Dr Wilson Prashanth D’Souza – An M.Ch in Neuro Surgery, A Success Story

December 18, 2020

Dr Wilson Prashanth D’Souza has obtained his M.Ch degree from the famous CMC Vellore, commonly known as Vellore Hospital, Tamil Nadu. M.Ch means Master of Chirurgiae. (Chirurgiae is a Latin word meaning surgery). He is now one among the very limited Neuro Surgeons in the country.

“Where there is a will, there is a way”. This maxim goes well with Dr Prashanth. Born to Peter D’Souza and Theresa Alva at Vittal, Prashanth is the first son among the two. He spent his childhood days at Vittal and studied till his 10th standard in Kannada medium at Vittal and PUC at Puttur.

He was a very committed and focused student from the beginning. People say only brilliant brains can venture into doing MBBS. Prashanth was a very mediocre student. While studying in PUC he decided on his own to write the CET exam and started engaging in self-study without attending any coaching. At that juncture none of the family members ever dreamt that Prashanth would be one day Dr Prashanth, M.Ch.

He scored average marks in PUC science and could get a ranking of around 3000 in CET. Through counselling he managed to get a seat for MBBS at Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences, Bangalore. The family members thought that he would be a doctor practicing somewhere setting up his clinic with an MBBS degree. But he proved us all wrong.

Soon after his MBBS he expressed a desire to do his MS. We were both shocked and embarrassed. Shocked because we were in no position to buy an MS seat for Prashanth and embarrassed because we were helpless to fulfil his desire. But young Prashanth had his own plans. He spent one year in preparing for MD/MS entrance exam and failed. Any other person would have accepted the defeat and stopped fighting the battle. But Dr Prashanth proved himself that perseverance, commitment and focussed hard work would drive one to his destiny.

Prashanth shifted his focus on to Vellore Hospital. He somehow gathered that if he starts practicing there he can get a seat for M.Ch of course with newer and tougher challenges. It is in this hospital Prashanth paved his destiny. He wrote the entrance exam twice during his practice at Vellore hospital. At first attempt he failed to get a seat out of three among nine thousand odd applicants. But in the second attempt he was cock sure that he would qualify to do M.Ch through the lone seat available among equal number of applicants. He passed and there began the hard toil of suffixing M.Ch to his name. He was keen in doing his M.Ch in Neuro Surgery. After six years of dedicated and committed research and study Dr Wilson Prashanth D’Souza, MBBS is now Dr Wilson Prashanth D’Souza, M.Ch.

Poverty teaches one his life lessons. Taken the poverty in the family, if seat had to be obtained through paying donation, Prashanth’s desire of becoming an M.Ch would have still been a mirage. Only his self-confidence and self-belief accompanied him on his uphill journey.

Congratulations Dr Wilson Prashanth D’Souza, M.Ch. You have made us feel proud.

Dr Prashanth is my nephew (sister’s son).

You can contact Dr Prashanth on - 8098351671

Note: This article on my nephew is not written to blow our own trumpet. I wish this could be a motivation to the younger generation who aspire to achieve success.





By Dr Vincent Alva
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Comment on this article

  • SOYEB AKTAR, West Bengal, Murshidabad

    Mon, Jan 13 2025

    This is an incredible success story. God bless you Sir.

  • Raju Martin, Hyderabad

    Sat, Sep 28 2024

    Dear Wilson sir , A Great man with humble Nature and down to the earth...really inspired story god bless him more sucess for coming future .

  • Stanislaus DSouza, Mississauga, Canada

    Tue, Dec 22 2020

    Congratulations to Dr Wilson Prashanth and entire Alva family.

  • Norbert, Mangalore

    Mon, Dec 21 2020

    Congratulations Dr Prashanth. Thank you Vincy for this wonderful article

  • Dr. Dorothy Rego, Kaikamba/Brampton

    Mon, Dec 21 2020

    Congratulations Dr. Wilson Prashanth D'Souza on your great achievement. Your hard work, commitment and determination to the field of medicine is paid finally off. You are an inspiration to the aspiring youths. Although, I do not know you personally, I am known to your family in Toronto. Big congratulations to the Alva fly as well.
    Being an ex-employee of this esteemed institution, I fully understand the hardships in getting an admission to higher education in CMCH. A Mangalorean’s success in CMC PG exam is very rare in the history of CMCH. Your never give up attitude is commendable. Now you can call yourself a CMCiate. I have seen how CMCH transforms medical students to professionals. In my life, the work experience I gained from this institution played a big role in molding me into a career woman in public health. May you carry the torch of CMC to brighten the lives of most vulnerable. Wish you all the very best. May you walk through the path showed by the foundress Dr. Ida Sophia Scudder in fulfilling your mission in the field of medicine. Keep going.

  • Fr. Henry Alva, Canada

    Mon, Dec 21 2020

    Dear Prashant,
    I admire your determination and focus. You trusted in God who created you and your potentiality to become what God wants you to be. May your life be an example for many young people to achieve their dreams. Your missionary zeal and love for the poor lead to the pinnacle of your Courrier and to the fulfilment of God's desire for you. God bless you.

  • Gilbert, Moodubelle/Manchester U.K

    Sun, Dec 20 2020

    Congratulations Prashanth
    Perseverance dedication and constant hard work is the example of the achievement of the highest degree you achieved in the medicine Neuro surgery field . You are truly an example for all youth to dream big and stay consistent with their plans and actions.
    Thank you Dr Vincent Alva for the above inspiring biography of Dr Wilson Prashanth Dsouza
    Gilbert Martis
    CEO & Director of Health Skills Training Ltd

  • Anshika Alva, Valsad

    Sun, Dec 20 2020

    It’s one thing to have dreams, but it’s another to take action and turn those dreams into a reality. You are not only a dreamer, you are a doer. Watching you achieve this goal fills my heart. Congratulations on your achievement Dr. Prashant. M Ch.

  • Sr. Anita Alva, Mehendipara, West Bengal

    Sun, Dec 20 2020

    Congratulations Dr. Wilson Prashanth. Your determination, hardwork and commitment is well paid. You are an inspiration to the younger generation. I am proud of you. May God bless your future journey as you start your mission of caring for the suffering people. May you be a worthy instrument in God's hand.
    Thank you Dr. Vincent Alva for highlighting the qualities of Prashanth.

  • Sr. Anita Alva, Mehendipara, West Bengal

    Sun, Dec 20 2020

    Congratulations Dr. Wilson Prashanth. Your determination, hardwork and commitment is well paid. You are an inspiration to the younger generation. I am proud of you. May God bless your future journey as you start your mission of caring for the suffering people. May you be a worthy instrument in God's hand.

    Thank you Dr. Vincent Alva for highlighting the qualities of Prashanth.

  • Vincent D'sa, Dubai/Shankerpura/Pangala parish

    Sun, Dec 20 2020

    Success comes to those who look for it. Success is organized determination. Congratulations to both, the writer for bringing this inspirational fact and the achiever.

    When the entire world is under depression we need such positive things to look forward with hope.

    Hope this brings a smile to a lot of Mangaloreans who have lost their jobs during a pandemic. Rise against and fight your battle.

  • Gilbert Menezes, Moodubelle / Melbourne

    Sat, Dec 19 2020

    Congratulations Dr. Prashanth!
    Your hard work, perseverance, and trust in God which helped your great achievement may inspire many to undertake their life journey earnestly to reach their destined pinnacle!
    God bless you to serve many in your profession especially the downtrodden and destitute and bless your hands with a healing touch!

  • Rev. Fr. Jephrin Monis Rtd., Stuttgart, Germany

    Sat, Dec 19 2020

    My dear Dr. Prashanth,
    Congratulations and prayerful bestwishes on your great achievements. You are an example, model and real motivation for many young boys and girls who are looking for higher goals.
    I know your family as I also come from the neighbourhood of Dr. Vincent Alva.
    Keep it up, all the best for your future and God bless you.

  • P.S. Prabhu, Mangalore

    Sat, Dec 19 2020

    What I appreciate is never give up attitude, leading to success. Truly inspiring story. Congratulations Dr. Wilson. You are a role model to younger generation.

  • Pramila Martis, Pamboor/Canada

    Sat, Dec 19 2020

    Dear Prashanth
    Congratulations. Extremely happy to hear about your success. May God bless you. All the very best to you.

  • Pramila Martis, Pamboor/Canada

    Sat, Dec 19 2020

    Dear Prashanth
    Congratulations. Extremely happy to hear about your success. May God bless you. All the very best to you.

  • Rohan, Mangalore

    Fri, Dec 18 2020

    Where there is a will there is a way is true from Dr's story. May God bless.

  • Ben D'Souza Prabhu, Mangalore, Bombay Bandra, now in Canada

    Fri, Dec 18 2020

    May Our good Lord Bless and guide you further Dr Pranshant in your
    efforts. Congrats from your admirers. Good Luck !

  • Joy Dsouza, Vittal

    Fri, Dec 18 2020

    Congratulations Wilson.

  • Vincie Rodrigues, Thottam / Canada

    Fri, Dec 18 2020

    Thank you Dr. Vincent Alva for your article on Dr. Prashanth D’Souaz’s journey to reach his goal by mere perseverance and of course hard work with a desire to serve people in need of Neurological Surgery which itself sounds like an unique specialty. Great information.

    Wishing both you and him the desired satisfaction in your vocation.

    You are an inspiration and blessing to your patients. God bless you.

  • Edvin, Belthangady

    Fri, Dec 18 2020

    Congratulations Dr. Prashanth, May this life time achievement Cheer your Great profession, well done, May almighty bless you, wish you All the best for your future assainments, 🙏🙏🙏👏👏👏👏👌👌👌👌😊😊😊

    Yours lovingly

    Edvin, Reena, Eron, Elron Pinto

  • Dr. Thomas Pinto, Mangaluru

    Fri, Dec 18 2020

    Congratulations Dr. Prashanth .
    Success story of a self -made , hard working and humble young man. Hard to find one.
    Blessings for greater achievements.

  • Reena Alva, Mumbai

    Fri, Dec 18 2020

    Well put Dr. Vincent.

    Congratulations Prashanth!
    My words cannot describe your determination, resilience and hard work in achieving what for many is unthinkable. And yet at the end of it, where many would say it's time to reap you humbly look at what you can give back by ways of your service and learning.
    It's such joy to feel proud of your accomplishments.


    Fri, Dec 18 2020

    It goes to prove that where there is a will there is a way.Wishing you all the best.

  • Fr Joseph Martis, St Joseph's Seminary, Jeppu, Mangalore

    Fri, Dec 18 2020

    Congratulations to you Dr Prashanth. Your journey of medical studies is very interesting and inspiring. May the Lord bless you and may you have a very successful medical service. All the best.

  • Shanthi, Belthangady/ Navi Mumbai

    Fri, Dec 18 2020

    Congratulations Dr. Prashant.. so true Vincent.. Each word is true and highly motivational. His dedication and tremendous hard work highly appreciated. It's a dream of Mr. Peter D'Souza (our Maam) come true. God bless you.

  • Victor Tauro, Bangalore

    Fri, Dec 18 2020

    Congratulations Dr. Prashanth D Souza
    Thanks Dr. Vincent Alva for this wonderful article.

  • Arun pinto, bahrain

    Fri, Dec 18 2020

    it is really a great news Dr. Prashant. we r very grateful to have u as our cousin.we wish you all the best in ur future practice & career. God bless you............ arun pinto & fly.

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