Media Release
Puttur, Nov 4: The diocesan youth convention (DYC) is being organised once in two years with the aim of uniting Catholic youth leaders and youth directors from all over the diocese. This year, the Indian Catholic Youth Movement (ICYM), Central Council, diocese of Mangaluru will be hosting the 9th Diocesan Youth Convention (DYC - 2018) in collaboration with ICYM St Paul eastern deanery, Puttur and ICYM Kadaba unit at St Joachim's Church campus, Kadaba from November 5 to 8.
The convention will deliberate on the theme ‘Youth towards building a strong community in the footsteps of Jesus Christ’. The convention will mainly focus on concepts like youth empowerment, leadership training, media and technology, civil services, self-employment, family life, and awareness to preserve environment. About 300 youth of diocese of Mangaluru will participate in the convention.

The 72th Central Council is eagerly anticipating to host its 9th Diocesan Youth Convention at Kadaba which will be graced by the presence of Dr Henry D’Souza, chairman, Karnataka Regional Youth Commission and bishop of Diocese of Bellary, Dr Peter Paul Saldanha, chairman, Mangaluru Diocesan Youth Commission and bishop of diocese of Mangaluru, Dr Aloysius Paul D’Souza, bishop emeritus, diocese of Mangaluru, Fr Chetan Machado, secretary, CCBI youth commission and national director, ICYM, YCS / YSM, Fr Jacob Anil D’Sa SDB, national youth coordinator, ICYM, YCS / YSM and regional youth director, Bosco Youth, Fr Alfred J Pinto, vicar forane, St Paul eastern deanery, Puttur, Percival Holt, national youth president, ICYM, Prajwal Lopes, regional youth president, ICYM Karnataka region.
The ICYM is the largest Catholic youth movement in India governed under the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India and is spread across 686 districts. It functions in 14 regions and 132 Dioceses. With its motto ‘To Lead, to Serve, to Shine’, ICYM strives for the integral development of youth through formation, fellowship and action being the main objectives and also caters to various needs for the holistic development of its members.
In the diocese of Mangaluru, ICYM was instituted in the year 1947 and now under the guidance of Dr Peter Paul Saldanha, chairman, Mangaluru Diocesan Youth Commission and bishop of diocese of Mangaluru, Fr Ronald Prakash D’Souza, diocesan youth director, Fr Ashwin Lohith Cardoza, assistant diocesan youth director and under the leadership of Jaison Leroy Pereira, Shirthday, diocesan youth president. ICYM has been a premier youth organisation with 12 deaneries and 124 units.
Mangaluru diocese is one of the oldest dioceses of India with a history of 131 years. It has been growing in various aspects with the youth in the diocese contributing equally in adding life to the diocese uplifting its name as ‘Rome of the East’. From the past 71 years ICYM has trained the Catholic youth leaders to serve the society by organising programmes like blood donations, social service camps, medical camps, awareness on health and sanitation, organ donation, and various social awareness programmes which helps the youth leaders to contribute for the betterment of the society.
The organising committee has Fr Ronald Prakash D’Souza, director, Fr Ashwin Lohith Cardoza, assistant director, Jaison Leroy Pereira, president, Fevisha Monteiro, general secretary, ICYM Central Council, Mangaluru diocese, Fr Praveen D’Souza, director, James Crishal D’Souza, president, Rakshith Pinto, secretary, ICYM, St Paul eastern deanery, Puttur, Fr Ronald Lobo, parish priest, Louis Mascarenhas, vice president, Jacintha Veigas, secretary parish pastoral council, St Joachim's Church, Kadaba, Joseph Veigas, animator, Frayal Gladson Cross, president, Rashmitha Seema Pereira, secretary, ICYM Kadaba unit, and Aneesh Lobo Kadaba, local coordinator.