Mumbai doctor orders ice-cream online, gets a cone with human finger in it

Mumbai, Jun 13 (IANS): In a chilling incident, a Mumbai doctor who ordered ice-cream online, was stunned to find what he alleged was a severed piece of a human finger in it, sending officials into a tizzy.

The shocker happened on Wednesday when Dr. Brendan Serrao, asked his sister to include some ice-cream in her online grocery purchase list.

When the yummy cones of Yummo ice-cream were delivered, he started savouring the treat but felt something rough and strange in his mouth.

The doctor alleged that when he yanked it out, to his horror he found that it was a small piece of a severed human finger, around 2 cms long.

Left with a bad taste in his mouth, Dr. Serrao immediately lodged a complaint with the Malad Police Station, which started a probe and even sent the finger bit for a forensic analysis.

Despite repeated attempts by IANS there was no response from the ice cream company, though a spokesperson said a statement will be issued soon.

Launched in 2012, Yummo Ice-creams was co-founded by Walko Food Co. Ltd., which has multiple brands of frozen desserts and other foodstuff.

Dr. Serrao told local media persons that given his medical expertise, he recognised the human body piece and saved it in an ice-pack to show the police while lodging his complaint.



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  • Rita, Germany

    Thu, Jun 13 2024

    For the doctor ,taste of a icecream must have gone for ever ?Cant imagine .Ice cream Parlour must be trying to hide facts?Did noone notice the finger there who lost it?Special Icecream with finger will be a slogan in future?

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