Daijiworld Media Network - Puttur
Puttur, Feb 9: Kavu Hemanath Shetty, senior Congressman from Puttur, shot to fame soon after launching Bharatiya Hindu Parishad (BHP) to tackle VHP, Bajrang Dal, Sri Rama Sene and other such organisations. He was sacked from the post of block Congress president last week, after his party went on a defensive and insisted that BHP had nothing to do with the Congress. His termination created ripples in the political arena. A volley of words were exchanged between senior leader Janardhan Poojary who lambasted him for bringing religion into Congress, and Hemanath Shetty who openly called Poojary a 'joker'.
To get a clear picture of the entire issue straight from the horse's mouth, Walter Nandalike, editor-in-chief of Daijiworld.com interviewed Hemanath Shetty exclusively on his 'Public Challenge' programme for Daijiworld 24X7 TV channel.
For the benefit of our worldwide web readers, here are some excerpts from the interview:
DW: Do you feel that you have paid the price for establishing the Bharatiya Hindu Parishad?
Hemanath Shetty: No, I don't think that I have paid any price. This (pro-Hindu outfit) should have started much earlier, at least 15 years ago. Secular Hindus who are in politics have secular thoughts. We never used religion for politics. There should be harmony in society, this was the main intention in launching my organization. Presently, no one is giving importance to social harmony. Even the government has failed to do that.
DW: You could have done that by joining the VHP, Sri Rama Sena or Bajrang Dal, so why Congress?
Hemanath Shetty: Activities of organizations like Bajrang Dal, VHP, Sri Rama Sena, or RSS are not entirely righteous. They think that they have adopted Hindutva and are using it for their political gains. Their Hindutva is creating unrest in the society. This is a menace to the society’s harmony. Conflicts are increasing between religions and castes. Who makes effort to control this? The present Hindu Samajotsavas are not actual Hindu Samajostavas, they are like BJP conventions. And they are functioning as if they have adopted the Hindu Samaj for a single party.
BHP got importance because I was from Congress and moreover, a block Congress president. I am ready to accept the challenge and face questions regarding this. I have an absolute answer for establishing this organization.

DW: Being a sincere Congress party worker, why didn't you take permission from the state or national Congress leaders before launching BHP?
Hemanath Shetty: I do not want to embarrass the Congress. Congress feels afraid of the term 'Hindutva'. There have been several discussions on this fear factor. Why fear? Even in Congress, there are people who are true to Hindutva. Congress has to support Hindutva. But, now because of a few Congress leaders, there is allegation on Congress that it is anti-Hindu. And this notion has favoured the BJP. So, I felt that seeking permission from the Congress leaders may not be correct. If there is any benefit from my organization, let the party utilize it.
Several secular Hindus from the taluk, state, and district have supported this cause. Moreover, it has created fears that the BHP is an alternative to the VHP, and there is support for secular Hindutva. In future, there will be great change in society due to this organization.
DW: If each block Congress president comes out with the same notion of forming organizations of their own choice, what will be the condition of the party? Is there no control mechanism in the party?
Hemanath Shetty: There are more than 13 sub-divisions in the Congress party like minority wing, backward class division, and SC/ST wing. In Congress, there are provisions for various divisions, but why are there no divisions for majorities? I stand by the statement that the Congress and BHP have no connection. I did not seek permission from leaders because I believed that my organization may not create problems to the party. Today, the Congress is silent over organizations representing minorities. Then a majority will think, why is the Congress silent when it comes to minorities?
Some tried to project me as if I committed a blunder. What I am doing is not selfish. I am a Congressman by birth. My father was a veteran Congressman, my whole family has been loyal to Congress. Secularism is rooted in my blood. I am liked by the minorities. That is my Hindutva. Creating social harmony is my aim. VHP and other Hindu organizations are in fear now because so far there was no one to challenge or oppose them.
DW: There are leaders who opposed you and those who supported you?
Hemanath Shetty: U T Khadar wanted to know the objectives and ideology of this organization. Even other leaders would have, once they understood the objectives. This organization is necessary for the present society. Present Hindu organizations have involved in provocative speeches. With great pain, I must say that all starts from Puttur. In the recent Hindu Samajotsava, a derogatory speech was made about Congress activists and minorities. As a Hindu, this pained me. I am not doing all this for politics. If they want, let them drop me from politics. Politics is not life. In life, there should be peace. As an Indian, when I visited a religious center in Karaya, I felt that as a human being it was not right to vandalize religious centers by pelting stones. Are we not in India? Aren’t Muslims and Christians citizens of India? Let them organize Samajotsava but not disturb anyone.
Several Congress leaders from Dakshina Kannada supported my cause. People of secular mind supported me. The letters I have received have inspired me and they continue to do so.
DW: Even Oscar Fernandes criticised you for establishing BHP, didn't he?
Hemanath Shetty: He did not know about the concept of this organization. I met him for various other works, but not for this.
DW: Why is Janardhan Poojary angry with you?
Hemanath Shetty: Janardhan Poojary is speaking ill of all the top leaders. Recently he rebuked the Karnataka speaker, ministers D K Shivakumar and U T Khadar. Who is he to speak ill of them? Agree, he was an AICC leader, but why should he lambast me? I am a comman Congress block Congress president. He has the right to call me aside to give a healthy advice. If I have erred I am ready to fall at his feet, but he should not speak as if he is the only right and intelligent person around.
DW: Janardhan Poojary is a veteran politician, former minister and a senior citizen. Was it correct on your part to call him a ‘joker’?
Hemanath Shetty: The state and the nation respect him as an elder. Even I respect him. I worked for and along with him during his election campaigns. He should have questioned me about the merits and demerits of my organization, but instead he wanted me to be sacked from the post for the sole reason that I formed the BHP. It shows the level on which he is. I have witnessed the politics of this district from the past many years. From past 26 years, the Congress couldn't go to Parliament from here. It is completely destroyed. We should think about that.
The dream of Modi and Amit Shah of having a Congress-free nation has come true in
Dakshina Kannada. Who is responsible for this? Before speaking about others we should see if we are perfect. Projecting me as if I have committed a blunder has pained me.
DW: Did you lash out at Poojary out of momentary anger or do you still stand by your words?
Hemanath Shetty: I spent lacs of rupees to build the party. I never expected anything from the party and sincerely worked for it. If you keep beating your dog, it will eventually bite you, but not with an intention to hurt.
DW: Did the party's action of sacking you from your post hurt you?
Hemanath Shetty: It hurt me a lot. All party workers know about my sincere work. Even the party workers feel the pain. I never asked anyone to resign, I never gave importance to groupism. Naturally a person gets hurt when he sincerely works for a party and then this happens.
DW: Though you have been sacked from the post of block Congress president, you are still a party worker. Would you like to continue in the Congress or have you received any offers from BJP or other parties?
Hemanath Shetty: My intention is to organize the party and I will sincerely continue in the Congress. The Congress mentality made me form this organization. Moreover, the party never said that I was sacked for starting the BHP.
DW: What reason has the party given you for sacking you from the post of block Congress president?
Hemanath Shetty: From past few years there has been confusion in Puttur block Congress. After Shakuntala Shetty became the MLA it got worse. Because of our sincere efforts Shakuntala Shetty won the elections. She was from RSS, BJP background. Still she hasn't adjusted to Congress culture, and we are facing problems in various ways. She never took us or the party into confidence. Instead she is going about her work with an authoritarian approach. She gave much importance to sacking me from Congress. She has complained against me to Ramanath Rai. Ramanath Rai is a veteran and experienced politician. If I had done any mistake he would have taken action against me. Rai has a clear picture of the happenings in the party.
Before Lok Sabha elections I brought majority in the municipal council electons, but Shakuntala Shetty never allowed Mohammad Ali to become the president. She plotted a strategy with the BJP. They took one Congress councilor to BJP and 14 BJP members along with D V Sadananda Gowda voted and chose BJP member as president in municipal president elections. Even the second time she did the same, taking 6 members to BJP.
Later she wanted me to be out from the post of block Congress president. Fazal Raheem (new Puttur block Congress president) has no knowledge of politics. He was appointed with the sole intention of sacking me. He has never worked for the party. The party workers too do not know him.
DW: There were reports that even when you were holding the post, Fazal Raheem claimed that he was the block Congress president and not you.
Hemanath Shetty: Shakuntala Shetty gave wrong information to KPCC president about Fazal Raheem when we were busy with membership drive. One day, on October 28, it was announced that Fazal Raheem was Puttur block Congress president. It was immediately brought to the notice of the KPCC president and the announcement was withdrawn at once.
After two months, once again reappointment order was issued. When this order was issued, I was completely involved in ZP by-election campaign. When the campaign was going on here, Shakuntala Shetty was busy in Bengaluru trying to oust me from my post. If this had any impact on the election, MLA Shakuntala Shetty is responsible for it.
DW: So you are saying Shakuntala Shetty was solely responsible for your removal as block Congress president?
Hemanath Shetty: Yes.
DW: After you were sacked, many councilors came forward to submit their resignations. Is that true?
Hemanath Shetty: Yes, eight councilors resigned, apart from those who joined BJP from Congress. So now Congress strength in Puttur is zero.
DW: So the dream of Amit Shah of having a Congress-free country is taking root in Puttur?
Hemanath Shetty: Yes, completely, it is happening in Puttur. When sincere workers are treated in this way how can anyone keep faith in the party? The party is facing many challenges. Party workers are with me because of my righteousness. They are revolting against the MLA.
DW: Did you meet Congress leaders after being sacked?
Hemanath Shetty: I will make efforts to speak to leaders. I will not let this issue die. I will meet Rahul Gandhi, Digvijaya Singh and A K Antony.
DW: There were reports that BHP was formed as even Rahul Gandhi had mooted such an idea. Is there any support from Rahul Gandhi to this organization?
Hemanath Shetty: That's where I have some hope. Even A K Antony has seriously thought on this issue. Congress has to give attention to this thought. There are 70% Hindus in this country. They are kept away and work of appeasement is going on. Why should there be appeasement? Due to extreme appeasement we are losing, hence I will meet A K Antony and discuss about this issue, whatever may be the consequences.
DW: Between BHP and Congress, which one would you choose?
Hemanath Shetty: If I have to choose, then it would be BHP. I am ready to quit the Congress party and develop BHP as an organisation. My main purpose is to bring harmony in society. A person has to do something in his life, has to achieve something. It is better people know you rather than saying 'he was born and he has died'. In BHP there are people with me and by assimilating their thoughts we can bring peace in society in the coming days.
I am a Hindu and we do not have so-called 'religious education'. This is a major issue. Everybody accepts this fact. Christians and Muslims impart religious education to their kids. Muslims have to go to mosque on Fridays, and pray five times a day in mosque. Christians go to church on Sundays. But among Hindus, this kind of thing is not there. They can live the way they want. Some people go to temple and some do not, some go daily and some not even once. It is not compulsory to go to temple, but they do not know the real reason behind going to temple and praying to God.
It is not always about 'saffronization'. It is about religion, a person should know about his religion. If you ask Muslims and Christians about Quran and Bible respectively, they will give you one meaning. But if you ask Hindus, some will talk about Bhagavad Gita, Mahabharata or Ramayana. Nobody has the right answer. No one is capable of giving the right answer. In this regard there should be awareness programmes on the Hindu religion. I am trying to put pressure on the government through BHP to provide religious education in schools from fifth standard, and not about Hindu religion alone. Text books should contain information on Hinduism, Islam, Christianity and other religions. One class per week is enough, just like moral science class. The teacher should educate the children on various religions.
Today, because of the existence of Bajrang Dal and other Hindu outfits that say 'this is Hindustan, Muslims and Christians should be thrown out from Hindustan', now Hindus are also thinking on the same lines. It is absolutely true that these statements are going to create a lot of problems. This is going affect the children of the future. Hence BHP is going to organize awareness programmes on religion and though I cannot say it will succeed, we will make an attempt.
DW: With such thoughts as you have, if the BJP invites you to join, are you ready to go?
Hemanath Shetty: BJP does not believe in this kind of ideology at all. If BJP were to follow my ideology, it will not survive for long. It wants only hard-core Hindutva and nothing else.
DW: So many things have happened with you in the last few day but our district incharge minister Ramanath Rai so far has not given any statement. Have you spoken to him? What is his opinion?
Hemanath Shetty: This is not the right time to meet. He is a very good person. I believe that he has very good experience in politics. When I spoke about BHP, he said BHP has no place in Congress. I said I am doing this as a Congress member, to which Rai said it is not about individual freedom, and that it might affect the Congress party at a later stage. I accept this, because I do not want to put Congress party to shame. I do not have the intention of embarrassing the Congress party.
DW: What is your next step?
Hemanath Shetty: I still have opportunities in the Congress party. I have a bright future in the party. A lot of people cried and said that I was going to be a future leader but the Congress had turned its back on me. I did not feel bad, I answered them happily that whatever is written in my fate will happen. But electing a block Congress president in such a hurry is a wrong step. In the coming 4-6 months there will be elections in the party, for this membership campaign is going on. The Congress party has to answer me on why I was removed with such little time left for the elections. I am sad, but apart from that I have utmost respect for my Congress party. I respect all my leaders.