Kuwait: St Arethas Holy Relic reception held at St Therese

Media Release

Kuwait, Jun 20: St Therese of Child Jesus parish – Salmiya received the Holy Relic of St Arethas. Holy Relic was collected from Fr Roswin Pires, parish priest of Our lady of Arabia Parish, Ahmadi, by Fr Savio D’Souza, parish priest of St Therese, and the core committee.

During the handover Fr Savio D’Souza had explained the different class of relics. “We are privileged to have the relics of St Arethas and it is a moment of grace to honour the Saint,” stated by Fr Savio D’Souza.

The relic of St Arethas was given to Apostolic Vicariate of Northern Arabia (AVONA) by the patriarch of Constantinople.

The reception ceremony began with a procession. The procession was led by the rosary Girls followed by altar servers and all the priests. It was a mesmerising moment to see 45 children from the parish who welcomed St Arethas relics by holding plates with rose petals and candles. The relic was carried by Fr Savio and placed on the Altar followed by the welcome prayer. The Holy Rosary was prayed with special intentions, and this was followed by the Novena to Mary, Help of Christians.

A solemn Mass was concelebrated by seven priests, Fr Savio D’Souza parish priest, main celebrant, Fr Joe Fernandes, Fr Johnson Nedumpurath, Fr Derrick Misquitha, Fr James Tuscana, Fr P C James, and Fr William Albuquerque in honour of St Arethas and soon after the communion prayers the St Arethas Litany and prayers were recited.

Fr Johnson, the spiritual guide for the St Arethas Core Committee gave a vote of thanks. All the associations and groups supported this event with their presence and around 500 parishioners attended the welcome ceremony and Eucharist.

“It was one of the best events witnessed in the Salmiya church with all different communities being involved,” commented one of the parishioners Alvira. A special hymn was sung to St Arethas and his companions as the relics were venerated by the parishioners. The relics will be exposed daily in the church for private veneration.




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