Timely intervention by BSF saves woman's life in Bengal

Kolkata, Jun 28 (IANS): Prompt action by the Border Security Force (BSF) has saved the life of a young homemaker at a border village in West Bengal's Nadia district.

The woman had consumed poison in a bid to commit suicide.

"A villager from New Shikarpur rushed to the Shikarpur Border Outpost, under the jurisdiction of the 86 Batallion, BSF, South Bengal Frontier, on Thursday, claiming that his wife had consumed poison and her condition was critical.

"The man said he required assistance to move her to the hospital else she would die. The company commander immediately sent nursing assistance with a fully-equipped ambulance to the man's house. At the same time, contact was established with the Government Rural Hospital in Karimpur to keep everything ready for the patient," said A.K. Arya, DIG and spokesperson, BSF, South Bengal Frontier.

After administering first-aid, the BSF nursing assistant rushed her to the hospital in the ambulance. After further treatment, she has been declared stable by doctors. The woman's husband expressed his gratitude to the BSF for providing timely assistance during the emergency.

"The BSF is committed not only to safeguarding the country's borders, but also to ensuring the welfare of the people living along the borders. Our jawans are trained to respond swiftly to emergencies, and this incident highlights the BSF's dedication towards serving the community," Arya added.



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