Mangaluru: International Yoga Day celebrated at Yenepoya School

Media Release

Mangaluru, Jun 25: International Yoga Day was celebrated at The Yenepoya School with great spirit and enthusiasm on June 21 in the school auditorium. The students of class 3 to 8 were the audience for the programme conducted by Class IX and X.

The Yoga Day programme commenced with the invocation of the almighty and the school anthem. Following that, the guest of honour Dr Puneeth Raghavendra and the other dignitaries were welcomed and introduced to the audience. The student of class X gave a comprehensive introduction to Yoga Day with an attractive PPT. All the participants took the Yoga Pledge, stating that everyone would lead a healthy life.


The most captivating moment was the 'Yoga Display' by the students. The chief guest Dr Puneeth Raghvendra, associate professor, principal, Yenepoya Naturopathy & Yogic Science College & Hospital, then addressed the audience and expounded on the significance of yoga.

Anthony Joseph, the associate director, delivered the message for the day. The sapling and the memento were presented to the esteemed guest as a token of welcome and gratitude. The programme concluded with a vote of thanks.

The yoga marathon by the students was the moment of beauty and enchantment.





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