Did Santosh Hegde Bow Down to Politicians or Vice versa?

Did Santosh Hegde Bow Down to Politicians or Vice versa?
by Political Correspondent
Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore

Bangalore, Jul 4: After the high voltage fracas following Justice N Santosh Hegde’s resignation as Lokayukta of Karnataka comes the thud that he has withdrawn the resignation exactly 10 days after he resigned from his high profile job accusing the state BJP government of non-cooperation his fight against corruption.  His decision to quit send tremors in the state BJP government and in a bid to restore the first and only BJP government in the south the BJP top brass chalked out a damage control mission.   Senior BJP leader L K Advani spoke to Hegde and requested him to withdraw his resignation and lo this crusader against corruption bowed down to the wishes of the BJP leadership.  “The respect I have for L K Advani has forced me to withdraw my resignation. 

It is not out of political pressure I took this decision”, Hegde clarified after withdrawing his resignation. 

Needless to say, his withdrawal has not been viewed without suspicion by many especially by those who took Justice Hegde seriously and admired his guts and his no-nonsense approach in his rusade against corrupt politicians or officials irrespective of their political affiliations or the party they belong to.   Earlier,  Hegde had withstood pressures from all quarters  including the opposition and categorically denied reconsidering his decision to quit the post of Lokayukta saying his decision was final and political motive should not be attached to his resignation.   “This is my personal decision and it is final”, he had thundered. 

Political colour, his resignation did achieve and it put the state government and the central BJP leadership in a tight spot as his resignation would send a wrong message that the BJP was not serious on fighting corruption and it was also shielding some corrupt politicians known to be subverting the law after his resignation became a national issue. The Congress was quick to grab the opportunity and demanded a probe terming it as a politician-mafia nexus in Karnataka at all levels.  Some even minced no words in dubbing Santhosh Hegde as Congress agent who, they said, was bent upon blackmailing the BJP government in the state.   

This sudden volte-face from Justice Santhosh Hegde to withdraw resignation has come as a shocker for his ardent admirers mainly because it was very much evident from day one that his resignation was the outcome of ‘exasperation’ of his helplessness which stemmed from the fact that most of these officials were roaming free giving an impression that Lokayukta was ‘toothless tiger”.  After all,  Santhosh Hegde has that standing  of being a champion fighting against  corruption and his clean image and non-partisan ways of dealings was like an icing on the cake.  He had carried out almost 100 odd raids throughout Karnataka and nabbed several government officials who had amassed humungous wealth by working on the wrong side of the law.

What precipitated his resignation and pushed him to the edge was the recent mining scam when Dy Conservator of Forests in Karwar was suspended after he seized illegally transported iron ore, working in tandem with the Lokayukta.  He said his resignation was a mark of protest as he wanted to protect the man who had acted on his behalf.   And now one wonders what prompted Santhosh Hegde to withdraw his resignation apart from requests by BJP’s National leadership including senior leader Advani and BJP President Gadkari.   No doubt the Chief Minister and Law Minister have assured they would fulfill all his concerns, which means he has to give suo motu powers to the Lokayukta to prosecute the corrupt but powerful officials. This is easier said than done simply because the issue of suo motu powers has been pending for the last 24 years without any positive actions. 

So whatever assurances given by the Chief Minister will remain only assurances and Hegde’s reports and recommendations will also gather dust in the CM’s office until concrete actions are taken.  With Hegde particularly miffed against the mining lobby of Bellary headed by the Reddy brothers who are not well disposed towards the Chief Minister, the controversy is sure to erupt again and if Hegde chooses to go the way he has been doing. It is a tricky situation and is sure to deepen the wedge  between the Chief Minister and Reddy coterie.  That leaves a big question mark over the assurances given to the Lokayukta by the Chief Minister.  That way Hegde’s resignation and subsequent withdrawal has taken many colours and twists giving rise to an array of thoughts when seen in entirety.  Some view his withdrawing the resignation as bowing down to the pressure tactics of politicians.  But it has to be accepted that the entire episode has left many of Hegde ardent supporters crestfallen. 

There is also a thought that Santhosh Hegde has made the highest and the mightiest bow down to public opinion and that Hegde succeeded in making his resignation a national issue which made political bigwigs in BJP to come to him requesting him to reconsider his decision to quit. Whatever may be the compulsions it looks as though Santhosh Hegde thought it fit to fight from within rather than being out of it.  Let us hope he will continue his crusade with the eagerness he has exhibited as Karnataka’s Lokayukta.  


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  • James, Karkala/Mumbai

    Sun, Jul 25 2010

    In India anything can be purchased. The Lokayukta is not an exception for he must have got an offer hard to resist. What can we expect from such persons?

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  • Hriday Thakkar, Bangalore

    Sat, Jul 17 2010

    John , i completely agree with you .
    He is a very honest and righteous man and will never let his followers down , I'm sure . He is my inspiration and today i shook hands with him and spoke to him . It was such an amazing moment for me.

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  • John, Permude/Muscat

    Tue, Jul 06 2010

    Justice Hegde is honest. He is not twisting the words to get appreciation from anybody. Just because he has stated Mr. Advani's name, it does not make him bad. I am a christian and I fully agree what he has said about Mr. Advani and I understand his sincere feelings. No doubt Advani is a fatherly figure in Indian politics. I too respect Advani's reputation and his experience. Just because Justice Hegde spoke innocently, my respect towards him doubled. Justice Hegde, please don't get disheartened by the negative comments of the people. Please continue your good work. We need you in this job.

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  • eliasbantwal, mumbai

    Tue, Jul 06 2010

    ones bitten twice shy.next time dont feel shy. just walk away.

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  • what shame, manjeshwar

    Tue, Jul 06 2010

    The supporters of Mr Hegde, please bow your head with shame at last that which were expecting happened.

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  • Patrick, Mangalore

    Tue, Jul 06 2010

    Santoshji, you are most welcome back but the final reason given by you for withdrawal is a bit cloudy and suspicious. Which is more supreme - The will of the people or the "Father Figure" in a politician. Do not gel the two as the latter is unworthy of representing the people.

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  • Suhail, udp/dxb

    Tue, Jul 06 2010

    Welcome back sir i hope atleast this time u will capture the big fish... all d best....

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    Mon, Jul 05 2010

    There is some problem with some of valued readers of our DAIJI.How could some one say Daiji,anti-Hindu and BJP.Here my friend considers BJP is itself a Hindu?I think it is certainly a narrow mind of the person.BJP is like Congress a political party having involoved in lot of corruption scandals and controversial decisions at present in Karnataka only.Hindu is way of living and one who lives in India called HIDUSTANI.It is a culture, nationalism and an identity.The person's aberrated mind should be ignored.

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  • Joe Gonsalves, Mangalore - U.S.A.

    Mon, Jul 05 2010

    Santhosh Hegde has always been a clean man with a clean image. His resignation from Lok Ayukta was a protest against the people in power. No doubt that he had stated that his getting out was irovocable but the people at the helm of affairs realized that there was no other Hegde to bring people to book. Even though it is said that that Santhosh Hegde's resignation is unconditional, I for one would deem it is 'CONDITIONAL' If The Government continues to file his papers to collect dust he will again step down and that would be final.

    It is my sincere hope that all the people who have supported him with assurances would not stoop down and set aside his recommendations. After all what is Santhosh trying to do? His aim is to root out corruption. Is Santhosh after money. Reply is AN EMPHATIC NO. He is for JUSTICE. Honesty runs in his family. Hence before making any adverse comments let us watch and see what people in power would do now.

    J.G. Gonsalves

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  • RDM, Udyavara,Sharjah.

    Mon, Jul 05 2010

    Mr. Hegde's resigantion was based on hostile attitude of the governmaent towards his honest job.

    He lost all the credibility after withdrawing his resignation unconditionally.

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  • Kuldeep Kamath, India

    Mon, Jul 05 2010

    "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds"(Emerson). Most of the commentators have wished that Mr. Hegde should have been consistent in matters of resignation. But this great mind in the light of what happened after his resigned quickly changed his mind to show that he is very flexible and wise. All the politicians in BJP acknowledge that there is corruption in Karnataka and they will co-operate with the lokaayukta.

    So he took back his resignation. After taking back his resignation he told openly to the media that the door is always open to him to quit again if the politicians don’t walk the talk. We need public servants of his stature who are honest and daring and have the common sense to deal with the politicians who say one thing and do another.

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  • Rajesh, Mangalore

    Mon, Jul 05 2010

    Daiji is clearly mirror of D.K. Christians & Muslims mirror. It is truely anti-Hindu & Anti-BJP

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    Mon, Jul 05 2010

    Jude,Mangalore/Dubai and all foks

    Pls check my earlier comments I am totally with Justice Hegde But having said that for arguement sake your assesments are just and appreciated.Therefore for all our daiji readers,in suvrna24x7 today PM he "APOLOZISED" for only taking Mr Advani's name and agreed it was not correct infact all sections of society persuaded him to withdrwa resignation including Mr YEDDI & cabinet Advani,Chidu,Siddu,Revanna and HH governor of Karnataka.Therefore we need to support this honest ACB CEO.

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  • dinesh shetty, Nitte/Dubai

    Mon, Jul 05 2010

    You are right Mr Hegde..Dont listen to any comments...its an model in indian soceity to listen to Elders advice...i know very well about Mr Advani and your families relationship, dont break that. Try to give justice to lokayuktha...certainly you do..

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  • Mohan H Naik, Mangaluru

    Mon, Jul 05 2010

    Yes it’s true. It’s very easy to comment, but difficult to practice. Mr. Hedge’s smile perhaps conveys the same. It is human tendency to comment when live, glorify after death.

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  • Tunga K P, Bangalore

    Mon, Jul 05 2010

    In this political world there is always an accusation. I have seen British rule and Congress government. The politics started degenerating as the members started jumping from Party to Party. In today's rule there are no ethics and principles. Policy is to oppose for everything whether is for good or bad!! and media add colours to it.

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  • Jude, Mangalore Dubai

    Mon, Jul 05 2010

    Nobody doubts on the integrity of Justice Hegde.Unfortunatley in his withdrawal letter he has said that he has done so upon the request from Advani, and not because the BJP has agreed to his demands for more powers to the office of Lokayukta. This creates some doubts in the minds of people and therefore he should have avoided comments such as these. If Advani weilds so much influence over him, will he agree to stop his crusade against the Reddy mining mafia if Advani requests him to do so, is the question in eveybody's minds. Therefore Justice Hegde needs to clarify and clear himself here.

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  • Rolphy Almeida, Udupi/Bangalore

    Mon, Jul 05 2010

    Justice Hegde is not a small personality. He made the chief of corrupt minded people to come to him to withdraw his resignation. His father may have been a BJP vice president, but justice Hegde is neutral in his approach. He does not care who is in power and which party is in opposition his pronouncement is and will always be pro poor. May God Bless him in his future endeavour.

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  • Sathish Shetty, Mangalore

    Mon, Jul 05 2010

    Bandhavyamlore, Mangalore is right.

    Because seeing is believing

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  • Carl Dsilva, Puttur

    Mon, Jul 05 2010

    Hi, Mr.R.Shetty Mangalore/Dubai it is easy to criticised the writer of this article. Can you justify your statement please.

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  • Hemanth, Mangalorea

    Mon, Jul 05 2010

    Justice Santhosh Hegde was and is pro BJP person. Despite being pro BJP, he was crusading against state BJP govt, so was a hero in public eye. He did not mix his political views with his profession. Many a people who were not aware of his political affiliation, called him great crusader against corruption. If they have known, probably they might have called all his raids as a mere drama, may be.
    Now they came to know about his political affiliation, suddenly he has become a villain !!! Wow…….great logic
    Pastor E. W. Frank, Udupi please note that Justice Hegde didn’t count L.K. Advani’s political designations, he only said Advani is like a father-figure to him, as the former is close friend of his late father. Many of us, probably would atleast give consideration, if not act upon it, incase a personally known friend of our father counsel us, what is wrong in it. If Justice Hegde, would have heeded to some Congress big-wigs advice, Hegde would have been termed as sane, right !!!.

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  • V. Thomas, Bahrain

    Mon, Jul 05 2010

    Mr. R. Shetty Mangalore/Dubai. You have accused writer of this article as anti BJP. Can you elaborate what prompted you for this accusation ? The writer has put every true factor very neatly without criticising any individual or party. Would it please you if he write lies supporting your party ? I congratulate & thank the writer for a very good article & say 'Daiji' is a mirror of 'Karnataka'.

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  • Bandhavyamlore, Mangalore

    Mon, Jul 05 2010

    It means Mr. Advani can prevail upon the Lokayukta of a state. What good can anyone expect from a Lokayukta who withdraws resignation at the advise of a person who has been responsible for so much of communal violence in the country?

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  • Bandhavyamlore, Mangalore

    Mon, Jul 05 2010

    It means Mr. Advani can prevail upon the Lokayukta of a state. What good can anyone expect from a Lokayukta who withdraws resignation at the advise of a person who has been responsible for so much of communal violence in the country?

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  • Jerome, Mangalore

    Mon, Jul 05 2010

    When people like Mr.Santosh Hegde respects Sri.LK Advani, it is time to all those who criticise him(LKji) to rethink.

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  • Carl Dsilva, Puttur

    Mon, Jul 05 2010

    Mr. Keshava Puttur,

    “The respect I have for L K Advani has forced me to withdraw my resignation. What does that mean?




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  • Lancy D'Souza, Mangalore

    Mon, Jul 05 2010

    Good article. Dealt elaborately what happened from the date of resignation till its withdrawal.The withdrawal of resignation is good in the interest of the people of Karnataka.However the manner in which the resignation was taken back has lowered the stature of Mr.Hegde. He sucumbed to political pressure. The annoucement of resignation in the presence of BJP President was bad. Mr.Hegde in his press release admitted it. He has stated that he comitted a mistake in announcing the withdrawal of resignation without informing the Governor of Karnataka.

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  • Keshava, Puttur

    Mon, Jul 05 2010

    I think nobody knows about what Mr. Hegde told about Mr. Advani ("he is like my father"). Advani & Justice K.S Hegde were very good friends, in fact K.S. Hegde became supreme court justice because of BJP.
    Sad thing is that few days back lots of people in this forum have told that Mr. Hegde should re-think on his resignation are now saying otherwise. So who do they think is bad? Mr. Hegde or them self?

    What I though is that Mr. Advani should have stepped in a little before.

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  • R Shetty, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sun, Jul 04 2010

    Dear Rehna, I fully support your view. I do not find anything wrong with Mr Hegde's resignation. He was requested by all section of society, including ruling and opposition political parties to withdraw resignation and continue his fight against corruption. Even Home minister of the country personally requested him to reconsider his decision. Unfortunately author of this article only tried to express his hatred of BJP and it is clear from this article he dislikes anyone and everyone who has any kind of connection with BJP in Mr. Hegde's case his father was happened to be close to Mr. Advani. We all need to support Mr. Hegde for his sincere fight against corruption without mixing our political feelings and affiliations..

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  • Lavin Noronha, Paladka/Bahrain

    Sun, Jul 04 2010

    I am sure no one is against his withdrawal of resignation as he is know to be a honest man, but the way he did was suspicious, if he had to withdraw his resignation in the best interest of Karnataka he could have done it in a better way rather than succumbing to the pressure of Advani. Hope Mr. Hegde will continue his crusade against the cancer of corruption with out any party affiliation and preserve his integrity. Good luck.

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  • Carl Dsilva, Puttur

    Sun, Jul 04 2010

    Rightly said Pastor E.W. Frank, Udupi

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  • Rehna, Dubai/Mangalore

    Sun, Jul 04 2010

    Its shame on all who have wriiten against an honest & capable Lokayukta. When he resigned all wanted him back & when he has withdrawn his resignation unwanted comments. His resignation brought tremors to BJP. In the press conference he has clearly said i trust the assurance given.If not i have my way as all of you know. It is the duty of the public to support him so that he will be able to catch the corrupt Govt. officials.

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  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Sun, Jul 04 2010

    Now Justice Santosh Hegde is
    faced with two fronts.

    He has to catch more crooked
    people to prove his duty as an
    impartial and straight shooter,
    which will give an extra crown to
    his hat.

    On the other hand, if he is
    caught up in the web of slothfulness to do his duties
    under any political pressure from
    BJP, he will be undermining his
    prestige and future.

    Please let us not be judgemental
    at this point. He is an intelligent person not to
    jeopardise his own future and name.

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  • Bhat, Mangalore

    Sun, Jul 04 2010

    Wrong step by Mr.Hegde.After all he is also a human beling, he would be having his future plans in BJP like his predecessor Mr.Venkatachala.

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  • Kamalaksha, Mulky

    Sun, Jul 04 2010

    All of you guys have fainted by the magic mantra blown by Shri Advani. Well guys this is what it shows the love you have for your country. When Hegde resigned all blowed the trumpet now when he has withdrawn the eyes are watering. Are you guys serious? I salute Shri Hegde's decission and this is a slap on the people's face who are anti Indian.

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  • S.Moorthy, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sun, Jul 04 2010

    Now all these physudo people searching for the comments. Because everybody praised Mr. Hegde, and now suddenly he withdrew his resignation and that too on Mr. L.K.Advani's request. All these people who were writing non-sense comments on BJP & Yediyurappa are now just unconsious. Sometime we have to use CHANAKYA TANTRA..which Yediyurappa did. Siddu, DKS, RVD, HDK & Devegowda are clean bowled. Now they are searhing for new bowling tactics.

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  • KT, Mangalore

    Sun, Jul 04 2010

    I hope there is no match fixing in this whole saga.He resigned for some reason. If he has come back without fulfilling those reasons then….. You guess

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  • Pastor E. W. Frank, Udupi

    Sun, Jul 04 2010

    Dear Mr.Santhosh Hegde:

    I am no body to critisise you but in your own words you have expressed that to no politicians you bend to their request. But what did you do now, you totally surrendered to a Politician L. K. Advani. L.K. Advani no better than any politicians. I really feel first of all you should not have resigned but after resigning, you should not give any reason that LK is your Dad's friend. I wished you should have become the next Chief minister of Karnataka. Ofcourse you are one of the most honest person but still you have shown your weaknesses to the people of Karnataka. Every body say even CM is corrupt, will you catch him. There are many allegations against him and it I think its true. Wrong cannot be right and the right cannot be wrong. Culprits should be punished, whether they are CM or PM or any state or cabinet ministers and any citizen of India should be punished when they are wrong. Are you going to do that from now on, if so I shall appreciate you very much otherwise whats the diffeeence between you and others. Truth will prevail. God bless you Mr. Santhosh.
    Pastor E. W. Frank

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  • Rahul, mlore

    Sun, Jul 04 2010

    Hi Guys,
    Now you see the downfall of BJP in karnataka as the Reddy brothers will withdraw support as they have started counting their days of loot..

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  • venkatakrishna rao, mangalore

    Sun, Jul 04 2010

    i dint know that this ALSO is a drama!!!!!!!!, still many more in the pipeline....
    How could S.H do that by just a call, will yedurappa do as what Mr Santhosh hegde wants .....

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  • Thomas Valder, Bahrain

    Sun, Jul 04 2010

    'Santhosh Hegde thought it fit to fight from within rather than being out of it'. That is what exactly it is. If he was out, someone else (probably associated and influenced by corrupt officials) would have taken his place and the corruption would have continued without any hindrances. Mr. Hegde has also told that, 'the doors are open & if his demands are not met, he is free to move out'. Mr. Hegde, by withdrawing his resignation has taken a wise decision & hope he will not succumb to any pressure to go against his conscience in fighting corruption. Pray that Mr. Hegde will not betray the hopes & trust of many Kannadiga's & make us proud by his brave stand against corruption. Also, our CM, by seeking PM's intervention to stop illegal mining has conveyed his message to Kannadigas that he loves Karnataka & wish to protect its natural resources from being looted. Jai Karnataka !!

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  • Satish Kunder, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Sun, Jul 04 2010

    People had highest regard for Mr. Hegde but suddenly this feeling lost its value no sooner his assertion that he withdraw the resignation on Mr. Advani's advice.

    This political connection has made people to doubt his capability to deliver justice as there is a possibility of compromise which may take over due to his political connections.

    Eventhough withdrawing of resignation is a welcome step it has surely raised the question mark on deliverance of justice.

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  • Anand, Karkala/Dubai

    Sun, Jul 04 2010

    This is the illusion shown to the general public of Karnataka and whole India as well. Justice Hegde might have thinking of telling the truth. The revelations have come out and lot of politicians who were involved in it mingled together to bring him back. If he resigns from the post he has left nothing to do. All days are short to Industry and long to Idleness. Time goes by slowly when you have nothing to do. The clever citizens of India will neglect him if he is not sticked to his words in the future days to come.
    There was a pressure from the top politicians to withdraw his resignation just "In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king". A man of even limited ability has an advantage over a person who is less able.
    It's no use crying over spilt milk. Don't express regret for something that has happened and cannot be remedied.

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  • Chetan.S, Mangalore

    Sun, Jul 04 2010

    Very sad that Justice Hegde bow down to the political pressures ,he could had done lot better by guiding common people against corruption from being outside the political system.

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    Sun, Jul 04 2010

    Mr.Hegdes resignation withdrawal and his intentions will be clear only if the mining lobby is brought to justice and culprits booked.That can happne only if the CM will fulfil his requirements.In case it is not done and Mr.Hegde continues to be LOKAYUKTA then he will be the sufferer of his consciuosness.

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  • STALIN MISQUITH, m'lore/Bahrain

    Sun, Jul 04 2010


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    Sun, Jul 04 2010


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  • Mahesh Kotian, mangalore

    Sun, Jul 04 2010

    People have the habit of viewing everything in a negative way.When he resigned,they said he is blackmailing.Now When he withdrew ,they say he has bowed down to pressure.Mr Hegde might not have thougt that his resignation will create sunami in political circles.Everybody knows that he is Mr clean and will remain clean for ever.Hope he will continue his crusade and wish him all the success.

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  • Shail, Mangalore

    Sun, Jul 04 2010

    Useless article.Hence everybody(people of Karnataka) wanted him to come back...now after he returned doubting him is really unfair.

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    Sun, Jul 04 2010


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  • maxim, mangalore

    Sun, Jul 04 2010

    Shame to santhosh hegde to bow down
    to political pressure which sends wron signal to everybody especialy when the pressure come from ruling party.
    now it is doubt that whether he can work honestly in his work?i appreciate if he walk honestly out of his position

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  • Prasanna Ammiraju, Hyderabad

    Sun, Jul 04 2010

    Interesting article by the editor. Till Mr.Hegde fought the BJP govt, he was a brave official and now that he is pro-BJP, he has become a joker? Talk about heights of Congress-led media campaign.

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  • Riveen, Shirva/Doha

    Sun, Jul 04 2010

    Mr.Hegde please learn to respect yourself and your words before respecting others and making one week your drama.

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