Bellary: Seventh ICYM Youth Convention Gets Grand Beginning

Bellary: Seventh ICYM Youth Convention Gets Grand Beginning

Report and Pics: Nelson
Daijiworld Media Network – Bellary (SP)

Bellary, Aug 7: A grand procession that was taken from Prathibhalaya Hall in the town to St Anthony’s Hall at 9 am on Friday August 6 marked the beginning of the seventh youth convention of Indian Catholic Youth Movement (ICYM). The procession was led by Bangalore Archbishop, Bernard Moras, Bellary Bishop Henry D’Souza, Belgaum Bishop Peter Machado, Karwar Bishop Derek Fernandes, ICYM regional youth director, Fr Franklin D’Souza, youth director – Bellary, Fr Marie Joseph and regional youth lady animator, Sr Margaret, as Robin Odampally, members of REXCO, youth directors hailing from various dioceses and youth delegates marched in a colourful procession with flags in their hands.

Archbishop Bernard Moras hoisted the flag at the venue of the convention, St Anthony’s Hall. To mark the beginning of the event, all the Bishops, along with Fr Franklin, Fr Marie Joseph and Sr Margaret, released the doves into the air, symbolizing peace and harmony. Archbishop Bernard Moras was the main celebrant at the inaugural Eucharist held in the hall thereafter. In his homily, Bishop Henry advised the youth to carry on with conviction and achieve something in their lives.

In his keynote address, Fr Ronald Cardoza called upon the youth to transform themselves into agents of transformation, not only within themselves, but also for the society as a whole. He urged them to take up more active role in the society, where they have various challenges. “We should be youth of peace, and live the values of Christ, who is our life. You should also be the people of service, and should always have immense faith within yourselves that you can and will be able to achieve your goals,” he said.

In response thereof, Merlyn Menezes, noted that Catholics are motivated by the life of Christ, and led by the ideals of love and service.   “We have before us, lot of opportunities in the church and the society, and we should respond to them with a positive frame of mind. Our slogan should be, ‘I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me’. You should pose the question, ‘if not me, who else? If not now, when?’ Life is a challenge, and we should accept it,” she added.

The formal inaugural was held at 12 pm. Archbishop Bernard Moras presided over the function. Beshops Peter Machado and Derek Fernandes, local MLA and KMF president, Somashekhar Reddy, Bellary mayor, Noorjan Allabakshi, PRO and KRPPC secretary, Fr Faustne Lobo, participated as chief guests. Regional youth lady animator, Sr Margaret, national YCS/YSM chaplain, Fr Charles Menezes, and regional executive members were also present at the dais.

The programme began with the rendering of the prayer, followed by the welcome dance. Bellary youth director, Fr Marie Joseph, welcomed the dignitaries and delegates.Fr Franklin highlighted the importance of the day and the purpose of the seventh regional youth convention, the theme of which is ‘live the word liberate the world’. Somashekhar Reddy, in his message, appreciated the services being rendered by the Catholic community to the society, and called upon the youth to live in peace and harmony, without getting divided on the lines of caste, creed and religion. “The youngsters are our future strength. The youth should get guidance from the elders and priests so that their lives move on the right direction,” he advised.

Bishop Peter Machado extended best wishes for this historical event, and appreciated the youth for the immense interest taken by them in organizing and participating in the programme.


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  • Simon tellis, Bangalore

    Wed, Aug 11 2010

    Dear Fr Franklin its very nice that ICYM 7th Youth Convention Gets Grand Beginning under your leadership.I am very happy to see that Archbishop Bernard Moras, Bellary Bishop Henry D’Souza, Belgaum Bishop Peter Machado, Karwar Bishop Derek Fernandes,were in the program...... but how many senior lay leader were there in the inaugural program? how many senior youth leaders were there in the inaugural program? ICYM is a youth movement? or priests movement? why there were no youth representation from some diocese? since 3 years what all programs has been organized from icym regional council? ICYM is a church mission.... we are expecting lot of programs which useful to the youth.... not only retreats.
    Its my kind request please visit all the diocese plan some effective programs. In some of the diocese there is no icym no youth programs its regional councils responsibility to visit that diocese build icym from the base level bcoz our christian community needs strong organization.we need strong youth leaders.

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  • Felix F.,, India/Ksa

    Mon, Aug 09 2010

    Roshan Mathias.,
    You seem to have not understood my comments. I dont have anything against the clergy, but have reservations about the activities they involve in.

    Please read the comments of Clara Lewis. She has beautifully illustrated the work of the Priests and Nuns.
    They are not only our spiritual guidence, but also great help and support to many poor, sick and downtroden people in the society. some of the places they work with very harsh conditions without any complaints, such places we common people may be refuse to visit once, or may be don't know such places are exist somewhere.

    About youth movements and youth development, it should be left to the professionals in each field. In Mangaore there is St Anthonies giving training to youth for professional careers, though run by the priests, it is not aligned, with the religion as such.
    Clergy can act like consultants or give advise, without directly getting involved as we see in the photos above, for REASONS which I have mentioned as well

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  • Clara Lewis, Kemmannu/Dubai

    Mon, Aug 09 2010

    Our priests and Nuns are helping the society in great way. They are not only our spiritual guidence, but also great help and support to many poor, sick and downtroden people in the society. some of the places they work with very harsh conditions without any complaints, such places we common people may be refuse to visit once, or may be don't know such places are exist somewhere. Most of the time people blame them for their good deeds for conversion, name, fame or for wealth. They collect donations from people to build churches, hospitals, schools, colleges, workshops etc., where millions of people benefited. The hospitals, Universities, colleges, schools, work shops, run by them are best in the country.

    They dedicate their life to Jesus Christ to carry on his mission in this world, most of the missonery work carried out by them such as old age homes, hospitals, aids hospices, leopracy hospitals, orphanages, victims of natural calamities, refugees of war etc., are look after with great care and love. we are greatful to them. They are choosen people by God, they work and live for him, we must pray for them, it is not eassy task. We should not hurt them in any way. They need our support, good wishes and prayer.

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  • Roshan Mathias, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sun, Aug 08 2010

    Something is better than nothing. ICYM is a good organization which links catholic youths which is the need of the hour.

    Felix, F., you seem to be having some grievances against the clergy and hence your comments reflect the same. Common friend, rise above the level of mean mentality and have Lord Jesus in front of you and try to contribute as much as you can to the society, not for getting any praise but for Lord Jesus!

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  • Felix F.,, India/Ksa

    Sun, Aug 08 2010

    You have said it right, I am AGAINST supporting not only youth movements, but any movements and organisations aligned to any relgiion, not just Catholic.

    Relgions should not patronise any organisations or movements but only give spiritual guidance, to anyone who needs it.

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  • Felix F.,, India/Ksa

    Sun, Aug 08 2010

    Jerry Moras, Canada

    In your hurry to contradict my comments, you have exposed yourself to agree, to what I have been saying.

    You are saying
    Catholic is one of the groups of Christian religion.

    If this is true, then New Life is
    also a group of Christian religion.

    There are also many other groups,
    Which are also groups of christian religion.

    Then my dear friend when the Bajrang Dal & co, stoned the churches for the acts of New Life, Why didnt the Mangalore catholics accept it and say New life and Catholics are one. We are all christians,instead of saying Catholics have nothing to do with New life and furhter saying New life Members are trying to convert catholics.??.

    My comments are not against the Priests nor the Youth nor the Priest helping the youth. My comments were to learn the lessons from the recent past, and also keep religion out of being dragged into conflicts for the actions of a few.

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  • Jerry Moras, Canada

    Sun, Aug 08 2010

    Felix, first of all let me correct your clerical mistake. Catholic is one of the groups of Christian religion. Do you seem be born catholic but not nostalgic towards priests and clergy. You seem to be bothered too much what they do and what they wear. You seem to be know youth’s problems. But fix your problem first.

    You don’t have to deny youth activities and question their existence ? ICYM has been very active and alive Will remain active. By the way, what your contribution ? Were you active member in catholic church or critique ?. We’ve different kinds of people in the church. Some take active participation – taking part in liturgy, readings, choir, visit to be prisons so…

    Some others watch what other do. But there are other people who criticize what others do. There are plenty of opportunities in our catholic church and if you take leadership and go in right approach no priest will deny. The moment one misused the opportunity clergy need to put restriction as they are checks and controls put in place for common good. Hope you understand. If Bellary youths come together in few numbers, what is your concern. What is your contribution ? How could improve this situation better ? Did you not lose opportunity ? You could be one leave KSA and go to Bellary and get youths collected do some good work.

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  • Arun, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 08 2010

    also i missed out on pointing out that your comments show that you have got some kind of prejudice about youth movements(of any religion)that they will lead to any kind of communal dis harmony....all are not the same as BD and RSS

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  • Arun, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 08 2010

    Mr.Felix your comments are disgusting eventhough you have mentioned "not because of being affraid" the fear within you can been seen in your words I agree with your thoughts about christmas nites n meetings but still I would be very happy to see our youth movememt grow more stronger and help youth to get better prospectus train them to come in the main stream of Buisness, Politcs, Civil service,Social leadership, Sports, Music etc...

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  • Felix F.,, India/Ksa

    Sun, Aug 08 2010

    Dear Fr.Franklin.

    Thank you for your comments. I too, was one of the founder members of the Milagres catholic youth movement, so I know the problems of youth better than anyone else. Apart from having christmas night and new years night celebrations nothing much for the youth was being done apart from killing time having the meetings.
    But considering the present communal tensions, specially for christians, as compared to those days, it is better not to align the name of catholic religion, with any youth movement, nor conduct public processions in the name of catholic religion. Not because of being afraid, but exercising caution according to the circumstances.

    You will not be having control over the activities of the youth 24x7. Some of the youth could be instigated by others, to do things not in line with your thoughts and the whole community gets targeted.

    We have seen this recently. Activities of a few New life members, caused a uproar against the catholic community.

    In my opionion there is no harm to help the youth or train them in professional fields which will help them in their future lives spiritually, economically and culturally, As you said you are doing.

    But such kinds of youth activities/movements, should kept out of aligning with the name of catholic religion, nor shuld the clergy go public wearing religious dress codes, meant to be worn during the mass,& other religious ceremonies conducted inside private places

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  • cyril mathias, udupi

    Sat, Aug 07 2010

    Good show.It would have been better if politicians were kept out.our ICYM youth seldom have anything to learn from them.Political compulsions apart,It is good to bring the christian youth in one platform and educate them.

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  • Arun , Mangalore

    Sat, Aug 07 2010

    Hi everybody,
    I want to know what is the use of such conventions, I dont know about the national or state level senario but what is the ICYM doing in Mangalore doing once it was too strong and active what has gone wrong now?? The clergy only wants youths to be under them and no leadership is givento them...What I can make out from these pics is that the number of youth though it is a state level convention is very less and even they are restricted only to the procession and only priests can be seen in the fore front???

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  • frfranklin, Regional Youth Dirtector, Bangalore

    Sat, Aug 07 2010

    Dear friends Anthony, Felix and John thanks for your reflective comments. I work among the youth for more than 8 years as their director. I have seen their pain, their goodness. Yeah i invite when you come to Karnataka visit our regional youth office, For morte clarifications if you need.

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  • mahendra shetty, mumbai,dubai

    Sat, Aug 07 2010


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  • Ravi Rounak, New Delhi

    Sat, Aug 07 2010

    Congratulation Fr. Franklin and team on the success of the regional youth convention. Best wishes to the youth of Karnataka region. I really know and believe this program is going to be a very big success and a stepping stone to the future events which will be held in Karnataka Region.
    Hats off to all!!!!!

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  • John DSilva, Karkala/Mumbai

    Sat, Aug 07 2010

    Its a grand function. Only the Bishops and clergy seen on the forefront. It was a youth convention. However no role was assigned to them except joining the procession. Time has come to assign more responsible role particularly making the youth to take more responsible role in the nation building particularly motivating to join the mainstream particularly civil services, politics and entrepreneurship.

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  • Felix F., India/Ksa

    Sat, Aug 07 2010

    Further to Antony T.D'souza's, perfectly worded comments, I would like to add, as I have always been in the past, keep religion out of movements, clergy please dont involve in movements in the name of catholic religion.

    To the Non Christians this procession is nothing short of RSS or BD in the making. Christianity does not need any movement, does not need any advertising, does not need any show of strength.

    What is needed is the spiritual strength. Show to Non Christians that you care, by involving in thier communities and doing good deeds.

    Stop having groups/movements of individual religion and communities. We are the citizens of India and children of the same God. Let us live that way by having movements and organisations which includes members of all communities and religions.

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  • Antony T. D' Souza, Karkala / Qatar

    Sat, Aug 07 2010

    No doubt, seventh ICYM Youth Convention gets a very grand elite beginning. Question is how the motto will be followed up till the year end ? What were the such achievements of 1 to 6th ICYM conventions ?. Could have listed some as a awareness and to motivate the rest. A nuclear gathering, suggesting that clergy and podium attendees are outnumbering the youths ! Where are the RC youths ? How to be sternly imputed with convention ideology to measure its for thought !

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