India's Statement has Given Positive Momentum to Talks - US


New Delhi, Sep 6: The US has said the "significant" statement by India affirming its commitment to efforts of non-proliferation has given a positive momentum to talks by the 45-member Nuclear Suppliers Group aimed at granting a waiver to New Delhi to enable it do nuclear commerce.

"The NSG representatives welcomed the significant statement by External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee. We think it has given some positive momentum to the discussions. The statement refers to a number of commitments India has made," Deputy Spokesman Robert Wood said in Washington.

The state department official said the statement was part of India's efforts to address the concerns of some countries, which expressed reservations on giving it a clean and unconditional waiver during the second day of NSG meet.

"Some countries have questions about this agreement. And India as well as the US have tried to address some of those concerns. The Indian foreign minister's issuance of the document was an attempt to address some of those," Wood said.

"I think certainly the Indian efforts, our efforts, have been to try to assure people that this agreement is a very important agreement in terms of promoting the international community's agenda with regard to nonproliferation," he said.


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