‘Police were Partisan during Kaup Clashes’ : Fact-finding Team

‘Police were Partisan during Kaup Clashes’ : Fact-finding Team

Daijiworld Media Network - SP

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Udupi, Apr 1: Addressing a press conference held here on Tuesday March 31, member of the fact-finding committee headed by retired High Court Judge Justice M F Saldanha, G Rajshekhar explained, that the committee has arrived at the conclusion that both sides rained stones at each other during an incident that rocked Kaup on the day Hindu Samajotsav was held in Mangalore.

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He said, the one-sided statements made by the home minister and the local MLA can not be accepted. "It is impossible to throw stones from inside the mosque, considering the window designs. There is possibility of miscreants having pelted stones from the mosque compound. Hindu activists also threw stones at the mosque, but we can not accept the claim of the MLA that Hindus were injured in the incident. No such cases were registered, nor any Hindus got treatment for injuries," Rajashekhar described.

A mobile shop near the mosque was robbed during the incident, of mobile sets and equipments worth about Rs 2.5 lac. Even though the Udupi superintendent of police was injured, it has not been as yet established as who threw stones at him. Thousands of workers who had gathered at the spot were the first to throw stones and beer bottles at the mosque, he said.

"Innocent Muslims have been arrested, charges of murder-attempt have been registered against them and they are not being provided proper treatment in jails. At the same time, Hindu miscreants have been left unscathed," he accused. He added, that the committee demands action against Hindu activists too, as every one is equal in the eyes of law.

Clarifying about the absence of Justice M F Saldanha, he said the committee chief could not make it due to unavoidable reasons. Release of the committee report was also delayed as Saldanha gave a separate report, Rajashekhar clarified.

Other members of the committee Dr Jerald Pinto, K Phaniraj and Admar Sripati Acharya were present..

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    Comment on this article

    • shrinivas, mangalore

      Fri, Apr 03 2009

      This is an open truth. Otherwise how this region which is known for peace and harmony can witness repeated incidents of violence against the minority these days? It is indeed very difficult to differentiate between the police and the saffron brigade.

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    • Altaf, Kundapur/Sharjah

      Thu, Apr 02 2009

      Hi Jossy Saldana, please continue writing in this way to inspire others, end results we all secular minded Hindu, Muslims, and Christians get together and through this communal BJP govt out of power.

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    • rajendra, Udupi

      Thu, Apr 02 2009


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    • NKShetty, USA

      Thu, Apr 02 2009

      Sometimes I see people missing the obvios. 1. Why did MrSaldanha avoided being present in the meeting. 2. This also says he has submitted a seperate report other than the one shared here. 3. For me it is very clear that the "Fact finding team" itself is not unanimous in its report. So how can we give value to this.

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    • Jossey Saldanha, Kemmennu / Thane / Mapusa

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      For the past few weeks this peaceful belt has seen a spate of attack on places of worship, women and children. Who are these people, why are they doing it and what is the solution to this menace. The precipitators of this crime can be classified as two groups of people. 1. Moral Police. 2. Political Outfit. Moral Police This is a group of people who are unsuccessful in life. Most of them are illiterate and jobless. They hate progress because they see their own failure in other people’s success. Out of sheer frustration they seek success and publicity by attacking the weak and helpless stating that they are the upholders of culture. Do we have to learn culture from these illiterate rogues? They are worse than terrorists and their cowardly acts are comparable to rapists and molesters. These people should have no place in society as they can only take India backwards. Political Outfits These are offshoots of a major political party. This party has no political agenda and begs for votes in the name of religion. This party cannot talk of progress and prosperity and do not have any achievements under their belt. So just before elections they start their communal agenda of dividing people across communal lines to divert attention from real issues of bad governance and confuse the voter. What is deplorable is that the law and order machinery in on their side. What is the solution ? Internet is a very powerful media, unfortunately barely 2% of Dakshina Kannada have internet access. People have to be made aware of all this and expose this party. Hence, I urge all my global friends to spread this message back home about what is happening in Dakshina Kannada. Appraise them about this party’s evil agenda and request them to exercise their vote. This is the only way to kick out this problem.

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    • Ajay D'Souza, Mangalore

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      This report is the absolute truth, its sad that a lot of people want to fight truth. Justice MF Saldhana is an man of rare integrity and honesty and courage to stand for truth even if it means he is standing alone. So those who are trowing dirt at him in the hope that something might stick, you are wasting your time.

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    • Prashantha Poojary, Kote/Pangala

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      Mr. Pradeep, Mangalore As per Justice Shaw Commission report Mr. Naveen Chawla is totally unfit to serve as government Officer. Now UPA govt. appointed as CEC...? He is a wellwisher of Congress Party also.

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    • Bulsam, Mangalore

      Thu, Apr 02 2009

      The committee has been appointed now but the Muslims in Kaup & their relatives and other Hindu friends in the whole Dakshina Kannada knew the real fact. But the administration suppressed the truth & painted the Muslims hooligans, anti-social elements, terrorist etc. & arrested most of those gathered inside the mosque such as Moulvi, Madrasa children & elders. They did not spare few Muslim teenage innocent girls & women from arresting. Most of them were released yesterday. They had to suffer inside the jail because they were Muslims where as the saffron goons of 20 bus full who had instigated, abused, attacked the local as well as the tourist Muslims & stopped the Highway traffic were not charged, why?????? HM Mr. Acharya has to answer this.

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    • RSK, Mangalore

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      Dear all, these fact finding teams are political jokes. Let us not waste our time or fooled by these political party sponsored jokers.

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    • Ali Haroon, Saudi Arabia

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      After release of this report, it is the duty of Police to release all people arrested in this connection. Good Hindus and good Muslims or for that matter good people from any other religions do not involve themselves in such acts. It is only few goondas with the support of political parties do this job. Good counselling is the need of the hour.

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    • Pradeep, Mangalore

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      Truth is always a casualty in all clashes. I am not sure who appointed this committee in the first place and I pity the people who are commenting on this article believing what they said is gospel truth. I can believe if Police is partisan, what about the media ? Whatever happened to investigative journalism ? If media spends half its energy that it spent on Mangalore pub incident, I think it will uncover a lot of truth. Is the media interested ?

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    • Kunikullaya, Mangalore

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      There must be another fact finding committee appointed under the leadership of Mr. Naveen, Udupi. He can guess who is guiltY who is not by just sitting in UAE.

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    • Mr. Avil Almeida, Moodubelle/Dubai

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      Third class ruling by B.J.P. in Karnataka and also Third class home minister we got in karnataka.

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    • donfrank, Abu Dhabi, UAE

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      Something is basically wrong with our Home Minister and BJP MLA's. No one will trust them including the Police. It is a planned conspiracy to bring bad name to Muslims during election time. An impartial judicial inquiry is the only source to identify the culprits. The Fact-finding Team has done a fantastic job.

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    • Haneef, mangalore

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      Home minister said,the first stone was thrown from Mosque, Mr.home minister its shame on you and your depertment

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    • Ravi Kadri, Mangalore

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      It is important to know who appointed this fact finding committe. Without mentioning that this report is inconclusive.

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    • Shareef Moideen, Mangalore/ Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      This is incident is a proof that DK police department is with Saffron brigades and not only this incident in 2006 police acted on the behest of Nagaraj Shetty. Truth shall always prevail and Dr. Acharya should resign immediately taking moral responsibility for this incident and for his absurd statement. Place of worship of any faith has to be protected it is a place we see GOD and the victims of this hidden agenda was some youths and may be with frustration they might turn to be violent and be a naxalite and terrorist and they be bane to the society. The question is who made them violent and the answer is we and our politicians.

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    • Naveen, Udupi/UAE

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      I hope Justice M F Saldanha & G Rajshekhar will get congress ticket in next assembly election. This is also a "fact" that nobody believes the fact finding committees!!! How many committees came in India and what is the result? How many people convicted in '84 riot...2002 Gujarat riots...1992-93 Mumbai riot...etc. So friends don't take these committees seriously.

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    • shane, mangalore

      Thu, Apr 02 2009

      Time for the Home Minister to step down on moral grounds.

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    • krishna, mangalore

      Thu, Apr 02 2009

      Ask yourselves,  who are these people involved in the fact  finding mission .

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    • Ravi, Mangalore. Jubail

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      What type of Home Minister? Always he is giving false information to the public, started with Mrs.Raghupathi Bhat's case. Such a Home Minister is a shame to our district. Let him get down from his seat first, then only our district will sleep peacefully.

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    • Kulakarni, Bijapur

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      MM Alva, What you mean by ..during election hot season? Stone throwing also happened only a few days back.Should they wait for years to find out the truth? I know it is very difficult for you to digest the bitter truth, but truth is always truth, you can't hide it for ever. Not only Kaup incidence, the story behind all other similar incidences are also same.

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    • Rafique, Kanhangad

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      Whoever is the culprit, should be punished. It all happened because of some miscreants who threw stones from the mosque. So unfortunate.

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    • Harin Prabhu, Mangalore

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      The Home Minister, the police and the administration is guilty for spoiling the atmosphere in our home town and its sorroundings. You are accountable before God and man.

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    • Rajesh, Kundapura

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      I request all my brothers and sisters, please dont vote  those politicians who create trouble between Major Religions.

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    • Sheby-Mangalore, Dubai

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      Shameful. The  Home Minister had earlier  said the first stone thrown from Masjid. Great job done by FACT FINDING COMMITTEE.

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    • ashraf, Ullal

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      In the Name of Democracy we are exploiting our own country and our own people. When I think about democracy the first thing what goes to my mind be selfish and be practical...no one is there to protect you except you..

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    • Vijay, Bangalore

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      Mr. Home minister said, 'the first stone was thrown from Mosque'. I wish that stone was thrown to him directly.

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    • rama, mangalure

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      Police just supporting the goondas of politicians as they did the same during the chuch attacks in and around mangalore few months back.

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    • Shaban , Kaup / Dubai

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      Thanks for justice judges, truth came out. I spoke to my friends on the day of incident (both muslims & hindus), they inform me that nobody know who threw the stone first in Kopalangadi before kaup? and Polipu mosque, all hindus gather from outside, no one from Kaup area and mobile shop was looted by police in civil dress code. All these drama was pre planned by police & some miscreants. Now is the time for good police force.

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      Wed, Apr 01 2009


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    • Ashu, Kundapura

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      We request our " Daijiworld Media" take an interview with Home Minister of Karnataka regarding Kaup Violence. We know it can be  done only by "Daijiowrld"

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    • shenaz hussain, udupi

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      Mr. Jeevan, Udupi needs another fact finding team.

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    • Roger, M.lore/dxb

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      At last fact finding committe brought justice to people!! Unlike the responsible Home (Spoiling) Minister's statement from his native place. The man who is confident and spoke like himself has thrown the stone from inside the mosque, seems Very Senseless Acharya is only interested in provoking communal tension for vote bank..

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    • sangeetha, udupi

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      Now the truth has come out. Lier of home minister he is supporting the sanga pariwar always. what happend last september in Mangalore attacking the churches and women .

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    • Amit, Gangulli

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      So what about the statement made by HM as if he was present that time ? ? hope now he wont say media twist his staement !! Govt is showing his true Agenda.

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    • zacs, Mangalore, Kudroli

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      What more you can expect from the saffron police? These cops are representing the Kaki's. Thanks to High Court Judge Justice M F Saldanha, and G Rajshekhar for getting out the truth. Lets wait & see for the justice, which is very meager to get from the present govt.

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    • rizwan, manglore

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      It is not first case!!!! People wake up. You have to live together. politicians will live in farm house with security. It is high time for HM to keep his status in the society or he will be branded like Vajapayee that right person in wrong party.

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      Wed, Apr 01 2009


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    • Rajesh, Kinnigoli

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      The local news papers have done great injustice to the readers by reporting the unfortunate incident in a blantently partisan manner.

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    • Abdul Hameed M H, Mangalore/Dammam

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      Blame game without proof has become the tactics of the comunal elements to create trouble in our place.Instigating the common man without false stories has become the weapon of these criminals and and the opportunist politicians..

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    • Arif, dubai

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      Fact has come out but the innocents who were arrested during the incident being beaten so badly by police for what reason? Police needs to remember the oath which they take during joining the police force.

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    • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      Now the truth has come out. "Provoke and Trap" has been proved. Why cant this BJP karnataka government is thrown to dogs. The so called just Home minister, what can you say now!! If you have little respect to your words, step down and the prove your words ! This is BJP governance... They are not interested in good governance.... They are only interested in filling their bags with money, as they are not sure how long this power may continue....!

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    • Muhammed, Permude

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      Each & everybody knows including Hindus in Kaup whats the reality is. Its unfortunate that scarcity of courage to come forward to be bold & honest among Kaup people, however "Satyamev Jayate" ! In fact "Hindutva" is mainly hijacked by Goons to loot & destroy minority properties.

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    • jeevan, Udupi

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      Is this fact finding report is real fact ?

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    • Razi, Mangalore

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      Satya Bande bittithu.....Mithya irode alisi hogege...

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    • Riyaz, Jubail, padubidri, jubail

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      Great job done by "fact finding team" for showing the actual fact of kaup incidents. by this we can say that this is the preplanned attack. Thank you Daiji.

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    • ashok shetty , udupi

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      Police department always with sanga pariwar , if police department is good nothing will happen in south canara thanks and regards ashok shetty

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    • J Simmons P, simons@alnaboodah.com

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      The incident definitely a shameful one, One thing is sure Muslim's are not fools to act first, from where the beer bottle were mobilized, whether it was served to the participents of the function?

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    • Selly Pinto, Dubai

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      The report of Facrt-finding team gives the clear message that the disturbance in Kaup is done not by the people but with the support of our Home minister. At least the Media while reporting let them give the people a correct and unbiased report so that people can understand about the incident. Even Police acted one sided

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    • M.M. Alva, Belthangady/Mangalore

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      Good report submitted by the fact finding committee during the election hot season....? Really this committee better than FBI or Scotland yard etc., Next elected Central Govt. may appoint this Committee for re inquiry of 1984 Sikh riots, Godra riots ..etc

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    • ahmed hamid , jeppu mangalore

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      Thank for High Court Judge Justice M F Saldanha, and G Rajshekhar you both find the truth and explained to all viewers atleast all havee come to know the real Fact-finding what happend outside the masjid thanks

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    • Ahmed, Mangalore

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      It is good to know that we still have a fact finders in our state... You can take any example of Mangalore riots you will find the fact that things have done deliberatley by SAFRON and people still support them.

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    • Asif, Mangalore

      Wed, Apr 01 2009

      Good News not only for the muslims but for the only the people who feel that they have been wrongly held responsible by the police or by the politician,All the people who have been arrested should be freed and action should be taken against all the people from both the community who were involed in disturbing the peace of the city.I hope that good people are elected who will take care of the people without any bias.

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