Daijiworld Media Network – Bengaluru (MS)
Bengaluru, Aug 20: The state government has increased the price of liquor to accumulate funds for the guarantee schemes that were announced by it as it assumed power. However, the liquor buyers have shocked the government by not buying liquor in quantities that was expected.
The sale of Indian made liquor (IML) has declined by 15%. However, there is no change in the demand for beer, it is learnt. The demand submitted by the wine shop owners to state liquor corporation has also reduced.
In August 2022, 25.5 lac boxes of indigenous brand and 10.34 lac boxes of beer were sold. In August 2023, 21.87 lac boxes of indigenous brand liquor and 12.52 lac boxes of beer have been sold.
Due to the hike in prices, the demand for good brands of liquor has gone down. Lovers of scotch have shifted to premium brands and premium brand drinkers have shifted their loyalty to normal brands.
During the last four months, the excise department used to earn an income of Rs 2500 crore every month. However, in August this year only Rs 962 crore has been collected so far.
In April, the revenue was Rs 2,308 crore, while it collected May Rs 2,607 crore, in June Rs 3,549 crore and in July Rs 2,980 crore was collected.
The prices of liquor of all 18 slabs have risen by 20% due to increase in price of IML. On average the prices of liquor has been hiked from Rs 10 to 20 on every peg of liquor. Prices of every bottle has gone up from Rs 50 to Rs 200.
Every month the average sale of IML was 61 lac ton boxes. However, in August 2023, only 18.8 lac ton boxes have been sold so far.
Comment on this article
John Tauro, M'lore
Mon, Aug 21 2023Indeed a good sign. Regular drinkers (not drunkards) have indicated that they are capable of controlling their booze. They have also shown to the government that their money is hard earned and not fallen from trees or cropped up from underground as is the case with majority of MLAs, MPs and ministers. As a lesson to the government middle class people too should stop serving liquor in weddings and other functions. Treat liquor as any other beverage and don’t make it a symbol of prestige and honour.
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Kiran dsouza, Bangalore
Mon, Aug 21 2023Using liquor revenue to fund other social benefits to the public is not a good sign of good governance. Liquor is a evil which destroys families, peace , health and social atmosphere, it's not a social benefit.
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Rems, Mangaluru
Mon, Aug 21 2023Many western countries, mainly Canada and Uk are giving up hard liquor. They have realized that hard liquor is very very dangerous for human health. It is high time Indians also realize the same and give up Whisky and arrack and switch to Beer and wine.
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Chandu, Karla
Mon, Aug 21 2023Looking at the counters and doors of wineshop counters and bars it doesn't look like any drop in business . Only the sales reported may be lower with invoices but plenty of sales without invoices bills. It's all tricks of the trade that's being followed for ages....all dho numberie...!!!
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Stany Lobo, Kulshekar
Mon, Aug 21 2023Good. Now govt has learned, increasing Liquor price is not a solution to GURRANTY ..
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Rajan, Mangalore
Mon, Aug 21 2023Atmanirbhar Bharat, -- 'self-reliant India', --- new slogan --- more and more Bacchus lovers are following this -- and have become patriotic--- They are shunning Scotch etc -- and taking to local low cost Namma brands --of INDIA. --
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Roshan, Mangaluru
Mon, Aug 21 2023Most liquor bars are owned by leaders connected with BJP. Need to check documents submissions, by them.
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KS Mayya, Mangalore/Bangalore
Mon, Aug 21 2023Well, Siddu might want to consider further increase in prices - follow the Apple model, price per unit increased. TN may then seize on the opportunity. Flight tickets to Chennai start at Rs. 900 per head. One might as well fly to Chennai; have their favorite drink and fly back and it would be cheaper soon. That way, Siddu's actions will lead to more flights (aviation industry will prosper), the road connectivity could improve to Chennai and who knows some companies from Bangalore may also relocate to TN. Siddu can full time focus on bankrupting the temples and provide free bus ride and Rs. 2000 to those who can guarantee him vote. And economic students could learn about how economics goes to the dogs when politics of legally buying vote rules supreme.
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ca girishkk, valencia/m'lore
Mon, Aug 21 2023One more reason is now a days - Thotte Giraki's don't get change to engage in protests for some frivolous reason...,
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Naveen, Mangalore
Mon, Aug 21 2023Good .
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clifford, mangalore
Mon, Aug 21 2023Simple economics. Very Good , I hope more & more people with join them slowly . Ultimately , it should have negligible impact on budgets. so that more & more family will live happy and peaceful life especially the weaker section one
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ca girishkk, Valencia/m'lore
Mon, Aug 21 2023Good decision by honorable CM. RAMAIYYA...more disposable in the hands of people
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David Pais, Mangalore
Mon, Aug 21 2023Jai Congress, Jai Sidda-rama-iah, Jai D.K.ShivaKumar, Jai INDIA
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Manohar, Udupi
Mon, Aug 21 2023Probably people are drinking tax free country gangara
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Jossey Saldanha, Raheja Waterfront
Mon, Aug 21 2023I prefer to drive to Goa ...
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Shankar, Mangaluru
Mon, Aug 21 2023One bottle of 1 Ltr JD in Goa is available for around Rs 3000.00, Chivas at 2800.00. Here we have to pay 5000 odd for 750ml of JD!!
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David Pais, Mangalore
Mon, Aug 21 2023Chivas regal is a divine drink.
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Sandeep, Udupi
Mon, Aug 21 2023Shankaranna-why foreign Whisky- should go for Indian whiskies -Atmanirbhar Bharat
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real kujuma, kodial
Mon, Aug 21 2023our great Sidda devaraya knows where to increase and where to reduce...this is really good as many households will be saved..mainly of thotte barbender painter category
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G R PRABHUJI, Mangalore
Mon, Aug 21 2023Now the liquor lovers will consume limited. Good sign.
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Eric Coelho, Mangalore
Mon, Aug 21 2023When govt wants to fuilfill certain election promises they put the burden on common man like hike in liquor price, electricity, road tax etc. The MLAs will not stop their corruption of 30% & become more & more richer. It is time the common man teach a lesson to these politicians by bringing down the sales by 50%.
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Abdul, Kudroli
Mon, Aug 21 2023Kudukara samaja Zindabad!!!
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Gagan, Mangalore
Mon, Aug 21 2023Very good
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Jairam Mulky, Moodbidri
Mon, Aug 21 2023This is loss of revenue....central and state jugalbandi
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