M'lore: First Rains: Interlocked Junction at Bendore Loses 'Sheen' - Invites Accidents

M'lore: First Rains: Interlocked Junction at Bendore Loses its Sheen - Invites Accidents

Pics: Dayanand Kukkaje
Daijiworld Media Network – Mangalore (PS/SB)

Mangalore, Jun 1: Wednesday June 1, day one of rainy season witnessed the most expected road accident within City near Bendore here. A private bus after skidding over the slippery interlocked junction, veered off the road towards SCS Hospital. Traffic was interrupted for over an hour owing to the incident.

Road from St Agnes Institutions, road towards St Theresa School and SCS Hospital meet at the intersection.


The bus was on its way to city from Bangalore. Fortunately it had no passengers as all of them had alighted. The bus that veered off the road hit a compound wall of a residence in the corner, damaging it. The area is a school zone and has been inviting risk after the concerned authorities went for interlocking of the junction. The smoothness of the road can be assessed as the road reflects like mirror with its sheen. However, the glitter only poses risk to the vehicle users.

It is for aforesaid reason that locals were urging for some precaution or action as it was routine to witness bike riders skid everyday at this junction.


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  • Max & Jessie Rasquinha, Mangalore, Houston/Dallas

    Sun, Jun 05 2011

    Visiting Mangalore as often as possible has always been a joyful occasion for us, but just by imagining the frightful and dangerous road conditions our plans and enthusiasm is gradually diminishing.

    Strange as it may sound, even poor Dayanand Kukkaje will hesitate to travel with his costly and sophisticated camera hereafter to many places in and around Mangalore. Walter Nandalike and his Daiji Management may have to buy a helicopter for Pundit Dayanand to move around the city to perform his tasks and earn the daily bread. Its a simple fact.

    We therefore pray to God to teach us how to pray for better roads in our "Maathra Bhoomy" as much as we pray for good and smart road planners in our great country. Please help us, "Oh Lord", so that we are blessed with better, broader and safer roads in our beloved home town. That's all we need, "Oh Lord". That's all we need! Amen.

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  • Preema D'cunha, Bondel/ Bajpe

    Fri, Jun 03 2011

    Madam Preetha,
    just to inform, yes people were complaining about bad roads. but people dint want interlocks roads, they needed the concrete or a normal road. the interlocks are very smooth which have resulted in accidents due to vehicle skid.. if u can please drive a two wheeler and check for yourself before supporting the corporation who has just done its duty for the heck of doing it , and not in favour of the people.

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  • Cha, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Fri, Jun 03 2011

    To all commentors.
    I invite u to come and see the interlock laid in this junction.
    You can see ur face in it.
    These interlocks are so mirror finished that i go in 20 kmph through this circle.
    If u break fully while driving in 40kmph ur sure to hit the road.

    Everytrhing is perfect. Quality of interlock , the work done everything is perfect.
    Only fault is that the interlock is so smooth you can use it as "tiles" for the floor.

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  • Pran, Mangalore

    Fri, Jun 03 2011

    Instead correcting the flaws, there will be no surpise, if the Helmet will be imposed on the pedesterians Bus drivers, and passenger. Again a big bussiness, and a paradise door for the police

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  • AJAY, Birmingham ,UK

    Wed, Jun 01 2011

    Three things totally lacking or found to be deficient in India
    1.EDUCATION(with respect to driving ,observing rules)
    3.ENFORCEMENT(Corruption in police force. There is no lack of rules in India)

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  • raj, mangalore

    Wed, Jun 01 2011

    Answer all comments everyone read it. since i move in same road know the problem . our president had visited mangalore so within no time i can say within a day this place was covered with high qulity interlock which is not fit for road because its so slippery fit shines as if it is glass polished any vechicle may slip at any season . this is the main problem . Answer should be given BY our great great M C C . its better to play sckateing

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  • Alden, Mangalore

    Wed, Jun 01 2011

    who ever has contructed the road is real stupid... first of all all politicians n all don't have brains this is one major example....
    when we put interlocks at house we walk carefully during the rainy season thinking it will slip n fall... n if u put it on road that too in junctions n all... i would prefer to remove the interlocks n bang it on the head of the person who has asked to put interlocks on the road.....

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  • Shekar Moily padebettu, Padebettu/Udipi

    Wed, Jun 01 2011

    It is very disgusting to read some of the comments posted in this column by many people with different opinions.Also surprising to see how volvo bus could skidded off the road unless driver of the bus violate the traffic rule,which is very much common in Mangalore as far as my experience goes.No road manner,no discipline,rash driving,over speeding,rude attitude of the drivers etc are the main causes of all these accidents.Yes I do agree with some commentators there is a possibility for two wheelers,scooters,bikes etc to skid but for buses, heavy vehicles that is purely due to drivers negligence.That is all.

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  • Edward Pinto, Bendur, Mangalore

    Wed, Jun 01 2011

    A few days ago I was in Mangalore and have seen a city Bus hit the St. Agnes compound wall, fortunately there were no casualities.No doubt,the interlocking bricks laid in the Bendur junction have a mirror finish, laid hurryly without proper inspection, a day before our President's visit to Mangalore..... These inerlocking bricks are meant surely for pavements and not for the roads. The required surface roughness of bricks are not maintained considering local weather condition and for vehicle's safety. Alternatively, most of the heavy vehicle tyres are so smooth (use the tyre till its last breath) that the tread meant for road grip is no where existing in any vehicle tyre,resulting skidding of vehicle and accidents.I don't know whom to blame! Surely the ROAD and the VEHICLE, not the MCC or Traffic Dept.... for checks.

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  • Dylan, Bangalore

    Wed, Jun 01 2011

    The interlocking was laid in a hurry since the President of India had visited Mangalore (09th Dec 2010). The road was better and safe with all the potholes. When the roads are good the bus drivers are on fast track.

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  • laveena, united states

    Wed, Jun 01 2011

    this is situation about mangalore roads.................

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  • deepak Shetty, mangalore

    Wed, Jun 01 2011

    Dear People of Mangalore. Stop brakes on your stupid ideas and use your heads !!!! Its not he fault of Interlocks, But the filling below the Interlock section was done in Hurry due to the sudden arrival of the minister last year. It was done over night. Due to rain the loose soil and debris gave up the hold on the top interlocks and poor Bus driver gets the blame !!!

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  • Alex correa, shirva / dubai

    Wed, Jun 01 2011

    Interlock surface normlly gives good grip to vehicles.Which driver in india goes for driving skills training .Their knowlege is only to shift gears and drive.Any driver knows what is gravity and what is inertia.If any one knows these 2 things his vehicle will never shid as he knows to reduce the speed before turning and applying brakes.High time india develop training for drivers not only learning to drive

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  • joeal almeida, Mumbai

    Wed, Jun 01 2011

    It is true interlocks are not good for the roads, may be for the footpaths, i had asked a question on driving on the interlock to some of the BEST drivers in mumbai they had said "bahut carefully chalana padtha hai thar road ya concrete road ke jaisa nahin"
    Interlocks are being put on the roads are not with proper justification but it is because of the lobbying by the interlock making factories, it is been put just by one night whereas it takes lots of time to fix but no one bothers to see how the contractors do the work.

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  • JRAO,

    Wed, Jun 01 2011


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  • Sequeira Roshan, Managalore/Abu Dhabi

    Wed, Jun 01 2011

    My first and foremost concern is saftey of Pedestrains and school childreen.

    Road humps should be in place to reduce the speed of vehicales enterng the junction
    Insted of blameing the road surface driver should be driving inside the city specilly on a wet road.
    Let us be responsible

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  • ansar, MANGALORE

    Wed, Jun 01 2011

    QUALITY OF WORK..............

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  • jacobnelson, mumbai

    Wed, Jun 01 2011

    Dear Guru,
    please do not give that much guarantee!!!!
    If leg slips even ELEPHENT also falls..

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  • Zahin Aranha, Mangalore

    Wed, Jun 01 2011

    Preetha, as per your comment, we should quietly lap up everything thats given to us even if its substandard and poses a threat to people, is that right? Just because some work was done, doesn't mean we should keep quiet!

    And for the rest of you'll who are surprised that a VOLVO skidded off the road, ive got just one question for you! Does it have TCS or ABS or any of driver aids to help and control traction? No matter what tyres you have or how good they are be it MT, HT or AT tyres, with speed over 50km/ph, the inertia and momentum of a bus weighing so many tonnes coupled with the fact that moist concrete interlocks offer very little rolling resistance(friction), is enough to make it loose traction, drift off course and fishtail!
    Its about time a vehicle goes skidding off course and knocks down a pedestrian.

    P.S. This bus was doing at least 70-80km/ph.

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  • Carl, Bendure

    Wed, Jun 01 2011

    Mr antony. The interlocked road is perfect. The speeding bus has gone into a drain and then broken down the wall. Just for your info. Thanks.

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  • Pramod, Mangalore

    Wed, Jun 01 2011

    I am regular traveler in my royalenfield via same spot and Its true that many two wheel riders have fell in this place. Its because of smooth interlock paver. Authorities should immediately take action or many two wheelers will skid and fall.

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    Wed, Jun 01 2011

    first of all d interlocks dint cave in...d volvo lost control as d driver ws in a hurry to dump his passengers...its very smooth so ppl nd to drive slowly at d junctn

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  • Ramprashanth, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Wed, Jun 01 2011

    It is shocking to see a volvo skidding. It comes with great technology and i wonder at what speed the bus was going at the time of accident!. Luckily no one was injured.

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  • Preetha, Mangalore

    Wed, Jun 01 2011

    When the same junction was once having the worst road in the city, citizens wanted the road to be done up. Now that it has been done up so well you complain about the sheen and the smooth surface of the road. Will you for once, stop complaining and get more responsible as vehicle riders by first following proper road rules which also includes maintaining the right speed and that too at a junction?

    One feels like laughing at the report on this accident - a Volvo bus skidding because of smooth road surface! There is no policeman to monitor vehicular speed especially during school hours morning and evening. There are so many autos and cars using one way roads to their convenience by moving on the wrong side, creating utter confusion everyday. There is NO police to check on these rule breakers? There is NO traffic police deputed at such school zones every morning to ease the congestion. Hamare city mein sab chalta hai!!!

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  • john anthony, mangalore / qatar

    Wed, Jun 01 2011

    Right to Information... How does this new interlocked road space cave in within a few months of being laid out. Any one has any clue how our money was spent, and why should our money be again spent to redo this. The contractor must be pulled up and made to redo this road at his own cost, and also we need an explanation. If the explanation is not good enough, he must spend time in prison too.. Jai Hind

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  • Ceraj, mangalore

    Wed, Jun 01 2011

    In Mlore I have seen Bus tyres they don't mantain at all, Its totally worn out due to that no road grip on smooth surface...

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  • The Guru, Mangalore

    Wed, Jun 01 2011

    I can understand a bike skidding on a interlocks, i dont understand how a Volvo can skid, since these are high quality tyres.. did any one question the speed in which this Volvo was travelling????? if the bus goes in a normal speed (City Limits 40 KMPH) i dont think a Volvo can skid on any surface in any part of the world in any condition..

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  • vivian, mangalore

    Wed, Jun 01 2011

    Its very disappointing that even after number of incidents at the same spot the authorities have not taken necessary action and if interlocks are not replaced by tar we will have to witness many more such incidents in the coming rainy season.

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  • Ronald D, Udupi

    Wed, Jun 01 2011

    Do sand blasting and make the interlock surface rough! May be it will cost max 5 thousand Rs. Nobody will be interested since no scope for big side cash!!

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