Anant Ambani’s 108-kg weight loss - Surgery-induced or natural?

Daijiworld Media Network

Mumbai, Apr 12 (Agencies) : The internet is buzzing with news of Anant Ambani losing a whopping 108 kg in 18 months. So much so, that Anant Ambani is now trending on the microblogging site Twitter.

According to a report, Reliance Chairman and MD Mukesh Ambani’s youngest son Anant lost 108 kg in just 18 months, and that too through a natural and safe process. Anant’s fitness regime included a 21 km walk, yoga, weight training, functional training and high-intensity cardio exercises. He also followed a zero-sugar, low-carb diet, with adequate fat and protein.

Several people have expressed their surprise about the 'quick weight' loss programme of junior Ambani - 108 kg in 18 months amounts to about 6 kg a month! In today's world where there are highly advanced medical terms available to bring body into shape, did a rigourous 'work-out and diet' programme really help Anant or did his parents who are wealthiest in the country choose a shortcut to help their son shed all that weight? This is the question on everyone's minds.

It is a known fact that during the IPL season, the Ambani family makes regular appearances on TV during Mumbai Indian matches. This time, a suprise was in store for everyone as a slim and fit Anant, almost unrecognizable, posed with Sachin Tendulkar and others.

The young Ambani has been known to suffer from chronic asthma, and it is said that the medication had led to his weight gain. But Anant was apparently determined to shed the extra flab by his 21st birthday, and he did. The uphill task that spanned over 500 days included exercising for four-five hours daily, coupled with a strict low-carb, zero-sugar diet.

Needless to add, mom Nita Ambani is very proud of her son, and is said to have been floored by her son’s dedication and effort. She even took to Facebook to applaud her son's efforts and posted his pictures.

In the meanwhile, Twitter is flooded with congratulatory messages and photos.

The blogers say, if Anant indeed lost his excess fat due to hard work and commitment, then it's really inspirational to thousands of obese people in India as well as the world.


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