'Indians pushed out of trains, bunkers in Ukraine': Chikkaballapur student appeals for help

Bengaluru, Mar 3 (IANS): More disturbing news is coming from war-torn Ukraine. The Karnataka students stranded in the Kharkiv region have said that local Ukrainian authorities and the military are assaulting Indian students and pointing guns at them.

Harshitha, from the Chikkaballapur district of Karnataka, who is studying in Ukraine, is one of the students still stuck in Kharkiv. She spoke to the media about the ordeal they are facing.

She said that Indian students are not being allowed to board trains arranged to evacuate people from the region. "Indian students are being pushed out of trains, they are not allowed to board, if questioned they are being assaulted and guns are being pointed at them," she said.

"When the trains come to the platforms, the doors are locked. They allow only the Ukraninans to board the trains. Among Ukrainians also, children are boarded first, later their mothers and then other women and lastly the Ukrainian men are let in," she said.

She said the Indian students were not able to board the trains. They were being charged 100 to 200 dollars per head and even after paying, Indians were not being allowed. "We stayed in bunkers for five to six days. When we knew that the train was being arranged, we walked for 11 km. But, after reaching the train station we could not board two trains, one at 8 a.m. and another at 12.30 p.m.," she said.

"About 8 to 10 missiles were fired very close to the train station where I stood. Whenever Indians questioned them about not being allowed to board trains they pointed guns and threatened us. After missing trains, there was heavy firing and we came back to the shelter facility. Since yesterday there is no food and it is morning now and no one has told anything about this. Presently, we are staying in 2 to 3 hostel buildings. They have kept 4 people in one room," she said.

She said they have been trying to contact the embassy, but they are not getting through. "At the train station, the authorities are not beating Ukranians. Indians are tortured, Indians students in the train were pushed out and beaten up. There are many incidents where Indians were asked to leave bunkers. Ukraninans are telling Indian students that India is not supporting them and why should they help them?" Harshitha said.

"We had to carry our bags containing our laptop, etc., and walk. We kept the Indian flag on our heads and kept running towards the railway station, but it was of no use. When we were returning, the missiles were fired and buildings destroyed. We have been asked not to switch on the light and not to venture out. Our snacks are running out. If we are not rescued now, it is going to be very difficult for us," she said.

Meanwhile, the family of medical student Naveen Shekarappa Gyanagoudar, who was killed in Ukraine, is still waiting for news on his dead body.

Anish, who returned to Karnataka safely explained that he returned from the West part of Ukraine. "Indian students, especially girl students, are awaiting evacuation at the eastern borders. They are braving snowfall without shelter. There are about 18,000 to 20,000 Indian students in Ukraine, only 6,000 have returned. Most of them are stuck in the Kharkiv and Kiev regions. The embassy is not receiving calls, they need urgent help," he said.






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  • J.B lobo, Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 04 2022

    Indian govt mind set is just like our mind set.that is " DAALA AAPUJI MAARRE WAR AAPUJI ". So govt didn't evacuate the students.

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  • Alex, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    Since long I have know Ukraine is a country of Racist people. They consist of Neo Nazis, Ruthless Oligarchs, Mafia thugs, Elitist Jews and about 10% poor Ukranians. They are mostly Roman Catholic in the west and Orthodox Catholics in the East. But it is sad to say, there is no religion or ethics with these people. It is similar to say France is mostly Catholics, but not even 1% are really church going. West is painting very glossy picture of Ukraine, which has no moral character itself.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • David Pais, Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 04 2022

    religion practicing people r da most dangerous 2 da society. do dey kill each other becoz of catholic & orthodox like shia & Sunni. your comment is very funny.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Prem Prasad, Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 04 2022

    wherever you find them.

    DisAgree Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • Justin Lobo, Bangalore

    Fri, Mar 04 2022

    Matthew 7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye

    DisAgree [2] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mohammed, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    Back home when Muslims students were wearing hijab , Some brainwashed Hindu students had problem, they protested and wore saffron shawls saying "Hindu Katre mein hai " Now when actually Hindu students are in danger where are these Saffron shawl students . This is called Karma, whatever you do it comes back to you. Hope those stranded students come back home safely by the mercy of God, These stranded student should try themselves to get out of this situation, our Govt can only harass and haunt Muslim students. #Useless PM.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joel, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    Some people here are talking about racism in Ukraine forgetting that racism exist in India too, also the position India took would create problems for Indian students abroad. Also education in India is nothing but business, even after the new policy nothing has changed...

    DisAgree [4] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sanjay, Hebri

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    “While the media and politicians in much of Europe and North America patted themselves as they gushed over their lofty values of compassion, generosity when compared to those of the brute Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, they chose to be largely blind to the raw racism that was being exhibited against Africans and Asians in Ukraine. Quote Tarek fatah!!!

    DisAgree [4] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    Indian Embassy asked the students to move towards borders offering transport. In India our Government boasts about bringing them Back. How they came back only these poor students will know.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Alwyn Dsouza, Canada

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    It is a sad moment for Ukraine and it's people. What other options that nation has to evacuate kids and mothers first. Many international people knew this war and still waited and now complaining is not solve anything but do your best to move with your best efforts. For Ukraine people at this moment life and death situation where Russia will bombard them . We Indians good at complaining on others but please see the reality of that nation at this moment where so many innocent kids are dying.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Alex, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    This is the creation of the west arrogance. Russia asked Ukraine not to join NATO, but did not oblige. Look at Poland and Lithuania who have kept missiles directed at Russia. How would you behave if your immediate neighbour rears wolves in his yard. And about media, all western countries have censored and banned Russian news, why is that? Do you need to listen only western propaganda

    DisAgree [1] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Alwyn Dsouza, Canada

    Fri, Mar 04 2022

    Whether it is west or east everywhere same shit. We have to fill out stomachs with hard work day in day out. Dont worry political games. Worry your survival. Look at where you live so much descrimination based on religion or caste systems. Is it required for humanity. Everywhere same shit. No point in complaining. Just do the best wherever whatever ways to humanity as Jesus as thought. What else anyone can do..everyone need power money and religious superiority.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shankunni Mair, Guruvayupoor

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    Result Of “ Fence Sitting “ by the centre, they are busy with crucial elections in the state where River Ganga flows - to score brownie points the evacuation has been termed “ Operation Ganga” and dramatised for media while receiving the returnees by Ministers at the airport. Government is clueless on the impact of the war and doing PR stunts by sending Ministers to coordinate evacuation. Earlier Governments has evacuated lakhs of displaced expats starting from the Gulf war till until recently, without much hype. We have an excellent Burecrat turned Foreign Minister, unfortunately he too is behaving like a puppet. Hope and pray all suffering in the war zone are airlifted soonest. Weird statements from some ministers ridiculing the students for choosing to study in countries where fees are affordable to them, have only added insult to injury.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • David Pais, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    i was elated 2 hear from da bhaktaas dat da indians respect & india's reputation has been increased around da world since 2014, & i am hearing a bad respect & reputation. jai-go-maatha.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dan, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    Don't blame the Indian government now. Modi ji provided better educational institutions in India for higher education. It is your mistake that you guys are stuck there. Modiji has sent his brave MPs to evacuate. If you were not evacuated it's not Modi Ji's problem. Please don't blame our prime minister. We have elections here and we are busy... Thank you

    DisAgree [45] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • David Pais, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    hAhAhAhAhA....... ironical commt.......

    DisAgree [2] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rita, Germany

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    @Dan mangalore .if you had a bit of feeling you wouldnt say this .Yes there are colleges here only who can afford lacs from parents .but not poor.Your ji doesnt bother about this .In aWar torn country to live as a foreigner in a kaos isnt easy as one think.So much for your sympathy thank you.I feel with them.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Unreal kujuma, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    It's a war torn country Dan. He's not sending flights in routes that go to switzerland. I'm sure you would have done better if made PM in a state were majority people only are told what to do and minorities play victim card. Go to jails and compare the population. You will no whom to hate and whom not.

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  • Amaze, Karkala

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    PR minister is busy with UP elections.... dont disturb him please... Elections are important to him than the human lives... Utter failure in foreign policy..

    DisAgree [21] Agree [55] Reply Report Abuse

  • AU, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    Humanity/sympathy buried when uneducated, criminals,sports personality etc took charge and responsibility of the countries. Now you cannot get that by paying crore currencies also. So, forget about it. When government announced about war that time, as a common practice airlines took stand to hike tickets up to 1 lac /one way and it was showing fully booked. So before choosing candidates, make sure at least he has humanity( history)

    DisAgree [1] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Richard, India

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    Not a fault of Indian Government. The people were warned to leave as soon as the trouble started. Though the government is still responsible towards the repatriation of its citizens in any corner of the world, the lethargy shown to its warnings will result in sufficient sufferings to people as we see.

    DisAgree [17] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • zakir, Blore

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    Andh Bhakt's are not only blind........... they don't have HEART and BRAIN...

    DisAgree [20] Agree [39] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    Biden is going to destroy his country with all his hollow promises.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [30] Reply Report Abuse

  • shuba, Mangaluru

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    We pray that our students and other civilians be safely brought back and let there be peace. The God Almighty of every religion safeguard the present crisis

    DisAgree [2] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • real kujuma, kodial

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    it is crystal clear now 56 inch and lal ankh chaiwala is fit only for bhashans, doing yoga, eating mushrooms, sporting designer kuta and sunglasses and fooling andh bhakts....in similar situation in Kuwait war five lac people were evacuated and not a single Indian died...wonderful handling by the then Congress union govt...keep on voting for these useless people and suffer...

    DisAgree [24] Agree [69] Reply Report Abuse

  • John Tauro, M'lore

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    During 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, Indians were less than two lakhs. The then union govt. was under Janata Dal headed by VP Singh.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • arun, mangalore

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    all this students family are Big BJP Supporters..but end no help they are getting very sad............

    DisAgree [10] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse

  • Wilfred, Karnataka

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    but not BJP govt , VPsingh or Gujral policy is congress

    DisAgree [3] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sunil Padival, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    Unbelievable ! Government has been warning since weeks to vacate, no one bothered and now without Government help would they have been allowed to cross border to another country without Visa ? Its not government's responsibility to vacate people from all over the world, when they have travelled on their own will and stayed at their own will. That too with our tax paid money. Government should be instead blamed to entertain such 'hi fi' people by giving them more importance compared to poor people in the country.

    DisAgree [60] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • zakir, Blore

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    Andh Bhakt's are not only blind........... they don't have HEART and BRAIN...

    DisAgree [12] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • Max soures, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    mr sunil in which world you are leaving and what tax payer money your talking about its people money. Indian govt has to take full responsibility to bring our people back safely from any part of the world, its govt duty to save people life and their safety, health etc. do not comment rubbish. learn to be a responsible citizen of the country first , which I believe you are not by the way you comment

    DisAgree [5] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rita, Germany

    Fri, Mar 04 2022

    Sunil Mangalore you and your tax paid money.You have nothing else to write.Warning is given yes.One has to experience the problem.Simply writing and telling is quite different as living there.They are telling they cant go anywhere ,everyone puts them out ,only allow own people ,pushing out of train etc and you tell something else.How far one can go without fear without food ?cold weather .Airports are closed ,borders are watched and bombed.You are telling to go.Their own bunker to hide is overfilled and outsiders are not taken .

    DisAgree [1] Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dam, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    Its failure of foreign policies of India... in past many time Indians stuck in wars Exmpl - Kuwait war, Libyan war, Iraq war.. but Indians never faced this...

    DisAgree [10] Agree [50] Reply Report Abuse

  • Justin Lobo, Bangalore

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    We feel very sad of pathetic situations of Indians in abroad that on these days Indians are not respected at all. P.M., Dr. MounMohan Singhji quietly evacuated 16,000 Indians freely from Libya. From Kuwait thousands were evacuated freely without any hulla-bulla.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [44] Reply Report Abuse

  • Husain, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    Government abstained from voting against Russia resolution in UN, This will increase the hatred on Indians in Ukrain. Only god has to help.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [37] Reply Report Abuse

  • Moshu, Mangaluru

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    Our ruling party can't spare out for students panic from creating controversies on hijab , cow , hindu rashtra like communal scripts.

    DisAgree [16] Agree [44] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vishal, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    Why did they wait till the last moment for evacuation. The evacuation directive came in January end. The Americans and Brits packed their bags and had left . But these students balled around assuming nothing would happen, blaming the Govt as inefficient and scared. In war situations, the host country will look after their nationals first.

    DisAgree [30] Agree [43] Reply Report Abuse

  • Moshu, Mangaluru

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    Totally a failure of external affairs policy. They should have given clear instructions to the Indian citizens before the war broke out and taken steps for their safe evacuation unlike US and other European nations sounded an alarm to their citizens much before the war started and helped them evacuate safely.

    DisAgree [15] Agree [35] Reply Report Abuse

  • Naresh, Kerala

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    As an Andh Bhakth, it might be your bounden duty to protect the image of your party and white wash its failures..... Don't be blinded to this extent that you talk nonsense..... Provided the website address of Ukranian embassy.... you may verify yourself and find the date of advisory, but you will be able to see the fact only if you remove your saffron tinted spectacles..... https://www.eoiukraine.gov.in/advisory.php

    DisAgree Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ajay Rebello, Kallianpur

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    Seems a fallout of India's pro Russian stand in un, twice.

    DisAgree [14] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Alex, Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 04 2022

    In all troubles only Russia stands for India. None else. We have known since many years. US only looks for its interest and even in its interest as was known in India Pakistan Wars.

    DisAgree Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

  • prakash, Manipal

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    One had to expect this to happen sooner or later. Very sad but it is a helpless situation. First of all UKR people must be angry with Indian position in UN. Secondly they will safeguard their interests first. Our students' plight is really a tragic one. Let us hope and pray for this ordeal to end soon.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse

  • DS Gill, Ludhiana

    Fri, Mar 04 2022

    Most sensible comments on the entire situation by Prakash. Right to the point, empathetic, mature and responsible.

    DisAgree Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Raheja Waterfront

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    Our 56" has badly Flopped ...

    DisAgree [18] Agree [60] Reply Report Abuse

  • suresh, Kinnigoli

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    Do you know even a basic knowledge about war zone?? grow up

    DisAgree [48] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ajay Rebello, Kallianpur

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    Wait for oil bills.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rajesh kumar, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    Fool doesnt know to give a speech without teleprompter.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [45] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Raheja Waterfront

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    suresh, 56" Fled from War Zone ...

    DisAgree [10] Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse

  • Alwyn Dsouza, Canada

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    Suresh I doubt you know everything in life? Dont over smart.

    DisAgree Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • AJ, Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 04 2022

    Do u knw anything other than being an andh bhakth who worships his master for no reason ? Just open your eyes and mind..

    DisAgree Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • Pacific Heights, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 03 2022

    Its like being a mute spectator when our principal was slapped, due to the hatred towards one person!

    DisAgree [5] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

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