New Delhi, Jun 3 (IANS): Yoga guru Baba Ramdev Friday vowed to press ahead with his hunger strike against corruption Saturday even as the government made last ditch efforts to stop him. He said corrupt ministers and officials must be tried in fast track courts and given the death sentence."My fast will start from tomorrow (Saturday). I will fight against corruption till the end," he told a huge gathering at the Ramlila ground in central Delhi.
He will sit on an indefinite fast against corruption and black money stashed abroad from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. at the ground.
Even as Ramdev kept his aggression, senior ministers prepared Friday to again talk to the hugely popular yoga guru to persuade him to call off his campaign.
Thanking people who have come from across India to support his movement, Ramdev said: "We are fasting for those crores of Indians who sleep hungry every night. It is not an easy fight as we are fighting against people who are very strong. They won't sit quiet.
"The whole country is joining the fight for corruption. People are enthusiastically participating. We have no political or communal agenda. It is not connected with any political party or leader.
"Our agenda is to bring back the money which is in foreign banks and save the country. Corrupt people have no religion, they are demons. All corrupt ministers should be given the death sentence," he said as people shouted 'Bharat Mata ki jai'.
Ramdev said the slogan of his movement was: "Remove corruption, bring back black money."
The country would prosper if black money was brought to the country. None of the countrymen would sleep hungry nor would anybody remain jobless. "We are asking our right in a peaceful way."
Calling for setting up fast-track courts to handle cases related to corruption, Ramdev said: "Our courts have a backlog of 3.5 crore cases and corruption and black money cases are being heard by the same courts.
"We should have separate courts to deal with corruption cases and exemplary punishment should be meted to the culprits. They should be given death sentence. They should be hanged to death."