HC orders police to avoid coercive measures against accused in Boliyar incident

Daijiworld Media Network – Bengaluru

Bengaluru, Jun 22: The state high court (HC) has directed the police to refrain from taking any coercive measures against the accused in connection with the unpleasant incident that occurred during the BJP victory procession near a mosque in Boliyar on the day of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's third swearing-in.

The incident in question happened on June 9, when a BJP victory procession passed by a mosque in Boliyar. During the event, an altercation ensued while slogans were being chanted, leading to a scuffle. Five people were injured in the clash and were subsequently admitted to the hospital. The injured individuals filed a complaint with the Konaje police. Additionally, the next day, the president of the local mosque filed a counter-complaint with the Konaje police, alleging that those who arrived on motorbikes had hurled insults at them.

In light of these allegations, the police registered a case against Suresh, Vinay, Subhash, Ranjith, Dhananjay, and others, subsequently arresting them. The accused then approached the HC, challenging the police actions. During the hearing on Friday, the court strongly criticized the police for the delayed registration of the case. Senior advocate Arun Shyam represented the accused in court.





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