Bengaluru, Mar 21 (IANS): Karnataka Health and Family Welfare Minister K. Sudhakar on Monday said the fourth wave of Covid in the country has been predicted in the month of August.
Responding to a question by BJP MLC Shashil Namoshi during the Zero Hour, he said it would be made mandatory to wear masks at indoor facilities.
A decision would be taken in this regard after holding a meeting with Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai.
He said the new sub variant of coronavirus B.A.2 surfaced first in Philippines. Later, it spread to 40 countries.
The agency which gave predictions regarding third wave has again predicted the arrival of the fourth wave. The agency had stated that the fourth wave would most likely to hit the country by the month of August.
The minister stated that there is no need for the people to get panic even if fourth wave surfaces, as vaccination drive had been effective conducted in the state.
He further stated that as many as 10.25 crore doses of vaccinations have been given in the state.
"Booster doses have been given. Adding to this, the parents would be convinced on vaccinating the children above the age of 12 years," he added.
Vaccination prevents spread of Covid. However, precautions must be followed by the people.
"We have made arrangements of 55,256 oxygenated beds. The capacity of oxygen production has been increased from 300 metric tonne to 1,270 metric tonnes, he said.
A total of 265 laboratories have been established and the testing capacity has been increased 2.5 lakh per day. "With the experience of three years, doctors are well equipped to provide treatment," he said.
Comment on this article
Ganesh, Mangalore
Tue, Mar 22 2022Oh the Sarukon virus after the omirkan virus just sent him a email saying I am coming in August. Be ready. Idiots
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ayes p, kudla/ksa
Tue, Mar 22 2022How they know six months' prior 3rd, 4th bla bla?
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Jossey Saldanha, Raheja Waterfront
Tue, Mar 22 2022Keep Hospitals & Oxygen ready ...
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John Martis, Shankarpura/HOUSTON TX
Tue, Mar 22 2022I am waiting for the 5th wave during Christmas season... Too much predictions..
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Cynthia, Dk
Tue, Mar 22 2022Wait.....wait...let the fourth get over. Fourth ke baad fifth aane hee wala he....Why christmas time only ??🤔🤔🤔🤔🤫🤫🤫🤫
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Mon, Mar 21 2022Since it was jaathra, fistivals, feasts, people have no more money to spend let's postpone the wave till August, people have some balance in their account.....!?
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jossy dsouza, thokkottu permannur
Mon, Mar 21 2022fourth covid wave predicted before august 2022 and ends after announcing 2023 election date...
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pili, Mangalore
Mon, Mar 21 2022guess he got a direct covid call well in advance
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Henry James, Hat JHill
Mon, Mar 21 2022The possible nexus between the govt and pharma should be thoroughly investigated. There is an incentive here to misuse taxpayers' money to sell this never ending covid paranoia. You scratch my back, I scratch yours. Politicians get their kickbacks and pharma get to peddle their half cooked potions. People lose out in the form of loss of freedom, the prospect of being used as lab rats, more taxes and inflation.
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Paul, Mangalore
Mon, Mar 21 2022Health Minister K Sudhakar Got a dream. In his dream, someone came & told him. Till now there was no topic for him. Today he got a new topic. Hijab finish. Kashmir files finish now back to covid. Ayiooo Deva....
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Dev, Mangalore
Mon, Mar 21 2022Third wave with Omicron didn't overwhelm any health facilities with milder cold like symptoms it gave natural vaccinations to all. Any 4th wave prediction is only an unsubstantiated assumption. The scientific advisory committee has suggested withdrawal of mask mandate, in festivals and many religious or political rallies nobody is following any of the mandates and we've seen decline of infections which proves corona is endemic and just will be like any other respiratory infections. As kids aren't in any risk vaccinating them is waste of tax payers money while exposing them to experimental risks they never need to be exposed to help vaccine companies with quid pro quo intent.
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