Udupi: Death of MIT Student Sparks off Huge Protest, Director Resigns

Udupi: Death of MIT Student Sparks off Huge Protest, Director Resigns

Daijiworld Media Network - Udupi (PS)

Udupi, Mar 16: Chaos prevailed at Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT) and Manipal University here on Thursday March 15 following the death of a student in an accident.

Ishan Nihalani (21), a native of Rajasthan and second year student of bachelor of engineeing at MIT, sustained head injuries after falling off the college bus on March 10. He had been hanging on the bus footboard, reportedly due to lack of space in the bus, and fell off when the bus took a turn enroute to college from the hostel.

On Thursday, Ishan Nihalani succumbed to his injuries at KMC hospital in Manipal, which provoked the students to agitate against the management. However, sources in the hostel told Daijiworld that Ishan Nihalani had in fact died two days ago, but the hospital authorities delayed the announcement to avoid sparking off protests.

The students first met MIT director Dr Kumkum Garg and demanded strict action against the driver of the bus, alleging that he had driven the bus rashly which led to Ishan Nihalani's death. However, Dr Garg is said to have refuted their claims and said that it was Ishan Nihalani's mistake and his carelessness that cost him his life.

Angered at this, the irate students went on a rampage at around 4.30 pm, breaking the gate of the college, pelting stones and smashing the glass at the entrance.

They then marched off to Manipal University campus and held a massive protest wherein nearly two thousand students joined them. They demanded the immediate resignation of Dr Garg and raised slogans.

This was perhaps for the first time that such a huge protest was being witnessed in Manipal University.

University vice-chancellor Dr K Ramnarayan tried to pacify the crowd and held discussion with the students. He suggested that Dr Garg could go on leave for sometime and the joint director take charge in her absence. He also offered to give the students three days' off to condole the death of their collegemate, and said that he was willing to hold another round of talks on Saturday March 17.

However, the students were adamant and refused to comply with Dr Ramnarayan's suggestions. They firmly reiterated their demand for Dr Garg's resignation, and refused to budge from their stance.

Finally, Dr Garg tendered her resignation in the presence of pro-chancellor H S Ballal, registrar Vinod Bhat, and staff G K Prabhu. Only then the students were pacified.

Police had to rush to the spot to control the mob. Udupi DySP Prabhudev Mane and circle inspector Girish were among the police staff.


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  • An MITian, Manipal

    Sun, Jul 22 2012

    Guys let me tell you!!
    Never blame the students!!
    When they have to suspend a student, they dnt look back!
    When they hav to suspend a director when asked by 4000 students they think 100 times!!
    Why this Injustice?

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  • Joy, Shimoga

    Sat, Apr 07 2012

    A case of greed and callousness. Too few bus for students, insensitive comment. Should be treated as man-slaughter by the institure & Director taken to task

    DisAgree [2] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • EM, Udupi

    Wed, Mar 21 2012


    Would you please mind scrolling down the page and reading the comments..
    There aren't enough buses and thats the only reason why this incident happened.. There are only 4 buses for about 1800 students from 9th and 10th blocks!! And you say wait for the next bus!!!

    DisAgree [5] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Uttam, Fremont, CA

    Mon, Mar 19 2012

    The final line of the report reads as "Police had to rush to the spot to control the mob. Udupi DySP Prabhudev Mane and circle inspector Girish were among the police staff."

    If the protest was peaceful, how can the police characterize this crowd as a "MOB"?

    It appears that the police have reached a conclusion without sufficient evidence to support this conclusion.

    Is this how the police in Udipi / Manipal conduct their investigations - a case of "Damn the evidence or the lack thereof, simply damn the people who may not be guilty."????

    DisAgree [1] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Olivia Moras , Mangalore / Toronto, Canada

    Mon, Mar 19 2012

    This is what I want to say. After the accident students didn't attack anyone, didn't take Law in to their hands, they were peaceful. But when an arrogant comment came from their own Director Mrs. Garg that’s when they reacted. Management needs to be more understanding dealing with young blood. Mrs. Garg should have been careful while commenting keeping in view of the sentiments of the students.
    MIT has to introduce some buses for it’s students!. They take huge capitation fee. Got to spend some money. They know majority students come from Mangalore, help them with the transport. This will add to their reputation as well.
    I am very sorry about Ishaan. Heartfelt condolences to his parents, family and all MIT students who love him so much. May his soul rest in Peace.
    Just a note to all MIT students, sometimes things may not go in your favor. Try to maintain your composure, acting in the fit of the moment may not help. You all have long way to go. May God bless you all. Good luck with your career.

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  • Archana, Mumbai / Mangalore

    Mon, Mar 19 2012

    Its sad to hear the new about death of Ishaan. May his soul rest in peace

    I would just like to tell everyone who has commented here that this is a place where anyone can comment and its only up to the editor to decide which comments to be put up and which not. Instead of commenting something good or bad why are people fighting here saying why do you comment here giving reasons. Even i am not a MITian which doesnt mean that i cant comment on a subject related to MITian. Atleast as a human we can comment. so please stop this fighting on small matters and making it a big issue. Instead think of what better can be done after the incident which has taken the life of Ishaan

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  • MightyMITian, California

    Sat, Mar 17 2012

    MIT needs proffies like Prof.KK once more...DGP/VC/Princi all rolled into one...

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  • jamil ahmed, udupi/qatar

    Sat, Mar 17 2012

    Dear Budding Engineer, I was also a student of MIT. I would like to inform you that, what has happened is not correct and no one can be blamed. However concerned authorities should ensure SAFETY and INTERGRITY of the students and their people as a top priority. Studentand people who run the institution are assets and need to be governed properly within the frame work of SAFETY.
    My strong suggestion is to allocate 5% of KPI’s on SAFETY< to benchmark a difference of MIT at a National and International level. This includes Transporation (MIT owned and not owned) for commuting to college nnd timely attendance. Avoid such incidents and near miss incidents, which needs to be recorede and actioned on time. Safety at work also including mess facilities should be covered. I hope MIT is accredetied with OSHAS or ISO cerificates, which needs to be revisted by the certifying authorities and corrective actions needs to be propoed.

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  • capt.cornelio, udyavar

    Sat, Mar 17 2012

    i am familiar with manipal.all my sympathies to the family of late ishan.most students from manipal are out siders.have you all seen them driving recklessly in manipal.many are lucky to ve alive the kind of life they are leading.My 2 sons are also are ex manipal.students pl remeber you have gone ther to study and not for protest march.if bus is full wait for the next and dont blame the institute as it is one of the best in the country.thats why you are there.

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  • Herald, EX MIT Student

    Sat, Mar 17 2012

    I agree with the comments of 1st year Student. One life is lost, due to the negligence of the driver. Before comenting check who is a an adult, is the driver or the student, who is expected to be more responsible?
    I always stress and request all the Educational Institues to hire only PATIENT Drivers for their School Transport.

    How can the Management hold the news for two days? Is it a punishable offence?

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  • Claudette Fernandes, Mangalore

    Sat, Mar 17 2012

    The passing away of Ishan Nihalani (21), a class-mate of my son, is indeed a very shocking,sorrowful, tragedy which words cannot express.
    My heartfelt sympathy & condolences to his parents.I pray that God gives them the strength to bear this sudden sad loss. May Ishan's soul rest in peace.

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  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    Hi Students, take responsibility of your own wrong doings..!!??? If there was no space in the bus do not board that bus and inform the college about it. It is sad that one life had to be wasted to inform the management...!!?? Directors comment on this sad accident were uncalled for. She Deserves it may be..!!??

    DisAgree [10] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • MIT Student, 1st Year, Udupi

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    This is for all you people who commented on this article....

    Firstly,learn to spell.

    Secondly, This article was written just to inform you about what happened here in MIT on 15.03.2012. If you are not a student of MIT or have not been here for about 4 years prior to 2012, please read the article and keep your views to yourself. You will never understand why this happened unless you were a STUDENT here.

    What you're complaining about is the violence you see in the pictures. What you are not seeing is the unity of thousands of students fighting for 1 student, who died because of the ignorant attitude of the ex-director kumkum garg.

    If a first year who does not even know much about this college felt the rage of our fellow seniors, you would know there was something very wrong here that led to something this big.

    DisAgree [31] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse

  • derek, Boston

    Fri, Mar 16 2012


    Even though your name says VP , or maybe Vice president, but nobody ahs the right to take LAW in your own hands..

    Before you accuse Ms.Garg on her snobbishenss what qualifications do you have to judge on who is snobbish or not. OR is it your personal assumption ?

    You rightly potrayed that students felt frustrated and hatred, but what right do students have for such behaviour and against whom?

    Ms. garg is not a bus driver nor she is the personal assistant or mother of any student/s in thier daily perosnal life. That is ABSOLUTE student's RESPONSIBLITY. The student has to take PERSONAL responsibility of thier own life & destiny.

    P.S. VP....I maybe thousands of miles away from HOME but I am not STUPID!!

    DisAgree [11] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dr Kusuma Kumari G , Nellore/Kodyadka

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    Ofcorse saftey should be the first priority on campus when students are chrged such high fee.Safety comes first everything else must be secondary, Adequate buses must be avaialble in hostels to transport students and adequate money should eb allocated for safefty measures against fire etc I am sure Manipal Univeristy will do all these They are known as good administrators and people in life

    DisAgree [1] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jigmig, Mangalolre

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    It is the responsibility of Management to provide enough no. of buses as there will be no chance for hanging out and travelling. All students are paying equal amount for transport then some have to hang and travel. If the management provides enough buses with seating arrangement this type of incidents will never happen in future.

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  • Jaimini P.B., Manipal/Sharjah

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    I request Management to give good compensation to Ishan's parents and provide more bus fecilities to students or else we can expect one more accident.I feel sorry for Dr Garg but can't help.She should have informed Management about bus problem in advance.

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  • S K RAINA, Delhi

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    How can the principal defend an errant driver and blame a student who is no more. Very strange autocracy. Negligent Driver is better than an educated student??

    When I studied in MIT 1973-78, the faculty was very sensitive about such incidents and would go out of way to help students and the breaved families.

    It is the right decision to sack such people who are indifferent to students.

    God bless our MIT. We owe a lot to our Almameter

    DisAgree [7] Agree [37] Reply Report Abuse

  • John DSouza, Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    Very sad and sorrowful, youngsters sacrifice lives every day on roads.
    Private vehicles and two wheelers have been multiplied, which are occupying the most of the roads blocking the public transport vehicles (which carry major portion of commuters). There is no increase in the number of public vehicles as per the increased number of passengers. The passengers are carried like goods (not as human beings) and without proper safety.
    Unless we seriously think of a concept change to reduce fuel consumption, reduce air pollution and sound pollution, increase capacity and decrease the cost, in special consideration of social, economic and environmental concerns.
    If this view gets support, we can have a revolutionary change in land transport for amazing benefits and incredible benefits.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • wellwisher, uae

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    Dear respectable futures of the country, may his soul RIP.The younger generation should spend every morning just five minuites ,Reserved for meditation,-"BASICS Points Plan for the day" be responsible for every step forward, and contemplate on Humility and conserve the Synergies of natures forces, when you ever dare to stand on the footboard of any moving Transport, if you were smart the Diplomacy and unity at MIT can effectively get many more Buses, a little honesty in your flare up response ,and be respectful to your experienced Superiors,being resilient by force will not alter the Natures Laws of Basic Physics.

    DisAgree [21] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse


    Fri, Mar 16 2012


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    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    Its sad to hear about Ishan's death

    It seems that the management behaviour towards students of MIT being a bit casual, though back in the day they were still student friendly.

    college has grown in many aspects but that doesnt give the right to the management to ignore the students basic needs like safety.

    The driver driving rash, makes the driver faulty i agree but people who think Ms. Garg should not have been ousted from her office for this incidence i think they have got their heads in the wrong place ... she is the person responsible at the end of the day for the happenings on the campus .. A Mammoth structure is built on the campus and the praise goes to the top management but when such mishaps happen how can they shy away from the responsibility.

    I dont understand the psyche of the people who are so easily saying that Ms. Garg is right about the ten minutes comment ... I understand punctuality is an important vice in a persons life .. but being not punctual is not a good reason that could lead to a persons death. Its too high a cost for being late, which could be certainly avoided by having more buses running. If the management has decided to not let the students have their own vehicles it should make sure that they are provided safe and good facilities for their travel.

    In the intervening period infrastructure has changed in the past 7-8 yrs . A good number of hostels have been constructed but students' welfare has been ignored at large . Poor Mess / canteen facilities associated with each hostel compell students to take food outside in Hotels . Management of MIT even find fault in it too against students, although exorbitant fees is charged from parent to ensure such facilities within campus.
    Again May Ishan RIP and hope this brings some sense into the managements head and they start behaving like the people responsible and take action with immediate effect towards transport system for students of MIT . MANAGEMENT Can allow auto stand too in front of each hostel to cmmute on sharing basis to attent classes. A good no of buses should be ensured and no student to be allowed in buses in standing condition . It is primary requirement which students should get for peace of mind to excell in their carrer.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dr S Kamath, Mumbai

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    Looking at the Tone of Various Comments and even the news report .The Protest by MIT students is not regarding the Death of the student but against DR Garg who hasbeen insensitive .May be Dr Garg had shown similar callous attitude even before and hence it is prudent to put heading to this news report as MIT students protest against Dr Garg than about Death of a student

    DisAgree [6] Agree [68] Reply Report Abuse

  • ME, Udupi

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    The students are preparing a memorandum to be submitted to the police so that the driver of the bus is not made a scapegoat in this case!!! It was not the fault of the bus driver.. It was the fault of the authorities that they did not provide enough buses.. You please get your facts right before making any comment..
    I suggest you read Manipal Blog or The Manipal Journal.. You will get the facts..

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  • Mohammad Salauddeen Bantwal, Panemangalore

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    and yea MITians, just Mrs. Garg's resignation won't solve the problem against which you guys are protesting. Please make sure that the management will provide enough buses. May Ishan's soul RIP.

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  • Mohammad Salauddeen Bantwal, Panemangalore

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    Dear MITians, you guys done a great job. I remember a similar incident when i was in 12th. My college was located just beside NH48 and there was no Cafeteria or Canteen inside the campus. There were around 1200 students from LKG till 12th. One bad day, a class 7 boy got hit by a car while he was returning from lunch and he died on spot. and the principal commented he should have brought lunch box with him from home. This enraged us and the next day we protested in the college to open a canteen inside the campus. The management took very harsh step and witheld our hall tickets and also threatened us that they will put bad conduct in our TCs. but our parents firmly stood with us and the management finally agreed to open a canteen inside the campus in next academic year. I proudly say that we fought for a cause and we won.

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  • Joel, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    Guys don't you think you should have done this protest much earlier in demand of few more busses? Don't you think you waited for a long time? Even now your main focus should be how to avoid this kind of accidents in future? Or demanding the management for few more busses than just asking the director to resign?

    DisAgree [5] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sumithra J , Kundpaura

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    This is a very sad incidence The management should make all efforts to provide more buses to transport studnets from Hostel to College and then these kind of incidence should not happen again in Manipal Because life is very precious especially when they have paid so much of money to the college

    DisAgree [3] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Victor Alvares, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    Ms. Garg seems to be a disciplined and upright person to the dislike of students.

    Students you are the prospective engineers!! Please keep in mind because you too will face similar situation for sure.

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  • jamil ahmed, udupi/qatar

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    MIT authorities should consider top priorities on SAFETY. Loosing valuable life is not a good sign. Poor students who come from across the country and world wide in need of education should be gaurded as per Safety procedures of the University. No one can be blamed for this incident. However speed limits within campus facilities shall be implemented immediately any breach of regulations points should be counted and authorities concerned shall take appropriate action. The buses plying from Hostels to Collge and back should not have passengers other than available sitting capacity. More standard buses for conveyance shold be put in service. Everyone should ensure that, this type or incidensta or near miss incidents shall not repeat. Any one breaching Safety shall report to college authorities. ALL incidents shall be recoreded with action plans.

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  • Ex Mitian, Delhi

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    Its sad to hear about Ishan's death

    Being an Ex Mitian proud that the students just sit and dwell about it and took some action

    Being a non local student i have experienced the management behaviour towards us being a bit casual, though back in the day they were still student friendly.

    I dont understand the psyche of the people who are so easily saying that Ms. Garg is right about the ten minutes comment ... I understand punctuality is an important vice in a persons life .. but being not punctual is not a good reason that could lead to a persons death. Its too high a cost for being late, which could be certainly avoided by having more buses running. If the management has decided to not let the students have their own vehicles it should make sure that they are provided safe and good facilities for their travel.

    Though i disagree with some who say the infrastructure has not changed in the past 7-8 yrs the college has grown in many aspects but that doesnt give the right to the management to ignore the students basic needs like safety.

    The driver driving rash, makes the driver faulty i agree but people who think Ms. Garg should not have been ousted from her office for this incidence i think they have got their heads in the wrong place ... she is the person responsible at the end of the day for the happenings on the campus .. A Mammoth structure is built on the campus and the praise goes to the top management but when such mishaps happen how can they shy away from the responsibility.

    I agree student violence was not the brightest moment of the protest but you cannot expect teenagers who have lost their batch mate to such an incidence to sit down and do a protest like anna hazare. Though i dont support the violence but i would not highlight that point and take away the credit from the students of what they have achieved.

    Again May Ishan RIP and hope this brings some sense into the managements head and they start behaving like the people responsible.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ronald D'Costa, Bhayandar, Puttur - Mumbai

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    Lord,take our brother Ishanth's soul in your paradise,Protests,strikes,etc necessary but its within limit,students and teachers or management are like connecting two ends of the huge bridge together,we have to build the valuable relation bridge in between these groups ,otherwise unfortunate cases like stabbing teachers,slapping principal,etc will happen,I am not happy about these students action because damaging the property,breaking glass etc of your own institution its like your own home will mot give justice to our brother Late Ishant's soul,please ensure proper investigation & proper action is needed.

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  • An MITian, Manipal

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    Maintaining emotional intelligence during fear or crisis is one of the hardest things to do. It’s also one of the most important.
    People who aren't here do not know why the students did what they did. To study at MIT our parents shell out lacs each year and we aren't provided with even the most basic facilities like transport from hostel to college.
    And when the accident happened, the cold-hearted authorities blamed the student for not leaving for class early. What do they expect us to do? In that case we should just carry sleeping bags to our lecture halls and live there.
    There are several things the management could have done to avoid the incident in the first place. It happened due to sheer negligence. MIT students are angry because they receive second class treatment as compared to KMC. All those commenting here, please get your facts right before you blame the students. Sites like Manipal blog and the Manipal journal might help you do that.

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  • Desmond, Udupi - Manipal

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    I am from Udupi-Manipal and visit campus daily. The Campus bus of MIT picks up students and s them to the College (all inside the campus). The hostellers rush to the bus daily at the last minute knowing that it they missed the bus they will be late and same thing repeat daily(late lathif???). The Actual fact as reported by eye witness is the deceased student ran along with others students and climbed the moving bus and stood near the steps as the bus was full. The door was not properly closed. In the turn he lost the balance and fell down on road head first which was fatal. The student wanted action against the Driver for which the Director Mrs. Kusum Garg, replied she cannot take action as it was student’s mistake. This was the reason student got agitated.

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  • KS, Manipal

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    Mr. Krishnaraj, the entire college is not made up of fools. If you are not a student of this college then I am pretty sure u have never been to MIT either. The fact that people were angry at the directors comment was because such an accident was bound to happen. There are over 5000 students and very few buses to ply. There used to be a mad rush for the buses during class hours and the drivers think of the college road as a racetrack. All these problems and more had been informed to the director since last year. But as usual no one listens till you get a shock and the shock in this case was the death of a student trying to go to his class. And about you telling to get up early by 10 mins, the same accident could have happened in the afternoon classes also, because the situation is the same. The hostels are more than a mile away from the college, so if someone has to walk that distance every time, everyday it will be difficult for him/her to even reach the class in time. The people revolted against the director because she was not interested in the welfare of the students and it was not a healthy environment for our growth. So before you start commenting, please try and get your facts straight. Don't just comment like a moral leader sitting in your home because you found the events disturbing. Try to find out the reason for it before you speak. People are resilient by force not by nature.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [35] Reply Report Abuse

  • Don, udupi/blore

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    RIP Ishan.. Pelting stones to the college premises is not correct rather it should have been towards the driver and Dr Garg...

    DisAgree [13] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • MIT ians, III sem., Manipal

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    Mr. Krishnaraj, Mangalore, when 'you neither know the deirector nor you are a student of this college...' why the hell you comment? you please mind your buisness.

    DisAgree [15] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Proud MITian, bangalore

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    No wonder,most of the people commenting here feel it's not the administration's mistake and student's. I know you have your justifications and examples( bihari student's natural death).Well, i have spent my 4 years there and have heard nothing of the kind but if people who haven't been on the receiving end of the authority's despotic handling of the situation feel protests and demands are not our cup of tea,i can not expect any better comments!! the students of MIT did all the right things this time,and someone someday has to stand against the wrong being done.RIP Brother.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Harsha Malhotra, Mangalore/New Delhi

    Fri, Mar 16 2012


    what's the use to say may soul rest in peace...!!! Dr.Garg his female and not male..!! studious scholors always having intelligent brain and weak body..!!! it's totally mistake of student and not of management.. !!! just check if any gals standing nearby if his leaning too much outside bus..!!! why to blame driver...??????

    DisAgree [39] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jaimini P.B., Manipal,Sharjah

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    Yesterday:Mamata Banerjee Hijacked Manmohan Singh
    Today : MIT students Hijacked Management.
    Both actions didn't go in a right track.

    DisAgree [27] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • viji, Baroda

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    Loosing a very precious life is shattering for any parent. I am fully aware of the situation at Manipal and infact the students demand for more buses and resignation of Mrs. Garg, is fully justified, esp in view of her causal remarks. The management cannot even provide adequate number of buses for the students, its basic necessity. Three cheers for the students in putting up a united front.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse


    Fri, Mar 16 2012


    Excellent thoughts and queries to ENGINEER VINAYAK PRABHU MANGALORE.Dr Garg had a responsibility to manage 2000 plus students which is not a joke and in the process she might be very strict, but her causal statement regarding incident could be bit diplomatic which could avoided this scene.For the trivial reasons insisting for Director's head is unprecedented and too harsh.

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  • ME, Udupi

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    She is a lady..
    Mrs. Kumkum Garg

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  • Poulomi, Bangalore

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    Protesting against wrong is also some thing that needs to be learnt.

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  • ME, Udupi

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    There are only 4 buses for 1800 students from 9th and 10th blocks!!! And the buses are always overcrowded. The demand for more buses was made from a long time but Mrs Garg always said that there were enough buses and now after Ishaan's death how can she say that he should have gotten up 10 mins earlier!! Some of the people commmenting here dont know the realities that are existing in MIT. Every year they increase the intake of students and also increase the fees but the infrastructure remains the same..

    DisAgree [1] Agree [46] Reply Report Abuse

  • Siddhartha, Blore

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    Well, the director is like the prime minister of a nation Mr. Prabhu!! She must be held responsible for this, and also, whatever crap you are talking about makes no sense considering that you haven't been a part of this college. Once you travel from the tenth block to the college in those overcrowded bus, you'll understand why students were protesting. And you really think that had the student left 10 minutes earlier, he would have been alive by now??? What a jerk you are!! Just sitting and commenting about something without even knowing the head and tails about it!!

    DisAgree [3] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • R.Bhandarkar, M

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    Reading V.Prabhu's Angle n Mind
    Finer points do 'Unwind'
    Ms. Garg in all the commotion...
    Could not assess the 'depth' of emotion...

    DisAgree [6] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • Roshan Rebello, Mangalore/Hamiton

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    My condolences to Ishan Nihalani's family. But it is a disgrace for MIT students i.e., future professionals to behave in such an unprofessional manner and perhaps Dr Garg could have been more empathetic.

    DisAgree [16] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ragav, Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    Vinayaka Prabhu's statement explained well. The managment should be diplomatic while handling teenage/young kids. Problem solving is the key issue. I guess there is something behind between Mrs Carg and students. The students were unhappy with Mrs Caarg for many other reasons....

    DisAgree [2] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Krishnaraj, Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    Mr. Vinayak Prabhu, Mangalore,

    Can I say something, Could you please explain me how could Dr. Garg be held responsible for Ishan's death ? And if she had quoted, Ishan would have avoided death had he come 10 mins earlier, What is wrong in that?
    Just because of such statement can you hold her responsible for this incident? Dont you guys think there is mistake from a Bus driver as well, or Dont you think somewhere Ishan is also a responsible for this death ( Directly or indirectly)? And Dont you think demanding for 2-5 more bus's to keep you guys happy and safe in the coming days would be more meaningful demand that asking for Dr. Garg's demand ?

    Let me tell you one thing, I neither know Dr. Garg, no I am a student of this college. But what i firmly believe is that Students should not use force for their EGO. Dr. Garg or anyone CAN NEVER be a keeper or security of a single student. It is you guys responsible to take care of your self.

    Well, I am not surprised by number of "agree"s for your comments, given the number of students participated in the agitation this number is Too very low, so you can ask all your friends to increase the number AND press " DISLIKE" for my comments as well.

    Last but not the least MAY ISHAN's SOUL REST IN PEACE. and May God give strength to his family.

    DisAgree [57] Agree [70] Reply Report Abuse

  • VP, Mangalore/Manipal

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    Derek from Boston.
    It's heartening to see at least one armchair lounger making their presence felt on this page.
    You sit thousands of miles away and take a jab at a person who has given a fair portrayal of the events that culminated in her resignation.
    At the very least try to make an attempt into knowing what really sparked of this protest.
    I agree his death jump -started it, but it was her authoritarian tenure here that led to pent up frustration being channeled into the backlash that happened.
    Her insensitivity to student deaths and her extreme snobbishness led to her being estranged from her students.
    It wasn't the usual negative vibe in campus that the person in charge usually deals with, it was bordering on hatred.
    Ex: When she was asked to improve on the bus facility a month back, she replied with the suggestion of cancelling the bus service altogether.
    In a place like Manipal with its intense humidity. Where a couple of days back nearly five people passed out and were taken to the hospital because of the heat levels.

    Do get your facts before you talk about punctuality.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [42] Reply Report Abuse

  • Errol, Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    RIP Ishan. Pelting stones to the college premises in the name of protest is not the right kind of protest.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • paul madhu, jamshedpur

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    i was in touch with many students last night, they were demanding regignation of Dr. garg, i dont see any fault in it. their demands were perfect. provide more buses, so that students can go comfortably, after all MIT management is supposed to be the guardian of all students, but i felt that management took MITIANS very easily , after 1979, this is the first agitation, and a very successful too, i can see both boys and girls in it, thats great unity. after all its MIGHTY MIGHTY MIT. STUDENTS PLZ REMEBER , WE ENGINEERS MOVE THE WORLD.
    i am very sad for the student who lost his precious life, may his soul rest in peace and may god give strength to his parents to over come such a irr-repairable tragedy. lets pray for the family and for departed soul. lots of love.paul

    DisAgree [11] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vincent, Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    This refers to the comment made by Mr Vinayak Prabhu who says he is a student of MIT - Pls remember that you are in MIT to study and not indulge into politics. Mrs Garg would have been qualified enough to be in a position to impart education to all of you. were you qualified enough to demand her resignation. Usually our parents also make comments like that - so do we tell them to leave the house??? Pls pay attention to your studies and become something.

    DisAgree [15] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Aloka Nath, Bengaluru

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    Are there any vested interests behind demanding Dr. Garg's resignation?

    DisAgree [8] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • sharath, mangalore

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    instead of fighting for his resignation ,fight for extra bus service so that students don have to hang on foot board and come to coll and so that tomo there won be one more student on floor...

    DisAgree [7] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • Kamath, Udupi/Bangalore

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    I had been a student of the same college and I can say that there is a feeling among some students of the college they are above the law. Historically there are many examples of unruly behaviour from non-local students. One small example I wish to quote - there was a death of a Bihari student (natural death) & it was around a day/two later we were watching a cricket match in one of the hostel TVs and a student comes and breaks the TV.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vishwanath Shetty, Mumbai / Manipal

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    This would be First Incidence in the History... where students agitation in such a Large Scale....
    City Of Education...Manipal where even i did my Schooling & College had never seen such Agitation..

    SAD !! I Pray - Ishan's Soul to Rest in Peace & there is Proper Justice
    Urge the Students to Maintain Peace & Be Cool!

    DisAgree [1] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mangalore/Mapusa/ Mumbai

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    May Ishan’s soul RIP.
    Need to sack the driver was more than sacking the MIT Director.
    Students your parents have sent you here with a different perspective.
    Confrontations and agitations is not your cup of tea.
    Get back to your classes and remember Ishan in your prayers.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • Derek, Boston

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    Vinayak... You may be from MIT, Manipal or MIT, Massachusetts, but this was pointless agitation.

    If you very well know you have to be there at a particular time,then take the time to get ready and reach your destination on time. There is NO EXCUSE!!

    IST stands for "Indian Standard Time" & not "Indian Stretchable Time". The problem is we are lethargic and take things for GRANTED as they come. If you want to survive in today's world, you have to keep to your time. TIME DOES NOT WAIT FOR YOU !

    You being an Engg. student must have read/learnt about "Ergonomics" aka "Time & Motion Studies'.. need I say more.

    Ms. Garg, I do not know her personally, but I presume she should not apologise due to the callous attitude displayed here. She is a Academian and not everybody's keeper.

    I also presume, the Bus driver should be cited for his rash driving, if any. If so, he must be sued.

    It was an unfortunate death. May Ishan's soul RIP.

    DisAgree [37] Agree [51] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rajesh Kumar, Brahmavara

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    Every young students life is precious. College authorities should take safety measures like automatic closure of bus doors or providing more no. of buses for the transport. Most of the private institution's management thinks their job is over once they fill their admission seats.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • aary, manipal, udupi

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    This should go to the media, for putting up so many ads as to why students should join here and increase the intake without improving the infrastructure to support that many students. instead they fool students and parents with the summer of 69 video which is nonsense..way to go MIT!although we have triumphed, it wont replace the untimely death of a student.
    I'm now really proud to be an MITian.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • A MITian, Manipal

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    The students never wanted any action against the driver, all they want is a more student friendly environment in the campus. the directors statements like "it wasnt my fault" and her walking away from the meeting led to students asking for her resignation

    DisAgree [8] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mortein Alviro Crasta Dcruz, Kingston upon Avon

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    Praise be upon the Lard

    This student protest brings memories of when I was in college and had to endure student anger over the death of one of their mates.
    Two things spring to mind
    1 the death was avoidable
    2 the person who resigned is a scape goat
    Having said that when I look back, i realise the strikes and protests that students engage in are conter productive in the long run, they are perhaps a release of pent up frustration against the management over a plethora of issues

    DisAgree [6] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vinayak Prabhu, Mangalore

    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    I'm a student of MIT.
    And let me tell you one thing.
    We protested against the management because the Mrs. Garg had said that the accident could have been avoided if he had set off to college 10 minutes earlier.
    Her callous and insensitive comment provoked us to agitate.
    Her high handedness in refusing to apologise had forced us to demand her resignation on moral grounds.
    Stop portraying us as anti social elements.
    Get both sides of the story when you report, not just one, for God's Sake.

    DisAgree [46] Agree [223] Reply Report Abuse


    Fri, Mar 16 2012

    May soul rest in peace.But it is very unfortunate that students asked Dr Garg's head for not fault of him.

    DisAgree [72] Agree [43] Reply Report Abuse

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