Media Release
Mangaluru, Aug 15: Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST), Bengaluru has awarded St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor 'Best Performing College of the State' in the recently held 40th series of Students Projects Programme, 'State Level Seminar and Exhibition' at NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte.
A total of 541 projects were sanctioned for sponsorship this year across the state. A total of 230 projects were shortlisted for exhibition and seminar from 102 colleges across the state.

A total of six projects from St Joseph Engineering College were sponsored by KSCST in this academic year. All six projects were shortlisted for exhibition/seminar and out of the six, two projects won the prestigious Project of the Year Award for their technical excellence and innovation. The project on 'Aero-Blending of Ethanol for Internal Combustion Engine' from the Department of Mechanical Engineering carried out by Rohan D’Souza and team and guided by Dr Joseph Gonsalvis, principal, won the Project of the Year award. From the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, the project Arecanut Tree Climber and Pesticide Sprayer by Jnanasagar Kamath and team, guided by assistant professor Divya Pai, also won the Project of the Year award. The above two awards along with the other four sponsored projects helped SJEC secure the Best Performing College in the State.
The other projects that were sponsored by KSCST this year were: Production of High Grade Liquid Fuel for CI Engine by Thermo-Catalytic cracking of Waste Plastic by Ashlin Leroy D’Silva and team under the guidance of John Paul and Ramya M, Paddy Cleaning Machine by Manish Nayak and team under the guidance of Ashwin Shetty, Design and fabrication of Arecanut Processing Unit by Vion Joseph Martis and team under the guidance of Yathish Kumar and Extraction of Oil Spillages from water bodies using Magnetorheological Fluid Principle by Varun Thomas and team under the guidance of Dr Binu K G.
Fr Wilfred Prakash D’Souza, director – SJEC congratulated all the students and guides on their achievement and wished them the best in all their future endeavours.