Mangaluru: MCC urges domestic dog owners to get licence

Daijiworld Media Network – Mangaluru (MS)

Mangaluru, Nov 28: Stray dog menace has increased considerably in all the 60 wards of the Mangaluru City Corporation (MCC). Many have got bitten by these dogs. This will also cause rabies.

In order to prevent these incidents, the MCC has asked domestic dog owners to get licence from the city corporation.

In a publication MCC commissioner said, “Citizens should take application for licence from MCC for their domestic dogs. They need to provide vaccination record of the dog, Aadhar card of owner, NOC from neighbours and two photographs of the dog.

“The MCC will take stringent action on the owners of domestic dogs if they are found to allow their dogs to roam in streets and also if the dogs are found to cause inconvenience to public,” stated the publication from the commissioner.





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  • Nikhila P Rai, Mangalore

    Wed, Nov 29 2023

    This is the most foolish thing I have heard . In big metropolitan cities like Mumbai where population is soaring there is no such rule. Is it a joke.? Keeping a dog at home is not everybody s cup of tea. Is the corporation providing food and shelter to stray dogs? Pet owners shud agree to this only if corporation provided them with monthly maintenance for looking after dogs. And before passing any rule we want to see dog shelters run by the corporation in all parts of the city. Further taking no objection letter from the neighbours is utter nonsense. Are neibours going to provide food for our dogs ?? Corporation shud immediately take back their decision start a plan for dog shelters in all the wards.

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  • Rakesh, Mangalore

    Wed, Nov 29 2023

    What qualification is required to become a commissioner?

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  • J.F.D Souza, Attavar, Mangalore

    Wed, Nov 29 2023

    Recently in Kushalnagar (Madikeri) many street dogs were caught and transported to Forest area, Thithimathi Forest . Is it the proper way to deal dog menace like this? Then catch hold of all the street dogs and shift them to the nearby Forest area. What street dog lovers say about this?

    DisAgree [5] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rita, Germany

    Wed, Nov 29 2023

    MCC should have done it long ago Were they sleeping till now?Why took so long to see that stray dogs are causing menace to public.We pay even tax for the dog we own .MCC must comeout of their office to check each house if illegal dog is there.chip it and problem is not there .NOC frm neighbour?IS better many times dogs make a big noice that distrubs the nieghbour.or makes dirt on their way.

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  • Brian soans, Mangaluru

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    NOC from neighbors who are themselves indulging in illegal activities with active support of employees of MCC? It's too much of a joke! Moreover this law is not enforceable. Reason: Dogs also have equal rights to life and living. If these kind of crude jokes are thrwated on private citizen owning dogs who areuch more faithful to humans than MCC corruption filled people who Only fit in to warmtheir seats and hands it will be only apt to challenge such nonsical rules in court of law and surely MCC official will be made to pay for harming innocent animals under Animals rights act. Cruelty against animala by insensitive MCC and ruthless people is highly condemned

    DisAgree Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Bobato Charlie, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    Seems the MCC and its commissioner are pretty stupid to ask for NOC from neigbours. One can understand vaccination certificate. More importantly they should give a discount if the dog is sterilised/spayed! Get Real MCC!

    DisAgree [1] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rehna, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    Request the commissioner to come out of his AC room and take a ride in the Bondel Vamanjoot road and will find Mir than dozen if stray dogs causing nuisance’s for vehicles . First issue licence to these dogs. Secondly najing money. In the name of dogs .

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  • Ramesh Prabhu, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    NOC from neighbors? Ridiculous.

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  • real kujuma, kodial

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    License for breeding people will be released soon by Lord Sidda devaraya. Right now no restriction but since buses are free, hospital will also be free.

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  • kavi, vittal/dubai

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    There must be a registered number plate like vehicle to the dog in their neck showing the mobile no. of the owner of dog. 3rd party insurance for dogs is a must. Dog owner must be financially sound to pay compensation to the party against dog attack. Stray dogs and un-licenced dogs to be shot immediately

    DisAgree [28] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • A.P, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    Here in Mlore, dog owners take their dogs 🐕 for walk in the mornings and use the footpaths and roads as public loos for their dogs..When people own dogs, they should take the responsibility for their dogs shit like in the West or train them to use their home loos. It's disgusting 🫣 to get the stench and mess during one's morning walk The owners should be heavily fined. Why keep pets if you can't take the responsibility and create a mess and nuisance for the rest of the public. Why isn't the Swach Bharath norms not applicable to the dog owners ? I hope the MCC AUTHORITIES make note of this too.

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  • real kujuma, kodial

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    you have to put up with this when you live in third world highly corrupted country..cannot help.....mcc is the worst when it comes to corruption and favouritism....any big shots in and around city can do anything in manga land....they say aaar namma janaya.....aarena suddig povodchi...

    DisAgree [7] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • Monty Dotor, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    Dog license should be given only to dog owners who have a " dog loo" in their house. Fines for "doing it" outside.

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  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai-Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    @Monty; in places where children and elderly are forced to pee on the roadside (due to obvious reasons) because of acute lack of facilities, your expectations are way beyond anybody's imagination?

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  • G R PRABHUJI, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    To be Frank, our MCC failed to control stray dogs which increased nowadays. To divert their failure now they have brought this rule. I can't understand who's foolish idea they are introduced. First of all house keeping well.. Catch all stray dogs, then apply this rule.

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  • Harold Dcunha, Mangalore, India

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    The failure of MCC to eradicate street dog menace, to cover it up, they have found new distraction of method from the main issue, by urging urges domestic dog owners to get licence. MCC last 4 years have not able to control the street dog menace. Better to accept your failures .

    DisAgree [2] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • Nikhila P Rai, Mangalore

    Wed, Nov 29 2023

    First of all we need dog shelters in every ward for the stray dogs. Thank god we have people like Suma Nayak who take care of the stray dogs & fight for the rights of voiceless.

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  • G R PRABHUJI, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    How many dogs can one person can have in one house ?? Surely the day will come that one can't keep more than one dog.

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  • Gopi, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    There are several stray dogs in industrial areas. A pack of 6 to 7 dogs in one are, such several packs exist in this area. I have never heard these dogs attack anyone. They are very friendly and people love to feed them. They guard their area in the night. Yes sometimes they do bark at strangers with bags otherwise they don't create any problems

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  • real kujuma, kodial

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    go to some other area with same pack of dogs which you are not familiar with then you will know how dangerous they any case when you live in third world country these are the perils one has to put up is nearly impossible to walk after 10 or 11 anywhere around the city freely without the fear of dogs following or barking...

    DisAgree [10] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Rajeja Waterfront

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    Aadhar Card should be made compulsory for Dogs ...

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  • Christopher Lobo, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    Whats the logic for this licence First of all home pet dogs don't attack people randomly they are the street dogs and that too only if provoked or threatened or teased . So what about the licences for strays. This is a joke. Now neighbours who gave personal issues will take badla and NOC wow what. A requirement. Next will be PAN card for dogs.

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  • Savitha Shiv, Mlore

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    Why dont the government build a dog shelter where these dogs can be taken care off. Dogs are so much better than humans, @Babu Shenoy, Mangalore, are you out of your mind? You must be a dog hater. That lady knows it very well, that they too are a humble soul. We humans have conquered every nook and corner of the earth and we dont want animals, forget about animals, we do not want humans staying around us.

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  • David Pais, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    Dogs are better than Humans???!!! Astonishing!!!???

    DisAgree [4] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai -Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    In third world countries human beings have zilch value; so many children are going to sleep on an empty stomach without shelter; then how can we even think 🤔 of dog shelters??

    DisAgree [5] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dr Kumari Kusuma MBBS DGO DNB, Nellore/Kodyadka

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    We must make sure all Dogs are immunized and given license so that they ar reared properly. We must take care of Dogs because they are such lovely animals. They need proper care, Dogs are such wonderful animals. And we must look after them well

    DisAgree [4] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai-Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 28 2023


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  • Babu Shenoy, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    Speaking of stray dogs, one can find hundreds of them roaming on the streets of Mangalore all over. If you take a walk early in the morning, you’ll find hundreds of them, some of them ready to pounce on you. Since I am a regular walker on the same stretch of road, they are used to me and they don’t pay any attention to me. There are some kind persons who carry biscuits in their pocket while going for a walk and throw them at the dogs along the way, thereby increasing the stray dog menace. I am particularly intrigued by a lady who comes every morning before 5:00 a.m. to a certain spot with home cooked food and serves them to the stray dogs with so much devotion. I suspect some Thippa Joisa must have told her that one of her departed close relatives is coming there every day in his/her new reincarnation as a stray dog, and this lady must be doing her filial duty towards her dear departed relative. What plans does the Municipal Corporation have for such cases? Who has to buy a license for such dogs?

    DisAgree [22] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Allfred, MANGALORE

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    NOC from the neighbours for what...Very soon I will take you the court for doing illegal activities inside the MCC

    DisAgree [5] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • Deshbhakt, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    Exactly. I was about to say that too

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  • Af,,,, mangaluru

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    if all families within city corporation is doing a licence for dog then corporation will get more than 25 crores out of it. good revenue

    DisAgree [1] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • dcosta de kadri, Kadri

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    how does, getting a licence to prevent rabies and dog bite,.if dog bites whose licence and photo will they check and were will the photos be, This is sure madness by Mcc, They are passing the buck to common people uneducated MCC.

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  • Pamy, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    Good move by MCC Every morning the dog walks where the owner takes the dog for a walk who makes the dog shit on roadside pedestrian area, which creates problem to all.

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  • suhail, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    Whats the hidden charges for this license. looks like now the governments is depending on the dogs income , coz there are lots of pet shops minting crores of rupees

    DisAgree [12] Agree [30] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rakshith, Kulshekar, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    Suhail, pet shops minting crores of rupees? really? Why don't you put a pet shot and mint crores of money? This is a problem in this country, if somebody has invested money and he is making profit, they think they are minting crores of rupees? What's wrong in earning profit? Are petshop owners here to do charity?

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  • Arif, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    Dog with owner address 😜😜 hanging on neck will be better along with mobile number and photo

    DisAgree [5] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Monty Dotor, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    My neighbour Ka Kutta always does his "business " in front of my gate. I have photographed him and his owner ( both males but only the former " doing it") , after dog license "guarantee " is over , I will complain. Hope MCC takes action. Fault of the owner ,Baaki Sab Changa Si....

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  • Cynthia, Dk

    Tue, Nov 28 2023


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  • Arun, Mglore

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    Nonsense money makings idea

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  • Sameer, Bikarnakatte

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    There is a house in Padavu ward bikarnakatte which has more than 10 dogs, the house is full of dogs, apparently the lady has high political connections which is causing neighbors to suffer, not just the dogs inside the home, there are street aggressive dogs in front of her house, all the dogs create nuisance and as there is water canal in front of the house bike riders are under tremendous pressure to avoid the dogs and also maintain balance as to not fall in drain, it is mind boggling to imagine such a state of affairs in the residential areas in Mangalore

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  • Mohan, Bikarnakatte

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    I think you are referring to the house near Naga Rakteshwari temple when we take left from serrao road. Yes, it is a nuisance and even the people walking there suffer from the foul smell and menacing dogs.

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  • Netizen, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    Eventhough the owner had connetion with political influenced parties , yet at the end of the day only neigbours and passerby to blame for not doing enough to stop the nuissnce

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  • Mohan, Bikarnakatte

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    Passerby and neighbours have already complained. Corporation representatives claim that she hasn't violated any law for them to take action.

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  • Prakash, Manipal

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    This is a welcome step but must be implemented without partiality... Circumventing the regulations is the most commonly ignored phenomenon when it comes to an influential dog owner... Many people get a wicked thrill by watching people being troubled by their pet dogs... They often to tend to call back the dog a bit too late... Any bite to the passerby public must follow hefty fines, medico psychological compensation to the victim and warning system... Greater danger is from stray dogs and measures must be undertaken to feed them, take care of the old n sick ones and regular vaccination/sterilization to prevent proliferation...

    DisAgree [3] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossy D Souza, Urwa

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    Can problem of stray dogs be solved by imposing licence on domestic pet dogs?

    DisAgree [6] Agree [60] Reply Report Abuse

  • real kujuma, kodial

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    this is called MUNDASU MOLA MUVATHERADU...andher nagari chowpat raja...brashta party brainless decisions

    DisAgree [11] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse

  • Max, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    Rightly said, regulating per dogs to tackle stray dogs, utter nonsense

    DisAgree [2] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • nitin shetty, bangalore, udupi

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    very good decision. waited for long for this license.

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  • Crasta, Mangalore

    Thu, Nov 30 2023

    There should be some system, at vyasnagar entire area is filled with street dogs. Children scares to walk, incidents of of vehicle accident took place. People who likes dog..they will carry food at road and feed them. Suggested to take the dogs at homes and feed them. Requested MCC to take action first on street dogs.

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  • ashish, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    Is this paratical ?? will dog wear license ?

    DisAgree [4] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • Roshan Patrao, Traffic Warden, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    How does obtaining licence by the owners prevent their dogs from biting people? There are more serious problems in the city. Instead of attending on them and finding a solution, the MCC is doing this kind of stupid things. In Ward No. 50 (Alape South), near the railway underpass the manhole is overflowing with sewage since more than a week. Everyday thousands of people pass through this spot and also wait for bus. However, the Corporator seems to be totally ignorant of this health hazard. Some civil work is going on but nobody knows what is its use and what will be its oucome. Interestingly, the sewage treatment plant at Bajal/Jalligudda is not functioning and yet people have given connection to the sewage line. When I asked the Corporator Shobha Poojary about the functioning of the sewage treatment plant and connecting our domestic sewage line to the main line she said the plant works and connection can be given.

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  • Praveen, Mangalorean

    Tue, Nov 28 2023

    In order to prevent these incidents, the MCC has asked domestic dog owners to get a licence from the city corporation. What's the connection between domestic dog owners and stray dogs? 1st control stray dogs then bring this type of law. By the way, all who own dog has vaccinated their pets ?

    DisAgree [3] Agree [59] Reply Report Abuse

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