Media Release
Mangaluru, Sep 7: Expert PU College observed Teachers’ Day on September 5. The college also celebrated Onam on the occasion.
Inaugurating the celebrations, Dr Aloysius Henry Sequeira, professor, School of Management at NITK said, “We need to have a good dream in life, and try to follow that dream. Life is a school and there should be teachers at every level. Guru has a great place in Indian heritage. Unless and until the disciple becomes a slave of his guru, there will not be enlightenment in the disciple.”

Ushaprabha N Nayak, vice-chairperson, Expert Group of Institutions said, “There should be a strong bond between students and teachers. Teaching without any expectation is the dedication of a good teacher and such a teacher will always look forward to the students' prosperity.”
“The well behaved, well mannered and hard working students are on the path of achievement. Where there is a will, there is a way. We need to be honest in life. Teacher is also equally concerned about his or her students like the parents,” she added.
Prof Narendra L Nayak, chairman of Expert Group of Institutions said, “If we work sincerely and honestly, we can achieve anything in life. This should be the basic goal and a formula of success in life.”
On the occasion, Dr A P J Abdul Kalam Trust awarded Rs 25,000/- to Annapoorna P, a student of the college for her distinguished performances in PU board exam and also in competitive exams for the year 2017. The award was handed over by Ushaprabha N Nayak.
Principal Prof Ramachandra Bhat welcomed the gathering. Mohak and Sreesha compered the programme and Shonali delivered the vote of thanks. Students presented various cultural programmes. The ‘Exscience Club’ was also inaugurated on this occasion.
Onam was celebrated with all its grandeur and glory at the college premises. Prof Dr Aloysius Henry Sequeria, Prof Narendra L Nayak, Ushaprabha N Nayak lit the festive lamp, and marked the commencement of the celebration of Onam, an important festival of Kerala. Pookkalam, a floral design was the highlight of the programme. Traditional sumptuous feast Onasadya, spread out on plantain leaf set the festivities apart.
Prof RamachandraBhat, principal; Karunakar Balkur, lecturer, department of Kannada; Vinay Kumar, lecturer, department of Maths; Vijeth Nayak, lecturer department of Physics; Zita D’Souza, lecturer, department of English; Ramya Gatty, lecturer, department of Biology and other lecturers were present on the occasion.