May 24, 2010
'Pranam Tuka Manglur Shehara' , (Salute you Mangalore City) – a Konkani song written by Late Wilfy in sixties, is what now one can say witnessing the spirit of my City – Mangalore.
It is the crisis that brings out genuineness of people. Forget about Mutaliks, pub attack, church attacks and goonda giri. Mangalore became famous nationally and internationally, all for wrong reasons. However, one act of people of Mangalore on the tragic day of May 22 erased it all and I can say Mangalore now can claim its proud glory due to the actions of children of soil.
No words can describe the tragedy that hit the City on May 22. Nor I can even attempt to solace anyone of the survivors or family members of the deceased. All that I can say is, God, give the departed peace and survivors and family members the strength to face the terrible tragedy.
However what I would like to highlight is the special nature of Mangalorean people. We sitting in a distant land and watching various news channels, giving second to second details of the disaster could not but feel for moment proud for the way people across the section acted the very minute the accident happened.

Just go through the names of people who helped, there is Chandrashekar, Mohan, Thimmappa, Charles, Ummer and many more on these lines. Please read the names again and will surely pride our rich heritage in diversity. There is no religion here, no colour and no disparity between poor and rich. All came forward to help their fellow mankind at the time of distress.
These are mostly poor people from in around Bajpe airport destined by God to be at that place to help during crisis. They just helped in the way they could and even resulting in saving a few precious life. What is even great, we have come across similar event all over the world and first thing happened then, rather than helping people, is pilferage, taking of the items from the scene. Haiti is recent example.
Then we have seen police officers, firemen, hospitals, various government department officers and social workers working day and night with out rest for over 40 hours taking care of the needy in distress. In an event like this nothing can work out in a perfect manner, but fact of the matter is that there were very few complaints,which speaks a lot about people in Mangalore.
Just imagine, nurses distributing water to distressed people, doctors bleaching the place time to time, tents and blanket supply. And who were the victims? Muslims, Christians, Hindus Sikhs…. And in that order and from where did they come from? Mostly from different parts of Karnataka, but over fifty of them from Kerala and all were given the maximum assistance they deserved with out any difference.
Let this painful event bring back to Mangalore its lost magnificent historical name and let us all live peacefully in harmony in the same spirit that was shown on the ill-fated day. The people around Bajpe airport and all other people who are part of this healing process needs our salute in addition to the people who lost their life as well the family members.
Salute You Mangalore City. Today I proudly declare to the world, I am one proud Mangalorean.