Unveiling cinematic brilliance: Konkani Natak Sabha's spectacular debut with 'Christachem Janan'

Media Release

Mangaluru, Jun 24: The first production presented by the Konkani Natak Sabha (KNS) is a cinematic play ‘Christachem Janan’, a deeply moving depiction of the story of the birth of Jesus Christ. This eagerly awaited cinematic play is all set for its imminent premiere. This cinematic play is principally produced to mark the Catholic Church's Ordinary Jubilee 2025, focusing on the theme 'Pilgrims of Hope’. Audiences are eager to witness the blend of traditional storytelling with modern cinematic techniques. The production promises not only to capture the essence of the nativity but also to bring it to life in a way that resonates with contemporary viewers.


Liston Derric D'Souza, as the vice president of Konkani Natak Sabha, has been instrumental in the successful staging of the film-inspired play ‘Christachem Janan’. The theatrical production was originally presented at Konkani Natak Sabha as a play in 1961, penned by MP D'Sa. The timeless nature of its narrative ensures that it continues to be relevant and impactful, touching the hearts of new generations. The cast with 300 artists has been thoughtfully curated, showcasing seasoned actors renowned for their ability to infuse depth and authenticity into their respective roles. Renowned directors Dolla Mangaluru and Melwin Almedia (Mellu Valencia), known for their innovative vision, have meticulously overseen the production to ensure each scene resonates with visual splendor and emotional impact. Joel Pereira masterfully crafted the screenplay, lyrics, and music, while Danel Jaison and Prajwal Suvarna skillfully captured the cinematography. Urban Groove executed the choreography with precision, and Alwyn D’Souza and Liston D’Souza Bajal were responsible for the striking set design. Loy Valentine Saldanha composed the background music, CAD Media managed the dubbing, Mr Shinoy Joseph handled the SFX, and the poster was artfully designed by RVN Studio.

The grand inauguration of the cinematic play took place on December 4, against the picturesque backdrop of Bajal church ground. Fr Rocky D'Cunha OFM Cap, the esteemed president of Konkani Natak Sabha, cordially greeted the attendees. Subsequently, Fr Andrew D'Souza parish priest, Bajal church offered his blessings for the success of the endeavor. Among the distinguished guests were Fr Ronald Serrao, the rector of St Joseph Seminary Jeppu; Walter Nandalike, the reputable founder and managing director of Daijiworld Media Pvt Ltd; Anil Lobo, the chairman of MCC Bank Ltd; Denis D'Silva, a prominent youth leader and entrepreneur; and Santhosh Sequeira, a notable philanthropist and entrepreneur, all serving as guests of honour for the auspicious occasion.

During the event, Walter Nandalike emphasized the partnership between Konkan Natak Sabha and Daijiworld media, assuring extensive publicity through Daijiworld media. Anil Lobo expressed his delight regarding the project. Other guests of honour conveyed their best wishes for the success of the theatrical production.

Noteworthy figures present at the event included Liston D'Souza, the vice president of Konkani Natak Sabha, Floyd D'Mello, the general secretary, Gerald Concesso, the treasurer, and Cletus Lobo, the joint secretary. Pretham Noronha served as the programme's host and delivered the vote of thanks.

The first look poster was officially released by philanthropist, Micheal D’Souza, on June 22 at KNS Mini Hall. The cinematic play is all set to be premiered on September 9 and 11 at Big Cinemas, Bharath Mall in Mangaluru, with plans for subsequent screenings in diverse parishes within the Mangalore and Udupi dioceses. Additionally, there are intentions to exhibit the production in Mumbai and various Gulf countries.

‘Christachem Janan’ serves as a supportive initiative for the endeavors of the Konkani Natak Sabha. The production team behind the movie has conscientiously depicted numerous biblical narratives, shedding light on lesser-known details surrounding the nativity of Jesus Christ, gleaned from historical accounts and ecclesiastical sources.

As anticipation builds, the Konkani Natak Sabha extends an invitation to all to partake in this historic cinematic event. Enthusiasts of religious drama, history buffs, and supporters of regional arts alike will find ‘Christachem Janan’ a remarkable addition to the cultural tapestry of Konkani theatre. This landmark production not only celebrates the birth of Christ but also heralds a new era for Konkani cinema, paving the way for future endeavors that honour and preserve the rich traditions of the community.





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