Sibling Love Shames Valentine's Day Opponents

Sibling Love Shames Valentine's Day Opponents

Chikmagalur, Feb 15 (DHNS) : As has been their practice in recent years, this Valentine's Day saw right wing activists go hunting for couples celebrating the day, for getting them forcibly married, but the operation ended as a farce. 
The search of the Bajrang Dal and Vishwa Hindu Parishat activists culminated at the Srilekha Theatre, where a boy and a girl were sitting together. The anti-love activists rushed to the spot and demanded that the boy tie the mangalasutra on the girl’s neck.

Manjunath from Hiremagalur, who was sitting along with his sister was enraged. “She is my sister and we came here to watch a movie. Is there any rule that prevents brothers and sisters sitting together. How can I marry my sister?” he asked the Bajrang Dal men.

Not convinced with his clarification, the right wingers demanded that the girl tie ‘rakhi’ on Manjunath’s hand to prove that they are siblings. The girl said she was ready to do so. “Please give me a rakhi, I will be happy to tie it on my brother’s hand.”

Abashed, the anti-Valentiners got on to their motorbikes without a word and rode off.

Earlier, Bajrang Dal and VHP activists burnt the greeting cards and gift packs as a mark of protest against the Valentine’s Day.

They took a motorbike jatha in the town propagating the message that celebrating St Valentine’s Day was part of western culture and the practice should not be adopted by Indians. 


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  • Ronald, Bejai/Mumbai

    Wed, Feb 16 2011


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  • ashwin, bejai , mangalore

    Tue, Feb 15 2011

    snipe them all ..
    one shot , one kill ..

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    Tue, Feb 15 2011

    The bajrangdal and other hindu groups are doing which is not correct.goverment must take action to stop like this activity. shame on bajrangdal.

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  • ajith, Mangalore

    Tue, Feb 15 2011

    Did anybody claimed that they are from Bajrang dal or from VHP? please do not claims simply. People are already taken for ride even in case of church attack incedent. person who claimed the credit has now joined JDS!! Lets not conclude on self decisions this type of aaproch will create gap between the commnunities in society.. By the way which movie these siblings wnated to watch? surely not "Anna thangi" or Tawarige ba tangi" types!!

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  • Ramesh Shetty, Mangalore

    Tue, Feb 15 2011

    we all know who these hooligans are and where they come from, and their motives. Easy targets are unemployed youth who are lured into this trap with empty promises! I urge all youth to detest and boycott these groups and not waste their life and valuable time! there can only be disaster waiting for those who do not see sense! Please use common sense! it does not cost money or life!

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  • sharon f lobo, Mangaore, Qatar

    Wed, Feb 16 2011

    Brother Alwyn, Am little confused on your view that in USA “Every one will enjoy it and no one will see females in evil attitude”…So u r saying is all r saints in America and Evil in India….But I don’t agree every men are lusty thts wat I can say…..don’t be so hated towards India…try to love one another cuz Jesus he dint differentiate anybody he loved all then who r we to tell they r evil and we are saints!!!!!!

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  • Diwakar, Bangalore

    Wed, Feb 16 2011

    I think we need to fight violence with violence only. Gandhi priciples only for civilised lots. Rightminded youths should carry a weapen to face the goons. Then only these goons will be civilised. Our police.. law.. and the systems are all ineffective to bring these people to the justice. Justice Somappa shown how shameful our so called educated senior lots. His report appears to be an encouragement

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Wed, Feb 16 2011

    Ashwin, USA/Kundapura. I am glad that the youngsters in India are celebrating Valentine Day inpite of protests by the radical, fanatic groups.
    We should thank all these radical, fanatic groups for giving undue publicity for 14th Feb. Valentine Day. If not for this group, in India people would not have bothered for the Valentine day. It would have been just another day. Valentine card sellers, gift shops, hotels, restaurants all might had good business on this Valentine day.

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  • Louis D'Souza, Udupi/Kuwait

    Tue, Feb 15 2011

    Our Indian culture was riding on bullock cart, we shall not ride on vehicles, this culture is bought by British. I think this should be the next agenda of Ramsene n Bajrangdal. KAB SUDREGARE????

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  • Vicky Chopra, Ranganpalke/Kawdoor

    Wed, Feb 16 2011

    Archie..good question of yours..may be you do not know..the first university in the world none other than 'University of Nalanda'..having more than sixty 4th century CE..

    Convent schools is nothing but one type of business houses..So many schools around..who is benefitted from it..none other than non-christians. Just think for 2.5% population do we need so many schools?. People of poor families from christians are not allowed earlier to educate in convent schools due to lack of fund. Convent schools run thru only non-christian people ultimately funds utilise to run churches/institutes/old age etc.

    Our country is invaded by others many times and looted several times. Our money is in the hands of these people and we want to bring back money to our land thru foreign currency. It's not the intention of our people but of god.

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  • Shyam Raj, Gurunagar

    Tue, Feb 15 2011

    Disgusting act by uncivilized Bajrangdal. Time and again they have been proving that they are antisocial. If these things continue to happen, I swear one day in the near future even hindus will start hating this extremist organisation.

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  • Gabriel Dsouza, Mumbai

    Wed, Feb 16 2011

    Dear Vicky, pls do not get me wrong. One has to be proud of his achievements, present and the past. The problem with a bunch of bigots is that they have a problem in knowing the truth. They love what suits them and the rest is 'foreign culture' If we really hate 'foreign culture' we can not live as we live today. They know it and we know it but we refuse to accept because we are biased. No nation can rest on the shores of it's past achivement, true or wishful and be receptive to modern realities. I have no reason to dislike any of the selfstyled nationalist groups as long as they are not biased and their action is in the interest of the nation as one people. Problem starts when they sell their theories founded on wishful thinking and false glorification for a political mileage as we do not have shortage gullible people to go on a rampage with the blow of a whistle.

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    Wed, Feb 16 2011


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  • Jossey Saldanha, Mapusa, GOA

    Wed, Feb 16 2011

    Dear Friends. It is time we change out attitude.  Today it happened with someone tomorrow it could happen to your own family members.If any one is found enforcing their personal opinion or vandalizing public property or places of worship just go ahead and take him to task. This will act as a deterrent for further such attacks.It is time we teach these uneducated, unemployed, retarded jerks a lesson.
    Wake up India!!!!!

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  • ಎಚ್. ಡಿ'ಸೊಜಾ, ಉಡುಪಿ / ಪೆರಂಪಳ್ಳ&#3263

    Tue, Feb 15 2011

    ಕಾಮಾಲೆ ಕಣ್ಣಿಗೆ ಕಾಣುವುದೆಲ್ಲಾ ಹಳದಿ. ವೆಲೆಂಟೈನ್ ದಿನ ಇತ್ತೀಚೆಗೆ 14ರ ಬದಲು ಫೆಬ್ರವರಿ 13, 14 & 15 ರತನಕ ನಡೆಯುತ್ತಿದೆ. ಪ್ರಚಾರಕ್ಕೆ ಧನ್ಯವಾದಗಳು. ಅಣ್ಣ - ತಂಗಿಗೆ ತಾಳಿ ಕಟ್ಟಿಸುತಿದ್ದೀರಿ. ನಾಚಿಕೆ ನಿಮಗೆ. ಮಾಡುವುದನ್ನು ಮಾಡಿ ನಮ್ಮ ಸಂಘಟನೆ ಮಾಡಿಲ್ಲಾ ಎನ್ನುತ್ತಿರಾ. ನಿಮ್ಮ ಹಿಂದೂ ಸಂಘಟನೆ ಹೆಸರಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಅಪಪ್ರಚಾರವನ್ನು ಸಾದ್ಯವಾದರೆ ಮೊದಲು ತಡೆಯಿರಿ. ವರ್ಷವಿಡಿ ನಡೆಯುವ ಹೆಣ್ಣಿನ ಮೇಲಿನ ಶೋಷಣೆಯನ್ನು ಮೊದಲು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಸಂಘಟನೆ ತಡೆಯಲು ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸಲಿ. ಅಲ್ಲಾ ಕೇವಲ ಒಂದು ದಿನಕ್ಕೆ.

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  • Vicky Chopra, Ranganapalke/Kawdoor

    Wed, Feb 16 2011

    Mr.Ashok, MANGALORE..Even now-a-days what you call 'Whisky's are already invented long back called 'surapana(whisky)of devtas and madheera(tadee)of asuras..It's now labelled in western culture whisky for rich people and tadi belongs to poor people

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  • sadanand, Mangalore/Dubai

    Wed, Feb 16 2011

    These VHP and ramasens and bajarangdal are uncultured and uncivilized barbarians...this is not their mistake this is the mistake of their parents who didnt educate them..for the small amount of liquor they get for daily consumtion they show off that they can dominate anyone.....they better keep in their minda that this is india and it is a democratic country and every religion can celebrate their own culture....better these goons dont interfere in someones buisiness instead get on some good social service and if they have guts let them go and fight at the kasmir border....they dont have guts they only try to shake poor people.But even the poor man's patience may run out. Beware !

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  • Dsouza, Mumbai

    Tue, Feb 15 2011

    Then we had to import, is it? Let us talk about present day realities and not pre-historic glorification.

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  • Ashok, MANGALORE

    Tue, Feb 15 2011

    you are right Mr.Dexter and Dsouza..Even they Drink (Scotches) that also Foreign and You know When onion price gone high that time we imported Onoins from PAKISTHAN .....what happend to Bajarang Dal that time.....Ha Ha Ha

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  • archie,

    Tue, Feb 15 2011

    You are  right mr prasanth, they should be hanged to death till their soul reaches hell and rests in piece(not peace).they dont want 2 follow western culture, but why the hell they wanna go abroad and earn in foreign currency? and also make their children study in convent schools in india. is this fair.

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  • Vicky Chopra, Ranganpalke/Kawdoor

    Tue, Feb 15 2011

    Dear Dsouza, Mumbai..where in the question of 'motor bikes'..we have already invented long back in ramayana called 'pushpk viman'.. same technology applied now-a-days all over in the world..Jai Ho..

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  • Dsouza, Mumbai

    Tue, Feb 15 2011

    "they rode off in motor bikes", which is also a foreign culture not any different from Valentines day or cricket.

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  • Jernas, Chikmagalur

    Tue, Feb 15 2011

    Hope this VHP and Bajarang Dal will not continue with hatred and if they do continue they will go on sowing hatred. One day we will have people in society who will be hating other and this will be chaos.

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  • Dexter, Mangalore

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    The VHP and the Bajrangi fools should also realise that if Valentines day is a foreign practice so are the motor bikes they ride and the jeans they wear, so are the TV's they watch so are most of the things they use. Most of the goods used have original ideas that are foreign. Respectfully we use it and even develope on it.
    Just useless and shameless and uneducated people trying to force their ideas on others.

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  • Krish, Mangalore

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    Please do not defame the name of VHP. Any such events happen, and you assume it is done by VHP and Bhajrang dal. It could have been done by any other anti-social elements. Its wrong to drag VHPs name in all these acts.

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    Mon, Feb 14 2011




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  • Alwyn, Mangalore - USA

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    Dear Mr. Antony, Thanks for your suggestion. If you read the news you will understand about my comments. The Bagaranga and VHP said that they are against western culture and what ever. Second thing India is a secular country where every one is equal even SC, ST but our great Hindu leaders are not aware of it. I do agree your point and I know the youths who are doing all this rubish eveil things and they are not only unemployed but also taking drugs and alcohol. What I mean about temple is here in USA Hindus are celebrating Holi, Duga pooja, Depavali and many festivals and there is dance like Indian culture.

    Every one will enjoy it and no one will see female in evil attitude. My point is when ever these groups make problems it will turn to Christian and they may attack Churches repeatedly. These groups NOT having any rights to correct others, instead of that let them go and serve the poor and helpless people and sick people. Hope you will understand my view. Thanks and have a good day.

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  • Lorraine Lobo, Mangalore

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    These are just unemployed and uncultured characters.

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  • Vicky Chopra, Ranganpalke/Kawdoor

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    Mr.Alwyn, Mangalore-USA,Ms.seema cutinha, mangalore..You are right..we should hang these people..but when there's turn will come..already in between several people's cases hanging in madame's desk...These Nehru/Gandhi dynasty knows to hang killers of Indira Gandhi..but don't know to hang those people who has killed innocent people..for not fault of there's..

    Time has come now to have revolution in India..towards UPA to topple it. Started from CZEC/Romania now to Tunisia/Egypt.. it now turns of India/Pakistan..All Europeans have become one..but not allowed to become one by India/Pak!!Jai Ho..

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  • Wilson DSouza, Paladka

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    Any way, St. Valentine must be a happy man now because everyone regardless of caste, creed, religion, right wing or left wing is talking about love and making the day so popular ...

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  • Ashok, MANGALORE

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    This is the real face of bajarang dal They dont leave their sisters also....shame shame

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  • GG, Dubai

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    Are they not extremist???are they not free flying terrorist???What our so called democratic goverment doing???where is the  democracy???...shame

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  • Rajesh , Mangalore

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    Shame on these uncultured parivar peoples.

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  • Ashwin, USA/Kundapura

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    In this matter we have to support to "Bajarang Dal" and "VHP". except above incident. for what the reason we celebrate this just not blindly follow the western culture. better we show these love to our family and poor people, the girl will LOVE u automatically. but now a days we are very less celebrating our own festiwal why should we avoid our own heritage and rich culture. just think......, and you will get the answer sure.

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  • seema cutinha, mangalore

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    These Bajrang Dal and VHP group people should be hanged.Why the so called govt and responsible people are quite.Why have they closed their eyes? Is this right? were is the law now?

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  • Prashanth, Mangalore

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    Shame on Bajrang Dal and Vishwa Hindu Parishat. They dont know the meaning of a Brother Sister RELATIONSHIPS. Shameless activists. Hang them to Death.

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  • Manu, Udyavar

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    What a shameless act by these disgusting people. I really feel pity on them. There is noting going to happen in this country unless the people revolt against the system. The live example is Egypt.The public or the people has to teach lessons to these people on the spot. The main advantage to these activists is lack of opposition from the public. We may write many comments on various sites and blogs. But in public no one dare to oppose them when they carry out these shameless acts. It is how by becomes a ocean.

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  • Antony, Udupi

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    Dear Mr.Alwyn, Mangalore - USA, please dont mix Valentine issue with temples.In India there are so many Church’s and Mosque than anywhere in the world.That is not the issue at all.I am against the people who beat up innocents on this day, these culprits are unemployed youth who are miss used by some organizations.

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  • Alwyn, Mangalore - USA

    Mon, Feb 14 2011

    Why the government is silent on this issue. The culprits should be hanged to death. There so many temples are in western countries like USA, England, France, and even in middle east like Oman. If these country leaders banned for temples what these stupid people can say. It is really shame to Indian Government and Karnataka State government too. Arrest such culprits and never release them from jail.

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  • javeed ahmed, Dubai

    Tue, Feb 15 2011

    Really good what Bajrang Dal & Vishwa Hindu Parishat are doing. we should appricate them. they just want to eradicate evil practice of Western culture and as we know the background of St Valentine's Day, we should not promote that.

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