Roshan D'Silva, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    We really admire and appreciate our DC who is taking initiative for development of our Mangalore city. Regarding drainage system, yes residents oppose to allot land for drainage because MCC is least bothered to give attention to the problems residents are facing. Being a mangalorean I have lot of evidences of drainages are overflowing and MCC is least bothered to clear or drain the waste. Finally residents have to suffer with bad smell and pollution. In US they have periodical inspections carried out and you never get to see drains overflowing. First of all they need to make sure current drains are not overflowing and assurance to residents is very very important....

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  • Dr Prakash Harischandra, Mangalore / Los Angeles

    Sun, Jun 27 2010

    Hopefully at least 10% of his ideas get Implented.
    1) Give waste collection a Impetus by making it madatory for each household to have its own bin with fee collection system and proper waste segregation management. Kerala has local panhyaths doing it sucessfully. Not the open dump trucks we are using. It will create employment and Biomass energy.
    2) Make it Mandatory to have door nos on serial order ,( not the typical golitha maratha adda , gudu angadida illa address )
    Pondicherry sucessfully implented this. Odd and even series. use Satellite imaging to reigster all roads.doesnt need Hi technology to map all the roads just a Hi resolution map image.
    3) Have solar streelights.
    4) USe brazilian grass with geo netting on road dividers will grow in five will hold soil .doesnt need water. Will reduce dust, good for our terrian .
    5) use recycled water for gardens , use it through tankers. have sprinkler system to deliver this with solar timers.
    6)PTSS concrete hollow poles for streetlight.attach solar timers to switch off automatically Mysore city used this successfully
    7)stop construction over storm water drains - Major hotel in surathkal did this recently .
    8) Stop dumping of household effluents to storm water drains , all houses should drain their eflluents into their own yard not to neighbours open land.( applies to commercial properties also )
    10)Make our city friendly for physically handicapped , not stand alone ramp , real use of Disability act.

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  • Nelson Dsouza, Karkala/Riyadh

    Sat, Jun 26 2010

    We need public servants like ponnuraj. At least there is idea in his mind to bring change. Without intest, one cant make any progress. As mangalore city already on a unrepairable condition dont expect any dramatic change in the system, unless he plans a parallal city outside mangalore with new plan. Take one instance how self motivated we are, when the Market moved from Bunder to Baikampady area, no one wanted to move..Anyway atleast Ponnuraj can stop some more illegal constructions that would be grate.. Best of luck to him and God Bless mangalore.

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  • Jameel, Mangalore/Qatar

    Sat, Jun 26 2010

    I appreciate the achievements and possitive intentions of Mr. Ponnuraj, but as he says 90 percent of the buildings have violated the rules. this is because 90 percent of the public servants are corrupted. for our city to improove the judicial system has also to be faster. There are instances when it has taken half a century for the courts to decide on civil matters, by the time either the complaintant or the defendant is left for his permanent abode.

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  • Vinesh Menezes, Mangalore

    Sat, Jun 26 2010

    Great work and its achievement is a result of good socialised people and not that what just happens in papers and in words. There has to action than mere talk, and the DC is initiating the process so its our turn to join hands with him. Lets ask ourselves, are we ready for it. Are we ready to give up our own things for the city at large for its betterment???? There lies the difficulty. We all turn out to be selfish at the end of the DAY..

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  • rahil teekay, mangalore

    Sat, Jun 26 2010

    a great move from our DC. we should appreciate his concern n dreams that he has for our city.
    i request the general public,'indian institute of architects-mangalore chapter' and town planners to join hands and suggest n give ideas in beautifying the city.

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  • krishna rao, Mysore

    Sat, Jun 26 2010

    As known well Mr. Ponnuraj can contribute a lot to the city of Mangalore.Specially Cdp is long awaited confusion in d.k. which he need to clear. I wish he plan aNew Mangalore Instead of struggling with allthe old places around.

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  • Gladys Mudarth, Mangalore/Canada

    Sat, Jun 26 2010

    Corruption has to end in Mangalore
    to further improve.

    Like minded Mangloreans should join together to lend a helping hand.

    Being a retired, senior citizen,
    lived outside Mangalore for 40
    years, offer my services to
    better the situation.

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  • sajjad, Jubail, ksa

    Sat, Jun 26 2010

    Really a good move... we appreciate u Mr. DC. we have to do some kind of sacrifice to our city to become more clean and buetiful...it means healthy ppl, healthy thoughts, good roads, good communication , cooperation, communal harmony... for all these the first step is be yourself is good first.. dont throw the waste to the road, think before do.. just imagine what will happens if everyone throws the waste to the road... dont be selfish.. do your part of job for the healthy socity..condemn the acts against the socity..
    Donot think only about you.. think as hole socity.. think as a caption..each and everyone is a caption.. you have rights over your land..you are the lord(not the creator like a king) the land....so everyone is a lord because this is a republic country...
    for the people, to the People , by the people..
    jai mangalore...jai hind..

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    Sat, Jun 26 2010

    dear sir, realy its look very nice thought yours. please note following.
    1.please choose persons from the local locality and keep one training camp for the implimentation of work as you said.
    2. please keep away local corporators and ministers along with their group.
    3.to people choose from the retaired people of the departments and banks.
    4. choose schools for the cleaning camp of every area.
    5. clubs and associations of all kind.
    sir we will make tru your dreams if you are available here always.

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    Sat, Jun 26 2010

    I was on 10th standard i remember Municiple authority started digging middle of the roads in my place for installation of drainage system, everywhere pipeline get fixed and refilled with the soil, when i was studying degree project end up with the comments that the installed pipe is not enough to carry the waste water and it is disqualified and they remove it once again and replace the right pipe but untill now they didnt do anything.
    It happens only in mangalore i guess... now mangalore DC plan to turn city to US model.
    Its not possible when the autority and contractor is here only to eat money.
    but i appreciate the forecast of our DC. Thank you Sir.

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  • shiva, Mangalore/Singapore

    Sat, Jun 26 2010

    Absolutely correct.
    Its everyones responsible for upgrading our system and making aclean city.Like USA in singapore a well planed waste management,and each and every corner of the public place keeping dust bin to maintain litterfree city.
    One more thing is aducating the people also key role in litter free city.If realy necessary ban the pan parag, that makes very dirty in streat and stations.
    Any way its good move..
    We proud that someone is doing good for our city..
    Dear mangaloreans.. Give big support to our dedicated DC

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  • mohd kaleem, mangalore

    Sat, Jun 26 2010

    Do the pending work of the roads immidietly.

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  • jeevan, mangalore / bajpe

    Sat, Jun 26 2010

    DC Ponnuraj Seeks Public Help to Change Mangalore.“The construction of villas and roads, and the solid waste management are the major areas where a drastic difference is to be found in USA compared to India.. TRUE!! We request you DC Ponnuraj. first step let us give small shelter (KODKE) to our brothers and sister who live in mangalore since many years. Let us not kill old aged people. saying that...they are useless ! burdon !
    We need development, But how? is mangalore & kerala developed fully by this way? our people work hard in gulf countries. sacrified life for their children.
    We know future.. The days are not far. There will not be food to eat to all. what is your steps ? IlligaL _ fine-DEMOLISH. but Do not destroy green from MANGALORE. Do not destroy coastal area. Clean city. Better first shift government offices to little intirior places. so that the development be there in too.

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  • Rameez, Mangalore

    Sat, Jun 26 2010

    Great Thoughts Mr.Ponnuraj
    Let's all unite so that we make mangalore a city,which will later attract people,once the city is improved,the communal thoughts will automatically go off's from people's mind.
    Mangaloreans : Its time we need to move on,lets all pray and wish.
    Please keep the good work going.
    Best wishes.

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  • shane, mng/dxb

    Sat, Jun 26 2010

    Well Move Mr Ponnuraj sir, You should visit Dubai for the study of Infrastructure, waste management, Roads, public park management,vehicular parking management, E-governance etc., since Dubai and Mangalore are just like Twin cities in all aspects.

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  • FFXSerrao, Mangalore

    Sat, Jun 26 2010

    How about giving permit to new autorickshaws to Mangalore city. Now a days it is become very difficult for people to get auto specially after 7 PM.this is all because the present owner/driver of autos know that nobody can enter their bastion so they take us the customers for granted by charging high and refusing to come to the place we ask them to.The population of Mangalore has increased substantially but number of autos have stagnated to that of year 2000-01 level.whenever there is a talk to increase the number of autos they try to stall the process by going on strike or using their union power. I sincerely request you to look into this matter for the benefit of common people of mangalore who basically get deprived of the basic trasportation facility specially during night.
    Thank you

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  • siddarth, mangalore

    Sat, Jun 26 2010

    Dear Sir
    We should also make Mangalore Green once again .

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  • Noel , Dubai

    Sat, Jun 26 2010

    We Support u Mr. Ponnuraj, we r ready to make mangalore clean and Green,WISHING U ALL THE BEST SIR

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  • P.A.SHANU, Mangalore

    Sat, Jun 26 2010

    It is good that our DC have been visited USA and noted the difference in system here and there.
    Waste disposal system what he wants to impliment is the right system and each one of us must cooperate with this. But still this is beyong Mr.DC' s reach and limits.He cannot do anything even he wants to do.

    There are so many things which he can do and in his limits and control.Listing below few of them which may ease life of common man in thie ditrict.Let us solve these problems which we are facing with the DC's support and later ley us join hand in converting Mangalore into US.

    few of the common mans problems listed below for the DC's attention.

    1. Safe Foot paths for the poor pedestrian.
    2. Normal City bus services to the interiors according to the population of that area.Reduce the time allotted to the routes.( Ex.40 minutes given to cover a ditance of 8 KM with 12 stops inside the city) The same distance will be covered in 10 minutes in US. US is growing up because of its administration and we are going back because of our adminstration and systems.

    Let us solve the transportation problem in our district and think of the next later.Look into any city or service bus in the district and understand how our children suffering to reach the school.

    Dear DC, Please study the problems in your district. What is the use of going to US to study the solvation of problems Untill you know what are the problem in your district.....

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  • Peace Lover, mangalore

    Sat, Jun 26 2010

    Dear Sir Mangalore is Always Mangalore
    we cant change Mangalore as USA. First we have to change mind set of People. ,we have try bring Peace, Love and Brotherwood among all Faith ,it is spoiled because past lots of incidents
    If we Change this That is
    Real Development Of Our Mangalore ,

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  • vittal shetty, mangalore

    Sat, Jun 26 2010

    Thank you DC saab for implenting more realistic things for the growth and buetifying our Mangalore city.We are very much greatful to you Sir.

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  • bnrajaji, bejai mangalore

    Sat, Jun 26 2010

    Yes, definately the citizens of Managlore are with DC and his team to change Mangalore. But they should fix a time limit to this master plan, because now due to this road concratising and widening the public are faceing big problem for the last 2-3 years. Accoding to me the city will become more beautiful if there are lot of greenaries in around the city. But in Mangalore due to the widening of raod lot of trees are uprooted and the concerned department is taking care to plant the trees.

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  • Naser, Mangalore

    Fri, Jun 25 2010

    I admire our DC Mr.Ponnuraj for his dynamic activities for the district. I am sure he will try to implement many of his observations in US especially traffic and safety related issues. Line discipline, direction priorities, proper discipline for buses, separate stop area for buses instead of stopping on roads these are some of the need of the hour for Mangalore. Quality of road also highly important. Proper safety rules should also be followed while road work is going on.

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  • Eric Coelho, mangalore

    Fri, Jun 25 2010

    Mangalore city was more a agricultural village till 1980/1990s. There was only One tallest building in Mangalore and that was PVS Beedies. The Growth that I have seen in Managlore in the last 15 to 20 years is just unimaginable and unbelievable. Everything is in a mess right from Infrastructure to construction, to Power, water and drainage facilities. Roads are built without make first provision for footpaths and pedestrian crossing - several examples can be provided. Huge REsidential complexes come up without having Occupational and Completion Certificate but Door Nos are easily allotted. There is absolutely no planning and coordination either in the Govt Dept or with the Real estate developers. It is greed has taken over Good and Systematic Development. Take for e.g. Europe which was totally destroyed from 1940 to 1945 by World War II and see to it now, the best beautiful countries in the world. It took whole of europe just 20 years to undertake real and good development but in India we have completed 63 years of independence and everything is in a mess right from the parliament house, to judiciary, to govt dept etc etc. It looks like it will take another 50 to 100 years either for destruction or real growth. Let me keep my fingers crossed.

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  • vittal m poojary, muniyal/mangalore

    Fri, Jun 25 2010

    Dear Ponnuraju
    Pl try to implement your plan at the earliest,as lot of outsiders are coming in ,with increse of population and vehicles it will be difficult to impliment the plan latter
    we are in extreme delay in providing roads,infrasture

    best of luck


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  • Alwyn, Canada

    Fri, Jun 25 2010

    Very good thought. Mangalore is very beautiful and proper plans with layout of city,waste managment system, wider road, foot paths will make it a dream city of this earth. Good luck Ponnuraj.

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