Media Release
Puttur, Nov 8: The 9th diocesan youth convention by ICYM central council, Mangaluru diocese in collaboration with ICYM St Paul eastern deanery, Puttur and ICYM Kadaba unit was inaugurated on the evening of Monday, November 5 at St Joachim church ground, Kadaba. It is a four-day event which will end on November 8.
The inaugural programme was presided over by Bishop Dr Henry D’souza, chairman, Karnataka regional youth commission and bishop of Bellary diocese. The chief guests of the programme were Roy Castelino, former state president, Karnataka Konkani Sahitya Academy, Fr Alfred J Pinto, vicar forane, St Paul eastern deanery, Puttur, Fr Ronald Lobo, parish priest, St Joachim’s Church, Kadaba, Fr Ronald Prakash D’souza, director, Fr Ashwin Lohith Cardoza, assistant director, ICYM Mangaluru diocese, Fr Praveen D’souza, director, ICYM St Paul eastern deanery, Puttur, Louis Mascarenhas, vice-president, Jacintha Veigas, secretary, parish pastoral council, St Joachim’s Church, Kadaba and Joseph Veigas, animator, ICYM Kadaba unit.

Jaison Leroy Pereira, diocesan youth president, Fevisha Monteiro, general secretary, Aneesh Lobo, joint secretary, ICYM Mangaluru diocese and local co-ordinator of the event, James Crishal Dsouza, president, Rakshith Pinto, secretary, ICYM St Paul eastern deanery, Puttur, Frayal Gladson Cross, president, Rashmitha Pereira, secretary, ICYM Kadaba unit were present on the dais. Fr Peter Gonsalves, parish priest, Holy Cross Church, Bellare, Fr Anil Roshan Lobo, parish priest, St Rita Church, Panja were also present for the inaugural programme.
The 9th diocesan youth convention was kick started by hoisting the papal flag by Bishop Henry D’souza. Fr Ronald Prakash D’souza and Fr Ashwin Lohith Cardoza unfurled the ICYM flag along with ICYM executive and council members of Mangaluru diocese. Fr Alfred J Pinto and Fr Praveen D’souza unfurled the DYC flag along with ICYM executive and council members of St Paul eastern deanery, Puttur.
The hosting of the flag ended on a high note by singing ICYM theme song followed by the formal stage programme.
Jaison Leroy Pereira welcomed the dignitaries and the gathering; the dignitaries were welcomed with a shawl, bouquet of flowers, memento and a DYC kit.
Fr Ronald Prakash D’souza delivered an introductory speech on diocesan youth convention.
Bishop Henry inaugurated ‘DYC – 2018’ in a innovative way along with Roy Castelino, Fr Alfred J Pinto, Fr Ronald Lobo, Fr Ronald Prakash D’souza, Fr Ashwin Lohith Cardoza,
Fr Praveen D’souza and other dignitaries accompanied them.
Fr Ronald Lobo addressed the gathering and spoke about the history and the families of Kadaba Church.
Roy Castelino in his speech, stressed, “Youth should be leaders of today and tomorrow and be the leaders of modern change in the society.”
Fr Alfred J Pinto spoke about the development of Puttur deanery in terms of educational system.
Bishop Henry D’souza in his address spoke about the significance of synod and the role of youth in synod at the Vatican City. Bishop Henry specially thanked and honoured Fr Ronald Prakash D’souza for his selfless service, hard work with dedication in the youth ministry for 14 years.
Later on, cultural programme was held by youngsters of Puttur deanery.
Rakshith Pinto, secretary, St Paul eastern deanery proposed the vote of thanks; Jovel Fernandes, Melroy D’souza and Rovina Pereira compered the inaugural programme.