Mangaluru: Without vaccinations, risk of infection aggravation rises to 99.5%  

Daijiworld Media Network - Mangaluru (SP)

Mangaluru, Oct 6: It has been proved that the incidence of coronavirus infection worsening and the people concerned dying from it is minimal in the case of those who have been vaccinated. In Dakshina Kannada district, from January 16 this year till October 2, only 0.5 percent who were vaccinated succumbed to the infection. A total of 99.5% of the people who died from the infection during this period were those who did not get vaccinated.

When the vaccination programme was taken up, initially, a number of rumours were making the rounds. People had dithered from getting vaccinations. Later, the shortage of vaccines had bothered the people. In course of time, the people realised the importance of vaccination and have been getting themselves vaccinated. It has been officially proved that vaccination avoids people from facing the risk of death in most of the cases.

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So far, Dakshina Kannada district had witnessed 733 deaths in the first wave of coronavirus. After January 16, when the vaccination programme was launched, 929 died (total deaths 1,662). Only five out of these 929 deaths were vaccinated. Only two who got both the vaccinations succumbed. The other three had got one dose of the vaccine.  Among the two who died even after getting both the doses of the vaccine, one was suffering from critical kidney disease. The other was having heart problems, said district health officer Dr  Kishore Kumar.

The district had witnessed shortage of vaccine in June and July. Those who got the first dose had to struggle to get the second one within the time limit prescribed. In course of time, vaccine supply eased and the programme went on at a brisk pace. Over 21 lac doses have been administered in the district so far. Out of 18 lac in the age group of above 18, 87 percent have got their first dose of vaccination. Forty percent have got both the doses of the vaccine.

In the 18 to 44 age groups in the district, first doses were administered to 71 percent while 30 percent got second dose. In the 45 to 60 age group, 97.5 percent have got the first dose and 56 percent both the doses. Interestingly, all those aged above 60 have got the first dose while 66 percent have got both the doses.

In the first wave of coronavirus, 40.5 percent of health staff in the district got the infection. In the second dose, only 4 to 5 percent were infected. Several doctors and nurses had faced a lot of problems during the first wave but not so during the second wave. The health officer said that this was possible because of vaccinating them first and also due to the immunity power naturally acquired due to the infection.

Vaccination not only reduces spread of the diseases, but also protects people from the infection getting worse and causing death. Compared to the first wave, deaths were more in the second wave, but deaths were minimal among those who were vaccinated. As the vaccination extends protection, those who are infected, get a stronger defence system in the body which kills the virus at the state of infection. Moreover, the infection doesn't spread to others.









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  • Monty Dotor, Mangalore

    Thu, Oct 07 2021

    After due consideration to comments made by others, I still believe in vaccines made the traditional way like Polio, DPT, Measles, tetanus etc. Covaxin for corona falls under this category (not Covishield made from Adenovirus or m RMA vaccines which are not time tested). Though any of these may not prevent Covid it will reduce the chances of death as well as hospitalization (which is costly and inconvenient). As far as WHO is concerned, other countries will put pressure to delay recognition for Covaxin just because they do not want India to come up, still I expect recognition by this month end. As far as difference of opinion is concerned,only those who believe in vaccination can take it others may not,there is no compulsion. One can decide to eat fafadajalebi or opt for falooda.I would go a step further, in a traditional vaccine like Covaxin certain trials could have been easily skipped so that the roll out could have been done earlier,( of course govt.could have placed a bigger first order instead of only 3 crores shots considering India would require more than 200 core shots).If (yes the big if) it was done there would not have been a second wave, fewer lockdowns, faster economic recovery , fewer deaths due to Covid, fewer suicides. Better late than never Be Happy Be Healthy. Disclaimer: I and my family are fully vaccinated with Covaxin without any side effects.Also I am not a financial beneficiary or promoting Covaxin.

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  • John, Mangalore

    Thu, Oct 07 2021

    Your or my views matter? One evil billionaire global leader is sufficient to bring down world population but if there are many more and if they have their club of their own ? ........ Before different vaccine effectiveness, First one needs to understand following Some Great? Old World Leaders proponents of depopulation and their views, following part an article, refer following link by Barbara McKenzie, dated December 13, 2020 ........ Dramatically Reducing the World’s Population ......... ‘Scratch a CoR member and there is a global depopulation misanthrope inside’ (Bill Elder, here in comments) ‘… the resultant ideal sustainable population is hence more than 500 million but less than one billion’, Club of Rome, Goals for Mankind, 1976. ....... ‘World population needs to be decreased by 50%’, Henry Kissinger, member of CoR ‘the ecological crisis, in short, is the population crisis. Cut the population by 90% and there aren’t enough people left to do a great deal of ecological damage‘, Mikhail Gorbachev, Former President of the Soviet Union, member of CoR. ......... ‘A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal’, Ted Turner, founder of CNN, major UN donor, member of CoR. ........ ‘In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it is just as bad not to say it‘, Jacques Cousteau, French naval officer and explorer, member of the CoR. ........... ‘If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels’, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, member of CoR .... Also read more on (coming) Global Governance pre planned at following referenced link. Ref:

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  • John, Mangalore

    Thu, Oct 07 2021

    Morever, These are 21st Century Vaccines...... This is what all about Covid 19. Globalists or western one world people and communists using virus bringing down economy with shutdowns, loss of employment, debt, crashing financial institutions, to make common man life miserable. God only knows what are their other plans with vaccines, boosters which Big Pharma and their agents push them for big money. Hope the vaccine only not generate more mutants (already happening, waves after waves ?) to further down the economy. ...... Gone are the days when vaccines used to be remedy or prevention. With communists infiltrated in vaccine pharma's R & D, western elite and communist vaccines have become more population control and hightech (nano particle) body and mind control business for communist supremacy with current advancement in technology including Luciferase technology (or to say communist and elites misusing technology with Big Tech and media under their control only their views are projected, rest all come under conspiracy theory) ..... Like Event 201 simulated for covid 19, there is also The SPARS Pandemic 2025 to 2028 seems simulated in 2017 as per Johns hopkins center for health security document available online. Also there is a Songbird movie for covid 23. These ruthless communists bring out movies, simulation to brainwash people, enact them to control and reduce the population, grab world resources and finally trying to control and rule the world through these binary weapon grade viruses and experimental (vaccines after) vaccines to bring their downsized new world order or one world government.

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  • Dev, Mangalore

    Thu, Oct 07 2021

    I too support traditional vaccines of the past but in private opinion expressed by Dr Sowmya Swaminathan of WHO they found they failed to produce antibodies in the recipients especially vulnerable people, for that reason they started adding adjuvants & additives like thimersol, aluminium, formaldehyde, bee poison, glyphosate, & now graphene oxide in them to hasten antibody production, but they caused autoimmune diseases & in the long term cancers as well. Present analysis of mRNA vacs found to have in addition, metals like nickel, iron & chromium, cadmium etc. Now coming to fake claim of polio, DPT, measles also were introduced when they were in the downward swing & had lost their sting after 2 years like all viruses do due to mutations they become weak. India is still using polio drops containing live viruses which cause polio in malnourished kids & it is estimated nearly 50,000 kids fall prey to this but as WHO has declared we are polio free a new name has been given to it like Acute non Polio Paralytic Stroke. And like most doctors who have studied & researched about vaccines always opine, "There is no Safe & Effective Vaccines at the same time", either they are safe & ineffective or effective but not safe. Another claim of vacs prevent or protect against hospitalization & deaths is only company propaganda as proven by data from all those countries which have inoculated more than 80% of their population. And treatment of covid isn't dangerous or costly if one follow naturopathic treatment of Nice team which has healed more than 60,000 patients with that method free, but no media or medical mafia wants people to know that for they stand to lose their windfall. Now more than 80% of the people have got infected with corona &have antibodies according to ICMR survey which means the contagion is now in endemic stage & it will be just like any other respiratory infections requiring none of the lockdown protocols or mass failed vaccination drives according to scientists

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  • John, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 06 2021

    Bill Gates' invested , western designed vaccines saved or killed people? Following is the analysis...... 733 Covid deaths due to original strain. 929 deaths due to live adeno virus contained in Covishield generated deadly covid delta strain soon after the vaccination started. Rest all got herd immunity to deadly delta strain over the months into vaccinations. Basically vaccines had no saving effect at all to covid or strains also will be on next new seasonal flu variant. Only elite gained business or for their business continuity to raise fear of covid strains and lockdowns in other unvaccinated countries (like next Australia) and claim vaccines work and push their evil vaccines to make billions more and looks like elite and communist medical tyrannical control in other countries as well for their world control plans and agenda. ......... To understand look at the following referenced (link) virus infections and deaths graphs after two months into vaccination in various countries a research done by French Medical Doctor: Who says "COVID-19 Injections Increasing DEATHS and New Infections – The Evidence is Overwhelming..." ....... Ref:

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  • Dev, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 06 2021

    Data from all over the world in most vaccinated countries proves what is stated here is only propaganda. 86% vaccinated people are getting infected in Israel, Iceland & UK where more than 80 & 90% people are vaccinated & again 76% of the people from vaccinated died from vaccinated category compared to unvaccinated. Latest sting operation by Veritas interviewing Pfizer scientists reveals only natural immunity works & lasts longer against all mutations while their own claim is just a money making propaganda & they can't reveal it as they have signed an agreement with the company not to reveal the truth, & if they get caught they will be fired & who knows criminal suits might be filed against them after firing them. They even claimed there are ears inside their company to listen to their private talks. One even alleged he doesn't like to work for the greedy company that is thriving & is in existence only due to the present fake pandemic. Truth will not get pushed down for any longer, one by one the skeletons are tumbling out of greedy nexus between politicians & bureaucrats.

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  • Umesh Rao, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 06 2021

    "Interestingly, all those aged above 60 have got the first dose while 66 percent have got both the doses." - this statement is patently false as I myself am aware of several cases wherein senior citizens who are not mobile and hence unable to visit the vaccination centres, have remained unvaccinated. Requests to hospitals to carryout vaccination at home have also not been successful, as they want a minimum of 10 people at a location before agreeing to carryout the vaccination.

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  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Wed, Oct 06 2021

    All these statistics are o.k and agreed .Can any one explain how many more of these vaccines are required to be free from this infection ....!!!???? Nobody will can confirm.

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  • Dev, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 06 2021

    Right point raised, the hidden fact is the pharma wants annual inoculations forever & not only this they will add more & more new viruses requiring the booster doses along with failed Flu Shots too by claiming this gives more protection against mutated variants which is only a lie. After Vaccine Passports they will create a Health ID for all, even our DNA will no longer come under privacy laws guaranteed by our constitution & upheld in Supreme Court judgements regarding UID program. We will be slaves of the system & our freedom to chose the health care too will be decided for us by pharma mafia in future if we do comply with all the step by step methods of curtailing our freedoms in the garb of an epidemic which never qualified to be called a pandemic with recovery rate of 99.997% with or without any medical interventions. Time for us to take back our freedom to take care of our health sans govt., interventions & save ourselves from the clutches of pharma mafia.

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  • John, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 06 2021

    Vaccines save or loot and decimate? 90 crore x 700 = around 1 Trillion Dollor worth business in India alone only for vaccines. Now any business man would know why this covid or vaccine in the first place including elite Bill Gates who said 20:1 returns on investment in Vaccine business in one of his Ted Talks. Who Got looted ? Governments tax payers money and citizens hard earned money and business losses through lockdowns. ............. Bill Gates also said in another of his Ted Talks with VACCINES 15% population can be reduced. 15% or 50 % we will have to wait and see when this evil releases another strong virus to decimate the vaccinated as per many divine messages. Bill Gates himself said in following referenced interview he got inspiration ín population control from his Father's involvement in planned parenthood or abortion industry...... Ref:

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  • John, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 06 2021

    Much deeper plans? There was No Business for BigPharma's flu vaccines and need for a universal (controllable will come as boosters, high tech nano particle) mRNA vaccines ? That's why also this covid in the first place ? .........."BOMBSHELL: Video Emerges Where Fauci and Others Planned for a “Universal mRNA Flu Vaccine” Which Became the “COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine” Because People were not Afraid Enough of the Flu Virus" .... a 2 minute video on it at following reference link ..... Ref

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  • Rakesh, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 06 2021

    It would be better for the Dept or Health Officials to boast about the death rate due to Covid infection among the vaccinated population. Main reason is vaccination drive was pushed hard only after rhe slow down of second andd wave and after second lockdown.

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  • Shreyas Kamath, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 06 2021

    Vaccination with free of cost.. Really we are proud of Modi

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  • Allen, Mangaluru

    Wed, Oct 06 2021

    Nothing comes free from anybody! Everything is paid from the tax payers money and the donations given by the public!

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  • G R PRABHUJI, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 06 2021

    What free?? All are paying amount indirectly , by Petrol, diesel and Gas at very high rates.

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  • Ajja, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 06 2021

    If vaccination programmed was planned well at various panchayat level as they do for Voting, life would have been saved. A statistics of how many days during last 10 months vaccines were available at health centers and village levels will give clear picture. It is the duty of the administration to plan. Yes, vaccination hesitancy was one of the reason. but its natural. Even now COVAXIN yet to get approved by WHO

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Thane

    Wed, Oct 06 2021

    Vaccination India ...

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