Ranchi, Sep 3 (IANS): In a gruesome incident, a man burnt his wife and two children alive in Jharkhand?s Palamau district after a quarrel over his illicit relations, police said Saturday.
According to police, Murari Paswan tied his wife Manju Devi to the bed, poured kerosene over her and lit the match. He then locked the door from outside and fled. Manju Devi died along with their two children who were sleeping on the bed.
According to police, Paswan allegedly had illicit relations with another woman, which led to frequent quarrels with his wife.
On Friday, he arrived home late in the evening, provoking his wife to raise the issue again. The quarrel turned ugly and Murari assaulted her before burning her alive.
Police reached the village Saturday morning and sent the dead bodies for post-mortem exam.