Chitradurga, Sep 1 (IANS): Six days after registering a FIR, the Karnataka police has initiated action against the accused Lingayat seer Murugha Shivamurthy Sharanaru in the sex scandal involving minor girls. They have begun legal proceedings against him by serving a lookout notice on him.
Under pressure as the National Commission for Protection of Children's Rights has sought a report from the police and with activists demanding monitoring of the case by the Supreme Court, Chitradurga SP Parashuram stated that the accused seer has been issued a lookout notice.
Sources said that DySP Anil has served the notice following the seer moving to an undisclosed location on August 29 and his later alleged attempt to reach Maharashtra.
However, the police intercepted his vehicle and warned him not to move out from the math. The police escorted the seer to the math later, sources said.
Police sources stated that the notice has been sent to all major airports, railway stations and ports of the country as a precautionary measure.
Meanwhile, investigations have revealed that one of the victims was sexually exploited for three and a half years and another girl was suffering sexual assault for one and a half years.
Minister for Housing V Sommana has stated that the ruling BJP is not interfering in the investigation. "We have information on a few things which have happened. CM Bommai has given full freedom to the police in this case," he said.
It is a tragedy that such a thing has taken place. Attempts are being made to bring out the truth. The law is equal for everyone and the investigation is progressing transparently, Sommana stated.