Media Release
Mangaluru, Feb 4: St Joseph the Worker Church under the able guidance of Fr Anil Canute D’Mello celebrated SCC Day which echoed the thought that every sunrise is a poem written on the earth with words of light, warmth, faith, sacrificesand love.
The audience accorded a standing ovation to the dignitaries Fr Anil D’ Mello - parish priest, Fr Dr Joseph Martis - director, SCC - St Peter Deanery, brother Francis Rakesh, Francis Gonsalves and Usha Fernandes - vice president and secretary of parish pastoral council, Maurice Renjal - coordinator of 21 parish commissions, Sr Mavis and Sr Sujatha - superiors of Carmel Ashram and Holy Cross Convent , Joel Pereira – coordinator of Commission for Ecumenism, Laveena Saldanha and Shabitha Saldanha - former and newly appointed president of SCC. God’s benevolence was invoked by the SCC team through a prayer song.

The annual report was presented with joy by Laveena Saldanha that reflected and showcased the consolidated toil of the parish priest and the SCC through various activities, performances and achievements.
Parishioners rendering selfless services to the ward, parish and society in diverse fields - Clement Saldanha who superannuated from the Indian Army, Moira D'Souza - assistant professor at Father Muller Medical College Hospital, Sr Dr Prema Misquith BS, homeopathic doctor working in Mizoram State AIDS Control Society (MSACS), Dr Sandra Monis – resident medical officer, Beltangady, Derick Machado and Pius Vas - for completing the ICAI (CAExamination), Ravi Saldanha and Prakash Pereira - past vice president and Secretary of Parish Pastoral Council, Laveena Saldanha - former president of SCC and the secretaries of 16 wards were honoured and felicitated by the dignitaries on the dais. Pramila Rodrigues compered the stage programme. Fr Dr Joseph Martis in his thought-provoking message appreciated the indefatigable services of the parish priest in the smooth and active functioning of SCC in the parish. He further said, "SCC helps usto be in close relationship with others and to live the scripture and the teaching of the church in a spirit of fraternal love and service - that is visibly seen in the parish." He reiterated the words of Henry Ford “Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”
Fr Anil D’ Mello, in his inspirational presidential address acknowledged the efforts of the parishioners in making the day a unique and memorable one. He elaborated on the aspects of love, respect and understanding which are pre-requisites for the community building. He reciprocated thanks to the dignitaries on the dais with a memento. The celebration continued with ward wise acting out parables, miracles and stories from the Bible (as assigned to each ward) superbly and ingeniously thereby elucidating its relevance in the modern world. All the 16 wards of the parish participated with bubbling enthusiasm and high spirits bringing out the latent potentialities within them.
This was followed by a sumptuous meal (prepared by Joachim Vas and Team) that added joy and gave a deep sense of togetherness. Wilson Lobo and Gretta Vas were good and effective emcees who brought with them positive and energetic vibes on stage. Joel Renjal, Prakash Saldanha and Sheldon Peres captured photos and Jelroy Vas embedded video on YouTube. Joel Pereira welcomed the gathering and Shabitha Saldanha proposed the vote of thanks.
On the whole SCC Day was an occasion of feast and festivity which included the celebration of the talents of the parishioners.