Mangalore: Fr Jerry Sequeira Gets Bail, Returns Home

Mangalore: Fr Jerry Sequeira Gets Bail, Returns Home

News & Pics: Roshan Madtha

Mangalore, Jul 24:
Fr Jerry Sequeira, who was recently arrested by the Andhra police from Mulky, was released on bail by a Hyderabad court. 

He was given a warm welcome on arrival at the airport here by a large number of followers on Friday July 24 at 2:30 pm.

Speaking on the occasion, Fr Sequeira thanked all those who worked to helped him get unconditional bail.

He promised that he would continue with his work of helping people in Mangalore. Fr Sequeira invited everyone to the retreat which is to be held on Sunday August 2 at Shirva.

Jude Noronha, businessman, said, “Fr Sequeira had committed a small mistake for which he has already apologized.  But the community is not ready to forgive him”. 

Deepak D’Souza from Milagres said that an individual was free to pray wherever he wished and similarly, there should not be any restriction on preaching either.

Anil Lobo, Fermai and Savil Mascarenhas, Vittal, were also present on the occasion.

Fr Sequeira was earlier arrested based on a complaint lodged by a woman from Andhra Pradesh, the details of which are unknown as yet.


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  • Aloysius Joram Dsouza, MUMBAI

    Thu, Mar 30 2023

    Dear Bro.chris emmanuel dsouza. what you wrote about Fr. Jerry is not truth. If you want to know the truth Open your Holy Bible and read it. you will come to know the truth. Gods word says if you know the truth the truth will set you free. my prayer is for you this. Lord Jesus open his eyes of his understanding so that he may know the truth and he may get salvation.

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  • Lancy Quadras, shirva

    Fri, Jan 17 2014

    i am very happy fr jerry returns home. i will pray for him for his great mission.

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  • chris emmanuel dsouza, mangalore

    Tue, Apr 26 2011

    Rev. Fr. Jerry Sequera (notorious catholic windbag), is a new catholic 'fakir' or the messia for lakhs of konkani catholics in the coastal belt. The people (women) who laud his criminal act in this case, should be ashamed of themselves. How dare he claim such large divine rights, who has given him rights and why the hell should he continue being a preist? Listen, he has ammassed crores of money through donations. his preachings will push catholics backwards, it will abandon their reasoning ability. his lies and distortions should be refuted with a 'frontal assault'.He has deluded innocent people towards his preposterous preachings....with this he has been able to build a 'racket' in the name of divine retreat centre..........

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  • Aloysius Joram Dsouza, MUMBAI

    Thu, Mar 30 2023

    Dear Bro.chris emmanuel dsouza. what you wrote about Fr. Jerry is not truth. If you want to know the truth Open your Holy Bible and read it. you will come to know the truth. Gods word says if you know the truth the truth will set you free. my prayer is for you this. Lord Jesus open his eyes of his understanding so that he may know the truth and he may get salvation.

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  • charles, saudi

    Sun, Aug 01 2010

    Continue your mission and save more souls.

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  • Jeanita Crasta, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Sun, Jul 26 2009

    It’s very sad to read people''s views especially when they speak without knowing the story from both sides and moreover we are taking milk from our own house and pouring it out at the other house door step. When Fr. Jerry was arrested, people’s reaction was so quick that the tongues did not rest till comments and critics spilled out from their mouths. When Fr. Jerry was released where are these people now to comment or criticize. Aren’t they alive now? It looks like all those who are finding fault in Fr. Jerry are pious and righteous people and NO ONE - NONE of these have sinned and all will be lifted up straight to heaven. It also looks like these people have no sons and daughters and if they have they are so sure that they have never committed a sin and will NEVER commit a sin. Let us all be aware that more judgment comes on those who point fingers at others. At the very beginning the matter should have been resolved amicably rather than disclosing and making things worse for the community especially when we are already having communal problems. If there is no forgiveness among our own spiritual leaders, what can they preach to others. If God could forgive St. Paul and St. Augustine, what about us who are just a particle of dust. If we cannot forgive our brethern, this shows that we are bigger than God. Whatever sin one commits, he is accountable before God. Man has no right to be the judge and especially who do not know the truth and act and speak just on hearing from someone else have committed a greater sin. Fr. Jerry may be, may be a worst sinner in the eyes of men, but could be the closest person to God. Even if Fr. Jerry might have committed the worst sin and has repented and reconciled before God, then God might have already forgiven him. No one knows one''s heart and no one knows God''s judgment. In the eyes of men Jesus was a criminal when He was taken to Calvary, but was it so? If Jesus was taken as a criminal, was it that He was a criminal. Today everyone will have an answer to this question but if we were there present at that time, we too would have judged Him just like others. It was His own that crucified Him and this is what we see at the present time. No one likes to care for his own, but caring for others will bring a big name from men. Matt. 7: 1-2… "Do not judge, so that you may not be judged. For with the judgment you make you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get...."

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  • Praveen Fernandes, Shirva/dubai

    Sat, Jul 25 2009

    Welcome back Fr.Jerry Sequeira.continue your missions.I am always pray for you.

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  • A.Quadros, Kundapur/Bangalore

    Sat, Jul 25 2009

    As Christ Said '' The healthy do not need the help of a doctor, only those who are sick need the doctor''. Jesus came into this world for the same purpose. His mission was to forgive the sinners, no matter how grave they are. All those who accuse Fr.Jerry, please come forward and throw the first stone and put him to death?

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  • Teresa, Mangalore

    Sat, Jul 25 2009

    No Doubt we are nobody to condemn Fr. Jerry but if he is inocent then things of the dark will come to light some day. And I agree with Jacintha Crasta, Mnagalore/Canada that he should leave it to God like Padre Pio and obey and respect the authority of the church.Where there is God there is respect,understanding, obedience,humility. Because God used Fr.Jerry as an instrument to heal and touch peoples lives. God is the creator and Fr.Jerry is just his Creature. WE are all God''s vessel. Fr.Jerry is not healing but God is. Do not shift the focus from God.

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  • Lancy/Dubai/Ferar, Ferar/Mangalore

    Sat, Jul 25 2009

    What Fr. Jerry Sequeira wants to prove why he has highlighted in media,As a clergy he must know what he has to do and not,and I reqest to our community not to make any comments in this regard,and not to divide society.

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  • Jonathan, D''souza

    Sat, Jul 25 2009

    Fr. Jerry Please do not forget " ''What devides eventually sub devides".

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  • Jacintha Crasta, Mnagalore/Canada

    Sun, Jul 26 2009

    Has anybody  heard of Padre Pio, whom the church prohibited from preaching but he did not revolt He spent time in prayers and the church relented after a few years. The issue is not whether the church was right in banning him from preaching .It was Jesus who was leading Padre Pio to greatness through humility.Fr Jerry please do not miss this opportunity.

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  • M.D''Mello, Canada

    Sat, Jul 25 2009

    Jerry Sequeira, a Divine Word priest could face a maximum of 10 years in prison if found guilty on charges of cheating and harassing a woman who claims he fathered her children. Jacob Gerald Sequeira was arrested in Mangalore, in Karnataka state on July 20, and appeared in court in Hyderabad, capital of the neighboring Andhra Pradesh, on July 22. He was released on bail of 10,000 rupees (US$206) on July 23 after being charged with cheating and harassment of the woman, who calls herself Shoba Rani Sequeira. The offence of cheating carries a penalty of up to seven years'' imprisonment and/or a fine. Harassment, defined under the Indian Penal Code as making unlawful demands, carries a penalty of three years'' jail and/or a fine. The priest, known to locals as Father Jerry, is the founder of Divine Call Center in Mulki, in Karnataka state. The center offers retreats for local Catholics. Father Sequeira belongs to the Bombay province of the Society of the Divine Word. The Bishop should conduct an investigation and apply church rules including defrocking this person if the ellegations are found to be true.

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  • Padmavathi, Hyderabad

    Sun, Jul 26 2009

    Dear Fr.Jerry, How strong God is! He protects those who are righteous he allows them to rule like kings. God alone is our defender. Thanks to God and God bless you. Padma.

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  • Jaison Sequeira, Mumbai

    Sat, Jul 25 2009

    I am very happy that Fr.Jerry has been released on bail.God always takes care of his chosen masterpieces.whoever has pointed out his finger upon him will see the vengance from the lord if they dont repent for their sins that they have committed against him.people have spoiled his reputation just bcoz he is a good preacher & a priest.Welcome back Fr.Jerry we are continously praying for u so that ur dedication to the lord may continue.u r a good example for us so that we may not give up our faith during hard times.We r constantly praying for u....Praise the Lord

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    Sat, Jul 25 2009

    FR.Jerry you are welcome...and continue the good work...jesus is with you.....

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  • Jude Noronha, Mangalore

    Sat, Jul 25 2009

    Dear friends who have commented on the above news article,I hereby would like to clarify that the report (Media Release to Daijiworld ) prepared by Mr. Roshan Madtha involves a serious mistake about my statement which reads "Fr. Sequeira has committed a SMALL mistake,for which he has already apologized but the community is not ready to forgive him".

    In fact I had stated that" Fr. Sequeira as a clergy has ofcourse committed a mistake and he has repented for it. so we the society must forgive him as humanity ground".

     And I never stated it was a SMALL mistake. Hope it is clear to all the readers.

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  • Francis Fernandes, Mangalore

    Fri, Feb 14 2020

    And this Jerry is going to preach how to be a good person, obeying God's word????????????????????

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  • Donald, Mangaslore/Ruzai Parish

    Sat, Jul 25 2009

    I know Fr. Jerry Seq. was walking along the pathway shown by Jesus christ. The pathway was so narrow and slippery, when he reached the place Oath Celibecy he slipped and had a fall. Gullible devotees supported him which encouraged him to show his disobedience. This reminds me some proverb...Accidents will happen . ...To err is human, to forgive divine.

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  • samson dsouza, udupi

    Sat, Jul 25 2009

    There is no difference between Jery Sequiera and Pramod Mutalik. This was expected from the Day he startrd to Preach at Mulky.-Division within the community was expected ever since.So he suceeded .Hail to him .So another Name will be provided for his division and members- such as we have already like- Bible society,New Life etc. All for Money.

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  • Felix thomas,

    Sat, Jul 25 2009

    Yes, Fr. Jerry is welcome to Mangalore. It is not too late whatever he has done the 2nd mistake, i.e. Disobedience to his superiors, Even now he can ask pardon from his superior and the Mangalore Bishop for disobeying regarding his transfer to Mysore. If Fr. Jerry who was such a devoted and exemplary priest could disobey his superiors and attach for his fame and for chair thjen what about us, why cant be a model to the general public? Where are his principles and sermons all have become useless and meaningless He will have to give a serious account for his disobedien ce towards God the Almighty, May God have mercy on him and make top ask pardon from his superiors and then he can recalled as a Model and devoted Priest. He has lost his fame and faith, O God why he is doing like this? May God bless him and keep him Holy.

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  • V Lobo, Mangalore/UAE

    Sat, Jul 25 2009

    How much were these individuals paid to come to the Airport for the welcome Ceremony.It looks like election canvasing???? Mistake is a mistake be it priest or anybody else. It`s very sad to read about Fr. Jerry in the news papers and in the webs, but he is the cause of all these issues.At least let him realize the mistake and humble himself to the Authority. Jesus our Lord humbled himself to the will of the Father from the Crib to the Cross,therfore God exualted Him. There is no doubt Fr.Jery was a wonderful Priest who has worked for the good of the community,but now he is not!? Dear Fr.Jerry wake up.Agree on what you have done...When you have committed sin how can you even "STAND ON THE ALTAR & HOLD THE BLESSED SACRAMENT"

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  • felix danthy, pernal/abudhabi

    Sat, Jul 25 2009

    heartly welcome back fr.gerry.i am very happy to see you back.jesus is with you.bless me.

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  • Sequeira Family, Mangalore

    Sat, Jul 25 2009

    A very warm WELCOME to you our dear Fr. Jerry. The Good Lord had not condemed you..We are with you in prayer.

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  • Christa Samanvaya Samithi (R) Madanthyar, Madanthyar, Belthangady

    Sat, Jul 25 2009

    Can pristhood be banned? If cannot be banned then how Fr. Jerrys priestly mission be banned? Can prayer be banned? who has the authority to ban prayer? It is the urge and request of Christha Samanvaya Samithi (R) of Madanthyar that we in great number must join Fr. Jerrys prayer meeting held on 2nd August. Let us all pray that it may become fruitful to everyone. Our best wishes to Fr. Jerry. we are with you along with Jesus

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  • Rahul, Mangalore

    Sat, Jul 25 2009

    The question is not about the mistake committed by Fr Jerry but about his disobedience to his Superiors. As a religious, well before his ordination, he has made a Solemn Convenant that he would live in Obedience, Chastity and Poverty. Of this, he has broken the first two and third one is at stake too, if stories makind rounds are true. There is nothing against Fr Jerry. I too know, it was Fr Jerry who built the retreat and spiritual renewal centre at Mulky. It was his dedication, powerful preaching coupled with hardwork that created Divine Retreat centre at Mulky. But for a religious, none of the place is permanant. Renunciation is must and Fr Jerry surely knew that sooner or later he had to vacate the place. It came sooner, may due to a ''small mistake'' (as per Jude Noronha) committed by him. Jude, suspicious relationships of the religious and clergy are never tolerated by the laity. Here the man in the centre of the controversy did not only have suspicious relationship but had the fruit of it too. If second marriage or extra-marital relationship for a married man or woman is grave mistake, how can the same be tolerated with priest? Don''t we go up to the court seeking divorce if our spouse has an extra-marital relationship? Then how can a priest who is married to Christ can go scot free? Let us not try to interpret God and His forgiveness. Some of the people who were found with Fr Jerry today were once shouting from the top of their voice agaisnt similar cases of some priests of the diocese some years ago. A few of them even tried splitting ICYM because they could not tolerate the priests and their relationships. Now how come they suddenly switch sides? What is their motive behind supporting Fr Jerry? If Fr Jerry has committed a mistake, whether it is small or big, he should be held responsible and be awarded the punishment he deserves. If he has not done anything, let him prove so, and walk scot free. Why a band of businessmen and a few others who never went to Mulky for retreat, now suddenly rally around Fr Jerry? Is it becuase Fr Jerry is innocent or because they don''t like the decisions and administration of the diocese and its Head? If a priest is banned to preach in a particular place, it won''t be without any thought or reason and merely due to personal animosity. Why can''t Fr Jerry hold a press conference and let his views out and make the world know what exactly is the matter? If someone is really framing Fr Jerry, let him then, come clean and prove his innocence. Instead of that he continues dividing devotees under the name of retreats and God''s names, he surly indirectly tells that he is at wrong but wants to justify himself. If his Congregation and its heads or the Mangalore diocese and its heads are at wrong, let that be known to all. But let not anything hide under the carpet just to protect the interests of a priests and a few of his supporters (?).

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  • Jhon, Moodbidri

    Sat, Jul 25 2009

    Dear Horold Try to meet the superiors and find out what is theire intention. They not belive in reconsilation. St.Mother Theresa come out from the 4 walles and worked for poor, today she is great. Jesus condem all the time to superious.

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  • Priya D''souza, Dubai / Bangalore

    Sat, Jul 25 2009

    Dear readers, please do not indulge in such gossip and do not incite to know about mistakes. Do remember he is a Priest and missionary of Jesus. Hence, we need to pray for him and his missionaries. Read: Matthew 7: 5 Trust that suffice your queries.

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  • Loveline T REGO, Manglaore / Muscat

    Sat, Jul 25 2009

    Dear Jude, Can you please explain what is that small mistake which FR. JERRY had committed and got arrested and for which he has apologised with his community??????????????? As a follower of Jesus christ and a staunch R.C. we have not recd.any apologies from Fr. JERRY SEQUEIRA. So I would be greatful if you could please elaborate on this matter. Please be greatful to inform us so that we would not not lose our faith in our Preachers and our MULKY DIVINE CENTRE. Because it should not be said that the preaching is only for the people and not for the preachers.

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  • Monica, Narry, Pamela and Merril, Pernal / Mumbai

    Sat, Jul 25 2009

    From the day I heard about Fr. Jerry I was praying to Abba Father, Jeasus and Mother Marry to be with him and protect him. Today I am happy that he is coming back

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  • Ms Rolina, Mangalore/Singapore

    Sat, Jul 25 2009

    Instead of sprituality, politics deep rooted at the churches.

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  • Harold D''cunha, Mangalroe, India

    Sat, Jul 25 2009

    Dear brothers do not comments or criticize or judge anybody including priests or nuns. One''s strength will lies on only truth and real light. Anything apart from this will be disaster. Only Almighty knows one''s hearts desire. If Fr. Jerry is chosen by God to preach his message in Mangalore at this hour, then he will overcome all the hurdles in this city. Otherwise his preaching will follow only confusions.

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  • Aaron, Bantwal/UAE

    Sat, Jul 25 2009

    A Bitter Truth! I don’t see any Priests and Nuns in the Picture! Oh dear Priests and Nuns you let a brother in Trouble! Where is your first love! Remember the height from which you have fallen! ...Repent or else...!

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  • Helen D''Costa, (Damaskatte/ Dubai)

    Sat, Jul 25 2009

    If God is for us who can be against us? Gods love is your strength, He will never allow you to stumble.

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  • Harold D''cunha, Mangalore, India

    Sat, Jul 25 2009

    Fr. Jerry no matter how powerful you may proclaim the message of Jesus Christ but if there is no obedience to your superiors, then something wrong. It will be then you want your own identification or glory but not the name of JESUS whom you proclaim.

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    Sat, Jul 25 2009

    I am so happy MANGALOREANS helped Fr Jerry Sequeira, and showed their love, in his difficulties time.

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  • Elias & Emmy, Bajpe/Kuwait

    Sat, Jul 25 2009

    Fr. Jerry, we all are happy to see your smiling face welcomed by your own people without any anxiety. All that we pray is May God prove you innocent and use you mightily for His greater glory & work in his vineyard to bag many more souls to his kingdom. We pray that you will be strengthend with the pw ower fo the holy spirit. Truth will always prevail.

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  • Dolphy F. Lobo, Vamanjoor-Mangalore

    Sat, Jul 25 2009

    I think, this is nothing but a cold war between Clergy & Clergy for Power and Wealth. Now, we the Laity are confused. Could anybody enlighten us with true-genuine information!?

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  • ivan dcosta, chikmagalur

    Fri, Jul 24 2009

    fr jerry, obey your superiors. why cannot you take transfer order and go?

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  • Anand, Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 24 2009

    Can anyone explain what Fr.Jerry Sequeira has done! Interesting stories are around him. It would be great if some official statement comes explaining what had really happend.

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    Fri, Jul 24 2009

    Truth always succeeds and this has been fulfilled in Fr.Jerry''s life.

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  • Robert pereira&fiy, Kundapura/Blore/Sharjah

    Fri, Jul 24 2009

    Continue your mission and save more souls.

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  • Thomas Pascal Andrade, Mangalore / Toronto

    Fri, Jul 24 2009

    Fr. Jerry is a wellknown figure in Mangalore and each and every Mangalorean has the right to know the truth about the "small mistake" he committed.

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  • Manjunatha Bangera, Kasaragodu/Bengaluru

    Fri, Jul 24 2009

    Why was he arrested?  Jude Noronha, businessman, said, “Fr Sequeira had committed a small mistake for which he has already apologized. But the community is not ready to forgive him”. What is the mistake he committed?

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  • stany vaz, mangalore/israel

    Sat, Jul 25 2009


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  • vincent dsouza, israel

    Sat, Jul 25 2009

    welcome   Fr Jerry. You are the best.

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  • Thomas Dsouza, Gorigudda/Israel

    Sat, Jul 25 2009

    We are very happy to hear that Fr Jerry Sequeira came back.

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  • Oswald Baretto, Bantwal / Doha-Qatar

    Sat, Jul 25 2009

    Hearty welcome back Fr.Jerry, very happy to see you after long are the best priest. may God bless you and keep continue your good work.we wish you all the best.

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  • Fernslan, dubai,mangalore

    Sat, Jul 25 2009

    Fr.Jerry welcome back to mangalore and please continue the good work you have committed to people of mangalore.We will see you soon in the same Divine centre which you built with the help of God.

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  • Melwin D souza, Manglore/ Milagres

    Sat, Jul 25 2009

    Hearty Welcome back Fr.Jerry .Good wishes to you Fr.jerry . All the best

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  • Stan, Qatar

    Sat, Jul 25 2009

    Really sad to know the whole eposide of Retreat Center Mulky. The people who worked hard to build the Divine Center same people tried the break it, at least some of them. Fr. Jerry has done mistake and he apologised . So people of God please give him a second chance. He has saved thousands of souls by his heart touching preaching. Fr. Jerry we wish u all the best on 2nd of August in Shirva.

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  • Leena Lionel, Rosario- Kuwait

    Sat, Jul 25 2009

    Fr. Jerry, we are happy to see you back. God is with you and our prayers are with you. May God prove you innocent and use you mightily for His greater glory. Truth will prevail.

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  • Francis & Jessy, Ruzai/Kuwait

    Sat, Jul 25 2009

    WE will not say welcome, ''cause you were never away from our hearts Fr. Jerry. All we longed to see was your smiling face, and wow, what a pleasure to watch your people, without any trace of anxiety.We have found our Shepard, in you. Gather us together.You are the vine that is pruned by THe Lord that will bear fruit a hunderdfold.

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  • Antony Pereira, Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 24 2009

    In the above photographs I can see only the lay people. Why there is no one from the congrigation....? Let God take care of the good work started by Fr.Jerry Sequeira. Let us forgive & forget. In future we as a community should not allow this type of incident to happen in our region.

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  • Ivan, Mangalore/UAE

    Fri, Jul 24 2009

    I have attended a few retreats of Fr.Jerry at mulky while i was on vacation earlier. No doubt that he one of the best preacher i have ever seen. I have heard his devotional songs cd also.I can''t beleive that such a talented person can ever make some mistake which makes him face all these troubles.

    Everyone commits mistake (or sins) in this world but the intensity of that mistake (or sin) depends on the status of that person in the society which eventually affects his social life. Anyways wish u all the best Fr, Jerry. May god bless you in your work.

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  • Girish Kamath, Mangalore / dubai

    Fri, Jul 24 2009

    Two questions that hit my mind are why was he arrested and also there is a mention of one small mistake - what was it?

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  • naveen, mlore

    Fri, Jul 24 2009

    dear fr Jerry, everything happens for ur good, JESUS will bless u more abudantly in comming days.

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    Fri, Jul 24 2009



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  • ravi dsouza, udupi

    Fri, Jul 24 2009

    My request for Mangalore diocese bishop, pastoral council, council of priests (senate of priests) please arrange a meeting with Fr Jerry and follower discuss the matter before it will spread to the other way. Please solve this problem very soon as here only.

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  • jacintha lobo, bajpe ireland

    Fri, Jul 24 2009

    we are catholics being humans we tend to commit sin. no human is rightous but forgiveness is devine. so he is great preacher let us forget n forgive. he is servent of god and teaches gods word. there is temptations for all of us even satan tempted jesus. who are we?

    we are only human beings. so let all christian brotheren support him and let him be back again in devine centre to preach, guide and heal those who in need.

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  • Rony, Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 24 2009

    Welcome welcome but why was Fr. Jerry arrested ?

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  • Garry , Kateel/Dubai

    Fri, Jul 24 2009


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  • Fernandes Francis , Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 24 2009

    If Fr. Jerry Sequeira is doing good to poor poeple and preaching the true teaching of Jesus Christ people will support him heartly. Good wishes and come clean on all the alegation sagainst you. Expose the people you tarnish the image of Divine centre. Good wishes to all true preacher and belivers.

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  • Antony D Souza, Karkala/ Qatar

    Fri, Jul 24 2009

    Spirit behind it !!!!!!

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  • Shammi Dsouza, Mangalore /U.K

    Fri, Jul 24 2009

    Hearty welcome back Fr. Jerry,very happy to see u smiling at the crowd ,sure i will attend your retreat when i come to INDIA . we love u & god loves u . All the best. East or West Fr Jerry is the Best........

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