December 12, 2023
I sat in a corner broken and lonely,
And thought that my life was dark and gloomy.
I sighed, a deep sigh of regret,
Why are things going bleak and grey?
Why each day that inches by slowly,
Cannot take my blues away?
The happy, smiling face of yesterday,
Has bid farewell to the morn of today.
The broken dreams, the buried desires,
The struggle for a better tomorrow,
Has taken the joy of today's abundance.
But a little pondering made me grasp,
The small little gesture that make us smile,
The caring look, a loving pat,
The words of love radiating warmth,
The encouraging smile from a loved one,
The push of confidence when doubt creeps in,
Are gifts that make us rich in mind and spirit.
Riches like this cannot be taken,
It is in abundance and generously given,
It's what adds glitter to a dreary life.
And makes us smile in our darkest night.
Let us embrace life with what we have,
And be thankful for the blessings in life.
For the darkest of hours can never fade,
The light of abundance that life gives.