Fr Paul Melwyn, Pamedi, Capuchin
Sep 8: Today on September 8, Christians celebrate the feast of the Nativity of Mary, or Birth of the Virgin Mary. For almost 15 centuries now, the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary has been celebrated on September 8. The birth of Mary was also miraculous. She was conceived without sin as a special grace because God had selected her to become the mother of His Son. The Konkani speaking Catholics dearly call it as “Monti Saibiniche Fest”, which is being now celebrated world-wide.

The Virgin Mother Mary appears so frequently in Christian art, literature, music, painting, sculpture, stain glass, shrines, and feasts that many are surprised to learn how rarely she is mentioned in the four Gospels. What has not been said many times before, is said and presented much more beautifully in art. Indeed, her artistic identity is a compilation of scripture, tradition, faith and interpretation. The most popular representations of Mother Mary that impress every one as religious subject are: the Madonna and the Pieta. In Italian language ‘Madonna’, a title of honor and respect given to Mary means ‘Our Lady’. It is an image of Mary holding the new Infant Jesus. The Pietà arguably the world’s finest and famous work, sculptured by Michaelangelo depicts the lifeless body of Jesus on the lap Mother Mary after the Crucifixion.
One Mother is with two contrasting experiences. In one the new-born Child is so alive, cute and tender and in the other, adult man fully disfigured and dead. What impresses and fascinates us in both is the face of Virgin’s Mary that emanates sweetness, serenity, peace, and tranquility. Her joyful acceptance of immense happiness of birth of her Son Jesus and equally a courageous, calm, and composed face in immense sorrow of the death of her son makes one to feel that she is not just ordinary but very special unique, truly a blessed and glorious lady. The deliberate design of Virgin Mary as young maiden even her Son was 33 years old evokes a kind of spiritual feeling in the beholder.
No wonder, she is epitome of Motherhood. In the Old Testament, prophets were chosen by God to deliver God’s words to His people; by comparison, Mary was chosen by God to bear the Word of God in her womb and physically deliver Him to His people. This is the culmination of revelation, and there is no Christianity apart from the Incarnation of God made possible in Mother Mary. Not only did Mary carry God in her womb, she also gave Him flesh and bones of her flesh and bones.
A mother is mother even she is a mother one or of seven. There is adoptive mother, foster mother, single mother, unwed mother, surrogate mother and aspiring mother. Each would express her natural worry that comes with the huge responsibility that is of motherhood. She knows well that motherhood is a blessing but filled with challenges. She fears the unknown, she doubts herself and she is not sure if she is "ready." At times it becomes so worrisome. How my child would come into this world!: a premature, a still babe, a crippled, a blind, fully grown healthy baby girl or boy. O God! Can I stop trying to control every situation? There comes a point where everything is not in my control. One realizes that there is GOD, who has plan for everything.
Instead of asking what the real Mary was like, today we tend to debate what she was not. The most obvious role Mary played in the Bible was the motherly figure. She demonstrated her courage and faith in God’s plan. She opened herself to the will of God. She knew hers was an exceptional motherhood that had severe consequences in her life. Yet, she accepted it with an open heart. She is the perfect role model to each and every mother to accept tough and difficult circumstances that surround her.
Certainly, we see and witness such mothers who are daring, caring, selfless and slogging hard to give meaning to their motherhood. Don’t we see that tranquility, serenity and peace on their faces as that of Mother Mary. On the feast of Nativity of Mother Mary, billions of devotees honor and venerate her. As motherly figure, Mary exemplifies strength of godliness, strength and maternal instinct. She is the Mother of all mothers, refuge and advocate. She portrays traits of holiness, piety, and humility and importance of trust and perseverance. She is an awesome inspiration to all who play the role of a mother. Happy “Monti-fest” to all the devotees of Mother Mary!