Media Release
Mangaluru, Jun 15: Lourdes Central School celebrated the 73rd birthday of manager Fr Manager Fr Wilson L Vitus D’Souza. The entire celebration was compered by Kshama Bhat and Vailusha of class 10 C.
The programme began with a prayer, followed by a welcome address by the vice principal, Belita Mascarenhas. Ayushi of class 12 B then greeted Fr Wilson D’Souza on behalf of all the Lourdites. Class representatives of each class greeting the manager with a bouquet of colorful flowers to the accompaniment of the birthday song by the choir made a beautiful picture.
The captain of Lourdes Central School, principal, Fr Robert D’Souza spoke about Fr Wilson. He mentioned how dedicated, loving and hardworking he is and how he worked every second to achieve success. He further said that the bond he shared with his students was so pure that even a kindergarten student could never forget the year Fr Wilson was born in.

Then came the moment when Fr Wilson expressed his gratitude and thanked everyone for partaking in his joy. The celebration ended with the school anthem.