Now, Ban on Live Bands in Bangalore Pubs

Now, ban on live bands in Bangalore pubs
News: Times Now - Pics: Daijiworld Media Network

Bangalore, Aug 10: It is bad news for Bangaloreans as moral policing has hit down hard once again.

Bangaloreans protest as police ban live performances of bands in pubs in the city. Live music performances including karaokes have been banned in the city which has not gone down too well with the DJs and musicians in the city.

Noted writer and artiste Girish Karnad reacting strongly to the ban imposed, said, "You can listen to recorded music, and you cannot listen to live music is something which is not understandable. How can the police say that listening to music in a club and having a drink lead to crime. This has nothing to do with the live band. The attitude of the police should be questioned here."

Meanwhile, the police insist that they are just following the Karnataka Excise licence rule which does not permit gambling, get-togethers, dancing or any live band performances in places serving liquor.

In view of the ban, a protest is being held in the city against the ban which has also resulted in a loss for restaurants and pubs.

The 11.30 PM deadline which was earlier enforced in the city had resulted in a lot of hue and cry among party-goers.

After 11.30 PM, deadline followed by a ban on dancing now its live music performances have left the DJs, musicians and party animals high and dry.

After a ban on dancing, authorities have now banned live music performances in pubs, restaurants and lounge bars. The concession, if any, being the permission to play background music at low volume provided it's not used to organise a discotheque.

Jasmeet, a popular DJ in Bangalore, is one of those affected by the rule on live music performances and ban on dancing. He is slowly getting used to playing in empty clubs.

Jasmeet reacting to the lull in the business says, "We take so much time producing tracks, but there is no one to listen to it. Honestly, I want to go out of this city if this continues."

With a ban of all forms of live performances including karaokes, clubs, pubs and restaurants, the entertainment business in Bangalore is experiencing a 60% loss in their revenues.

Carlton Royle, General Manager of NYX club, says, "It has affected our business to about 60 to 70 per cent. Even today being Saturday my club is completely empty."

A Cinderella deadline and now a clampdown on music and dance partying in Bangalore is something that is not going down well with party animals. With a protest on the cards, looks like it could soon turn into a rebellion if authorities do not solve the issue soon. But the one question on everyone's lips - what next?


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  • Donnie, mangalore

    Wed, Aug 13 2008

    This is for those guys here talking about indian culture - what indian culture are you talking about??? what do you know about indian culture???. how would you define indian culture???. well here goes... you guys are nothing but ignorent fools. You guys are just jealous that some are having fun and you are not. Culture is dynamic in nature. it changes according to people and times. Just ask for yourselves ... why would you guys support the stupid government?? why would you let them take your freedom. Let them do the real jobs they are required to do. Open your minds a little.

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  • Vinod, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Tue, Aug 12 2008

    Mr. Lasrado, being a fellow Mangalorean, may I remind you that we've been drinking and dancing for generations. Has that meant that us and our forefathers encouraged prostitution? Guys, I've been part of this protest and read the relevant law (available online at )

    So, let me clarify a couple of points:
    1) Mr. Rajesh, please note: This is NOT to say 'please let girls start stripping in Quality again'. What the law says is that you can't have a band, or dance with a girl, anywhere where alcohol is served. So, conceivably, the cops can land up at Ladies' Club, bust a wedding and take people there into custody. All, because the government's too lazy to distinguish between Quality and Ladies Club
    2) All we're asking is that there BE A LAW. If you read the link above (the relevant Section is 31) there isn't one now. Everything - where you listen to music, where you dance, what music you listen to - is left to the discretion OF THE POLICE.

    Now, all you proponents of 'Indian Culture', tell me - can the definition of Indian culture be left to the cops? Can decisions which are so closely entwined with our personal life be left to the whims and fancies politicians who can't do their basic jobs without having their palms greased, but deign to decide how we live our lives. So, are you ready to put your trust in a police state to preserve this mythical elephant called 'Indian culture?

    3)'Outsiders'??? Are we citizens of India or Karnataka? Bangalore has boomed because a diverse range of people have made it their home. So long as they break no laws, who are we to decide what 'culture' they're to follow? Has Barbados forced you to spring dreadlocks and smoke ganja (they call it Indian weed there, so much for 'Indian culture')? d)Mr. Lasrado, let's deal with your'BPO workers are bad' notion: What would you do if, after work, you couldn't even get a decent meal because the cops have closed the city down? Where you can't even have a beer? It may be that you don't drink and have a nice cook at home, but who're you to say that everyone else has to be like you?

    Think, guys - that's all I'm saying. If you let the Government take over your lives, you're sunk. So don't - stand up and say "I'm as responsible a citizen as anyone else, so take your moral righteousness and stick it. Implement the law and not my life" Cheers. I'm off for a beer. Before some one tries to ban it.

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  • Shetty,

    Tue, Aug 12 2008

    When did people who were caught in drug trafficking [pls read prasad b] become voice of Bangalorean freedom? Shame on you Karnad that you have to support these loosers..

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  • Roland, US

    Tue, Aug 12 2008

    BJP politicians are quick to ban live music but slow to police and punish the criminals in their midst. BJP is doing it best to spread a culture of lawlessness in the state.

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  • Ashish,

    Tue, Aug 12 2008

    Dear Leema, your lack of knowledge you really dont know about saudi arabia, its crime free country, even you can walk alone at late 2 in night without any fear, it doesnt mean that you have to ban the pub, just for your kind information for more visit.... you can evaluate the crime rate it is not even 10% compared to any country in the world..

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  • Jude, Mangalore Dubai

    Tue, Aug 12 2008

    I agree with Nigel and Leslie. We have so many protectors of our culture here that i don't know whether to laugh or to cry. When will these hypocrites ever learn. As one writer said the biggest danger to our culture is from corrupt politicians, police and government officials.

    Today our people are not scared of dacoits, robbers or naxalites, but goons in khaki uniforms, and leaders who wear khadi, because they utilize the law as and when it suits them to trample upon the rights of citizens. Live music, pubs and bars do not corrupt our culture, we have alweays had alcohol, music and dance in our culture since the Indus valley civilization. Late nights and a city which is alive will not increase crime rate, infact it will bring it down, because free movement of traffic and people will deter criminals from prowling in the night as people will be awake and aware.

    Therefore this is another senseless and stupid move by our politicians and men in khaki, who have nothing better to do. My dear men in Khaki first go and catch the terrorists responsible for the recent bombings in Bangalore and also see that you build a proper intelligence network so that another blast never happens in our state.

    Secondly instead of running run bars and pubs chasing innocent people who are just enjoying themselves, concentrate your efforts in solving hundreds of unsolved crimes in the state. Only then will you earn respect of the people.

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  • montu d'souza, koppa/kuwait

    Mon, Aug 11 2008

    Basic question is who want to go to pubs with live band? and why?.Mostl probably those who want to booze then to have some extra enjoyment with live music.Why to ban them? Crime rate will be same even if it is banned.

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  • Alan Dsouza-Ruwais,

    Mon, Aug 11 2008

    This is a worst thing.These politicians are the biggest pimps, trying to change the rule whenever they like.

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  • Nigel, Mangalore

    Mon, Aug 11 2008

    It is pretty sad to see such rules being followed in our state. For whatever reason it was done, a certain section of the people are unhappy. I was stunned when somebody said its against Indian culture ... Dammn it!!!, The gentleman writing it, is not in India.. ..why does somebody leave indian shores ? why don't you wear pure indian clothes ?? Why are you guys being hiprocratic like this !!!! Common , please for god sake, please allow artists to perform ..

    I am not saying it, from the point of view of the artists ..But to think,this is how they earn money ..And, we have no right to deprive them from doing so...... The point is, how can listening to music lead to crime.... Common this is whole lot of Bulls*** .. And, guess what.. some of you have gone ahead and blamed the govts for it ..Everybody does it to get political mileage .. Don't they ??? And, thats pretty obivious... As somebody has said, It's a free world, and I guess people should have the freedom to do what they want.. A coin has two sides, Please have the patience to glance at the other side as well..!!!!!

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  • Lesley, Manglore

    Mon, Aug 11 2008

    a comment speks about Indian culture........i dont inderstand how much we follow indian culture. The comment speaks about the dress and the outfits...i want to ask the guy who wrote this comment ...does he weare's dhothi and kurtha? or Jeans ad T-shirts. If he is so much intrested in following Indian culture let him wear dhothi and kurtha. Im sure he doesnt wear it cause it will spoil his image and he is afraid of people criticising him and moaking at his dress code.There are many more things.. which are not so easy to follow and which become a barrier for Indian culture. So i dont think talking about Indian culture and relating it to the ban issue on live bands relates in any way.

     If the Indian government starts strictly following Indian culture and brings out a rule saying that all the English medium schools, all the MNC's should be closed because English is only used in tne MNC's...where will the employees go. If some one really loves Indian culture he would not have gone to Middle east or any other country for his daily bread cause he for sure Violates or breaks Indian culture overe there by not following it. So the same way where will the Musician end up if the bands are banned. What is the source of their daily Bread?

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  • Mathew, Dubai

    Mon, Aug 11 2008

    Drinking is bad, dancing is bad, clubbing is bad etc.etc.. However, is bribing good, is highhanded influence good,is political connections for selfish needs good... C'mon all you good,righteous, morally sacred and God fearing people,if you are pure cast the first stone, otherwise just........

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  • Rajesh, Mang/barbados

    Mon, Aug 11 2008

    Great News! I remeber the days when I could hear those hard beats when the bus stops at Jyothi circle!! Days are over good for Mangalore and its good for Bangaloreans now!! The fact is that any sort of pubs/bands/jazz there are hardly few who really enjoy just music, for these few they can even enjoy sitting at home or such get together at their own premises but when it comes to clubs its not just music its music with drinks (always forgets the limits), fag , eyeing females well its other way of marketing prostitution and what not!!

    It would have been a good deal if cops /govt can put a limits instead banning??!! but whats the limit and who gona control!! Great job u need to ban them!! i cant think of a barbados in bangalore !!but its a great feeling here but where the Indian tradition and culture matters!!! Cheers

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  • Leema, UAE

    Mon, Aug 11 2008

    You mean to say there is no crime in Saudi Arabia! I think we are going back instead of growing! Shame!

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  • Shrinivas, Kumbla/ Bahrain

    Mon, Aug 11 2008

    Well done.... ban on night clubs will keep up our Indian culture, those foreign AIDS like night clubs, dancing with half dress, exposing full body, sitting till late night infront of liquor, youg reaching home very late night these practises should stop. then only Indian culture will be respected all over the World. Now whare I am, they also stopped those night clubs 2 years before itself, which damaged their culture and public life. so i say very good action by the BJP Govt. now taken.

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  • Prasad Karkada, Mangalore / Dubai

    Mon, Aug 11 2008

    I dont think the ban has anything to do with prostitution or fights, it has been bought into effect only to ease Police work & some pessimistic thinking " the Police wants to sleep at night & few people who are jealous of other peoples life styles.

    To these the grapes are always sour". Come on guys listening to music loud or otherwise live or recorded what differense does that make, to each his own yaar somebody wants to party he parties somebody wants to sleep he sleeps somebody wants pray all night he prays & so on so forth. Do you people honestly think prostitution or fights will decrease if live band & dancing is banned, well i think that there is a strong chance that it might increase because all thse people who were partying all thse days now have nothing to do & hence to pass time they might do anything.

    Have a look at things in a broader perspective guys Life is not limited to what I think or you think alone its a collective thought of the whole society. Having said all these I would like to make one thing clear to you all there I am not a party animal infact I prefer to stay home & listen to good music or enjoy a good book but hey its me I cant ask others to be like me ITS A FREE WORLD OUT THERE & I definetly would like it stay that way without Marshall Laws.

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  • Stibert .P, Bangalore/Dubai

    Mon, Aug 11 2008

    It is something happening good in a cosmopolitan city like Bangalore. Present youths are craving for entertainment. Music,dance,late nights with indisciplined life culture is surfacing day by day. Any activity after 11.30 PM should be restricted in the larger interest of cultured society. People from other states come to Bangalore and try to dictate terms with us. I am totally in supportive of ban and any one defying should should be dealt with iron hand.

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    Mon, Aug 11 2008

    There should be a limit for everything..and I think its a good move by the state govt..It will also help to maintain law and order. We all want the bengalooru to be known as garden city not as a pub city.

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  • Shrinath, Udupi

    Sun, Aug 10 2008

    Why ban on music at bars or pubs? Its just music...Its an art and talent....Why these types of rules?...

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  • Kumar, Mangalore

    Mon, Aug 11 2008

    Flood, earthquake, chikungunya-come what may, these Page-3 characters want bars, dances and in their own term -"their freedom". The photographs depict what kind of jokers they are. The same people fight for animal rights, no matter if dogs eat up children on the street. When millions struggle for food and water, these people demand their "freedom" of late night drinks and parties.

    The governement should tighten the liquour laws, keep a strict vigil on bars and resorts and desist from giving licences to new bars. The live bands should be banned for ever and bars should be closed at 11 P.M. This would solve half of law and order problems.

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  • Siva, usa

    Mon, Aug 11 2008

    Simon's message says it all - how bad are these Night clubs. Naveen, please note that it was Congress Govt in Mahashtra that banned live bands first! Do you think Bajarangis have influenced and infiltrated congress too! don't see everything with 'pink' eye - you will see everything Saffron!! If you are against the ban say so, don't use it to take potshots at political opponents - people sitting in glass house should not throw stones at others!!!

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  • Naveen, Mangalore - Dubai

    Sun, Aug 10 2008

    All this is because of the BJP rule in the state. They want to bring the sapron agenda of the Bajranga Dal slowly to the entire state. This is not good for the reputation of the state which is known as pub city and silicon valley. Mangaloreans should oppose this move because many of the businesses which are affected are run by mangaloreans.

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  • Simon Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore

    Sun, Aug 10 2008

    It is the good news that live bands in B'lore pubs are banned.Off course lot of liquor and prostitution grow in these pubs,if these pubs are not banned.Local Bengaloreans can now get lot of relief by these activities of outsiders who sppoil the name of Bengalur.What happened yesterday night near Manchinabale is a shame act by the outsiders especially the IT BT employees.

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