May 12, 2022
White-Collared Heroes

You can hold my hand; don't be afraid; you are not alone,
even if it appears so. I know time is ticking away and you have been missing family all alone.
But if you don't believe in miracles, who knows what life has in store for you?
Things may be getting a little heavy, making you feel tired.
And time is running out, which I cannot control; it makes me exhausted;
But, I promise you, I will give you mine precious smile, touch, and time;
For some people, this is what defines a hero. Is to save the world from the Covid.
While I would care with a protected shield, being patient and kind;
I am not supreme, but I am talented to help when you are in pain and darkness,
But I promise you, to help courageously so that we can win this battle through happiness;
And I'll be there for you through ‘thick and thin’.
You'll be getting a little stronger and better so that we can win.
It's enough to be patient and kind to save the world one person at a while.
So, listen to the beating sound; we may get lost, but miracles can happen to get our smile,
I cannot guarantee that things will improve, but I can promise…...
Your hope makes me a hero in your eyes.